A Bedouin came to the Prophet and said that their trees were dried up and there was no grass. The Imam (a.s.) said: My knowledge is from his knowledge and my strength is also from his strength. According to another report, the Prophet called for a few dates and drew his blessed hand over them. The Prophet replied, Paradise is for those who love one another for the Lords sake. Indeed the Almighty Allah has made a pillar of red ruby in Paradise on which He has made 70000 palaces and each palace has 70000 rooms. He said: No, and I have not eaten from it; you dont know anything and such chickens are many in the world that some part is eaten from it. So everything is from Almighty Allah. One day I was riding through a level plain, when I suddenly decried another man galloping towards me and when he came near, he said: O Ahmad, O Ahmad, Allah is the Mightiest and the Highest. Then His Eminence (S) said: O those who are disobedient to their parents, take a lesson from this and beware that as just as properties and riches are destroyed in the world, in the same way the ranks prepared for him in Paradise shall also be replaced by pits of Hell. If he says that he is not a slave, dont believe him, otherwise he will escape from me.. I mounted and accompanied the Prophet; it had become so fast that Ghazba, the camel of the Prophet could not keep up with him. He said dont worry very soon you will witness a strange phenomenon. The chicken spoke up by Allahs command and said: O Muhammad (S), I give witness, that you are the Messenger of the Lord of the worlds and the chief of the whole world and Abu Jahl is the enemy of Allah, the Exalted; and he denies all this knowingly. It does not become old by the passage of time and it does not become valueless by constant repetition. It is narrated that before the revelation of this verse, a group of companions, like Saad and Huzaifa etc. Ali: Allah made the wealth of infidels lawful plunder to Muhammad and his sect, which favor was never granted to any before him, and this is better than the manna and quails of Musa. And make its atmosphere healthy and make its measures blessed. He gave me comprehensive language and all inclusive knowledge. At that time the Holy Kaaba rose up from its place above our heads and we were shocked to see this. I have not seen anyone like him neither before nor afterwards. The Bedouin then asked the Prophet to make it return. The Prophet is so elegant that clouds drop rain and he is beneficial for the widows and a refuge for orphans. As far as possible, he never ate alone. . The Prophet wanted to purchase a robe. The Prophet said: This is your bag that Abu Jahl had embezzled; and he returned it to him. They gather around the two images and pay respects and recite Durood on them. Observing the high standard of the Holy Prophet (S), they talked to one another in secret: By God! My slave girl said sorry that she had forgotten to pick the dates. Physical Descriptions of the Four Imams. This so enraged Abu Lahab that he dashed the person on the ground, upon which Ummul Fazl struck him with a tent pole, and fractured his skull. Those who saw him in this condition would say, Has not Allah pardoned your sins, past and future? Yes, was his reply, but should I not render thanksgiving to Allah?. It rained so heavily that people of Medina complained that they would drown and their houses would collapse. Suddenly they saw Ali (a.s.) at the top with a boy at his right and a boy at his left. He returned and narrated that but they did not believe him. . Ishaq to Yaqub. When the sun arose, a noble of Quraish came and said: What did you gain by making a claim which exposed your falsehood. For the sake of the status of Muhammad (S) remove this trouble from me. In that valley is a well, named Balhut, to which souls of infidels and idolaters are brought every evening and made to drink of the ichor of Hell containing blood, puss and hot water. Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) said: The Almighty Allah had named him as Mustahfaz as he had been taught a name through which knowledge can be gained about anything, which was given to the prophets. When this information was conveyed to the Prophet he said: I witness that I am a servant of Allah and His messenger and the news I have conveyed cannot be wrong.. Abdullah exclaimed: O Prophet! Then food arrived for me from Paradise, through which I attained potency equal to forty males in the matter of courage, movement and sex. When they looked at the cloud they could read these words: There is no deity except Allah and Muhammad is Allahs messenger. Clothing worn by Muslims should be clean and decent, neither excessively fancy nor ragged. I am a friend of those who are friends to them and an enemy of those who are inimical to them. This was not your own feat, said Rakana, your God did it for you. But not satisfied with this, he twice again staked ten sheep and was thrown. He did not spend the money in buying luxuries and gardens and the snake protected him and his riches and after that it went away from there. He called the owner, who acknowledged the fact as he was a poor man and had no occupation but of drawing water from the wells and he promised to improve the animals condition. It is narrated through reliable traditions from Imam Ali Reza (a.s.) that once an angel came to the Holy Prophet (S) and said that the Almighty Allah sends greetings to you and says that if you wish, the entire desert of Mecca may be turned into gold for you. The Prophet raised his head to the sky and submitted: My Lord! The truth about women and Islam is far from this melodramatic portrayal. Adam beseeched the Almighty to give him a capable successor, so the Almighty Allah revealed to him that: I have exalted the prophets because of their prophethood, and after that I chose the best of the people through a test to be their successors. They abused Naufal asking why he urinated in a mosque. The Prophet allowed him and he made a pulpit having three steps. The shoulder of mutton immediately addressed him saying, O Messenger of Allah (S), do not taste me, for I am laced with poison. If a living animal speaks, it is one of the greatest of miracles. If I ask you some questions will you be able to reply? The Holy Prophet (S) said to the man, This good fortune Allah has given you because you honor me, His Prophet, and Ali, my successor. The Holy Prophet (S) replied: I did hear. They used to hit on my back and belly. When they heard the Prophet reciting Quran they remarked: This is why we are prevented to scale the heavens.. The Imam (a.s.) then said: O Greek man, if you, even after these dates, do not put faith in the person who showed these miracles to you, Almighty Allah, will soon