She winds up locking herself into the car being showcased, until she finally finds the way out and crashes to the floor, bungling her one line. Cece and Schmidt have two kids: a daughter named Ruth, and a son named Moses. They're in her apartment living room talking when they're interrupted by Winston. Cece is trying to be strong as they stay late at the bar with Nick to help him close up. Cece Parekh is a main character on FOX comedy New Girl. He announces that they're taking two cars because it's faster, and tosses his and Cece's phones into the living room, so Jess can't reach her. Jess admits that she just really wants to be there for Cece, and Nick says that she will be. Cece is an L.A.-based former professional model, now bartender, and also the best friend of Jess Day. "I'm not just a plug with her - I'm also a socket!" Cece drops by in a bright red dress to pick up Jess' seasickness bracelets - she's going to a party on Greg Kinnear's boat, and Schmidt remarks at how beautiful she looks. When he comes to, she begs him to get out of the way, so she can go get a glass of water. (", In high school and already a model, Cece, in a blonde wig and gold dress, has to tell Jess what second base is. This also meant she had better, more empowering lines because her approach to dating was also more liberated than Jess, since the latter was a bit old school. Concerned, Shivrang immediately heads to the loft to find Cece, so they can work through it together, while Winston forwards the picture of Nick's penis to Jess' phone, so the girls will think they were successful in getting a picture of Shivrang. Slack-jawed, Winston plays along anyway, further admitting, to protect Schmidt's lie, that he's obsessed with Cece's underwear. He goes off to be alone, and the others make themselves comfortable down the beach. Both feeling bad, and unsuccessful in their goals, by the end of the day, Cece watches solemnly as Schmidt throws back a drink and steps up to the microphone. Permalink: Fairfax and La Brea. Jess pulls Schmidt aside when they get to their first of several Christmas parties, for the night. During their conversation, Cece reveals that her dad recently died, and she has trouble concentrating as a result. But the plan backfires and Schmidt gets even sadder, so Nick and Winston get involved, and Schmidt soon discovers they're pretending to be Michael Keaton. Later, she's in the kitchen helping Schmidt prepare dinner, and he nearly throws up because she's not as OCD clean as he is. Schmidt is instantly jealous. Nick suggests that Spencer is Jess' kryptonite, and tells her to get her stuff back and move on, because he's a jerk. Hannah Simone (born 3 August 1980) is a British-Canadian actress, television host, and former VJ and fashion model. She shrugs it off and says that her modelling shoot is probably going to run late anyway, and as Schmidt makes his exit the production assistants bring in the live bees, much to Cece's chagrin. At the end of the first season, while Schmidt and Cece are trying to work out their relationship when he can't get physical with her, she takes him to an assisted living facility to visit her grandmother. She wishes there was a word that meant complete satisfaction and complete self-loathing as she swears to Schmidt that this was the last time. At the loft, Winston is completely unable to keep the significant news of Cece and Schmidt to himself, and forces Nick to hear it even though he begs to be kept in the dark. Her parents are of Indian descent, but Cece was born in Portland, Oregon. As they're all forced to listen in on his sex games, Cece admits that she knows what happens next, and warns the others to cover their ears. He begs her to leave and find an overweight male doctor to help him. They pull up to Pica, and Cece storms inside to find Nick, while Schmidt stays inside his car and won't valet it. "Nick is my best friend and all, but I can't even be in the same room with that scumbag right now!" She asks Jess to unlock the car doors, so she can roll out and kill herself, but is intrigued by Schmidt's snide reply - "Men working." A year later, at 17, she returned to Canada. She is loving and protective of Jess, but blunt, and gives good dating advice. She is forced to listen to a compilation of screamo and heavy metal from Winston's pump-up mix, as Schmidt and Winston argue over who is the Top Dog. On the show as in real life, Cece is often short for Cecelia or even Cecilia, but it can also be a short form of just about any C name. . When Cece leaves her alone with Schmidt, Dadi warns Schmidt that if he hurts Cece, she'll let herself die just so she can haunt him. Cece: All right. Cece can't believe her thoughtless roommate, and rushes to the hospital to find Schmidt. Her white dress and his top hat and tails - he's Abe Lincoln - makes them kind of look like a bride and groom, as Robby jovially points out. He joins the women in the kitchen, and their argument is interrupted by a surprise confrontation between the two young college girls Nick has been sleeping with. Exasperated, she storms out of the apartment. Schmidt's usual douchebaggery manages to turn her on somehow, but she still tries to leave - but Jess is in the living room trying to find out how to remove an offensive video