Additionally, it appears that all costs of this lawsuit will need to be paid from the citys general fund (with the exception of some original city insurance legal costs which were covered by the insurance company to ensure the blame would rest solely on the Mayor). The city would probably have to contribute matching funds. But many coastal residents slumbered right through it. Feeling an earthquake could be your only warning! Note: This case is still in court, and has yet to be finalized (See Court Case #20-1-00333-14 State of Washington v. Piper Marie Leslie). These problems appear to be only the tip of the iceberg of what could prove to be some serious misgovernance in the City of Ocean Shores. Movements of the sea floor or lakebed, Partnering with local residents, its mission is to develop a community responsive vertical evacuation strategy along the Washington coast. In a tsunami event, residents need to evacuate to high ground. Citizens Serving Citizens with Pride & Tradition, Hazardous Material Emergency Preparedness (HMEP) Grants, 121 state-of-the-art All-Hazard Alert Broadcast (AHAB) tsunami sirens, click here to listen to what it sounds like, Tsunami Maritime Response and Mitigation Strategy, Current and historical tsunami event information, National Weather Service Tsunami resources, Stronger Than the Waves: Ocosta Elementary, Tsunami All-Hazard Alert Broadcast Siren brochure, Disaster Response Guidebook - For Hotels and Motels on Washington's Coast, Surviving a Tsunami - Lessons from Chile, Hawaii, and Japan (USGS), What to Expect When Youre Expecting: A Tsunami, A Guide to Tsunami Vertical Evacuation Options on the Washington Coast Volume 1: Pacific County-20MB, A Guide to Tsunami Vertical Evacuation Options on the Washington Coast Volume 2: Grays Harbor County-22MB, A Guide to Tsunami Vertical Evacuation Options on the Washington Coast Volume 3: Clallam County-3MB, Grays Harbor County Cost Estimates - Appendix B, Pacific County Cost Estimates - Appendix A, Four Select Vertical Evacuation Site Estimated Costs - Appendix C, Tsunami Vertical Evacuation On The Washington Coast, Ground shaking may be your only warning of a tsunami. Lets look at some of these issues which have come to light over the past few years: (*Note some edits since first publication have been made to this article, and they are detailed both in the body of the article and at the end). Martin said the city council has no pre-cooked idea for what sort of vertical evacuation structure to build or where in Ocean Shores to build it. Right now, these events invite more scrutiny and citizen involvement to unravel the mess and hopefully prevent future screw ups in local government. When a tsunami has been generated by a distant earthquake, it will not reach the Washington coast for several hours, and there is time to issue a warning. It wasnt their intention for the people to serve the government. Although you likely wouldn't get an alert on your phone, you may still want to. Your official U.S. government weather forecasts, warnings, meteorological products for forecasting the weather, tsunami hazards, and information about seismology. lakes are at risk from tsunamis, which are a series of extremely long However, according to some problems raised by a report filed by Rebound (a labor organization that generally investigates violation of prevailing wage laws, among other labor issues see their website here), numerous legal violations were occurring at the golf course (see original report sent to Washington State Auditor linked here note the referenced exhibits are linked at the end of the article). When a tsunami is generated by a strong offshore earthquake, its first waves would reach the outer coast minutes after the ground stops shaking. This is your warning! This is the original alert issued by the Tsunami Warning Center of the Alaskan earthquake Tuesday morning. As a Strong Mayor, she essentially had administrative responsibilities at the city, and her annual pay (which had been increased to $48,000 in 2015) made some people feel like she was double-dipping. Dingler was forced to propose a reduced pay proposal down to $12,000 and hired a new city manager who reports to her (see related article here). Tribal leaders and the Federal Emergency Management Agency said the new tsunami refuge platform should be an example and inspiration for other vulnerable coastal communities. 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami timeline +1.5 hours: Beaches in southern Thailand are hit by the tsunami. They may also come through outdoor sirens, local officials, text messagealerts and telephone notifications. But she said she didn't receive any formal notification. Please note, in the original draft of this article, it erroneously stated this case had been resolved, but that was wrong. There, waves are highest because they have not yet lost much energy. Recent reports of a $734,376.50 Federal Court ruling against the City of Ocean Shores, located on the Pacific Coast in Washington State is just the most recent public exposure of major political leadership problems in that city. Northwest News Network. Oldest DNA reveals 2 million-year-old ecosystem that has no modern par 13 stranded strangers went on a road trip. In the early days of 2019, shortly after Mayor Dingler chose to illegally fire the Fire Chief, a fellow councilmember and community leader Jeff Daniels died just off the coast in what was reported as a strange paddleboard surfing accident. Some sort of money laundering loophole? Had this been a tsunami warning, rather than a watch, Burch said a special radio they have in the office for hazard alerts would have sounded. Since the late 1990s, most of the work managing this operation has been given to a company called Turf Care, which seems to have worked out okay for many years. Great question. Of course, it takes more than losing a lone lawsuit for someone to objectively conclude there are serious problems in the City of Ocean Shores. Another story, and the one that originally caught my attention in Ocean Shores and started me down the path to dig deeper was the Systems Collection Building built recently by Ocean Shores mostly for their public works employees who work on the city wastewater system. Summary tables for each county identify the minimum number of structures needed for the entire county and the percent/number of people in the tsunami zone who would be within 15- or 25-minutes walking distance of high ground if all those structures were built. Continue Reading Washington State And Oregon Considering More Tsunami Refuge Facilities Along Pacific Coast Following New Study, Northwest Public Broadcasting Watch Online Listen Online Download KTNW Schedule Download KWSU Schedule Public Inspection Files FCC Applications, About Us Contact Information Jobs Internships Public Documents Who We Are Coverage Area, Support Us Pledge Today Leadership Circle Vehicle Donation Estate Planning Business Support & Community Sponsor, Editorial Policy|Privacy Policy|Terms of Use. Also, questions with reasonable grounding dont fall in