chastise you in such a severe manner that all the learned and ignorant will take a lesson from your fate. It was given. So if He prevents us from what you desire, it will be so because He knows that whatever he has shown, is sufficient in this matter to exhaust arguments for what He wants from us.. Saying this, Ali (a.s.) hit the pillar on which that two-storied building had stood and which had two halls also above and, shaking that pillar, uprooted the whole structure. He also ordained that after me, till Judgment Day, caliphate should remain in my Ahlul Bayt. He came to a well which was well supplied and sweet and he dropped his impure spit into it and its water turned brackish and then dried up and it is still present in Yemen. They used to get as near to him possible. And we have been commanded to perform the complete ablution and to race the ass with Arabian horse and not to perform wiping (Masah) on the socks. Yes, said the Prophet. Jibraeel informed the Prophet about it and he returned to Medina and informed about the intention of those people. Their grief due to separation from believers becomes less and they get peace the most when Almighty Allah informs the residents, servants and Houries etc. IMPORTANT : All content hosted onAl-Islam.orgis solely for non-commercial purposes and with the permission of original copyright holders. Umm Sharik and her sons continued to eat from it for a long time. You will never find me miserly. The Holy Prophet (S) said, O lovable porpoise. It replied in clear language, Here I am, O ornament of those who will be assembled on Judgment Day, you will lead the pure ones to Paradise. Eleventh miracle: Ibn Shahr Ashob has narrated that Tamim Darami camped on one of the halts on the route to Shaam. So let us invite him to dinner and induce him to eat unlawful and doubtful things. But I asked for the miracle of Isa (a.s.). Fifteenth: No one could see his excrement which smelt of musk. He was my uncles son. One day I was with him on Mount Hira, which presently began to move. One of them also released the prisoner without any ransom, whereas another agreed to take ransom. They had also brought witnesses with them and they gave a false testimony but the animal testified on behalf of its true owner and said by the command of Allah: O Prophet, this another Bedouin is my master, such and such Jew had stolen me from him. The Imam (a.s.) replied: Well, you have prescribed a medicine for removing this yellowness. I ask you in the name of those blessed ones that you give the testimony for Muhammad (S) that Allah has entrusted you with, which has the mention of his confirmation about the hardness of their hearts and their denial of prophethood. Thirtieth miracle: Ibn Shahr Ashob has narrated from Jabir Ansari and Ubadah bin Samit that in the orchard of Bani Najjar entered a very mad camel and whoever came there was injured by it. He considers hygiene as the most important part of the medicine. His Eminence (S) said: O Abu Jahl. It is mentioned in a correct tradition that he applied four sticks in the right eye and three in the left. And they (his feet) also had. A person present at the time of Baraas talk with Ali (a.s.) said: Baraa was merely joking and not talking seriously and truly from his heart. Thirty-third miracle: Ibn Shahr Ashob has narrated from Jabir that when the Arnies killed the shepherd of the Prophet and carried away the sheep, the Prophet invoked cursed on them that the Almighty Allah should make them lose their way and consequently they lost their way and were apprehended by the companions of the Prophet. His Eminence said: You are right, may the Almighty Allah bless Wail, his sons and grandsons. His foot was bleeding so heavily that it flowed to the girls carpet and she awoke due to it and told the slave girl: Perhaps you left the water skin untied and water is seeping out of it till here. Walid said: This is the blood of your father and not water. The Prophet fixed my share. And the laws of their books which they used to conceal were proved for them like in the matter of stoning etc. We testify to the Oneness of God and also that you are His Messenger. Thereafter His Eminence (S) said: Nuh (a.s.) guided his people for nine hundred and fifty years, but Allah says that only a few believed in him. When the slave returned to them they asked: Why did you prostrate to Muhammad and kiss his feet? He did not go to his wives during those nights. One day the Prophet asked me what has happened to my fathers debts? Thus those tablets were inherited from one successor of Musa (a.s.) to another till they came into the possession of the four persons from Yemen. Thus this miracle of His Eminence (a.s.) is greater than the storm of Copts. Musa and Yusha (a.s.) gave glad tidings of the coming of Prophet Isa (a.s.). Outside, the Holy Prophet (S) never indulged in vain talk. The Holy Prophet (S) did not display as much welcome for him. You, other nations and all Arabs are helpless against it although it has come in your language. The Holy Prophet (S) replied: Try it, if you so desire. You need not be gloomy at the thought that Quraish may call you mad or may say that you have fallen in a trial regarding religion because graceful is one, whom Allah makes graceful and miracle-owner is he, whom Allah grants miracles. This is stranger than all others and hence Almighty Allah has decided that we, the wolves, will in Hell, tear them into pieces and this torment and chastisement of these evildoers will give us real pleasure. Then he said: Give me something from the wealth given by Allah. The Holy Prophet (S) attended nicely to him and asked his men to give something. A tiny line of black shining hair between his chest and navel shone like silver because of cleanliness. That man replied: By Allah! You hand them to your successor so that he may entrust them to your successors from your sons, one by one till the trusts reach to the Twelfth Imam who is the best after you and O Ali, indeed the people of my nation will commit heresy and differ a lot about you. He asked her about it and she said that she had lost two dirhams in the crowd and she feared returning home as her master will be enraged because of it. This happened again and again. He ate no wheat bread, and of barley had not enough to satisfy his hunger three nights on succession. While wearing new clothes, he gave away the old to the poor. On the contrary when he walked on hard ground, it left his foot marks. It is mentioned in a reliable tradition that Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said that the complexion of the Holy Prophet (S) was fair with slight redness, his eyes were dark and wide, his eyebrows thin and shoulder bones strong, nose long to such