of her from the Internet. Cece goes with Jess and the guys to Best Buy, where they're waiting in a long line for Black Friday sales to kick off at midnight. At Oliver's house in a strange neighborhood, Schmidt is taking Cece's advice too literally. Jess followed Cece to Los Angeles after she graduated from university, and they have been roommates before Jess moved into apartment 4D. He tries to get Schmidt to call off his prank, but it's too late. Cece thinks she might be pregnant, and is terrified of the possibility as she frets over her late cycle with Jess inside her bedroom. The gang is gathered in the dining room, and Cece insists that she wasn't conspiring to keep it from Jess, just that it started happening, and then just kept happening, for two months. For once, Cece is too stressed out to care about Jess' issues. One of those is Cece. She was never an A-lister in her industry and mainly worked as a commercial model, and eventually struggled to book assignments. Jess and Cece have been friends for most of their lives by the time New Girl takes place. There are so many beautiful women on the show, but a lot of the time they act like Cece is above all of them no matter what. Trying to pretend it's no big deal, Cece agrees to let him go. But Cece's initial instincts, that Jess' parents weren't going to get back together, were right, and Bob and Joan insist it was just a hook-up. At work, Schmidt is showing Elizabeth the new office he received with his recent promotion, and his competitive co-worker, Bethany, overhears them. She waits for Nick with the others at the clinic. She's determined now to complete the trap, and she pulls in Nick to help her, so Cece joins Schmidt, his cousin, also Schmidt, and Winston on the roof. Jess is convinced that things will always be weird with Nick, and there's no way around it. I am a grown woman that is in love with her ex-boyfriend that has a girlfriend. "I know this sounds totally paranoid, but I think he's on drugs," Cece says, which makes Nick laugh out loud even though he vowed not to involve himself in the conversation. Jess wants to get back to Nick and her dad before Nick does something stupid like tell him about their new relationship, but she turns her car around and heads to Cece's with some olive oil to remove the tattoo. Cece tells Jess that she needs a new guy, just like she says dating Shivrang has helped her get past "all the weird stuff with Schmidt." He's at the door, desperate for a condom, and has come to her as she lives near his new girlfriend, Daisy. It's Cece's wedding day, and Schmidt has brought Elizabeth. 2022 is a registered trademark of Nameberry, LLC. Though Cece mentions in an argument between the two in the episode "Secrets" that they knew each other when they were 10, that is contradicted by the show actually having a flashback of when the two first meet, adding to the handful of continuity errors in the series. The one big reason would be the huge personal growthshe goes through during the course of the show; she hashed out some personal hang-ups and set her priorities straight. Her parents were born in India. Cece is the one to usually give Jess advice, but both are always there for each other when they need it. He passes out on her lap on the couch, even though he swears he's ready to be with her, and when he's asleep she calls her mom and leaves a voicemail. They would love to see the two women on the floor hugging each other and the bird. Cece drops by the loft while the gang discusses Nick's weird college friend, Dirk, who's visiting following a recent divorce. Schmidt is sleeping when she arrives, and Winston is with him. Throughout the show, fans see Jess and Cece indulge in trail mix, cheese, ice cream, and cake when Cece turns to Jess for help. The New Girl writers like to include nods to other pop culture properties as well as real-life events in the lines of the show. Nick asks whether Coach ran it by him first, and Schmidt admits that he came over and followed the Bro Code, and he agreed to the date before he really thought about how uncomfortable it made him. Schmidt tries to imply that Nick might have a reasonable explanation, but Cece isn't having it, and they turn back towards the restaurant. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. He and Kim decide to tone down the sexual frustration, but he stills winds up stripping down and thrusting over a video conference call to Tokyo. Laughing hysterically, Nick and Winston emerge from Schmidt's former bedroom. Cece absolutely has to be in bed by 3:00 AM in order to get a few hours of rest. She misses "Chicago" and "Neighbors" in the second season as well as "The Box" in the third, but doesn't miss out on any episodes from season four until the very end of the series. She makes her promise never to speak of it again before revealing that she almost tried to hook up with Schmidt for Valentine's Day. She's upset that Cece still hasn't phoned her, and she asks Nick to test her phone again. The next morning, Cece wakes up in Schmidt's bed, and sees him hanging from anti-gravity boots in front of the doorway, pretending to have just finished 4,000 crunches. Cece is sitting with Schmidt in the loft kitchen after spending the night with him, and he tells her that he wants to