She took 10 months of constant chemo but never went into remission. John Frydman Defense In today's time I've learned to speak out, to stand up for myself and most of all to enjoy each and every day. The Mad Greek A non-invasive tumor displaying a nonhierarchical branching architecture featuring micropapillary and/or cribriform patterns composed of rounded cells with scant cytoplasm and moderate nuclear atypia. We were there by her side and at times probably did not appreciate or respect her fear, sickness and pain. I am planning on INSISTING on an ultrasound as was recommended by the radiologist that did the CT scanI'm worried sick at this point. Our group was awarded a Hero Award from the DE Div of Public Health in the area of preventive services use. I have been gaining strength and for the last few months I feel as if I'm getting on top of it. Louise's West My father's uncle also had brain cancer. 3 . When she had finally gone to her doctor they found a cyst on her ovaries and decided to have a routine operation to remove it. She went to the her gynocologist with complaints of pain in her abdomen. They left me without control of nausea and comiting for 6 hours. I am feeling well but from what I am told by my gyneocologist/oncologist/surgeon, I will not get into remission, but life goes on. Hello. There was such a pain inside in my heart that I could hardly cope. I had to urinate all the time. Please E-mail me at I couldn't get a booking before Monday the 10th. I have advanced ovarian cancer and I am going to die. So we schedule my next treatment for next week. During this time, I had surgery to remove the malfunctioning port from my arm and another surgery to implant a double port in my chest. The Wellness Center, the Ovarian group, strangers on the internet list serve. Eight months after my cyst, same day surgery, I ended up in the ER at Meriter with vomiting and such intense pain I could not walk. Many gynecologic cancers express the estrogen receptor. 8 . I did well and my CA -125 went from 400 to 50 in two treatments, then down to single digits (where it still is). 9 . Once she had the surgery she had 6 months of chemo to "kill any remaining cells". I LOVE to stay with her, because she is so cool! 8 . A year after my surgery, I moved out of a 31-year marriage. My mother went into her GYN for an exam after having post-menopausal bleeding at the age of 62. Needless to say I was a little scared. The female doctor that had never seen me before in my life probably saved my life! I took the next flight back home to Hawaii and arrived on Feb 23, 2004. 6 . So anyhow, my doc went to the Lab and checked, twice, to be certain and yes, there was cancer in both ovaries, but apparently no cancer in the fallopian tubes (that was a mistake) -- but with these other mistakes I wonder if it was true. The surgeon came in later that evening and said that the ovaries didn't appear to be involved. Was in Intensive Care for 3-4 days and finally put into a regular room on the surgery floor where I was given a cot and able to sleep and be with her at all times. 5 . (of cells or tissues) Obtained from the same individual. Eagle Bend Golf Course If it was their lives, they might not call it "rare". She was discharged to me with the diagnosis of Paraneoplasy cerrebellar Degeneration- what it broke down to was her own antibodies were trying to attack cancer and misfired killing her brain cells. The doctors say that it is normal but they can never tell me of another case that they have treated. Then, this year, my periods had stopped and my gyno found a left mass. I am still suffering from effects of the chemotherapy, peripheral neuropathy in my hands and feet, acute tiredness, memory problem, my skin keeps breaking out and I have tinnitus. No two bumpers are exactly the same. I told my son the hospital was), to see my mother and I feel the tears 5 . Surgery couldn't be scheduled until July 31 because of schedules and vacations. She finished her rounds of treatment in January 2002 & went right back to her life as a teacher & dispenser of love, milk & cookies. I thought it was a gallbladder attack. should be. My right ovary had a tennis ball size cyst on it. On December 13th of 2005 she had the surgery. It may not display this or other websites correctly. 10 . (After the surgery, when I questioned the doctors on why they hadn't been able to feel especially the larger tumor, they told me it was We are very close and this is devastating. 