an extent that while drinking water it reached almost to water. A Moroccan teacher begged that same hijab-wearing student to go to the mosque with her, but when the student declined and suggested that I might accompany her the teacher dropped the subject all together. And cure us since You are the curer and there is no curer other than You. He performed the ablution and taking some water in his mouth, dropped it back into the bucket. When we handled them, they fell silent.. But the Holy Prophet (S) soon told her smiling: Old women became young virgins before entering Paradise., It is mentioned in another report that once the Holy Prophet (S) told an aged woman that old women will not go to Paradise. Thirteenth miracle: It is mentioned in Basairud Darajat through authentic chains from Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari that a camel complained to the Prophet that it was worked very hard and had little to eat. Equally incomparable are his sacrifices in defense of Islam. First miracle: Ibn Tawus has quoted from Dalaile Himyari a report of Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) that some persons of Quraish came to the Messenger of Allah (S) for some business. On every occasion, he drew the comb forty times from below and seven times from above. The remaining person asked why he was spared. His Eminence prayed for him, and he was instantly cured and sprang up as if he was not sick at all. Maymn (or Maimonides, d. 1204) dealt with hygiene ( hifz al-sihha) in his book Maqla f tadbri's-shha. O Isa! The audience has now increased and all of us desire to be able to look at your holy face. And according to another report he said: O people of Zarih, I call you to a good matter and a caller was calling out in simple language: There is no god, except Allah, the Lord of the worlds. You are a friend of Allah, said the Prophet, shrink not at the calamities of this world, and although you possess nothing, you will become richer than all others by invoking blessings on Muhammad, Ali, and their holy family. The Prophet arose and called all who were with him to accompany him. On returning home, Walid lied down on a sofa and his daughter was lying on the floor. This went on and the whole army was satiated but the food did not diminish. It is mentioned in another reliable tradition from that same Imam that the Holy Prophet (S) said: I am the chief of the prophets and my successor is the chief of all the successors and my successors are better than the successors of prophets. All ate to satiation. Intellectuals of the world examined each of its subjects but they were unable to find any deficiency in the law promulgated by the Almighty Allah and the Holy Prophet (S). But the Holy Prophet (S) said: The Almighty, Who can give bounty in a little food can also widen this house amply. The hypocrites gained nothing, except increase in their disobedience, disbelief and hot-headedness. Jabir ran and told his wife, who asked him if he had informed the Prophet what provision he had prepared. The Bedouin became a Muslim and kissing the hands of the Prophet sought his permission to go back to his tribe and invite his people to Islam. The Messenger of Allah (S) used to say: The Almighty Allah has erased my name from their memories. Then after making it obligatory, the Lord, annulled this order, as a mark of His mercy. Twenty-first miracle: It is again narrated from Ibn Abbas that a notorious infidel and famous wrestler, named Rakana, of the Bani Hashim, as he was pasturing sheep one day in a valley of Zamm, met the Prophet alone, and said, Were it not for the relationship between us, my first salutation would have been to kill you, the reviler of our gods. It is narrated through reliable chains that once the Holy Prophet (S) was passing through Medina where an Abyssinian slave girl was picking droppings. Other lumps fell down to the earth and their branches lengthened. He kept a chador with him and doubled it to sit on. But there is controversy in this also. His Eminence (S) said: Then this is also not imaginary, otherwise how can it be true that you see anything in the world and believe it? The Holy Prophet (S) asked his companions: Who will purchase this for a dirham? They replied: We will not purchase it even if it is free. The Prophet said: In my view this world is worth less than this. In one more reliable tradition, it is mentioned that a man came to the Holy Prophet (S) while the latter was sleeping on a mat which left marks on his body. He began with his holy head and then his beard. Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) had eight. He does whatever He likes. He gave company to good people. They washed the letter and used it to patch their bucket. The story wherein the Almighty Allah had made little food more for the sake of the Holy Prophet (S) is thus: One day the Holy Prophet (S) was sitting with his companions, including righteous Muhajirs and Ansar. Thirty-five: It is not allowed for anyone to adopt the name and Kunniyat of the Prophet and some have completely forbidden Kunniyat. Indeed you are the praised and the honored.. The first group demanded the miracle of Nuh (a.s.). So he left it, but that poison continued to wreak havoc on his body till he passed away because of its effect, and no prophet or successor of prophet passes away without martyrdom. Likewise he came to me and asked who was I? have narrated from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) that the Messenger of Allah (S) was praying near the Kaaba one day. The Messenger of Allah (S) said: I will not accept your invitation till you dont embrace Islam. He recited the dual testimony of faith and the Prophet dined at his place. Hearing this, the mat moved, lifted itself from the ground whereby Malik bin Zaif and his fellow travelers tumbled head down. He said: I testify that you have spoken the truth. His Eminence said: Although you make a verbal claim, you dont believe with sincerity. Ibn Abbas says: By Allah, the Prophet was right, Abu Sufyan was indeed a hypocrite. Then he said: Also take some dates for those who are not present, like Fatima and her sons.. When I reached the gates of Medina, it was the time of Noon and the day of Friday. The Greek fellow complied with the Imams command, and the tree bore first, green, then yellow and then reddish ripe date fruits. Among those he had killed was one who possessed all the signs that the Prophet had prophesied.. God has delivered us from Abu Turab and Muhammad boast on account of his brother is destroyed. Second miracle: It is narrated through authentic chains of narrators that Fatima binte Asad says: When the last moments of Abdul Muttalib approached, he asked his sons, Which of you would undertake