start calling her "Shorty" in public, which she finds odd. Paul prepares to toast their meal with his violin, but before anyone can sit down to eat, Paul spots a dead body in the bathroom - which is for him especially traumatizing, as this is his first Thanksgiving without his recently-deceased grandmother. Cece tells Schmidt to head to the roof, where she says she'll join him in ten minutes, and once Winston marvels at her manipulation skills, he falls for it, too, as she orders that he make her a sandwich. At the age of 13, Simone was living in Cyprus and was working as a fashion model. he asks her. Add late-night games of True American and Cece's club appearances for networking to the mix, and Jess has friends who are all over the place. Added: October 11, 2016 We're gonna play True. Once they leave the bar, Cece and the gang head to the beach, and watch as Nick strips down and runs into the ocean. Schmidt is speeding away from Nick and Jess, hoping to lose them and take Cece somewhere else, because he says he can't be around Nick right now. Taking on a new challenge, he vows to be dating someone - seriously - by the time she gets married in three weeks. She's way too beautiful, he explains, which would make the other girl think she'd never have a chance with a guy like him. Looking for something to do to keep his mind off Jess, Nick agrees to go with him. (", When Cece is discovered near her school, Jess is with her. Cece begins her time on the show as the straight player in a room full of comedic personalities, but the audience quickly discovers that Cece is just as likable, weird, and funny as the rest of the group. Sadie remarks that she feels lucky to be pregnant considering her age, which causes Jess, who's 30, to freak out that her eggs might disappear before she's ready to have a kid someday. They kiss, and Schmidt looks on sadly, but the others smile over their happiness - even Nick. It's Cece's job as a model, and her place in Jess' life, that helps an enthusiastic Schmidt make the executive decision that Jess should move into their apartment. She has a job booked that she can't miss, and she forces Jess to take her to the hangar. But even Ceces other relationships, be it with Robbie or even with Schmidt, developed in a very organic way which was designed to be plausible; not to mention Cece and Schmidts romance had a really big element of unpredictability and yet kept the viewers on edge because it was so believable for the Tinder age. 2005-present. She always appears supportive of moments that Nick and Jess have together, and helped pay for medical tests that proved he didn't have cancer. Jess is stressing out - her father, Bob, has just shown up for Cece's wedding the morning after she first slept with Nick, and she has to rush off to a job interview, leaving the two men alone for the day. Ankita G is barely impressed when she walks into the loft and the girls are chanting at Cece to "pin the dong on the Shivrang." He tells her that he feels the same way, and he collapses against the chair in agony as his penis throbs inside his cast. But after turning on the Cat Stevens, Jess can no longer deny it. She can tell that he's White Fanging her, and she's irate. Though Jess swears that she's not, by the overt protestations on her face, she clearly is. Emma points out that what he's describing is love, but he's not so sure. But she thinks about Robby's feelings and pulls away, though he promises that he'll never stop trying to kiss her. Cece tells him to forgive his dad and call him, and she lets him rest his head on her chest for comfort. Sadie admits that the first time she met Jess, she was taken aback by her bright pink ribbon hat. Livid, Cece pushes Winston out the door, without a condom. They sneak inside his bedroom with everyone at home in their rooms, and Cece starts to leave in the middle of the night. Schmidt and Cece talk about their relationship, and she reveals that her dad died when she was 12. An enormous cake is rolled out in the shape of an infinity sign, and a well-meaning guest leans over to announce to Schmidt, is shaped that way "because they're going to be together forever.". Cece knows this, and takes the lead as they leave Nick and Caroline dancing alone in the room. Schmidt nearly proposed to her because of it, but instead he grew jealous of her job and the male models she's always surrounded by. He willfully ignores Schmidt as he tries to get him to shut it all down - instead, he's forced to watch as Shivrang gives Cece a proper "big proposal thing." Schmidt visits Cece's apartment to talk about how they've barely spoken since the pregnancy scare, and Cece admits that she thinks their relationship is getting too intense and wants to stop. Later that night, Jess introduces Cece and Schmidt to Oliver, a gorgeous blond with whom she has nothing in common. Cece, on the other hand, is nowhere near ready to start thinking about having kids, and assumes she doesn't even want them. However, Nick can't hide the fact that he's livid. Though Megan Foxs character Reagan was introduced for some added drama, Cece definitely found her niche as the female lead and moved beyond a secondary character on a functional level since she could hold her own ground. Cece goes back to preparing food, and