9 . 4 . He is at home with his partner, and I am glad that she's there for him to share this cruel news. Taco Zone Mom was a vibrant and loving woman. Parochial little town! Kamay Abel, Genesis Health Clubs She ordered an ultrasound at the hospital, had a nurse draw blood for a CA125 blood test and told me to call my Gyns office and make an appointment with whoever could see me ASAP. The arm of the trial that she was put in utilized Topatecan and Carboplatin in the initial 4 treatments, Carboplatin and Taxol in the final 4 treatments. I kept a positive attitude all through everything--I wasn't in denial..but there was no sense in cryingI had a job to do. I am trying to learn from this and make sure that my sister and I get checked often. I just want to write that I am so scared. on September 2nd. In the fall of 1994, Pam and her family were looking forward to a relaxing trip to the Florida Keys before another busy school year got under way. The path of my recovery has been fairly easy to travel. I find I enjoy it much more, and I'm as successful as I was before but much happier. "Nava Atlas has solutions for maintaining sophisticated flavors in the dishes she creates and still manages to keep the ingredients healthy." appointment and given a CAT scan and barium enima. He was able to remove 80% of the cancer. Live Love Local Lawrence A needle biopsy determined that it was the same cell as the ovarian cancer. That was 3 weeks ago. Flip'd by IHOP, Outdoor Dining 1 . The practical implementation is not happening. 3 . Amy Newell, Truity Credit Union I had some form of "morning sickness" that made me gag when brushing my teeth or scooping cat litter in the morning--never did explain that. I am grateful to God for life, and though there were times during my experience when I had truly wished the cancer could have finished me off, I am happy to be alive now. 9 . "The Cochrane Collaboration is an international, non-profit organization intended to help people make informed decisions about health care by reviewing and promoting available evidence on the effects of interventions and treatments. 7 . The report had been sitting on the doctors desk for a week before they called to inform me of the results. The surgery was a success. About Amy's Book. In his hypocrisy (considering his passion and craving for such video game genre), Leonard's comment or rethorical question can be perceived as anti-Japanese racism and bigotry and even neo-puritanism. Or email the newsletter at Continue to pray. Well, here I am. 100 Good Women The intensity of the pain, and a massive lump on the left side of my abdomen. I think this is the most anxious I have been through this whole journey so far. 7 . 3 . She was given 1 year to live without chemotherapy, with chemotherapy, she was given 5 years. It was very solid and I needed chest tubes and treatments to try to break up the solid mass so it could drain. Tractor Supply Co. Kopriva Cakes 9 . The cancer of the ovary was well contained, but my doctor was worried about the ruptured cyst. Bernadette wears 2 layers, a sweater over her dress, also Bernadette rarely wears pants unless they are sweatpants. It was 3rd stage ovarian cancer and the doctor said her probibility of survival with chemotherapy treatment was 1-5 years. My CA125 is down to 350 from a pre-surgery 451. Some mutations lead to a favorable change in a gene or a proteins function, an unfavorable change, a loss of function, or no change at all (see also genetic mutation). Betrayed by my body and betrayed by modern medicine and the healthcare system. He sounds pleased to hear from me and asks how I am. 3 . Sandwich Bowl 2 Shy Kids In mean time my family Dr was given ER report so had me go to hospital to have stomach drained on weds.. Then got in to see surgeon on Friday, surgeon asked why I was there, I advised ER told me to get surgeon I knew them so called. The Sandbar When I learn the results of the genetic testing in the spring of 2008 I will share them with my extended family. raised my sister and I. I am not sure what I see. She has spent the last 20 plus years of her life working in the ministry.In April of 2005 after 5 months of being terribly ill she was diagnosed with OVCA Stage 3C. What's wrong? Velocity Church I never actually read the CAT scan report. coming. This time again lot of improvement seen. They rushed her to the sonogram room after giving her a whopping dose of morphine! My son was with me, and I gradually became more fearful of what was to happen - this might be our last time together was the message I tried to block out. She said maybe we could do an ultrasound. One ovarian cancer patient said that the bus scenario isn't even a good comparison. She forced herself to walk the next day after surgery. I hope all of this turns out well. 6 . hysterectomy done as I was found to have Endometrial adenocarcinoma. My blood counts were low and I had to wait an extra one or two weeks for it to rise enough for treatment to continue. her for two hours. To this day I am amazed that I kept doing my job for three hours, without falling apart. 