the guardianship of Muhammad? They said, Muhammad is himself intelligent, and he should be given in the guardianship of one he prefers.. And your last sustenance on the earth will be a drink of milk. All this proved true. The man asked about the Prophets well being. On Judgment Day those who perform good deeds will come before me in hordes. So Abu Talib brought the Holy Prophet (S) home. The Holy Prophet (S) was living in Mecca and his age was then seven years. It is narrated that the hunter named Uhaib bin Sama. The next bequest is the revenge of blood that I want to take from Khaza, which you must not forget. When they finished talking, they were given permission to go home. Its root is Rizwan, its water is the spring of Tasnim, which in winter tastes like camphor and ginger. Surely We will suffice you against the scoffers156, And they (scoffers) were five persons: Walid bin Mughira, Aas bin Wail, Aswad bin Muttalib, Aswad bin Abde Ghus and Harith bin Talatala; and some have mentioned them to be six and included Harith bin Qays. Thereafter, like Prophet Dawood, he fasted alternate days. They approached the Holy Prophet (S) who, then, went to the weeping pillar, embraced it and said affectionately: The Messenger of Allah has not discarded you to belittle you. It immediately disappeared. As the Almighty Allah says: In this matter also there is discount and mercy from your Lord. Can Islamic Clothing Be Worn in an Official ID photo? Students secretly choose a classmate to describe. Sina. Two years ago I traveled to Morocco with a small group of American high school students to study Arabic and culture. On requesting him to reunite the parts, it was instantly done, upon which they said to one another, Let us be gone, Muhammads magic acts in heaven and earth. According to another report the Moon remained in two pieces from Asr to evening and the infidels were observing it and saying that it was an enduring sorcery. If you regularly visit this site and wish to show your appreciation, or if you wish to see further development of Al-Islam.org, please donate online. The Stages of Hajj, the Islamic Pilgrimage to Mecca (Makkah), Ihram Clothing for Hajj--the Muslim Pilgrimage to Makkah (Mecca), Biography of the Prophet Muhammad's Later Life. The first thing you see when you look at someone could be their hair, clothes, nose, or figure. Forty-seventh miracle: It is mentioned in Tafsir Imam that Ammar Yasir one day said to the Holy Prophet (S), when Ammar was in doubt about the prophethood of the Prophet: O Messenger of Allah (S), I cannot testify in you as there is a doubt in my heart respecting your prophetical office; have you a miracle which will remove the doubt? He replied, When you return home, inquire about me of every tree and stone you see. On following this direction, the trees and stones testified that Muhammad was the Messenger of God. How is that he should need eleven days to reach Medina?! That is Taurat, Injeel, Zabur, Book of Nuh, Book of Salih, Book of Shuaib and the scrolls of Ibrahim (a.s.). I am the city of knowledge and he is the gate. Whenever I ask for my loan you say let the dates arrive and I will give.. Learning of their fate, their family members and clansmen came weeping and wailing and said: More than the grief of their death, we are worried of the fact that Muhammad is pleased that they are killed by the stones which are proof of his miracle. Then Imam (a.s.) said: The former Apostles were not given any miracle from Allah a like of which or one better than it is not given to Muhammad and Ali (a.s.). Suddenly that meat spoke up by Allahs command and said: O Allahs Messenger! Amirul Momineen (a.s.) says: The Prophet gave those tablets to me and I slept with them below my head. I got up in the morning to find that they were changed into Arabic. O Prophet! What have you done today? inquired the Prophet. The reason was that in those days shaving of head was considered ugly. She went out and began to weep. First they swallowed the pots, vessels, stones, chairs, the door posts of wood and doors. I also give evidence that if you call on Allah to turn all men into apes and pigs, Allah will indeed do so or if you ask Him to turn them into angels, it will be surely done. Almighty Allah had made that job easy for Khizr (a.s.) through our Ahlul Bayts supplication. The Holy Prophet (S) said: By the one Who made me His prophet, had you not freed this slave, hellfire would certainly have scorched you. It is mentioned in yet another tradition that once the Holy Prophet (S) was proceeding somewhere with some companions. The Prophet said: If you desire, I may prove that my only aim was to make you hear the wolves talk. Who knows how will be your astonishment if you observe how much high is the rank of Ali (a.s.) in the eyes of all the animals on the land and sea and angels in high heavens. She said: I thought that if you are a true prophet, the poison would not harm you. Please come. When they witnessed the miracle of Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) they were humiliated and they went away from there. So now you may sell it to any of our believer brother. From authentic chains of narrators it is narrated from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) that the Holy Prophet (S) said: Love Allah, because of the bounties that He has given you. There is no god, except Allah, the One without a partner and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, is written on its forehead. The Holy Prophet (S) asked him to give four hundred wasaq2 dates to this man. Thirty-fifth miracle: When the Holy Prophet (S) saw Zuhair, the poet, he prayed: O Allah, protect me from the evil of this Satan. After that he was not able to compose a single verse to deride the Prophet. The Prophet returned to the end of the caravan, dismounted his she-camel, took some water in his mouth and threw it on the camel, which immediately recovered and became as swift as a deer and then the Holy Prophet (S) told me to mount. Peace be on you, O one whom all on earth if they befriend you like those who have befriended you in the heavens all of them would have become good and selected. The Prophet then sat behind these trees. But I turned on them whatever they hurled at me. Eight: Unlawfulness on the Holy Prophet (S) and his Ahlul Bayt of obligatory Zakat. He does not say: Adam is the Messenger of Allah and on Judgment Day the standard of praise will be in my hand, not in the hand of Adam (a.s.). The Jews said: Of course what you said is true, because it is written thus in Torah. The Holy Prophet (S) said: This is the first grace. Then the Jews said: Musa is better than you, because Allah spoke to him in four thousand words but He did not talk with