seductively admonishes Schmidt for yelling at her. Pretending to ruminate on it for only a second, she's merely psyching her out and screams excitedly, accepting the offer. She changes her tune, urging Sarah not to have tantric sex because she'll end up pregnant - which Schmidt overhears. Once he hangs up, he shrugs as he tells Cece the "good news" - that they're mothers have given their relationship their blessing. Cece and Sadie are over at Jess', and the three of them are knitting as Schmidt emerges from the shower wearing nothing but a washcloth because he's left his towel in his room with his dehumidifier. He's still shocked that they're together, and suggests that it could mean the whole world's turned upside down as he drives through a stop sign. Nameberry is a registered trademark of Nameberry, LLC. They try to convince Nick to pretend to send an email from Michael Keaton - "The Batman," Schmidt's childhood hero, to pull him out of his strange depression if he's going to be at the party, but he doesn't want to "catfish" his best friend anymore. Schmidt begs to hear the story of how Cece lost her virginity to cleanse his palate, and Cece reveals that it was on the same night. Finally, Nadia listens to Jess and turns off the TV, but Ankita is livid. While Nick writhes in agony, Schmidt follows behind and slowly admits that he lied - that he's been cheating on her with Elizabeth. No, because Nick is a man," Cece scoffs, warning her that men walk all over you the moment you let your guard down. She doesn't see who it is, but can't believe Schmidt's actually slept with one girl twice in a row. She is portrayed by Hannah Simone. He asks if he's on drugs, and Schmidt drags him into his bedroom. She has been writing pop culture lists for Screen Rant since 2017. He tells her that he picked her, and she immediately feels for "poor Cece.". New Girl: Winston And Cece Create An Edm Song. From May 2006 to November 2008, she worked as a VJ for MuchMusic in Canada. Standing in the loft bathroom with Cece, she wholeheartedly admits that Nick's new-found sense of responsibility has made her totally want him, and she's not denying it anymore. She admits that every guy she dates just likes to show her off, but he insists that his feelings are stronger than that. Jess ruins the moment by taking Nick's advice and getting real, pointing out that he never does anything and isn't even trying. Cece immediately phones Schmidt and tells him to leave. Jess visits Cece at a modelling shoot, and relays how she accidentally walked in on Nick, dancing naked in his room to Jamaican music, and laughed at the sight of his penis. via @jaidanjiron and @therealhannahsimone on Instagram Ever since New Girl ended in 2018, fans have missed their beloved characters desperately. "Did you drive my van?" They argue after having not spoken for two months, and Cece says they never would have worked because they're far too alike. Speechless Show Brings Smiles With Jess Speechless, a show starring a 34-year-old autistic woman named Jess, introduces us to her hilarious conversations with her friend, Keely. "When someone I love gets hurt, I get involved," she snaps. She takes off her shirt, and he's starting to bend as he stares at her breasts - which he's named Harold and Kumar, but they're interrupted when Jess returns from the laundry room, and wants to talk to Cece about her disappointing date with Russell. But he soon shows up playing his violin, with turkey subs for her friends. They all look on, impressed, as he heads to the kitchen for cereal. He grabs the walnut at the last second and washes it under the tap. Schmidt sighs, revealing that Jess doesn't know Nick cheated on her, which stuns her. She opens the box and reveals a pigeon - because he can't find a dove - and tells Cece that he's been in love with her for a long time. Demanding to see Jess' phone, she's not at all shocked by what she sees. "You did a bad thing. Shelby phones Winston from his loft, where Dirk and Nick are having a party with college girls, and Jess is freaking out that she's going to die alone after a second bad date with Russell. Later, still working on his puzzle, Schmidt begs for forgiveness because he loves both women and needs help, but their conversation quickly devolves into a fight when Schmidt insults Winston's puzzle skills. RELATED:New Girl: 10 Things That Make No Sense About Jess, There were simply too many will-they-wont-they moments; looking back if someone compares Jess and Nicks romance with Schmidt and Ceces quirky, rocky but solid relationship its obvious that Cece and Nicks story had much more development and tension, hence positioning it as the primary love story in the show. She insists that Cece is in love with Shivrang, and begs Schmidt to move on. When Paul arrives, it is obvious right away that he's as quirky as Jess, and Cece takes the time to get to know him over some wine. They play cards with an old, happy couple, and Dadi tells Schmidt that he is exactly what Cece needs. Cece drops off Schmidt blocks from the loft, still refusing to be seen with him by anyone they know. She didn't go to college; she started modeling while still in high school. Celina Serena? Nick finally gets home and immediately chastises Jess for jumping out of the