category(s) either. I hope we can be resilient and learn from these mistakes. In Washington, planning, funding and design work for additional structures are currently underway. In the deep ocean, tsunami waves are relatively harmless. These dangerous waves can be caused by coastal or submarine landslides or volcanoes, but they are most commonly caused by large earthquakes under the ocean, such as one from the Cascadia Subduction Zone. However, for a variety of reasons, it seems major development in Ocean Shores has remained out of reach. On Tuesday night, residents will meet with government and university experts to discuss whether to build a tsunami evacuation platform as in a few other Northwest coastal towns. North Ocean Shores Tsunami Inundation Modeling [2018 / 2022] By The Washington State Department of Natural Resources Tsunami Hazard Maps of Southwest Washington - Model Results from a ~2,500-Year Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake Scenario [May 2018]: Tsunami inundation of southwest Washington - Grays Harbor to northern Willapa Bay Essentially, this problem boils down to a convoluted and unusual history between a vendor (Curt Zander/Turf Care) who has operated most aspects of the golf course for the past 20 years without much oversight, transparency, direction and no competition. Tsunami Warning: Take ActionDanger! Dingler, according to her bio (here) and guest bio (here) is an alumni of University of Washington with a Law Degree from Seattle University. For this yearly test, the wail sound is followed by a voice message in English and Spanish explaining that it is only a test. In 2017 the city (Mayor Dingler, in a strong mayor system, filled the roll of city administrator at the time) hired Chief David Bathke as the new Fire Chief tasked with regaining control over the out-of-control costs. Tsunami messages are issued by the Tsunami Warning Centers to notify emergency managers and other local officials, the public, and other partners about the potential for a tsunami following a possible tsunami-generating event. The new year brings an internal change to our organization, joining TV and radio. It looks like you might have an Ad Blocker enabled. First match since 2020 scheduled for Saturday, Blue Christmas: Cody Easterday will likely spend his Christmas in federal prison. #1 The Chamber fraud case referenced here is still in court, and has yet to be finalized (See Court Case #20-1-00333-14 State of Washington v. Piper Marie Leslie). When a city starts to have financial problems or challenges, the best path forward to solve the problem and restore confidence is to fix the spending and become as transparent to the public as possible. Try searching for a city, zip code or point of interest. The financial tsunami warning sirens are blaring loudly in Ocean Shores, and some people are wondering just how bad it will become before local political leadership takes it seriously. coastlines along the continental United States, Alaska, and Canada. The expanding shoreline is nature's warning that a tsunami is approaching. A tsunami that may cause widespread flooding is expected or occurring. +2 hours: The tsunami strikes the Sri Lankan coastline from the northeast and all around the southern tip; more than 30,000 people are dead or missing. Washingtons first free-standing tower was completed in August in Tokeland, thanks to the Shoalwater BayIndian Tribe. Please whitelist to ensure that you are receiving the fully uncompromised interactive experience. They have an audible range of approximately 1 mile, though this varies depending on environmental factors like topography, wind direction, and physical barriers (trees, buildings, etc). Ten years later, the Indian Ocean tsunami of 26 December 2004 still looms large in efforts to reduce tsunami risk. However, some coastal communities in WA State lack natural high ground. Tsunamis are a series of waves that are generated when large earthquakes cause the sea oor to displace the water column above. Especially those regarding acquirement of money under the guise of property taxes, made up laws, ridiculous excuses for traffic tickets, abuse of power and straight up lying by police that is overlooked by the Municipal Court, et al. This was the era when I first remember visiting Ocean Shores as a kid with my grandfather learning to steer my Grandfathers Toyota on the beach when I was five years old, trying unsuccessfully to outrun the waves on the beach, and enjoying a bonfire on the beach to the background sound of crashing waves. Six years ago, a University of Washington-led study called Project Safe Haven estimated that Ocean Shores couldneed around 19 towers, berms or other reinforced evacuation structuresto be accessible by foot to the entire peak-season population of the long, flat and narrow peninsula. main cause of a tsunami, although landslides and underwater volcanic The overflow crowd of at least 300 people at the Ocean Shores Convention Center last Wednesday for the second Tsunami Road Show presentation of the day in Grays Harbor was ample proof that the threat and probability of a tsunami along the Washington coast hits close to home. The sirens are also tested once a year with the actual wail sound on the third Thursday in October in conjunction with the Great Washington ShakeOut. The State Auditor rarely looks into Capital Expenditures like this one particularly when bonded debt is involved. A tsunami threat for the Puget Sound area could happen from an earthquake on the Seattle Fault or in other ways. The disaster has spurred worldwide advances in tsunami detection and warning . By Angelo Bruscas April 14, 2018 1:30 am. One issue that appeared to haunt Mayor Dingler in 2019 was the public concerns about her pay from the City. This type of impulsive behavior and the failure to follow basic employment contracts ensures the Citys insurance company is not liable. Your official U.S. government weather forecasts, warnings, meteorological products for forecasting the weather, tsunami hazards, and information about seismology. A tsunami alert has been issued for Australia after an undersea volcano in the Pacific Ocean erupted, creating havoc. In theory, the position of Mayor is a nonpartisan position in Ocean Shores. Tsunamis can be generated by landslides, volcanic eruptions, or even meteorite impacts in the ocean. His untimely death was a great loss to many. We also added clarification that the 1st bid was a single bid, rather than 3 bids (which would be more typical, and properly conform to state law, and less prone to abuse of the taxpayer which is the whole point in having a 3-bid requirement in the first place). In addition to the judgement, the citys legal costs of several hundred thousand dollars will total close to a million dollars and certainly will exceed this amount if the city decides to appeal. It is a sign that there are only seconds or, at best few minutes, before the full impact of the first wave. While there are "no tsunami. Vous pouvez modifier vos choix tout moment en consultant vos paramtres de vie prive. However, the relevance of this judgement against the city of Ocean Shores is far more significant than it may at first appear. There are four levels of tsunami alerts: warning, advisory, watch, and information statement. In Ocean Shores, Mayor Pro Tem Jon Martin said he used to be fatalistic about the tsunami threat, but now he believes fleeing upward like that could be a good answer. The most recent scandal of a Federal Court judgement against the City of Ocean Shores has made local news due to the significance of the judgement against the city ($734,376.50) (see final judgement linked here, and related articles linked here, here, and here). What an insightful article. However, if you do not have a Twitter account, you can still follow the account via text messages. 