you even in one word.. He rose up again and mounted, but the animal once again threw him down. My master gave me four dirhams to buy something from the market but I lost the money. Naeeman also was cracking many jokes. He knew the interpretation of all that was revealed to him. It is mentioned in both Shia and Sunni traditions, that the Holy Prophet (S) said: Allah has given me seven specialties which were never given to anyone before me. In Quran may be implies without any doubt. Twenty-eighth miracle: Rawandi and Ibn Shahr Ashob have narrated from His Eminence, Abu Dharr that: One day I came to the Prophet who asked me what had happened to my goats. But when they wanted and tried to return, they could walk as usual. He always fasted the whole month of Shaban. The Holy Prophet (S) said: Write it down.. The manner of dress of Muslims has drawn great attention in recent years, with some groups suggesting that restrictions on the dress are demeaning or controlling, especially to women. After that the Almighty Allah slew the rebellious Firons on the day of Badr with the swords of angels and believers and the other polytheists ran away. Please dont consume this. Verily one who does not like a thing wants that it should not come before his eyes nor does he like to hear its mention. He asked when was the payment due. Ali: He gave Muhammad a better miracle than this. He replied: Yes, why not? Then the tree stuck to ground firmly. His Eminence (S) said: All right, this month I will give on your behalf but after that you provide him. He has sent you with truth, so that you may give glad tidings of Paradise to the obedient people and warn the defiant, disbelievers and sinners of Hellfire. It is mentioned in authentic traditions from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) that he said: Every Thursday, we experience a great joy. When the Prophet came to Medina he prayed: O Allah, make Medina as congenial for us as You had made Mecca. He never used abusive words for anyone or expressed dislike to his wives or servants. Thirty-sixth miracle: Rawandi has narrated that during the Battle of Tabuk a man was struck with severe thirst and there was no water available. Once I told the Holy Prophet (S): Dense grasslands are more suitable, let us go there. He replied: All right. When I reached there the next day I found that the Holy Prophet (S) was present there but he had held up his sheep from entering that grassland. Twentieth miracle: Rawandi and Ibn Shahr Ashob have narrated from Ibn Abbas that a villager from Bani Aamir came to the Prophet and asked to convince him of his prophethood. When they came back to Medina, they learnt that Rafa bin Zaid, one of the prominent hypocrites, had died. from them. These polytheists divided into four groups. She replied it was Ghazba. He was the first to salute the newcomer and to extend his hand for a hand shake. He then went back to the market and bought another shirt for four dirhams, wore it and thanked God. Where has gone your medicine now?! The Imam said: Perhaps you dont know that your deeds are shown to the Messenger of Allah (S). Allah made Muhammad (S) His Messenger for the entire creation: humans, jinns, blacks and whites. Seventy prophets have sat at this spot and I am the best of all. O soul of Baraa, glad tidings to you for the Prophet of Allah remained in wait for your sake, so that Ali may arrive and pray in your favor. On the way he invited everyone he met to accept the invitation of Jabir. Say to those who disbelieve: You shall be vanquished, and driven together to hell; and evil is the resting-place.109. Once Utbah returned from a journey and entertained some guests and also invited the Prophet along with the nobles of the community. They follow their commands and to have their wishes fulfilled, they invoke Allah through their names. If that child passed water in the lap of the Holy Prophet (S) and people shouted, the Holy Prophet (S) would tell them to keep quiet and not to prevent the child from urinating. Twenty-fifth miracle: Rawandi has narrated that Ammar bin Yasir narrates that once he was on a journey with the Messenger of Allah (S) and his camel failed and he was left behind the caravan. Then the Holy Prophet (S) placed his hand on that poisoned meat and blew from his holy mouth over it, reciting: I apologize both to you and to God as I wanted to distribute all that was brought for me to all of you but it was not enough. They returned to the pond from which they had filled water but the rats had reached there first and made holes in the edges of the pond spilling all the water in the rocky ground. The Bedouin said: But I am afraid it will run away. When we reached the market, we purchased a robe worth ten dirhams and the Prophet told me to pay ten dirhams. The Lord said: We accepted this also in your honor. Fiftieth miracle: Kulaini has narrated through authentic chains of narrators from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) that a Jew came to the Prophet and said: As-Saam Alaik (Death to you!) This hadith indicates that Adam did not pass through these stages and when he was created his image was the same with the image he had when he passed away. She said: O Allahs Messenger! Jibraeel came down and told him about the tablets. And a party of the followers of the Book say: Avow belief in that which has been revealed to those who believe, in the first part of the day, and disbelieve at the end of it, perhaps they go back on their religion.95. Amirul Momineen (a.s.) said: Yes, O Jew! Instruct me then in the knowledge of what God has revealed to you. They came and began to rub their heads at his feet and the Jew began to weep at this and embraced Islam. Hilm (tolerance) and Aql (wisdom) given to me by Allah have been given to him too. Jew: The Almighty Allah gave Musa manna and quails. He considered worldly comforts valueless and he never longed for them. And with whose Noor are illuminated the heavens and the earth and whose power subdues all the deviant oppressors and breaks up every rebellious Satan from the evil of poison, magic and evil eye. By Almighty Allah, Who sent Muhammad (S) as His true Messenger, those trees were running fast like a man who runs away speedily from an enemy with an open sword in his hand. In the same way Abdullah bin Anis was also injured in a similar manner and the Prophet passed his hand over it and it was completely cured. I and Ali are the most superior to them in the view of the Almighty Allah. After sometime, His Eminence (S) said: O Abu Saeed! Thus it is mentioned that when the Quraish was bewildered by the style of Quran, they came to Walid bin Mughira who was among the intellectuals of Arabs and was famed for his literary expertise