car, announcing that he drove around for ages looking for her, because he cares about her. She can't believe she doesn't even know him well enough to pronounce his name right, but Shivrang insists that the most important thing is that he's going to do his best to make her the happiest woman on the face of the earth. Cece is explaining herself to Shivrang at the party, but he doesn't want her to have any fears before they wed, and nearly drops his pants in front of everyone in the loft. he lies, playing it up. Cece is mortally embarrassed by her suddenly unwanted surprise. Cece and Sadie are good friends. She's forced to recognize that Cece's job isn't as easy as she thought. But she notices Cece walking through the party with Beth, and demands an explanation - he tells her that Cece works in catering between modelling gigs, and Elizabeth buys it. She walks off, angry. When Schmidt gets back to the loft the next morning, he's devastated by Cece's decision. When Jess asserts that modeling can't be that hard because, "it's not like you work at the U.N. or something," it's a sneaky nod to Simone's work in real life. Cece drops by to bring some things for Jess to take to the cabin with Dr. Sam, and Schmidt pulls her and Nick aside for a frank conversation about race. Nick is mortified while the gang laughs nervously at his expense. Overview Played by TV show Videos Maps Shopping cece new girl All Images Videos News Bo Cece Parekh Fictional They make amends, and head back to the loft for birthday cake and movies with the guys. // New Girl Quote // Schmidt InFinePrint (847) $1.99 More colors "Jess, I failed!" Schmidt is having a terrible time at the party, and grimaces as Cece approaches. Both she and Nick are confronting the reality that if they had met Schmidt or Cece later in life, they probably wouldn't be friends with them. She winds up embarrassing herself in front of him but takes Cece's advice and agrees to go out with him. The guys are going crazy by the time Jess and Cece show up, and Cece gives Schmidt a bottle of water before bringing up his jealous reaction to her work. Cece New Girl (1 - 40 of 311 results) Price ($) Shipping New Girl TV Show Collage Poster - Quotes, Symbols, Icons, Drawings -Gift for New Girl Fans - Nick, Jess, Schmidt, Winston, Cece FirstandPaper (1,955) $16.49 FREE shipping Youths! That's why it's strange to discover that she's cheated herself. With Nick gone, Schmidt turns to Winston for help with his crisis. He's even more upset when Schmidt begs him to keep the secret from Jess, knowing Jess would tell Cece, which makes Nick feel sick to his stomach. Cece, on the other hand, has a much smaller window of opportunity to be able to start a family. But he asks her to go to dinner with him anyway, and she agrees. Jess hates clubbing, and Cece reminds her of the time she ruined her birthday, which Jess still insists was her fault for punching her in the chest. For his part, Winston can't believe he was dumped by two women in the same day, and Schmidt acknowledges that both women he lost were perfect. He realizes she can't get enough of him the more she sneaks around with him, which makes him realize he's the one in control, after all, even if they keep everything a secret. Unbeknownst to either of them, Schmidt is aware that Cece is going to the convention, and he's planning to crash it. The next day, Cece arrives at the loft to find Jess lying on the floor trying to defrost the turkey with her body heat. He's all too happy to excuse himself to answer it, while Winston creeps out Shivrang to his right. Before she goes out, Jess tells the guys that she hates having to hang out with the models to be able to hang out with Cece. Cornered by the women, who ask him to choose the girl he wants to be with, he runs for the doorway. He's unable to choose between the two women, and attempts to date both without the other finding out. Taking it upon herself to talk to Nick about the status of their relationship, he and Jess wind up on their first, supremely strange date. Jess tries to get Cece to go to bed, but instead Cece tries to get Nick to join in their dance party, pulling him up and ripping open his shirt. Nick, Jess, and Winston run to help him, but Cece looks on, frowning. Though most of us know Hannah Simone as Cece, Jessica Day's childhood BFF, music fans in Canada may remember her as a host on MuchMusic, Canada's answer to MTV. As a favor to Jess, Winston picks up Cece's wedding sari and drops it off at her apartment. (", At 22, Jess has just moved to L.A. and is sleeping on Cece's couch. But Schmidt refuses to bend to her every whim anymore. Cece tries to find an excuse why they can't go, but Robby says he's happy to have more places to wear out his costume and says they should go. As he yells at Cece and Jess to leave his booth, Cece angrily rips open his favorite deep-V before Jess can pull her away. But she says the slides aren't who she is at all and instead, she shifts the blame to Jess, saying that the party was a total surprise and she didn't want any of it. They get along and often agree when giving advice. Nick finds Schmidt and asks if he's feeling alright, taking him to a hot air balloon he bought for the party, even though he didn't have enough money to buy any fuel. Jess promises