2021 AccuWeather, Inc. "AccuWeather" and sun design are registered trademarks of AccuWeather, Inc. All Rights Reserved. NOBODY goes there but it somehow claims to have liens on properties owned by unsuspecting members. . This strategy was built upon established maritime guidance from the National Tsunami Hazard and Mitigation Program that has been used to create maritime strategies in California, Oregon, and Alaska. Evacuation structures have performed successfully in Japan and have also been built in New Zealand. or lowering of the earths crust during earthquakes are usually the The U.S. National Tsunami Warning Center issues tsunami information for the continental U.S. and Canada. AccuWeather forecasters say a major storm could produce tornadoes and blizzard conditions in central US this week. Note: Tsunami warnings, advisories and watches may be updated or cancelled as information becomes available. However, this vendor has claimed that he did everything he could to keep the golf course running and his actions saved the city vast sums of money by essentially trading work on the golf course for the rent he would otherwise pay the city as part of his contract. ocean shores tsunami warning today ***NOT FOR BROADCAST***Contact Brett Adair with Live Storms Media to license.brett@livestormsnow.comToday November 17th, 2020 a strong wind storm has bombed. Another possibility would be to modify the top floor of the existing North Beach Jr/Senior High School at the edge of town so that people could safely escape up onto the roof. Mayor Dingler was first elected as Mayor in 2011 with less than a majority of the vote (see here). We need to get a plan together, Martin said. This certainly invites further scrutiny, and there is no reason not to dig deeper. For the United States, Canada, and the British Virgin Islands, these messages include alert levels. I am a fairly new resident and was so impressed by how invested the citizens are in the community. Only a tsunami warning, not a watch, will trigger outdoor sirens like this one in Ocean Shores, Washington. As I understand it, its privately owned thus making enrollment optional. Get the details. I think the people there do not have a voice or an open outlet to speak up about anything, or are afraid to because of intimidation, libel, or fear of personal retribution by this inbred community. Why isnt anything mentioned about about the community club? I tend to look at facilities like this all around the state, in part because of my experience digging into Thurston Countys egregious incompetence with the 3400 building (see article here). It appears you are a paid vendor for the City of Ocean Shores. Tell me what is missing? These maps include Pedestrian Evacuation Walk Time maps, Tsunami Inundation maps, and Tsunami Current Velocity maps. There is nothing unique about that cultural struggle in any beachfront community, and similar debates have occurred at many other communities in America (and Washington State) for that matter. In addition, part of this was caused by a single bid vendor (rather than taking three bids for the building). Shortly after the early morning eruption off the coast of the Pacific nation of Tonga, the National Tsunami Warning Center issued a tsunami advisory for the entire U.S. West Coast, warning. This spring, Oregon State University broke ground on a new marine studies building in Newport, which will have a wide ramp to a safe haven on the roof. If you feel an earthquake, drop, cover and hold on, then evacuate to high ground and get as far inland as you can as quickly as possible. Thats long been a concern in the Pacific Northwest, where thousands of students go to school within reach of a large tsunami. I cant be sure if something like that is happening in Ocean Shores or not, but it looks weird. The city incorporated in 1970. Im sure there will be more to come shortly. To do this they monitor observational networks, analyze earthquakes, evaluate water-level information, issue tsunami alerts, conduct public outreach, and coordinate with government, academic, and international organizations. #2 The original post indicated a bid of $850,000 for the Systems Collection Building, and it was incorrectly called a Maintenance Building. The name of the building was corrected to Systems Collection Building and the original estimate for this facility was approximately $900,000. Thanks for visiting Im saying the Entire Structure of this place is built on corruption, lies, and questionable ethics. This recent tsunami of negative financial events in the City of Ocean Shores, when added to the past waves of similar problems all raise a lot of red flags. Continue Reading With No High Ground, Ocean Shores Considers How To Escape A Tsunami The voters elect their political leaders and with a population of about 6,500, local elections can be competitive. territories, and the British Virgin Islands and is the primary international forecast . He hoped the State of Washington would kick in support as well. This outer coast siren map shows the locations of AHAB tsunami sirens located on Washingtons outer coast and this inner coast siren map shows the locations of AHAB tsunami sirens located on the inner coast. Subsequent messages, both updates and cancellations, are based on additional seismic analysis and results from the tsunami forecast models and may feature more refined, detailed, and targeted information. Learn about other. HONOLULU (KITV4) The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issued a Tsunami Advisory for the State of Hawai'i at 12:40 a.m. HST on Saturday, Jan. 15, 2022, as a result of a volcanic eruption in Tonga. Statements of material fact are neither libel nor slander. On Tuesday night, residents will meet with government and university experts to discuss whether to build a tsunami evacuation platform as in a few other Northwest coastal towns. Official Tsunami Alert Methods, Official tsunami alerts are broadcast through local radio and television, marine radio,Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA),NOAA Weather Radioand NOAA websites like 2. Now that this assessment has been completed, Washington has a much more accurate idea of how much artificial high ground it will take to ensure the most vulnerable communities on the outer coast can quickly evacuate in the event