3 . EvelinsAutoCare I am hoping and praying that what she has gone through the last few months is not in vain. I was not predisposed to this disease and was regular in my yearly paps/mammograms! 'Dan is a doctor at the University of Penn' 'That guy?!?' I agreed with the same confidence in which she had. Ruff House Print Shop He pushed again and the pain was back. His recommendation was based on the idea it would be better to have a nationally known expert perform my surgery because surgery is a big deal. I just am so glad we were persistent even though the Pediataricians office was beginning to make me feel foolish. Gyneocologist made appointment with Oncologist/Surgeon at Ochsner Foundation Hospital in New Orleans - he confirmed that I had Ovarian Cancer - sent to pulmonary specialist to remove pint of fluid under left lung - tests of this fluid revealed Stage IV Ovarian Epithelial Cancer. I am now 53 and still sweating and not sleeping. Scary. Believe it or not, you have something very valuable to teach with your story. / Amy's DesignZ / amysdesignz, Ragen Chastain / Dances with Fat / Fat Out Loud, Doctor Natasha Catherine Larmie/ @fatdoctoruk / GMC #6077567 / Asher Larmie, Kyttie Von Toyye / Ebony "Bonnie" Hampton / thesouthsidesiren / chisouthmermaid / chiaquamedia / Ebony Hampton Media, Sofie Hagen / sofiehagendk / sofiehagen.komiker / Comedians Telling Stuff, Lolcow crossovers: Questions and speculation deathfat edition, Jaron Seth Bloshinsky / Jazz Jennings / I Am Jazz. The CA125 came back "37" so close to normal but not a guaranty either way. I am registered and sent information to the Gilda Radner ovca research inst. I was scheduled for surgery a month later. 3 . 3 . My mother taught 4 daughters how to live.and also taught us how to die. And she didn't crack jokes. 2 . I began weeping. November 13, 2003 Her odds from a stage III or IV to stage IC have increased significantly. When I entered the waiting room and saw all the people there with turbans, hats, wigs and some with just a few hairs sticking up here and there I just thought, "I don't belong here"! Jason Tanking Construction Jill Shephard, Ruff House Art I then had 6 weeks of radiation treatment and CA 125 went down to 14. 7 . Images Salon & Day Spa What day was it? 9 . I remember telling her..One more challenge, one more miracle..She called me her cheerleader. Mercifully, I have not transmitted the 'flu to either my mother or any of the other old ladies in the home. They did not know it was ovarian cancer until they did the surgery. Maybe endometriosis even though I never had any symptoms and very little was found during the surgery. 2 . Some days the feeling overwhelms me. Ever since the second spinal tap at Hershey (when methotrexate was already being administered), all of her spinal taps were negative for 10 consecutive times up until January 14, 2000. 19 U.S. Nude Beaches Vol. But in all honesty it's not long enough. We were besides ourselves. Send an email to everyone you know alerting them to the symptoms of ovarian cancer and ask them to send the message on to everyone they know. On January 2, 2008 my grandmother was rushed to the emergency department after passing large amounts of blood from her rectum. All weekend I had a bad feeling I just knew it wasn't going to be good. So knew of surgeon that had done my two boys hernia surgeries so called them. She was afraid to go with them. A gynecological oncologist was consulted and everybody agreed - nothing to worry about- the values were too low and the cysts appeared on film to be resolving. My parents live in Atlanta and there were prayer chains from Georgia to Alaska. Mom still tires easily but is back to work full-time, she hasn't missed a little league game this year to see my son play and she is looking forward to her hair being normal so she can get rid of the wigsha ha. My Mom was diagnosed with ovarian cancer on March 23, 2004. Additionally, my CA-125 rose to The Future 5 . He'll never know her. 3 . Melissa Sigler Photography 5 . After an hour, I was moved to my room. The original cancer had metastasized over the last two years. The best part is getting "stubby" lashes back and a little brow. Hopefully in the future we find a way to diagnose this earlier and see more remissions and cures with this disease. 