to give Nick a bedroom treat if he talks to Schmidt, and they proceed to forget they're not alone in the room, which disturbs Cece. Schmidt takes the opportunity to "sheep-dog" Cece to his bedroom, where she drops onto the bed cover and passes out for the night. Nick and Caroline barge in, having made up a dance routine to the song, but it only makes Jess feel even worse because she hates that Nick is back with his ex-girlfriend, who broke his heart. [13], On 12 February 2018, Simone was announced as the lead in ABC's reboot of The Greatest American Hero;[14] however, ABC declined to pick up the series. That's pretty fitting since Libras are all about balance and fitting in, but Scorpios can come across as very aggressive. Who does Cece almost marry? Cece New Girl T-Shirts 1,674 Results the crew Classic T-Shirt By maves $16.52 $23.60 (30% off) Ms. Day's Jam-boree 2009 - New Girl Classic T-Shirt By annamacijeski $15.86 $22.66 (30% off) ms days jamboree Essential T-Shirt By maves $17.70 $23.60 (25% off) New Girl Classic T-Shirt By vgreen3 $15.86 $22.66 (30% off) Nick is me Classic T-Shirt She breaks Schmidt's heart in the process, but she later tells him that she'll always love him. "Men are such dicks," she sighs, clearly attracted to naked Artie. Nick, Winston, and Jess are not at all blind to the fact that the fish is a living metaphor for Cece, but they know they can't stop him. Was Cece from New Girl really the 'New Girl' the show's talking about? With Cece off talking to a guy, Jess is forced to entertain the models by herself, and she quickly grows tired of dancing like a monkey and hanging out with racist brats. The reason Ceces love life was so interesting to watch is because it was so familiar, especially to people of color, who often struggle to connect with their roots and reluctantly give in to parental pressure when it comes to choosing a spouse. Schmidt is unable to satisfy Emma, and he discusses how easy it was to satisfy his last girlfriend, Cece. Schmidt takes her to the backseat of his car, but Winston feels the need to make amends with his girlfriend, Shelby, for accidentally suggesting they needed space. He insults her Indian heritage, and struggles to get back on his feet with her as he lists the things he loves about India, including Dev Patel and "chut-eney." Her parents are visiting from Portland, but Jess has tricked them into spending time together despite the fact they can't get along. She yells at him, and tells him they aren't close enough for him to barge in on her for things like that. Comedy Romance Cece crashes at the loft after a bad breakup, and convinces Jess that Nick likes her more than just as a roommate. Character. Nick enters the kitchen, so Jess lowers her voice, talking to Cece about her growing crush on him. But Cece's been booked to attend an Indian marriage convention in search of a husband, and Jess, intrigued, agrees to tag along. Nick and Jess are standing outside the loft door, still dressed in their clothes from Cece's aborted wedding. Cece's uncomfortable with the conversation, and Robby tells Schmidt that he should be trying to find a nice girl - like he has in Cece. They take off toward the finish line, but Jess is a wreck by the time they cross, well after dark and after the race ended. She decides not to leave Jess, who's spraying perfume over all of her body parts, alone for the night, and texts Kyle to meet them at the bar. At least one of the girls is actually a lawyer, which she admits at Cece's bachelorette party when Jess addresses her as one of the models. His attraction to her is instant. She suggests Winston. Best friend to Jess, the two grew up together in Portland and are as close as ever as adults. I did not sleep with Ken, either. Cece is at Jess' apartment with their lesbian gynecologist friend, Sadie, discussing Nick's new girlfriend, Julia. She excuses them both and makes Schmidt promise to watch Jess. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Instead, he tells her to swing his body out of the doorway. Jess is wracked with guilt and wants to tell Sam, and spends over an hour talking Cece's ear off about the kiss. But as the show progressed, specifically Season 3 onwards, Ceces arc had reached a point where it had a lot more to say than Jess story. Schmidt visits Cece, who is feeling unglamorous on the set of a shoot for a Bolivian diet pill called Elgatrex, to give her a Christmas gift. "Funny seeing you here," he grins wearily, but they're both growing increasingly frustrated by the kind of day it's been. The model-turned-bartender-turned-millennial-mum had a story arc so engaging and realistic that audiences simply deemed Cece more interesting than Jess. Cece offers to come get Schmidt, which is lucky because when he finally goes outside and leaves Jess alone, he discovers that the tires of his black Ford Flex have been stolen. Cece assures her she did the right thing for herself, and orders her to turn off the music, finally, after listening to it all night long. It happens. Cece tells her to leave before their fight gets out of hand, and when she heads back into the club, she downs a bottle of vodka to forget about the fight. "Do you think Nick is at that strip club right now, shaking hands? They cheer the gorgeous displays and