of a Cascadia tsunami. It is still ongoing. The Rebound report certainly raises some legal questions about whether the City of Ocean Shores is violating Washington State law (see report) and it also raises some still unanswered questions about use of funds, lack of real bidding for contracts at this facility, and it does invite financial audits and accounting to make sure the city isnt sitting on a future financial fiasco or scandal. The more vertical evacuation structures we can build in the most vulnerable locations along our coast, the more lives we will save when a tsunami eventually hits. 2021 Outer Coast Tsunami Vertical Evacuation Assessment. Is Ocean Shores Council member Bob Petersen the only councilmember currently on your board? These facilities are central to the maritime community and are an integral part of the Washington economy. This decision put the City of Ocean Shores in serious financial jeopardy as the recent Federal Court judgement confirms. OCEAN SHORES, Wash. The 350 children at Ocean Shores Elementary School have practiced their earthquake survival plans, dropping under desks to ride out the convulsions, then racing. IMPACTS ----- Impacts will vary at different locations in the warning and in the advisory areas. Meanwhile, the tsunami just keeps coming and eventually nobody can ignore the impact it will have on Ocean Shores. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) previewed a test of the Ocean Shores tsunami warning siren and announced $443,000 in federal funds she secured last year to help purchase 10 additional warning sirens . These sirens are intended to act as an OUTDOOR alerting method for people and communities on/near the beach who may not otherwise have access to other official alerting methods. The whole thing should be officially investigated by independant third parties in detail before the records are shredded. Compressed PDFs for each study county are available for download below: Vertical Evacuation Structure Planning Resources. Learn more and join our team! If the vendor is correct and he has been heroically saving the good taxpayers of Ocean Shores as much money as he claims he should come out looking like a hero, and the Mayor can take the credit. A tsunami watch was issued for the coast of Washington early Tuesday morning, with the city of Ocean Shores and other communities manning command centers, after an earthquake of 7.9 magnitude rocked Alaska. Everywhere I look out there is starting to help me realize Ive barely scratched the surface here. At worst, something else is going on in Ocean Shores with the limited vendor/bureaucrat/politician circle making insider agreements and decisions which might benefit the political players, but are not in the best interest of the taxpayers or residents. However, if it turns out to not be so clear cut, and instead full of more legal, financial, and insider dealing landmines, then this wont be good. Welcome to the new digital home of Northwest Public Radio and Northwest Public Television. Additionally we have uploaded additional legal documents related to this case in the index of background articles and documents which might be relevant to those willing to do more research. The NOAA Tsunami Program is a federal and state partnership dedicated to saving lives and protecting property before, during, and after tsunami impact through applied research, detection, forecasts, archive, mitigation, and international coordination. I wisely moved my bed to a safer location in town (yes, there really is a reason they have signs about not camping on the beach overnight). Thank you for your continued support of public broadcasting in our region. For a few years in the 1960s, this area became a bustling, growing area of roads, canals, golf course development, celebrity visits (and residents), and it seemed like an inevitable boomtown. Ive done plenty of stories where grants and contracts turn out to be big grant grifting games or cushy contracts for politically connected vendors. Sudden raising This Systems Collection Building case in Ocean Shores is not as egregious as Thurston County, but wasteful capital expenditures like this always annoy me (and they should be annoying to the taxpayers of Ocean Shores). We can help you, too! Specifically, this was a proposal to build a basic and simple systems collection building consisting of a relatively small two story office space and a simple garage. that will reach the Pacific County, WA 40 minutes after the shaking stops; and (5) causing large- scale injuries, fatalities, and property damage. All this because an attorney politician couldnt or refused to follow the law. I have lived in actual towns and cities where officials cannot get away with this type of behaviour for very long because the people have a voice. By then it had been cancelled. Advisories, watches and information statements may be upgraded if the threat is determined to be greater than originally thought. Strong community involvement and leadership are needed to evaluate the need for evacuation structures, plan for potential locations, locate funding and follow through to the end of construction and beyond. The City owns this recreational facility, and it appears to have struggled financially over the years. According to various reports (see here) at least $11,000 was discovered to be missing later in a fraud investigation. Watch the presentation here, courtesy of TVW. Learn if you live, work or spend time in a tsunami inundation zone and make sure you know where the closest high ground is and the quickest route to get there. Tom Banse. En cliquant sur Accepter tout, vous acceptez que Yahoo et nos partenaires traitent vos informations personnelles et utilisent des technologies telles que les cookies pour afficher des publicits et des contenus personnaliss, et des fins de mesure des publicits et des contenus, dtude des audiences et de dveloppement de produit. Among the 5,400 who died were 2,000 foreign tourists . Nous, Yahoo, faisons partie de la famille de marques Yahoo. He said ultimately the best solution could be a tall parking garage, which would solve multiple needs. The Pacific Island nation of Tonga has been under a tsunami warning since the undersea Hunga Tonga Hunga Ha'apai volcano began erupting Saturday morning. Tsunami vertical evacuation structures are unique and complex. setting off a series of waves that radiate outward like pond ripples. Unfortunately, the magic of the place has not translated into competent political leadership at the city. Survivors of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami said the water had receded for up to 2.5 kilometres along the coastlines of Indonesia and . /. We need many more discussions and many more of these structures built up and down the coast.. Do not wait to receive an official alert or instructions. A Pacific Ocean tsunami can affect the entire Pacific basin, while a tsunami in inland waters can affect many miles of shoreline. Essentially, according to documents from this court case (See case here), the City of Ocean Shores had been struggling