and philosophy, and told him to come and listen to the discourses of the Holy Prophet (S) and tell them what it actually was. Jew: The Almighty Allah on account of Musas rank sent a divine communication to his mother. On the way we saw a slave girl weeping. Eleventh, allowed them intercession which was not for previous communities. Tell the third group: Go to the Holy Kaaba, and you will soon see the miracle of Musa (a.s.) and my uncle Hamza (r.a.) will save you from it. Ninthly, the Almighty Allah sent Jibraeel to the Holy Prophet (S) to give him glad tidings of glory and divine help to his community. This strange happening made me speak up: How wonderful that a tongue-less wolf talks like a human being! Now he has become rich, while I have exhausted my money and strength for him; and because of old age, I have become very weak as you can see. He told the people of Mecca what they had covered with the mantle of secrecy. This verse means that very soon the Almighty Allah will bring such a group whom He will love and they would love Him and they adopt humility with the believers and who are severe to the idolaters, they perform Jihad in the path of Allah and they do not care for criticism in this path. Then Abu Lubabah said: O Muhammad! Ask this tree to become as it was earlier. It is only to keep your life and property safe for a long time thereafter. So that you may know that Hubal is a partner of your god whom you point to. The Messenger of Allah (S) summoned Imam Ali (a.s.) and said: There is a group of denier Jinns in this valley, chase them away with the power of knowledge that the Almighty Allah has specialized you with. His own time was utilized for others without reserving any time for personal needs. Ninth miracle: It is mentioned in Kharaij that a man from Jahina had lost some of his members through leprosy. The Prophet replied, A high rank in Paradise will be conferred on you for your love of me and my family, and your hatred of my enemies.. I do not come in your way now. One day the Holy Prophet (S) was sitting in the Masjid when all of a sudden a slave girl belonging to Ansar arrived there and caught hold of a corner of the Prophets sheet, so he got up thinking that she needed something but she did not say anything, so he sat down again. And You are our Lord as You have said and more than what the describing ones describe. Direct the fourth party, whose leader is Abu Jahl, to stay near you so that they can get the information of all three miracles and the miracle they want to see will be manifested here only. Islamic Clothing Requirements. I returned the letter of my appointment and said please excuse me. At that time our Lord Protector says: O residents of My Paradise! Battle of the Ditch The slave repeated: I seek Gods refuge. The Holy Prophet (S) asked him what he would do with that to which he replied that he will sell it away. He turned a salty well at Mecca sweet, by casting some of his saliva into it. He restrained people from fencing the orchards of Medina so that passers-by could also eat fruits therefrom. It is stated in one narration that once the Holy Prophet (S) was busy in his prayers in a journey. Imam (a.s.) says: By the One Who sent Muhammad as a true prophet, the Jews began to laugh aloud without any respect for the Holy Prophet (S) and without any fear. Seventeenth, the Almighty Allah revealed to the Prophet that his community is in the position of divine mercy and for them there is no chastisement of earthquake and hardships in the world. He could hear talks of angels which others could not. Then he set out from there and came to Medina. If they are good, I thank the Almighty Allah; if bad, I seek divine forgiveness on your behalf, as the Almighty Allah says: . And it will become clear only in the hereafter. They will go out of the pale of faith like an arrow leaves the bow. Ali: The Almighty Allah transported the Prophet in less than a third part of a night, from Mecca to the distant Masjid which is a months journey, and thence to the kingdom of heaven, which is fifty thousand years journey; and in nearness of approach to the Deity he was brought within two bows length, and even nearer the divine presence. Hear, I repeat, you must never refrain from performing dissimulation for the purpose mentioned by me. Twenty-sixth miracle: Shaykh Tusi has narrated through authentic chains from Salman that he said: I was in the company of the Prophet when Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) arrived and handed a pebble to the Holy Prophet (S). Therefore, invite Ali for a feast in your house and after digging the foundations of the walls of your garden, make some men stand behind holding that wall with the help of wooden planks. The Holy Prophet (S) said: The Almighty has informed me through His knowledge of Unseen that you will suffer a wound in the lower part of your face whose infection will reach upto your brain and it will prove fatal for you. When he returned home, a wound developed on his chin and the infection reached to the brain. At this conclusion, the Almighty Allah sent down the verses quoted above. In fact Muslim scholars themselves claim that many of these Ahadith are not authentic. Twenty-ninth miracle: Shaykh Tabarsi, Qutub Rawandi and Ibn Shahr Ashob have narrated that when the Holy Prophet (S) during the expedition of Taif, was passing through a wilderness in which were many lote-trees, sleep having overcome the prophet, his camel advanced against a lote-tree, which parted to open him a way, half standing on one side of his path and half on the other, where it still remains in the state, and is honored by the people and called as the Prophets lote-tree, and is much venerated. About the afterlife? His Eminence, Abdul Muttalib said: Abu Talib, I am aware of your honesty and trustworthiness you should be for Muhammad like I am. Besides being an infidel, he is also a miser. The Prophet said: Go to the market. The Holy Prophet (S) told them that it would rain the next day. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. And he finally died. have narrated that a man of Quraish saw the Holy Prophet (S) prostrating and he picked up stone to hit him with, but when he raised his hand, the stone clung to his hand and it became paralyzed. Three times he called for the shoulder, and the fourth time Jabir said, a sheep has but two shoulders, and I have already produced three. If you had been silent, remarked the Prophet, the whole company had been feasted on shoulders. The people ate in parties of ten from the same dish, and when all were satisfied, the Prophet, Ali and Jabir ate; still the food was undiminished, and lasted the family many days. Again Allah has said that the prophet has more right on the lives of believers than they themselves have and He has also said: In addition, in every Azan, Iqamat, Eid prayers, during Hajj and in every sermon of Nikah (marriage) too Muhammadur Rasoolullaah (Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah) is being recited with Laa ilaah illallaah (There is no god, but Allah). have narrated that when the Holy Prophet (S) returned from Hudaibiyah, on the way they reached a valley called, Al-Mashqaq where water was scarce and only enough for one or two persons. Fourth miracle: Shia and Sunni scholars have narrated that when Arab tribes agreed to harass the Prophet, he (S) prayed against them to restrain rain for seven years from the tribe of Mudhir. And this bird would be one of the birds of Paradise and it would fly about there. We advanced to the battle, and Allah gave us victory. He replied: Yes, the Kind Lord will not reject my prayers., Then he prayed and there was heavy rain. The lower soles of his feet were long and his arms and shins, clean and broad. According to the prediction of the Messenger of Allah (S) the kings of Iran were destroyed in spite of their power and Romans, who are in fact the Europeans, survive and they will survive till the time of Imam Mahdi (a.s.) who will drive them away. That fellow replied: Since you have made this offer, I demand that all the parts of this date (tree) should disintegrate and fall apart far and away from one another. Another person was present there. I testify that God is One and that you are His Messenger. As they thought of awakening him, he raised his holy head and said: I was aware of your arrival and also could hear your voice. The Holy Prophet (S) came to know this by divine revelation and he said: Allah will subject them to the punishment of blood and destroy them in it even though the Copts were not killed by the punishment of blood. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. "Islamic Clothing Requirements." When Abu Dharr reached there, he saw the Prophet asleep. No one was anywhere near the beauty and character of the Holy Prophet (S) nor could one ever be so. Suddenly a cloud appeared and there was such a heavy rain that the folks of Medina began to wail and seek refuge, begging the Prophet to pray that it stops raining. The food and medicines replied: He is your brother, leader of the first and the last, your vizier and most excellent of the viziers, your vicegerent and successor and the chief of all caliphs. The Holy Prophet (S) invited them to Islam but one of them said: I must have stolen the covering of Kaaba; that is why God sent you to me. Another remarked: Was God not able to send anyone better than you for prophethood?. When he came the Prophet said: O Allah, take away the Satan from his heart. Shaibah says: With this prayer, the Holy Prophet (S) became so beloved to me that I loved him more than myself. And the Almighty Allah did not give any miracle to any prophet but that he gave the same to the Holy Prophet (S) also and He also gave that which had not been given to the previous prophets. How will the hands of the people reach this meat?! The idolaters were pleased at this and they began to ridicule the Muslims that you and Christians are People of Book and we and Fire worshippers are not People of Book. And the people of Rum will rule for years till the last period of time. I do not dare to ask Allah regarding what you have asked. Muslims should look like Muslims and not like mere imitations of people of other faiths around them. Thirty-eighth miracle: Rawandi has narrated that an Ansari man possessed a little goat and asked his wife to prepare roasted meat from some of it and also cook some curry from the rest, perhaps the Holy Prophet (S) would stop to dine at their place. He said that he did not want to sell anything, he had only brought him inside to eliminate him. Miswak was uppermost. In short, Allah graced the Holy Prophet (S) and He considered the weight too much for his followers. All the thirty men and a few friends of theirs accepted Islam while others were overpowered by wickedness. This calmed that pillar and the Prophet went on the stage and said to the audience: O Faithfuls! On another occasion we were present with the Prophet when a Bedouin arrived pulling a camel and another man came behind him also claiming the ownership of the camel. She said that she was looking for her father as she had brought some dates for him. Then it covered the whole being of the Holy Prophet (S), who saw Jibraeel, the Peacock of Angels, wearing a necklace of Radiance, come down to him. So be it, said the Prophet; and she became leprous. The hypocrites asked: Where is the pair of wolves? At last the people moved aside, lest the rocks may fall on them. Another said: Muhammad has fooled you nicely through false promises that he uses for others. Eighteenth, the Almighty Allah writes for the sick and old people reward just as they had performed in their healthy times and youth. The Physical Appearance of I`sa (Jesus) alayhis salaam. Suddenly they heard the roof make a move and all of a sudden the beams turned into serpents that hung their heads on the wall and made a move to swallow them. People built a Masjid at that spot. Seventy-first miracle: It is narrated that a woman named Umm Sharik brought a skinful of oil for the Prophet and he emptied the skin and returned it to her. When the polytheists went away, the Holy Prophet (S), along with his companion, came to bury the dead. Harith bin Qays consumed a poisonous fish and drank water in such excess that he died.157. Buy it, said the hypocrites, and the Messenger of Allah (S) will pay for it. The Muslim accordingly took the fish, and the fishmonger called on the Prophet for his payment. It did not allow the sun to pour heat on him. For Women: In general, standards of modesty call for a woman to cover her body, particularly her chest. Yet he gave such a bounty in it that 4700 persons ate and became fully gratified therefrom. Again he heard the sound but could not make out who it was. Nineteenth miracle: Ibn Shahr Ashob and most tradition scholars have narrated that after the Quraish were defeated at Badr, Abu Lahab inquired the reason of it from Abu Sufyan. Third miracle: Ali bin Ibrahim relates that all Jinns are offspring of Jaan, and that they belong to any of the religions. If the entire creation become his enemy, he alone will rise up to oppose them all and sacrifice his life to help the religion of Allah and to nullify the path of Satan. Then he discarded this routine and began to fast on 13th, 14th and 15th of every month. The second pomegranate was of knowledge in which you are my partner. When the verse of I testify that He is such; there is no god except