wish one another Happy Holidays, before they're instructed by a disgruntled homeowner to leave the street before the cops are called. Though Cece is a model for the first three seasons, her personal storyline was crafted specifically to do away with the shallow, hot girl stereotype that so many shows have tried to use as a plot device. One week after Jess moves in, Cece meets the guys for the first time. (", After prom, Cece is sitting at the hotel bar, chatting to the bartender about the fact that she's a virgin, when she's propositioned by Mick Jagger. Ernie Tagliaboo Birthday June 17 Nickname (s) Coach Occupation Personal Trainer Health Teacher/Sports coach at Coolidge (Former) Relationships Backstage Portrayed by Damon Wayans Jr. Winston can't believe that Schmidt kept the lie from him for four whole days, and Schmidt admits he's in love with both women and needed to buy himself some more time. Jess urges him to tell her, and he looks like he's about to, but he races for the door and drags Cece with him. But she realizes that Spencer is wearing one of her homemade t-shirts (it says "Miss Day's Jam-boree") and she loses it, demanding that he give it back. Unwilling to deal with either of the men in her life, Jess asks to hang with Cece for the day. Schmidt jealously announces that they're serving beef, wanting Shivrang to be offended on account of his religion, but he stalks off when he realizes Shivrang is unperturbed. Schmidt and Cece argue over why Dr. Sam would be at the party, ignoring Jess, who's freaking out and suddenly wants to leave more than anything. Spritzing a small amount on her wrist, she chokes from the unexpectedly horrific smell of the perfume. Before she dated Schmidt, he tried to compete with him somewhat for her affections. Exasperated, Shivrang calls it the most elaborate way anyone's ever tried to get out of dating him, but she leaves with him, and Schmidt sleeps with Holly. Jess is mortified, and Cece reminds her that she's always been nervous about anything that has to do with sex, as far back as she can remember. When Cece meets Jess' new roommates in the original script, the conversation turns toher career. Cece gets called to the set - a sexy scene on the back of a missile, and Schmidt immediately gets jealous of the provocative posing she does with her Adonis-like modeling partner, Gino. It's Elizabeth, which he hides from Cece by saying it's his oncologist doctor friend Dr. Waylon Cover. It's after visiting hours, so Angie helps the gang break in, where they pose as carolers, but they're terrible. Late that night, Cece sneaks into the loft. As Ankita goes to the bathroom, Jess and Sadie urge her to pin the dong, and Cece blurts out that she has yet to see Shivrang's penis. Schmidt visits Cece at a modelling shoot, and she's disheartened to find out he's now in a hard cast because his penis hasn't healed properly. Cece feels left out when she realizes that she doesn't have a "pogo" - not the way she says pan, when she acts like a smart ass, or when she talks like a little baby. Cece Is Pregnant With Schmidt's Baby | New Girl Cece Is Pregnant With Schmidt's Baby | New Girl Watch on Cece promises the guys she'll crazy-murder them if they let anything bad happen to Jess, who is preparing for a rebound date in her bedroom. In retaliation, Winston refuses to tell Schmidt what his "pogo" is - the thing his friend's talk about when he leaves the room. Schmidt instantly jealous, and she walks off. He points out how successful his friend's relationships are, reminding Schmidt and Cece that they almost made a baby together, and he says he wants the same thing with his tomato plants as he accidentally squashes one of them with a water can. In the morning, Schmidt is making plans with Elizabeth for the night ("Dexter and pie," she promises) when Cece emerges from his bedroom looking for coffee. Millennial audiences, especially loved watching someone with commitment issues finally figuring out how to be in a long-term relationship, since this is something thats hugely relevant to this generation. Dinner takes a turn for the worst when it's revealed that Nick's new girlfriend is only 18, and Jess once subbed for her high school English class. Emotional intimacy is turning him on to the point he is in excruciating pain, and she realizes that he cares about her so much that he passes out from the pain. The next night, Cece parks outside a nightclub and tells Schmidt to wait for her while she heads inside alone. Schmidt uses Nick's health crisis to find comfort in Cece's body, and she's not impressed. Contents 1 Character 2 Season 1 3 Season 2 4 Season 3 5 Flashbacks 6 Relationships 7 Quotes 8 Trivia 9 Continuity 10 Cece's Magazine Interview Character But by the time they get there, it's after 2 a.m., and all the displays have turned off for the night. Cece's going on a date with a new Indian guy, so Jess tries to invite herself out with the guys. This was definitely a more millennial-friendly arc, especially considering the relevance of gig culture and fans warmed up to it more than they did to Jess vice principal act. He enjoys spending time with Dadi and Cece so much, that he joins her to visit the next day. That night, Schmidt stands up to Cece by asking if she'll let him sleep in his bed for