with problems of poor management and cost overruns of the city owned fire department including excessive overtime pay, which was costing a small city like Ocean Shores quite a bit of cash they didnt have to spare. Since most of the recent questionable financial actions and events involve decisions and actions taken by Mayor Crystal Dingler, it is worth reviewing her background. At best, this was just an incompetent waste of an extra $1.6 million dollars for no additional value at all. IT WAS ALWAYS INTENDED THAT GOVERNMENT WHICH FAILED TO SERVE THE PEOPLE SHOULD BE ALTERED OR ABOLISHED. UNTIL WE RETURN TO THE FOUNDERS INTENT, WE REMAINWE THE GOVERNED, Final Bathke Federal Court Judgement ruling against the City of Ocean Shores April 15, 2021, Bathke Post Trial Brief Plaintiff (Bathke), Bathke Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, Former Ocean Shores Chamber director charged with felony theft, Ocean Shores City Councilman killed in surfing accident, Firefighters Union endorses Dingler, Connery critical, Fired Ocean Shores fire chief wins breach of contract suit, awarded more than $730,000 in damages, Washington Fire Chief awarded $734k for wrongful termination, Former Ocean Shores Fire Chief David Bathke files federal lawsuit against city, Fired Washington Chief sues for $1.4 million, Bench Trial Concludes in former Ocean Shores fire chiefs wrongful termination suit against the city, Documents detail citys ongoing effort to oust fire chief, Grays Harbor County 2019 elections (Ocean Shores Mayor results), Grays Harbor County 2015 elections (Ocean Shores Mayor results), Grays Harbor County 2011 elections (Ocean Shores Mayor results), City hires new fire chief with 40 years experience, Jay Inslee and Dingler announce Covid closures in press conference, Rebound Report send to WA State Auditor on Ocean Shores Golf Course Irrigation Project March 24 2021, Rebound Report Exhibits 1-10 table of contents, Curt Zanders formal response to the Rebound report addressed to the Ocean Shores City Council, Rebounds Response to Curt Zanders response (written to Ocean Shores City Councilmember) April 15, 2021, Cattle Rancher Ralph Minard was father of development, Grays Harbor attorney pleads guilty to tax evasion in conspiracy case. A 7.9 earthquake off the coast of Alaska triggered a tsunami watch that stretched from Washington to California early Tuesday morning. Martin said at the very least, the city council should set aside money in its next budget to update the citys tsunami evacuation plan and look at all options to help more residents and tourists escape. Projects that design or construct tsunami evacuation structures have a good chance of being funded if their plan is realistic and feasible. Simulations show the tsunami crashing into Washington's coast and flowing through Puget Sound. waves that threaten people and property along shorelines. A sturdy lookout tower has also been suggested. To learn more, visit sign up for your local alerts system, as tsunami alerts may come through these avenues also. In addition, these communities are within close proximity Click on the icons below to learn about how and where tsunamis occur, how to recognize a tsunami, how to evacuate before a tsunami arrives, and what geologists at the Washington Geological Survey are doing to learn more about these natural hazards. The voters just want people in local office who they can trust to make competent and capable decisions that put the peoples needs and prioritize the needs of the community the politician represents. Only as a tsunami approaches land does it become a hazard; in shallow water, it gains height as its waves slow and compress. * Repeated coastal flooding is possible as waves arrive onshore, move inland, and drain back into the ocean. However, for distant tsunamis, those caused by earthquakes in other parts of the world, there is no groundshaking to warn you about the approaching danger. eruptions also can generate them. Evacuation structures are designed to withstand an earthquake, aftershocks, liquefaction and multiple tsunami waves. This is significant to the City of Ocean Shores because the city had been sending grants to the Chamber without much oversight and verification and it appears now that at least some of these funds were being stolen. Nothing major. Children and the elderly are particularly at risk, as they have less mobility, strength and endurance. Initial tsunami messages include alert level(s), preliminary information about the earthquake, and an evaluation of the threat. Perched entirely on a flat, narrow peninsula of land called the Point Brown Peninsula, sandwiched between the crashing waves of the Pacific Ocean and the North Bay of Grays Harbor, it is hard to imagine a more appropriate name for this city. Warning siren test follows roundtable discussion with emergency officials and local leaders on tsunami preparedness OCEAN SHORES, WA - Sunday, U.S. The City of Ocean Shores has struggled financially on and off over the years. Here are steps you can take ahead of time: The Pacific Coast, Strait of Juan de Fuca, Puget Sound, and large Our constitution begins with the phrase we the people. it was the founders intent that government be created by the people, to serve the people. The research team used their findings to develop four vertical evacuation options for each community studied. or rock fall into an enclosed body of water, displace the water column, The nearby coastal population often has little time to react before the tsunami arrives. They have a Twitter account where they post official notices. We hope this strategy will help the maritime communities in Washington more fully understand the tsunami risk they face and assist them in their tsunami planning efforts in the future. Despite the fact that Mayor Dingler is an attorney and has a law degree, she chose to accept the firefighters claims of no-confidence in Chief Bathke at face value and she fired Bathke without getting his side of the story or following anything resembling normal due process or basic common sense. It is still an active case. Washington State Emergency Management Division Earthquake Program Manager Maximilian Dixon will moderate Tuesdays public forum about tsunami evacuation. I am looking at more issues in Ocean Shores than I ever expected to discuss. It is very disturbing that a city that is so politically involved can have so many issues. Sharing info, the only way to change future. Upon the issuance of a TSUNAMI WARNING, the sirens play a wail sound (click here to listen to what it sounds like) followed by a voice message in English and Spanish instructing listeners to evacuate immediately to high ground. Martin said his small city, population 5,831, would look first to the federal government for financial help if the community demonstrates enthusiasm to build a vertical evacuation structure. When corruption is uncovered, the first claim made by government bureaucrats and politicians is to suggest they are just incompetent. It was always intended that government which failed to serve the people should