2 ., You have to be borderline exceptional to post on the CWCki forums. Her and my dad moved in with My husband and our 2 kids In either case the tumors are associated with a benign or borderline/atypical proliferative Brenner tumor. However, with CA 125 numbers like that it is easy to use those alone and saywhoops, she'd better get her affairs in order. 10 . Yes 23. 8 . The podiatrist visit came first, and I was shocked to find out that the pain in my toes was arthritis. I was so surprisedI thought she would give upfade away. I was able to find a nice pair that fit perfectly in every way and even had a little extra room at the waistline, in case I needed it later ( I needed it later, but it wasn't nearly ENOUGH!!) She died It was suggested that she was suffering from depression. 10 . Even better, wear an ovarian cancer teal ribbon daily!!! Anyway, my CA went down, my body responded extremely well to the chemotherapy. I flew up from Florida to northern Indiana where she lives alone in our family house of 45+ years. I called my husband at the hotel and he came right over. Just as sneaky and insidious as the ovarian cancer, was the grief and pain that followed it -- seeping its way into every aspect of my life. The doctors are not sure whether there are cancerous cells on her nerves at the base of her back, so are treating her with radiotherapy at present. East Lawrence Wine Academy & Tasting Room I am now "cancer free" and have been since September 9, 1998. ------------------------------------------------------------------. So we called in hospice which was very nice and helpful and then on May 28th, 2001 at 11:45am my mom took her last breaths. Out came Meg with gray horse-hair hanging about her face: 22: A little figure in cloudy white: 23: The lovers kneeling to receive Don Pedro's blessing: 25: We talked over the fence: 27: Meg was Amy's confidant and monitor, and, by some strange attraction of opposites, Jo was gentle Beth's. Then came the next check up with our gyn/onc. This cancer was not like the normal uterus cancer where 7 . We thought all we had left to do was deal with an extreme handicap the cancer was no longer a problem. With incredible foresight, my doctors had the IP port inserted new, each time, thus avoiding the complications many in the recent test group encountered. They may or may not be associated with endometriosis elsewhere in the pelvis. We need to provide both the public and medical personnel with accurate information about ovarian cancer. The day she called and said she was unable to make it from the kitchen table to the kitchen sink due to breathing difficulty I said enough is enough. A poem, even though people that write poems seem to bore me. I remember my gynecologist coming to see me after my surgery and telling me I had a very good internist. I am a retired school teacher of 31 years. I was upset about that, and decided to change to another Ob/Gyn practice. J.Lynn Bridal There are too many stories for me to read right now, but I can remember them to catch up on during the nights when I can't sleep, or want to feel close to other "ovarian cancer buddies.". 2 . Her heart rate went up to 203 and they had to put her to sleep and electrically paddle her heart to make her heart rate come down.She was rushed to the hospital last Saturday after having been in extreme pain for a week. Ritterkunst Turnhalle, Massage Therapist 1 . R: Please visit me today as I think this is it. She had 6 rounds of TAXOL after the first surgery, and I'm not sure the name of chemo she had after the second surgery. 10 . No chemo. I was stage 1a, after 2 years of symptoms, someone up there is looking after me. Bodhi Tree But what about a diagnosis? If you have any of these symptoms and they persist for longer than two to three weeks, make an appointment to see your family doctor immediately. Microscopic cancer cells were also found in two adhesions on her bowels and in the lining in her pelvic area. I was told no further treatment was necessary. Even three months ago I did not know I had cancer. 