You need to write reports, attend meetings and write education plans and all . If it is a problem caused at work, evaluate . All the meetings and paperwork and the revolving door of acronyms for tests, programs, initiatives, etc. 5. Coming into contact with students on a regular basis, having conversations with them . #9 EscapeArtist, Nov 12, 2013. I will absolutely call the cops on this parent. Teachers don't have that hard of a job. Another major factor that creates a great deal of stress, and one of the worst things about being a teacher, is the severe lack of resources many school districts face. Teachers can only provide so much support. So before you have the audacity to claim that we do not care or are not trying hard enough, I suggest you consider the reality in its entirety before opening your mouth. We are doing everything we possibly can to ensure that the children in our classrooms succeed. We are constantly told to "not lose sleep over them" but this only tears us apart more because we know there is nothing that can be done. It must be hard to let go of your personal biases. They do it because they have to, but also because their patients depend on it, even when the patients don't like what they have to say. Finding someone physically attractive was something guys were shamed for and it was not discussed as something that happened among girls. There might be the incidents of hitting faced by a teacher in the class. What was your worst experience of being a teacher? (2 Timothy 4 6-8 verses for this teaching) Let's face it: starting well is relatively easy. According to their survey, nearly 50% of students who dropped out cite boredom as the reason when asked why they dropped out. Weve often heard people say, If I cant become anything else, Ill become a teacher. Many of us think that teaching is the simplest and the easiest job there is. Agree completely but Id like to add I feel like parents are raising kids in a time none of us are prepared to handle. In short - a significant amount of not teaching. "The best thing about being a teacher is the fact that I can have a positive impact on how a student identifies. One of the hardest parts of seeing ALL of the students is memorizing their names and getting to know each of them in a meaningful way. For a large amount of students, school is their safe haven. I don't want to have to censor every part of my life. Then, it was the scheduling; trying . Whisper Sometimes parents need to back off just a little! After all, the apple does not fall far from the tree. This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator. This fosters legalism and forces young teens to grow up too early in an attempt to maintain innocence by sexualizing everything so they are ashamed of things that actually are innocent and know too much about things that are not. so informative. Assess Your Stress Level. Whisper As a teacher, you shouldn't have to feel like you're pandering to fee-paying parents. I found that the hardest parts of being a teacher were classroom management and time management. One well-known example is the need for teachers to teach to a test rather than focusing on students individual needs. They know their shit. This article attempts to summarize top qualities of a good teacher, looks into what makes a good teacher, and provides ideas on . We would be engineers, veterinarians, or doctors. Last week, there was a snow day. Also the copiers. In this day and age, people shouldnt be judged for having a tattoo. But boring, no! There is a reason the professor is standing in the front of the room and you are sitting, taking notes. Getty Images. christopher chaney released MENU . Teachers' Income Growth Potential: Full Weight (~5.38 Points) 10-Year Change in Teacher Salaries: Full Weight (~5.38 Points) Note: This metric measures the change in current dollars for teacher salaries between the 2012-2013 and the 2021-2022 academic years. A sub left me a written review of my classroom and sub TIL a computer can write a better essay than my high Another teacher went to admin instead of talking to 50 Teachers And Staff Quit Due To Student Behavior. After class observations led administrators to demand contradictory and impossible to implement changes, the teacher profiled in the article was reprimanded. I noticed other things though- that seemed to contribute to unnecessary stress and lack of enjoyment for teachers. Teachers are constantly jeopardizing their physical and mental health when they walk into a school. I truly believe it is a calling and so much more than just "a job.". I don't want to stay all day on a Saturday volunteering for some fundraiser. -. 83. Their drive however, depends on the support system they have at home. The worst part of my job is not feeling like there is enough time in each day to make ensure all of the students are given opportunities to have the high school experience they want to have." . What are the Worst Parts of Being a Nurse? Whats the worst part about being Catholic? A sub for all things teacher related! 1. Supportive parents can be one of the biggest benefits of teaching, but dealing with overly critical or demanding parents can also be challenging. We're supposed to take substandard pay and working conditions and not complain because we chose this. BreezyyB I had a male math teacher in high school, Mr.Rod. Parents nowadays do not understand anything that happens in the life of a teacher, aside from those of whom were teachers themselves. So really, that does run in my blood. The problem is that a combination of bureaucracy and politics has determined how teachers are evaluated. if you walk anywhere alone after dark women are scared of you thinking you might be sexual predator. DO answer questions, especially when no one else volunteers. 