be altered or abolished. Until we return to the founders intent, we remain we the governed, Executive Director and Founder of We the Governed, A tsunami of incompetence in Ocean Shores, Politicians, judges, and other political groups caught and exposed by Glen Morgan for breaking the law, Sign up to receive new We the Governed articles, Ralph Minard sold his land to the Ocean Shores Development Corporation for $1 million, hired Chief David Bathke as the new Fire Chief, Celebrating Government on April Fools Day it really is this bad Part 1, Video: A Tsunami of incompetence in Ocean Shores, The City of Prosser, future lies, and the candidates of Futurewise, Moses Lake School Superintendent awarded cash bonus after he is caught taking money from school, Cult Leader JZ Knight fails in Federal Court. Ocean Shores, WA Weather Advisories - Warnings & Watches | AccuWeather Today Hourly Daily Radar MinuteCast Monthly Air Quality Health & Activities Ocean Shores Alerts (0) NO. Love the critique. In Ocean Shores, overnight hotel desk clerk Ruth Burch found out about the tsunami watch from Facebook. You make your great father proud. A tsunami is a series of ocean waves caused by any large and sudden disturbance of the sea surface. Thank you Glen. There are four levels of tsunami alerts: warning, advisory, watch, and information statement. Ocean Shores, WA 98569 . The fact she passed the Bar in Washington State (WA State Bar #26741) becomes relevant when we review these recent financial problems in the City of Ocean Shores. This shouldnt inspire defensive behavior by the mayor or the longtime vendor for that matter, but a proper financial accounting is in order. WA EMD has expanded these existing strategies to create maritime strategies that are not only tailored to the Washington coasts unique tsunami threat, but also includes detailed, actionable recommendations for both tsunami response and mitigation and site-specific tsunami mapping. Updated tsunami inundation maps published in March show all of Ocean Shores, most of the Long Beach Peninsula and downtown Aberdeen and Hoquiam could be more than six feet under water after a major offshore Cascadia subduction zone earthquake. Event Contact: Keily Yemm, WA state Tsunami Program Coordinator, Washington State Emergency Managment Division,, 253-512-7067. View More You can follow their account on Twitter. Copyright 2023 Washington Military Dept. One of the challenges (not unusual for small towns) is that most of the firefighters resided outside Ocean Shores (and by implication, most of them didnt care about the excessive costs). Continue Reading Earthquake Safety Of Schools On Ballot On Washington Coast Feb. 8, Possibly Statewide In November, If you are on the Pacific Northwest Coast when the next Cascadia megaquake strikes also known as The Big One the standard advice is to run for higher ground as soon as the shaking stops. Do you see that as a conflict of interest in your perspective on local issues? For Washingtons at-risk outer coast communities, tsunami vertical evacuation structures (VES) are a vital way to save lives. Until I stayed on that peninsula for a few years of my life, I didnt know such a place existed outside of a movie or a tv show akin to Twin Peaks. There is a new option to escape a tsunami if youre on the southwest coast of Washington when the Big One strikes. Download our Tsunami Vertical Evacuation Manual to learn more about the process: Our team also hosted a workshop that talked about tsunami vertical evacuation structures in Ocean Shores. It holds great promise and the natural beauty and location has always promised more. It has continued to take place likely because of bribery, blackmale, and other similar tactics as if this way of running a village has been accepted as the norm to these people. The City of Ocean Shores can trace its modern origins back to 1960 when a cattle farmer named Ralph Minard sold his land to the Ocean Shores Development Corporation for $1 million. Many locals felt this precipitous decision was made by Mayor Dingler because she was facing a serious political challenge later that same year, and Dingler wanted to shore up her support with the firefighters. It could resemble the 2011 tsunami in Japan, which killed more than 20,000 people and destroyed . From various reports, it seems that Bathke helped reduce these costs substantially, but by trimming the fat from the budget, the local Firefighter union wasnt happy and had a vote of no-confidence in Chief Bathke in early 2019. Coastal Washington Tribe Creates Higher Ground By Building Tsunami Tower, First Of Its Type Here, Earthquake Safety Of Schools On Ballot On Washington Coast Feb. 8, Possibly Statewide In November, Washington State And Oregon Considering More Tsunami Refuge Facilities Along Pacific Coast Following New Study,, need around 19 towers, berms or other reinforced evacuation structures, Captains of big ships eased up on the throttle during trial slowdown to help endangered orcas, Moose spotted for the first time in Mount Rainier National Park, How one quintet hopes music will help people process climate anxiety, grief, Moscow Middle School closes after third of students call out sick, Palouse roller derby returns! These strategies were designed to be used as a template for other Washington maritime communities to develop strategies to help improve their tsunami response and mitigate tsunami risk. A man-made earthen hill or berm with room for hundreds of people to assemble on a flat top could be a more realistic near-term option. Has that conflict been disclosed with anyone else in regards to the contract you have with the city? By all accounts, Daniels was a strong promoter of the City of Ocean Shores (see this video here as an example) and a larger-than-life character who was making a real positive impact in the city. United States Department of Commerce NOAA / National Weather Service U.S. Tsunami Warning System Then, the wheels fell off the hype wagon, and the area struggled financially for many years. I hope the radio station still abides by FCC regulations and does its due legal diligence for an article riddled with libel and slander. But they are most often caused by an earthquake where there's a sudden displacement of the ocean floor. Ocean Shores, Washington, has no natural high ground inside its city limits. For local tsunamis, those caused by nearby earthquakes, the groundshaking is your warning that a tsunami could be on the way. Daniels died February 25, 2019, and he had been past president of the Ocean Shores Chamber of Commerce. US officials have issued a tsunami alert for the west coast after a gigantic underwater volcano erupted near Tonga, sending large currents surging across the Pacific Ocean. Here's what happened, The 'Blue Marble': One of Earth's most iconic images, 50 years on. Feeling an earthquake could be your only warning! In the 1990s I remember attempting to camp illegally on the beach at night, sleeping in the back of my truck, and discovering how terrifying it could be to wake up with the waves far too close for comfort. We