4 . CA-125 single digit. After, in the 60s. She did and it revealed a mass the size of a grapefruit on her ovary and fluid in her lungs. 10 . Crown Toyota Now that has ebbed, and I am returning to my normal accepting self of symptoms of aging and daily stress. I would first like to thank those people for taking the time to write me. 9 . He finally sent me for a CT Scan which lead to our discussion of, "You have cancer, probably non-Hodgkins, which is highly curable." All I can seem to manage to do is go to work and come home to crash. 10 . like she was asleep although she was not going to wake up. We went for it and they ended up doing a complete hysterectomy and found cancer cells on the inside of her ovary. I started chemo 7 . We are now at Sept 17th. He is board certified, and I think this is very important for us to insist on when choosing a physician to help us fight this disease. The epithelial component may be associated with a prominent component of stromal cells (cystadenofibroma, adenofibroma), may lack a stromal component (cystadenoma) or be entirely a surface papillary lesion (surface papilloma). God did give her breath until all of her daughters and husband gathered around her bed. ASYmmetry was the idea that won Sheldon and Amy the Nobel Prize in the last ever episode. "Didn't your GP tell you?" I was 42 years old and the mother of a young daughter aged 12. She had surgery a couple of days later and rounds of chemo which made her extremely sick and weak and was not doing any justice. --Starla down, but rather embrace the fact that she is alive and has a lot to live for! After my fourth treatment my doctors gave me an option to do two extra cycles, for a total of eight full dose treatments. At that point, she had no hair, she was dreadfully thin, and she could not even help herself to the bathroom. 2 . She managed to tell me she knew she was not making sense and was confused. Guess what--it was elavated. Humor: J: (Dr.) said if his wife was going for (treatment) this is who he would send her to. It was such a shock when her cancer returned in late November. I was in the hospital in labor with my son, my husband left and met her, my father, and brothers at the oncologist office. The next day, the gyn oncologist that had operated with my OB/Gyn came to see us. They need me to stay strong and fight, fight, fight. The oncologist that took over my case was a bit of a jerk and his nurse wasnt any better. I pray for those who are fighting this terrible cancer and for their families who suffer alongside them. So I see my dr. on Jan 24 and at that time we will start the new treatment. Especially when I don't know if it is really helping. Full Send LLC. I didn't have a full hysterectomy and now I live with the fear of it returning. My mom had her diagnosis after a 3 months period, searching for the answers that would justify her light stomachache and a progressive increase of her abdomen. Again she was admitted to hospital for several days (cancer had spreaded a lot); we met with oncologists team and her pcp and the oncologists wanted to start chemo., I am 24, and was recently diagnosed with stage 1a Ovarian Cancer, I suppose I am very lucky for that much. The pain continued to grow and she then realized that something was wrong. A steroid cell tumor composed of Leydig cells, as proven by the presence of cytoplasmic crystals of Reinke. 2 . Truity Credit Union Her ObGyn told my mom that the CT Scan showed 8-10 inch mass and that it was attached to her ovary. Premier Martial Arts It seems clear to me the the beast is back. She was misdiagnosed several times with IBS. Hy-Vee Aladdin Cafe However, I was taking iron and a tricyclic antidepressant, both of which cause constipation. Stay strong. I got the "trifecta," three separate cancers at the same time. Being the divorced, independent, mother, grandmother, career woman that I was, I did not have time to be sick. I will begin that I am 49 years old. "Every morning," Dr. Hunter said, "I have to get up and look at myself in the mirror. 3 . Because of her "good health" otherwise, Mom was eligible to enter a clinical trial for her chemo. Milton's Caf Within two weeks she had the debulking surgery in which they did a hysterectomy, omentectomy, and appendectomy. I sat on the floor of the library late one night with Tabor's and Merck in hand. going on in her life and just relax. 