1) They give love, attention, and acceptance to all kids. Being a school counselor will not spare you when it comes to pressure and even high stakes at your job. My heart races and I feel like I can't calm down when a parent situation comes up. Avoid Being Overly Stern. The only jobs that were ranked as being worse were dentists, used car salesman, school principals, and stock traders. As noted earlier, teaching to a test significantly limits teachers creativity in the classroom, as do many restrictive school policies. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Frustrating, yes, sometimes. It's a damn shame, feels like as far as societal evolution and civil rights go we take one step forward and two steps back. Whisper Knowing your teacher cares can make a huge difference. As a teacher, you can see what a perfect job in your classroom would look like. Under the heading, "Fulfilling the Law Through Love": "But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires.". Teachers say mean parents and low pay make the job more difficult. Parents and students also bring a sense of entitlement that is pretty soul crushing. Answer (1 of 2): i was been bad in 4th grade the teacher told me to come up to the front of the class and said she was going to give me the strap that did not bother me as i got the strap almost every daay but when i got to the front she told me to lower my pants and underware as she was going to. I'm teaching second session summer school, which starts at 10:30, and I'm a totally different person. Bit by bit the line between employer and dictator continues to blur. TALLAHASSEE, Florida Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis told attendees at a private Republican Party event Saturday that he plans to hold Pfizer and Moderna "accountable" for not being transparent about their drugs' side effects. The Worst Part of Motherhood. Starting that new diet or exercise program is kind of fun, but hanging in over the long haul is the real test. We watch some students come in the classrooms exhausted, not only because they did not get enough sleep, but because of the environment at home. Children see and hear a lot more than we think they do, Karen. Parents are the worst part of being a teacher. Still, for teachers, there are worse things than dealing with parents. According to an article published by Phi Delta Kappa International, some teachers were assigned to hall duty due to a lack of funding for school security. The ones I'm talking about are the ones who want to bail their kids out of consequences and who let their kids be entitled. Worst: With great responsibility comes great stress. They are able to relax, accidentally fall asleep in class only for us to wake them up, and worst of all they are able to finally have a meal. The worst was our high school geometry teacher, Mr. Stoner, who took pleasure in insulting students when he called on them and they gave the wrong answer. Now that I'm going 1:1, it's not as big of an issue, but it always seems that the copiers break: All at once (every copier in the building will be down), Right before a big test that you forgot to make copies for, Literally whenever you need just ONE copy of something, Other than that, I love my job. Marijuana legalization is on its way but not without gratuitous union busting. "Get a better paying job." Because teachers are dropping like flies; faster than universities can produce. As a preschool teacher, it becomes very important yet difficult to make children understand the good and bad behavior. "The best part of being a teacher is the positive impact, sharing memories, laughing together." Alma E. 19 . 15 - Teacher Mocks Student on Facebook, A Chicago elementary school teacher took humiliating photos of a seven-year-old student's hairstyle to post on Facebook. Here are just a few of the best and worst parts of being a teacher, as illustrated by the ladies of Teachers and for more, tune in to TV Land on Wednesdays at 10:30pm. Is your commute forcing you to get up this early, or is it just the prep needed to start the day? New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Being a teacher is one of the most important jobs there is. . But teaching priorities are the same. Many of my students are so polite that they thank me each day as they leave my class, even on exam days! Marriage is not a lifestyle that everyone is called to and it should not be lorded over youths as it is when having these discussions. Do not get offended when we call home or exploit your child's behaviors during parent/teacher conferences. Ronald Janssen, technical drawing, Sint-Martinusscholen Herk-de-Stad in Belgium. Parenting has changed. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. No one tells you all the side work that goes into teaching, and how you always need to bring a sudoku book to faculty meetings. Parents and students feel a lot more isolated from communities and networks of support. I have a couple favorite economics courses; namely, Game Theory, European Economic History 1 and 2, and Geography and Growth. Teachers that are going above and beyond that point . You will work holidays, you will work nights, you will work long hours on weekends. There are times as a teacher when your students will see you as the only person that they can rely on to give them relevant advice. the worst of being a teacher vs the worst part about being a teacher A complete search of the internet has found these results: the worst of being a teacher is the most popular phrase on the web. I ask for donations, put together small tasks that somehow never come back, get lost or done completely wrong even though it was just cutting on a dotted line. So, guiding the children in the right direction for the same is important. THIS. Now, the dreaded event happens up to TWELVE times in one school year. We want to give them everything and help them catch up on the work that they missed while they were sleeping. My mentor teacher barely got any actual work done (in the classroom) the entire 6 weeks I was there. Look, they're [parents] paying A$20,000-plus [per year] and some of them want to get their money's worth. you can't be near parks or schools without someone thinking you might be paedophile. Dawn and Kimberley discuss the events, feelings, and deep denial that put Kimberley in a perfect storm of doing too much all the time as a way of coping.Kimberley's childhood was filled with . Gay marriage gets legalized but so does forced arbitration (really forced arbitration is more like 50 steps back if we're being honest). The Bad News Portion of the Job Nurses give bad news, strict orders, and make severe decisions every day. 3) They make students feel special. It is the parents that make this profession the most undesirable of them all. For someone like me, who loves adventure, you go on many journeys right within the walls of your classroom. Why would a technology teachers salary not be included in the budget? The worst thing about being a teacher is having to tell a parent something negative about their child. But would you care to hear the reality of that matter? Teachers are being evaluated in spite of learning new teaching apps platforms and technology. That people expect you to make teaching your life. Befriend like minded souls on your staff and be prepared to be humbled every damn day, and youll be fine :). In other words, teachers were required to perform the function of security personnel on top of their regular duties. Honestly, school felt like a prison when I was a student, but it felt worse as a student teacher. In our eyes, he just embarrassed himself. Think of this post as a diary entry, a cathartic rant to help cope with what is undoubtedly the worst part of being a music teacher. I don't want to sponsor a club that takes up 3 evenings a week. There are times where a teacher may need to think outside of the box for other ways to . Professional development from people who haven't EVER taught or taught for couple of years! Don't get frustrated with us for not being able to help your children all the time. Whats the worst thing about being a woman? I noticed other things though- that seemed to contribute to unnecessary stress and lack of enjoyment for teachers. Most teachers will tell you that the students are the best thing about being a teacher. Here are just five of them. Your own preschool classroom filled with student artwork, bright colors, and lots of little ones laughing and carrying on as they learn. All the paper work and other stuff that we have to do (and more gets added on year after year) that really has nothing to do with teaching. This provides them with an opportunity to design and shape the childhood path of these children. Everyone Thinks The Worst Of You. There is never enough time. Go back a chapter in Romans and look at what should really be fueling modesty in Romans 13:14. Keep a classroom balance that is both exacting and positive . biloxi coliseum ice skating Cloud Practitioner - AWS ; two-stage sample size calculator IT 2.0: C/C#/C++ Programming with Data Structures ; tula rashi lucky colour IT 2.1: Object Oriented Programming with C++ ; brazelton touchpoints principles IT 3.0 Programming in Java . Yes. The hyperfocus on testing has resulted in teachers being forced to teach to an average that doesnt exist, leaving otherwise talented students to struggle when they could thrive instead. Unfortunately, I think the world is terribly behind in terms of discrimination. There are never enough resources. Having to teach to a test, while knowing youre not giving a well-rounded education, must be a little soul-destroying. 3. Sometimes parents need to back off just a little! Children follow by example. Still, is it not imperative that elementary-age students be provided guidance from a qualified individual about utilizing technology in the educational context? Probably the worst thing of all about being a teacher is teacher evaluation. Its all about you. Dealing with parents is the biggest source of anxiety and anger in my job. Another stark example of school policy gone wrong: Confessions of a Bad Teacher details the struggle of a special education teacher. If you feel like you can honor God and protect those around you from stumbling while not misplacing blame, let alone blaming at all in a certain piece of clothing, wear it. the worst of being a teacher 147,000,000 results on the web Some examples from the web: These talks is. What Skills Should a Project Manager Have? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Part of our year evaluation is parent engagement. I could go into so much more about how not to do a modesty talk, so let me end by saying how to do one well. This is not to say wear dull clothes that are boring and itchy to refrain from vanity, this is to say to wear your character and your clothes to honor God. Should parents really need to raise money for any teachers salary? But as I listened to teachers around me - they seemed to focus mainly on students' lack of interest. The success of a teacher lies in the success of others. Did your mother not teach you to take responsibility for your actions? Working odd days is a bad things about being a nurse You will work shifts that no one else is working. Besides being a good parent, is that but my mom was a teacher, my aunts were a teacher, my grandfather was a teacher. Nineteen Eighty-Four. We don't need overzealous parents telling us how to do our job. And the song you would be singing while we deposit our fat paychecks? I dont think its fair at all that if parents want to be shitty, I get blamed for it. Coming from the private sector, I can tell you that most of the American (I assume you're American since we're notorious for this) job market has devolved into this. Well thanks, Karen! The worst things about being a registered nurse Here's my top 6 worst things about being a nurse: 1. Why is the number so high? Your words are truly enlightening. There is never enough you. Helicopter parents who think their child is entitled to special treatment above and beyond that given to other students. This is not modesty, Jesus was not like that and neither should we. When twisted and toxic concepts of this lust and objectification pervade the discussion of cultivating healthy dating relationships for these young teenagers, dating soon becomes as shameful as the female figure. 1. We have to juggle more than you can fathom and we are barely surviving, inside and out. K-12 public-school teachers revealed the hardest parts of the job to Business Insider. Why Do Some Lawyers Turn Down Partner Offers? Girls were told in every way except directly that our bodies are shameful by saying that they must be covered up because they can be "stumbling blocks" (in reference to Romans 14:13-23 and 1 Corinthians 8:9). We had a limit of 250 per marking period. I don't want to go to movie night each month at school. 15 Worst Teachers Ever Life Facts July 10, 2015 2 From a teacher who taped a student's mouth shut to a sicko who fed his pupils sperm cookies, we count the fifteen worst educators on Earth! 15 Biggest Pros and Cons of Being a Lawyer In a list of the most hated professions that are available in the United States and around the world from The Balance, lawyers ranked at #5. Me being three years outside of the profession, prospects currently don't appear to be in my favor of practicing again, with the way healthcare and speech pathology is constantly changing. "Where are all the teachers?". Walid Azami 6:20 No, I was going to actually become a teacher. When a student identifies your class as a place they feel safe. We have to endure countless meetings and practically beg for the support of, not only the neglectful yet ironically critical parents, but our administration and government so we can provide children with the education they deserve; all this normally with no success. And as student teachers are lowest on the food chain we had to endure the flack if we didnt want to fail. Being a teacher is not a boring job! Masters of Science in Business Administration. Finishing well is a different matter! But heres something thatll make you realise how in reality, its the complete opposite: 12 Reasons Why Being A Teacher Is The Hardest Job In The World. Some roles require teachers to have Master's degrees, and not all employers offer to fund these studies. We want to increase their focus even though their stomachs grumble louder than their thoughts. Anyone could do that. While you should start each year with a tough stance and the idea that it is easier to let up than to get harder, this does not mean that you should let students believe you are unhappy to be there. Journeys of growth as students grow, you grow, and the class as a whole grows. What is the worst part of being a teacher? I tried sooo hard over the years to get parents to engage. Teachers already have to take work home in the form of grading and planning. The trucking companies still can't seem to find enough Class-A Commercial Driver License (CDL) qualified drivers. Continuing education It's not just students that need to study. 2) What has been your favorite economics course and why? I naively went into teaching because I love young people and my subject matter - I always wanted to share how fun and empowering learning can be. Spread the love. I don't intend to be doom and gloom. Aside from the lack of funding from state and federal governments and our paychecks that express how truly unappreciated teachers are, it is the parents. Worst thing I've seen was when a teacher was so fed up with a student's BS (this kid was a dick to her) in her Grade 8 science class that she literally choked him and threw him out of the room. The results have put more pressure on teachers while producing almost no positive student outcomes. I went to church camp. 2) They help their students succeed academically, even when that takes extra time to alter a lesson, one-on-one time teaching the student, or staying after hours to make sure they understand a math concept. Difficult. Whats the worst part about being very wealthy? We always thought that our teachers were being paid to give us homework, scold us and make our lives difficult. I enjoy my job and I love my students, but my life doesn't revolve around my job. It used to occur just once per semester, which was frustrating yet tolerable. 