have updated our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. Read the latest press release. Project Safe Haven is a grassroots, community-driven public process currently taking place on the Washington Coast to identify areas for future vertical evacuation structures. Partnering with local communities, Washingtons Emergency Management Division (WA EMD) and the Department of Natural Resources (WA DNR) develop maps based on tsunami modeling data. The main mission of the warning centers is to help protect life and property from tsunamis. The original estimate was for $900,000 (roughly), but when the city actually built the building, they paid $2.4 million. Dingler was comfortably reelected in 2015 (see here), but she squeaked by in a very narrow election victory of only three votes in 2019 (see here). The Washington Emergency Management Division recently had an assessment done on tsunami vertical evacuation structure needs for Pacific, Grays Harbor and Clallam counties. The Washington Military Department offers both state and federal job opportunities. En cliquant sur Refuser tout, vous refusez tous les cookies non essentiels et technologies similaires, mais Yahoo continuera utiliser les cookies essentiels et des technologies similaires. The recent expose of curious and questionable contracts, incestuous business relationships, and, A significant squandering of taxpayer funds on. The party affiliation of candidates running for office is not identified on the ballots or in the voters guide. Together, were NWPB. When that happens, there's a transfer . The study is accompanied by maps showing proposed tsunami refuge locations, photos of the locations, the number of people within 15-25 minutes walk to high ground and graphics displaying the data in an easily readable format. #3 We failed to attach the original signed Federal Court judgment from April 15, 2021 in this article, and have done so in multiple places within the body of the article and in the index of background articles and documents. The contractor, Curt Zander who was highlighted in this report was not happy and wrote a pretty strongly worded response to the council (linked here), which in turn prompted a response from Rebound (linked here). Tsunamis do not resemble their usual icon, a towering wave with a breaking crest. You can find these maps, along with additional area-specific information, at our Tsunami Resources page. Take action immediately and move to a safe place (to high ground or inland) immediately. There may not always be enough time for an official warning, so it is important that you understand natural warning signss. To be fair, many locals probably prefer it remain this way. Appreciate the work Glen, more people need to make effort or the cancer continues, there and elsewhere. These exciting efforts provide inspiration for communities along the Washington coastline and for coastal communities elsewhere in the United States and around the world. A prime feature of the City of Ocean Shores since the 1960s (and a draw for some of the retirement crowd who live there) is the Ocean Shores Golf Course (see here). We believe the additional information provides better clarity and more detail over the original draft. Partnerships with local, state and federal agencies, universities and various experts are also key to success. Tsunamis have hit Washington in the past, and they will happen again in the future. These options range from no vertical evacuation structures to the highest number needed to attain total coverage. In the 1980s, I remember driving out to Ocean Shores with my friends, riding horses next to the ocean, and flying kites. Instead, they come onshore resembling a series of quickly rising tides, and they withdraw with currents much like those of a river. The US National. The City of Ocean Shores is vulnerable to a tsunami of bad decisions by politicians. There are many ways you can receive tsunami alerts. The National Tsunami Warning Center in Palmer, Alaska, provides warning and forecasts for. If you are at the coast and you, feel a strong or long earthquake see a sudden rise or fall of the ocean, or hear a loud roar from the ocean, a tsunami may follow very soon. Unknown to anyone at the time, but starting sometime in 2018, and continuing until 2019, the former Ocean Shores Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Piper Marie Leslie appeared to be stealing funds for herself. In many ways, I sympathize with Mr. Zander because I always appreciate when someone is bending over backwards and doing basic work to keep a facility that may be on the edge of financial solvency alive and in the process maintain an ongoing community asset appreciated by thousands of golfers per year. If you are in a tsunami warning area; * A tsunami with damaging waves and powerful currents is possible. CREDIT: USGS. We are constantly working with local governments and tribes on grants for tsunami vertical evacuation structures. Right, possible locations in Ocean Shores for tsunami vertical evacuation structures proposed at a community meeting. Persons caught in the path of a tsunami often have little chance to survive - debris may crush them or they may drown. Tsunamis are a risk for all of the coastal communities in Washington state, yet nowhere is this risk more evident than at port and marina facilities located along the shoreline. OCEAN SHORES, Grays Harbor County The 350 children at Ocean Shores Elementary School have practiced their earthquake survival plans, dropping under desks to ride out the convulsions, then. Tsunamis typically cause the most severe damage and casualties near their source. Recent reports of a $734,376.50 Federal Court ruling against the City of Ocean Shores, located on the Pacific Coast in Washington State is just the most recent public exposure of major political leadership problems in that city. It is always possible these just represent a pattern of typical incompetence in a small town located off the beaten path and away from the usual attention given by government watchdogs. This is unusual since Washington State has a jungle primary process, but a write-in candidate helped create that unusual result. Summary: Tsunami and earthquake experts will share what you need to know about what to do (and what not to do) before and during a tsunami warning. Your support matters. Swift currents commonly cause most of the damage from tsunamis. Informations sur votre appareil et sur votre connexion Internet, y compris votre adresseIP, Navigation et recherche lors de lutilisation des sites Web et applications Yahoo. The real tsunami of incompetence reverberates from the inacurate reporting and unchallenged innuendos strung together by this hack attack. But the estimates weve gotten for that are just way out of what the city could afford, Martin said. NOAA's National Weather Service serves as Program administrator and supports the worldwide . As part of its work to help mitigate tsunami risk to the maritime community, Washington Emergency Management Division is excited to announce the completion of Washington States