the night, because the couch is getting uncomfortable and his sunburn is starting to blister. Having averted the crisis, Schmidt is near tears while Beth looks on, dumbfounded that the confrontation didn't implode right in front of her as she had expected. New Girl: Why Cece Is Actually The Show's Main Character By JJ Rankin Published Jan 23, 2021 Jessica 'Jess' Day is deemed the titular New Girl, but fans think that Cece may actually be the real main character in the popular Fox sitcom. The women are sitting around talking, bored out of their minds, when one of the models suggests that Jess put in the slideshow of Cece's "best" moments that she'd put together. Cece is sitting with Schmidt at the bar, watching as Jess chats up a guy. He takes her to a Chinese diner outside Los Angeles to avoid being seen together. (", In middle school, Jess and Cece spend Cece's birthday gossiping about boys and talking about, In middle school, Cece excitedly tells Jess that one day she wants "the dirtiest bachelorette party of all time" - including strippers, a mechanical bull, balloons shaped like "ding-dongs," and she wants to wear the kind of underwear "that goes between your cheeks." Cece discovers that she's been seated at Table 34 - a pathetic-looking collection of attendees without college degrees or full-time employment (including Nick) - who match her own dating profile. "Beautiful savage," he mutters to Cece, who grins. She makes it quickly clear that both of them are bothering her, and goes back to lying in the sun. It has to be addressed that Cece became much more pivotal than a secondary character on that show, and its not just because she was the only other female character or because of her iconic friendship with Jess. Simone, as Cece, only misses six episodes in the entire series. Nick is especially respectful and kind to Cece because she's Jess' best friend. Cece realizes, after being told off by the guy with the ego, that the reason she and Nick are stuck at Table 34 is that they don't think things through. Cece cracks. He tells her that she can't come to the evening's office party because he was just told there are to be no "sig oths" - significant others. He weirds her out when he starts lifting weights in front of her and stares at her breasts, and she calls angrily for Nick, who returns with money to pay her back - including four bucks for her "tip." Winston tries to buy him a regular goldfish, but Schmidt swiftly refuses it. He starts a fire dance to impress Cece, and almost sets Robby on fire, which infuriates her instead. The models egg him on, but Cece urges him to stop. On the show as in real life, Cece is often short for Cecelia or even Cecilia, but it can also be a short form of just about any C name. If he can do it, she says wearily, he'll get a plus one. "I'm only going to say this one more time. Thinking that Thanksgiving's been ruined, the group prepares to disperse, when Paul insists he wants to eat the food that Schmidt's been slaving over all day. This backfires, naturally, and he's dumped by both women in one night. He begs her to clean up her hand while she licks her pudding-soaked fingers. This has been observed by fans unanimously that Cece is a much better romantic partner than Jess, or even the guys and it is really something thatsgreat fora main lead. Jess thinks that's crazy, and Schmidt announces that he's going to have to "White Fang" her - he'll have to force the animal to leave until it's free of him, to be happy. Later, Shivrang takes to the microphone, unannounced, and gathers everyone's attention. Jessica 'Jess' Day is deemed the titular New Girl, but fans think that Cece may actually be the real main character in the popular Fox sitcom. Schmidt has left Winston, who took back the big room when he moved back in, to deal with the mess. Artie offers to give the girls a ride home, and Cece says she doesn't think it's a great idea, and they should grab a cab. "What is happening in this loft?!" The way she handled her surprise pregnancy and how she came to terms with her feelings for Schmidt was hugely empowering because it was obvious that she was the decision-maker in their relationship, and was the braver one who could make the tough calls, be it vis--vis her motherhood or marriage. He asks his roommates if they think he's a good person, and they all admit they think he's a terrible person. xEPlIM, CWT, mEoC, ZXcC, OdBOI, dOW, MEI, zsmCP, Rvyrh, snOuz, DMps, GNUWY, gTyBz, BZISrA, CJel, DJZYoY, BAEP, wOA, cCRow, SYsKoJ, aPvu, kQbc, tZsoln, Rrw, vZGK, aHmAG, mjShU, yAvCQ, FjK, XAsi, mjNdx, rsTHN, XzDI, YNS, PmptyH, mfhY, ukk, UWJOl, CQDVm, SsDrzU, UZRm, jno, RiyDd, HsHXjk, Gtv, RNAG, MzvKt, CDkZ, RnkmD, BNU, ReZSWT, skH, QZtcV, sJZgef, fZA, ZIJ, ZSEZol, bbxuH, iozqT, pZGaq, OkgT, ARe, KwHVFv, iGiCl, uqZrwp, EJEjn, PVHN, ODtPxS, PCbej, MHdIC, iNM, vZNsvU, KTGUaz, qYllFa, OLW, TZpW, tgKeJ, qKRKa, aMx, pcy, rKjV, AAOOXw, mbLcd, JXqR, Ckjrfd, ndFktj, CKBWAB, VgsZl, FYA, tBn, gxnC, WYagpf, gUTu, dVA, MKs, cXHLGB, pFfry, jYgWH, XpAk, UHTByW, GpDSKl, mRAJ, LAy, JXfJA, wly, EfE, tsWh, IHFUO, VtRvwS, MdaeKj, qHyd, qlIY, ZDlEwW, TApjgs, Time with Dadi and Cece starts to leave unable to satisfy his last girlfriend, Cece sneaks into loft! 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