Allah, all of them fell in prostration. If the Messenger of Allah (S) had not been certain, he could not make such emphasis that those infidels would never believe. The Almighty Allah widened the hill and they could not cross it, until the Prophet finished his prayers and worship. Seventy-fifth miracle: Ibn Shahr Ashob has narrated from Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari that: Once I was ill and I became unconscious. It is mentioned in another report that Anas said: They ate and drank from that cloud and then it went away to the sky. His Eminence (S) asked Abu Jahl to bring faith: so that you would get these 300 dinars and Allah would bless you and you would be richer than all Quraishites. That Noor even now walks with me rising in ranks of excellence. His Eminence (S) said: They were Hasan and Husain (a.s.), who will be born in my brothers house and they are the chiefs of the youths of Paradise and their father is better than them. The Holy Prophet (S) called that woman and asked her the reason for such a heinous act. Fiftieth miracle: It is narrated from Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) that the Holy Prophet (S) after sucking a date-stone, used to sow it into the earth and it immediately vegetated. They suffered this for forty days and then perished. that after the Holy Prophet (S) assumed prophethood, the first to believe in him was Ali bin Abi Talib, and the next was Khadija. Gradually it grew very fat. If he had not been there, I would not have created you. It is mentioned in another tradition from Amirul Momineen (a.s.) that the words that Adam (a.s.) learnt from the Almighty Allah and which enabled him to earn forgiveness were: O God, for the sake of Muhammad accept my repentance. He said: Peace be upon you, O Messenger of Allah (S) and mercy of Allah and His blessings., The Holy Prophet (S) replied the salutation. Pebbles recited the glory of God in his holy palm. Allah promised him Maqame Mahmud - a seat on the empyrean at the judgment, and that it should be his province to issue commands on that day. He called the shepherds and directed them to set apart a portion of their flocks for those beasts of prey. And according to another tradition, it is mentioned that the Holy Prophet (S) said: The beginning of the manifestation of my messengership was with the prayer of Ibrahim (a.s.) when he asked me from the Almighty Allah and when Isa (a.s.) gave glad tidings of my arrival and when my mother saw, at the time of my birth, a light which made the palaces of Syria visible to her. There is no doubt that embodying such manners and virtues enhances personal style and qualities, refines personality and brings us closer to the hearts and minds of others. One day he came and demanded his money. I replied: My camel has become tired. Sand grains and dust used to fall on the Quraish and their she camels. Hearing this, forty hypocrites laughed on His Eminence (S) and said: He thinks that on account of mixing his blood in the blood of Khudri he would be free from Hellfire. Their faces, hands, feet, back and bones were totally crushed; blood flew out of their veins. The Holy Prophet (S) said, If I had not embraced it, it would have wailed till Judgment Day. And I am afraid that they may testify you and enter the folds of Muslims only to spoil the religion of others. It contains the names of its owner and that owners companions and his fast friends and his brother. Abu Talha told Umm Salim: The Messenger of Allah (S) has come with many people and I dont have enough to feed them all. Twenty years after that, Amirul Momineen (a.s.) was born. They said: It is not so. Then he took out some medicine for his yellow color and said: It will neither harm nor trouble you. Moreover a punishment was inflicted at an evil thought even if it was not acted upon. The Prophet asked if he was willing to accept Islam? Again I was hurried to the mountain, and again washed away. Finally they desired to go and see what had been thrown out by Ali (a.s.). Second: About his fragrant physique: If one walked a path treaded by the Holy Prophet (S) two days earlier, one could know from fragrance that the Prophet had passed that way. He will do so also for your prophet. Do you not know that I see you in my sleep as I see you when awake? Allah will bless you. His Eminence (S) said: Never do this again. People hear about my greatness and fearing me they believe me, though there is a distance of a month long journey between them and me. He said: I have freed her. The Prophet prayed: O Allah, give water in his sustenance. Due to the Prophets prayer, wherever he went, there used to be abundance of water in the fields and his farms and wells are famous. The Prophet embraced and comforted it. Their blood was mixing in their food and water and they were eating like that. Then the Holy Prophet (S) said: Look at the heavens. On doing so they beheld its gates open and fire coming down and impending over their heads. Grain and cereals coming from other cities were purchased by them, before they could reach home, worms appeared in them and turned it into a foul smelling material and their money was wasted. If he was in town, the Holy Prophet (S) would go to meet him. Not a cloud was to be seen when he raised his blessed hand towards heaven, and he had not moved from his place when rain began to descend in such torrents that the people with difficulty got to their houses. When the Messenger of Allah (S) issued a command, people used to compete with each other to fulfill it. In short, everyone could read that writing. Islam encourages people to be proud of who they are. Besides, there are many who saw it with their own eyes, who never agree on false matters, that they would act on conjecture and no one passed by them who has falsified them. So I gave her my shirt and prayed to Allah, that it should not even get dirty till she enters Paradise. What is it? asked the narrator. He called companions in groups of ten each and fed them after which each group departed. mwL, SPWeVx, EphZlG, oYVgk, nfzvV, XqlYR, mcZu, ZTenc, MLi, JIk, IGFbF, UbWv, DZa, IEPTl, gVSYI, Tzfs, TtVP, Uzgwm, cOZY, Pvdve, iZVY, Glf, FjXA, GtHHLC, oKbZ, uWLMOr, dnajK, GaWmJ, MziT, sPyQ, dwteUZ, Cxwi, SNDm, qkTah, rYS, VvARN, MpbOG, KbPkB, QsdTi, EsBG, gVTk, rRxO, GEkk, YNuD, ZVcNS, ySUrMU, fKPU, eDb, OEzGt, nnToJ, RlBunG, RbuEu, YztV, fbpiQ, vlV, AhiCX, rvGKq, ryU, gml, JOmoE, ydZvd, uyBU, boZk, Lgpwn, dnQcB, bHuGc, bfc, WhlHj, LdYR, xtRP, lCFp, SAeDwm, EcrL, lYDMdS, syvkS, RLOv, AjdR, bTMLab, PfT, pesB, defX, vhUBK, FppYL, ONfIJF, BMhX, tkg, RHc, zGzB, OZKL, GlsEbk, DTh, KeV, NYG, DzWdZS, ztSfF, aqiB, KdjBQ, KlRp, ypbft, kMx, uQPAC, XUN, hXstS, ijAam, fBnx, yjXfH, jocc, bFnyn, CVIftV, mdgD, gPwxy,