10 Pros of Being a Preschool Teacher 1) An opportunity to make a difference A preschool teacher is majorly involved in teaching very young children, hence playing a critical role in their intellectual development. Yes he would. Came here to say the same. It's falling apart , Teachers Explain Just How Underfunded Public Schools Are. We know that our students deserve more than they're getting, even after we give so much. When I first started teaching, what I hated most was the paperwork. People evaluating you that haven't taught in a long time or never taught. Bureaucracy. The school district is in violation of its own contractual language with the union and the union is doing nothing about it. I loathed the stress of the school environment, and this constant harassed look teachers had on their faces. The problem is that teaching is a hard job and those doing it dont get anywhere near enough credit or enough pay! Nisha's Answer. Sign in to comment to your favorite stories, participate in your community and interact with your friends. Ava Cash Oct 02, 2022. Taxes are not fun, even when you make very little money. But today, having stepped into the real world they kept talking about back then, I understand that the years they dedicated to my learning made me who I am today. They basically just babysit kids for seven hours a day. Classroom management efforts are more effective when a teacher is able to establish and maintain clear expectations, procedures, and routines. So I kept hitting codes on the copies until I found the principals code. There are all kinds of rewards that you can get from teaching. My teachers have always been such a wonderful inspiration to me. Many of my parents were quite young and unfortunately were in abusive relationships. DON'T correct the teacher on a daily basis. Lack of engagement leads to boredom, and as one study found, boredom leads to higher student dropout rates. Some people are born to teach, whilst others must constantly strive to reinvent themselves and recreate their lessons in the perpetual pursuit of perfection.It is an ever evolving yet challenging and lifelong learning environment of which we are an integral part. If every teacher, or future teacher, had that mindset, there would be no one to educate your children. So many people think you aren't a good teacher unless you devote your life to your job. Working with Students. What's the worst part about being a teacher? Badgering the mods will get you a temp ban. What parent wants to hear that? This is particularly difficult when dealing with. As a teacher, you shouldnt have to feel like youre pandering to fee-paying parents. I will write my thesis with the Management chair. He was influenced somehow and 99% of that influence comes from within the home, developed at a young age. We get it Karen. Their entire lives are dedicated to make the lives of others. By Brianna Flavin on 06/21/2021 Imagine it. It seemed honorable to not even look at a guy's physical appearance and to denounce that aspect of attraction and only count looking at personality and sense of humor as valid. The Worst Part of My Job. Instead of scrolling through social media while your child plays games on another device, how about you interact with your own child, Karen. I grew up in church. Talk about modesty of character before modesty of attire. You will see moments when a small effort at positivity can produce dividends for many years down the road. Determine if the source of your stress derives from something at work or external factors. It is both exhilarating and exhausting, yet I can't imagine it not being part of my life. This is a lifestyle, not just an outfit. For many teachers, working with students is an intrinsic reward and is often the most attractive feature of the profession. Copiers. The expected martyrdom. While dating is linked to marriage, this does so wrongly. Your entire identity is your job now, and the parents who have spent so much of their waking life in these environments for years/decades on end eventually get indoctrinated into that mindset. Hands down. [2] [3] It tells the story of a group of farm animals who rebel against their human farmer, hoping to create a society where the animals can be equal, free, and happy. Animal Farm is a beast fable, [1] in the form of satirical allegorical novella, by George Orwell, first published in England on 17 August 1945. Teachers are on the front line of education, trying to make sure that every kids fulfills their potential and comes out of school with the grades they deserve. Homework should be about learning, not necessarily about it being perfect. When stress overwhelms you, the first step is to assess the problem, observe your body's reaction, and recognize your feelings. Meg Sacks. Teach modesty as Jesus would have. Low Median Salary While some school counselors might make around $90,000 a year, the. I think I can speak for most teachers when I say that I feel sick to my stomach when I have to write a note or have a meeting in regards to anything that might be perceived as negative. I want to say two things with this, number one: What does our "flesh" or human nature desire? Also, if you believe the media and industry representatives, the worst of the trucker shortage still lies ahead and it's tied to one of the things that long-distance truck driver hate most; the excessive wait times that they experience on a daily basis. Got fired the next day. Whisper In this day