Tsunami Maritime Response and Mitigation Strategy for the Port of Bellingham and the Port of Grays Harbor's Westport Marina. Pour en savoir plus sur notre utilisation de vos informations, veuillez consulter notre Politique relative la vie prive et notre Politique en matire de cookies. The Washington Emergency Management Division maintains a network of 121 state-of-the-art All-Hazard Alert Broadcast (AHAB) tsunami sirens (PDF) in high-risk locations throughout the inner and outer coasts. During a routine TEST of the AHAB tsunami siren system, which is conducted on the first Monday of every month at noon, the sirens play the Westminster Chimes (click here to listen to what it sounds like). This is just a start, though. Dangerous coastal flooding and powerful currents are possible and may continue for several hours or days after initial arrival. The National Tsunami Warning Center (NTWC) in Palmer, Alaska is responsible for monitoring and alerting the coastlines of Alaska, Canada, the continental United States, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. This always annoys me when I see this type of thing because so often the elected officials and senior bureaucrats dont treat the taxes of their community with the same concern they would have for their own funds. What is up with this Community Club anyways? The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Honolulu, Hawaii, serves the U.S. Pacific and Caribbean. This gamble may have cost the city dearly, but it probably paid off for Dinglers political career as she received the local unions support (see here) and she squeaked by on a three vote margin later that fall (see election results here). Please note, in the original draft of this article, it erroneously stated this case had been resolved, but that was wrong. NO WARNINGS OR ADVISORIES IN EFFECT AT 10:33 AM PST, Travel-snarling blizzard to unfold across Plains and Midwest this week, Snowflakes fly, accumulate across Northeast, 2 police cars among several hit along snow-covered Utah highway, Dog rescued after nearly mile-long journey across chilly Hudson, Kentuckians still rebuilding 1 year after deadly tornado outbreak. Ocean Shores, Washington, has no natural high ground inside its city limits. However, in the City of Ocean Shores, Mayor Dingler seems intent on avoiding this type of scrutiny and instead pushing back on any questions that are being raised by other council members or members of the public. This is exciting not just for Ocean Shores, but for the entire state, Dixon said inan agency blog post. I have offered to make a one time lifetime payment rather than yearly for something I dont want to use or cant use because of Covid. IT WASNT THEIR INTENTION FOR THE PEOPLE TO SERVE THE GOVERNMENT. Planning, modeling, designing and constructing these structures is different from your typical building project. In summary, there is definitely something very fishy about this seaside tourist destination that is unknown by most, unspoken by those who know, and any exposed dirty sand is swept under the proverbial rug of deception. And it could happen before you could ever get an alert on your phone. The sirens are not intended to be heard indoors. When a tsunami has been generated by a distant earthquake, it will not reach the Washington coast for several hours, and there is time to issue a warning. There definitely is survivability if we plan for it., At left, estimated pedestrian travel times to escape to high ground after a big earthquake. This assessment, conducted by the Institute for Hazards Mitigation Planning and Research at the University of Washington, analyzed potential sites for vertical evacuation structures using walk-time estimates based on a tsunami from a 9.0 magnitude earthquake along the Cascadia Subduction Zone. Interestingly enough, Mayor Dingler did partially address or deflect this issue in a recent radio appearance linked here (last few minutes). When a tsunami is generated by a strong offshore earthquake, its first waves would reach the outer coast minutes after the ground stops shaking. They can be included as part of a new building or be a standalone tower. However, as we have stated many times before a mountain of corruption is best concealed by an ocean of incompetence. For that matter, many people prefer Ocean Shores as a place to locate a beach cabin or a quiet retirement home rather than a bustling tourist attraction. I have seen the disgust and corruption emanating from this city first hand. And the new gym at Ocosta Elementary School in Westport, Washington, has a reinforced roof that can double as atsunami refuge for 1,000 people, the first of its kind in North America. The U.S. National Weather Service (NWS) operates two Tsunami Warning Centers which are staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If youre interested in learning more about potential funding opportunities for your community, check out or email Ocosta Elementary School near Westport was completed in 2016 and is the first tsunami vertical evacuation structure in North America. If a tsunami is already suspected, the message may also include wave arrival times, recommended life safety actions, and potential impacts. The Shoalwater Bay Indian Tribe on Friday dedicated a 50-foot tall evacuation tower in Tokeland, Washington. Coastal communities that lack sufficient natural or artificial high ground are particularly vulnerable to tsunamis because residents, employees and visitors will have limited time to evacuate to safety. Slectionnez Grer les paramtres pour grer vos prfrences. Local jurisdictions can use these findings when they apply through WA EMD for grant funding through FEMAs Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) hazard mitigation grant program. OUR CONSTITUTION BEGINS WITH THE PHRASE WE THE PEOPLE. IT WAS THE FOUNDERS INTENT THAT GOVERNMENT BE CREATED BY THE PEOPLE, TO SERVE THE PEOPLE. Instead, all these questions become perceived slights, insults, or political persecution. When the sea disappears. All 3,000 miles of Washington's coastline are at risk of tsunamis. Note: there are some other court records which indicated other judgments on apparently unrelated matters involving some of the same parties. Learn about the latest maps from the Seattle fault. Many people prefer this because, in theory, political affiliation should be less important in these local political positions. But in some low-lying places such as Ocean Shores and Long Beach, Washington, and Warrenton and Seaside, Oregon, the closest high ground could be a long walk away over buckled roads. Continue Reading Coastal Washington Tribe Creates Higher Ground By Building Tsunami Tower, First Of Its Type Here, The January 15 volcanic eruption near Tonga was a stark reminder of the threats posed by tsunamis. United States Department of Commerce NOAA / National Weather Service U.S. Tsunami Warning System Ocean Shores is truly a magical place, and it has been this way long before the Roanoke Conference helped put this City on the map in 2009. 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