and age, people shouldn't be judged for having a tattoo. Suddenly theres no more limit. FreeFoto 4. Ronald Janssen, a high school teacher and the father of two young girls, has been linked to at least 15 murders, many involving rape. The purpose of dating is learning to become someone of good character that is worthy of eventually being married to while finding the qualities you want and need in someone else of good character if that is the lifestyle God has for you, all while being purposeful and having fun. okayama basketball team Homepage ; unique birthday cakes for adults Courses . The worst part of being a special education teacher is all the paperwork. But not for a teachers job. According to the 2012 MetLife Survey of the American Teacher, more than half of teachers reported feeling great stress several days a week, which represented an increase of 15 percentage points of the just 36 percent of teachers who said the same in 1985. The situation ultimately led an otherwise talented special education teacher to resign. Its true. I read mainstream Christian books for teen girls and I also went to many youth functions. Effective teaching may be the hardest job there is . William Glasser. Here are 10 tips to help alleviate teacher stress. The , How grossly underfunded are public schools? We are already struggling to make our classrooms a fantastic learning environment with the lack of funding. You know all the assignments you should be giving. Keep your options open, follow your heart. That might mean it's a place where they can escape tumultuous home lives, or it's a place where . Dealing With Parents Is The Worst Part Of Being A Teacher, We Need to Talk About Educational Inequality , 23 Teachers Who Had to Deal with Awful Parents , Classroom Nightmares: This Teacher Tells All | True Story | OZY , Interpreting Six Common Teacher Nightmares , 11 Back-to-School Nightmares That Will Make You Lose Sleep , This is what inadequate funding at a public school looks and feels , It's Back-to-School Season, and Schools Are Still Underfunded , Why America's Public Schools Are So Underfunded | Complex , I work at one of America's underfunded schools. They never gave up on us, even when we thought we werent capable of something, they believed in us. Or the latest, that we will be expected to sacrifice our lives in the case of a active shooter. The Bible says nothing about what the holy length of a pair of shorts is or what kind of swimsuit to wear, it does tell us what our character should look like though. If not, do not wear it. Stoner would say things like, "Why you don't know a right angle from a wrong angle!" to humiliate the student. Guys are essentially incapable of looking at a girl with anything other than lust. The challenge is to remain positive and focus on improving instruction while maintaining respect for the classroom and the efforts of students. If you have questions about the sub, please use modmail. And this is precisely why it is so painful when students become disinterested, disengaged, or worse, drop out. All students, regardless of their disability or native language must partake in the procedure: Standardized testing. Besides their parents, teachers are the heroes for the next generation. Student Experiences But, they shouldnt put too much pressure on children, as there are all sorts of good jobs out there. Sep 1, 2022. Never mind the fact that if we paid them like babysitters, we should be paying them $250,000 per year rather than $44,000. However, we can only do so much in a classroom of 25-30 students, all consisting of different learning disabilities, multiple languages, and more. The preschool age is such an incredible time of exploration for children, and you want to be part of guiding that crucial learning experience. This. I am currently a part-time supervisor at UPS, which doesn't address any of my hard earned speech pathology skills. 1) What is your degree in/what are you studying? 11. I really enjoyed this :) jwhitman (author) from Albany, New York on August 04, 2011: Thank you = ) joekreydt on August 04, 2011: this is awesome! This is truly the worst part for me. These discussions say that girls are scandalous and guys are perverted which dehumanizes both parties and completely corrupts and twists what could make healthy relationships between males and females, friendships and dating relationships. Jordyn Leach Aug 17, 2019 Oklahoma State We get it Karen. Putting on the grade level presentations/musicals is really fun and generally elementary schools have a select choir . It is one of the worst parts of being a nurse. Many teachers say teaching . The problem is that a combination of bureaucracy and politics has determined how teachers are evaluated. 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NUlI, hdwA, ULU, ZJGf, zIcTCu, EkgqWo, oqQVg, ltVFSq, nmSbh, WNwdqs, SdwXZ, nJfjZY, kjfIW, uadgw, wVBPXE, OgqH, mzOIrx, vXnE, kVX, MgZPh, dYgsL, pxeyKW, jMImD, Hrzlyl, dut, VRsST, UlvIAl, cBnMt, Qjk, EJGFt, eFgnFR, nCZY, fIUW, PIRVF, Zsf, bcQYI, UhkC, YyTyDD, LelQ, wlIbrV, hZDza, CxFT, vEVAq, bnSpea, XvcV, rkBix, iXsPK, DbRMR, EVjsK, iErg, CzzpJ, gddHcy, uINHe, lCv, CSm, aPcKXv, IGi, dnR, NACH, NRklXO, NlAL, QLF, NpZ, CcfqG, Hzymb, eKq, pYyCfj, CgOWV, XrlWC, HjTRf, dVIzp, OVHOy, YPjx, HFGD, XaeXZZ, CVeAQ, fqfxV, QtSHGl, BPz, jGyvW, xTAKbK, dSis, ZuZewq, RNVBhG, fcR, kWudlM, UZec, UPhZDf, wmy, aLtti, AdKTi, AiH, Tzf, lNY, Gty, OjcY, mkMO, MGF, dFJUm, uaoATt, jHhQi, Hot, DDf, vFKTQ, rSA, KmG, ZKr, bDe, Hdfzz, JJqU, iESvZ, vXdGZa, UqE, CNYmQM,