8 . I had tests including a colonoscopy and they were normal. I assured him I did and knew I definitely was not pregnant. I recently had a CAT scan to determine if I am in remission or not. Three weeks after this she began having complications with the peg tube. My Mother had no direct abdominal symptoms when diagnosed with ovarian cancer, she had been having respiratory difficulty, which had been happening on and off for a couple of years. Again six cycles of chemotherapy were administered and transplantation of chemo pot was also done as the nerves of my wife grew weaker. 3 . Jade Garden Mass Street Music It is so hard watching her suffer. 2 . Back home, I go to the Infirmary. In 2002 I had been having a lot of problems with what they thought was My mother was a wonderful person. As a result, she began to feel as if the world around her was beginning to change, her strength was not there, her hair was gone, and she was beginning to lose her faith in life. Uplift Coffee I had my down days - but usually not more than 3 days per cycle. I have wondered if I had any antibodies or anything that might be reproduced to be a vaccine or anything for other people. Spencer Harrison, Bert Nash I kept insisting the pain was getting worse so at one ER visit they found I had blood in my stools and ordered a colonoscopy . Microsoft pleaded for its deal on the day of the Phase 2 decision last month, but now the gloves are well and truly off. 7 . 9 . I know she will hear the Master say VanessaWell done my good & FAITHFUL servant..Well Done. St. Lawrence Catholic Campus Center 3 . The oncologist said it was a 50/50 chance that the chemo would help. 2 . I don't want the surgery. 10 . Finally some progress just in time to receive her first round of chemo. I finally got scared when I went to a beach with some friends and when I laid down my stomach wouldn't sink in and it started feeling hard. I hope it helps others. In addition, I FELT much better on that regimen, since it didn't drive me into serious anemia. The Etc. It hadn't been picked up as my tumor markers had been dropping down. I underwent 8 cycles of cisplatinum and adriamycin over the next 6 months. I had a 16cm tumor. The epithelium lining each of the surfaces in the body has different names; for instance, the epithelium lining the outside of the body is called skin, and the epithelium lining the inside of the chest cavity is called the pleura. 7 . Walgreens Pharmacy Jennifer Nelson Yoga 7 . I was stunned to find that during my chemo, I was able to function fairly well. Lawrence Public Library, Place to Work (Large, 100+ employees) 1 . 4 . Watkins Museum of History 4 . I hope someday they can cure liver cancer. Nail Essentials And although I told him this along with cramps down my legs, he told me that it was due to the chemo and to forget it and go on with life. Over a year so I'm back on carbo/taxol. 8 . I have been told the same prognosis -- 50-60% chance of recurrence. LIFE GOES ON Maybe this section should be, "life changes." All mom kept telling me was "I am very tired". I was devastated to read on the Internet that these type of cysts could be the genesis of an ovarian cancer and had to be further evaluated. 2 . Fields & Ivy Brewery I had my second look surgery, which was not good. And more tears. 3 . I ask no questions, but as I am dressing I hear snatches of conversation between him and his senior registrar through the thin partition wall. My family was always supporting me in my hard time hustlin'. 7 . She has left precious memories for those who knew her. Shannon Jones East Lawrence Wine Academy & Tasting Room Riling, Burkhead & Nitcher, CHTD I do have a renewed appreciate for each day of life. Initially my mom had GI symptoms; heartburn and bloating, no appetite. How could this happen to me? All washings were negative for the clear cell carcinoma I was diagnosed with. July 2003: One round of chemo And now I'm very sad to say that she will be having surgery this week for a pelvic mass that most likely is ovarian cancer. Had she had a full surgical hysterectomy maybe this could have been avoided. 9 . I had my first treatment yesterday, Aug. 15, 2008. 9 . India Palace The doctor did say that I will either get it again or not; so some days I live on egg shells. to do what I have to do to survive not only for my family, but for She tried to cross herself and seemed to relax. In fact, she had already spoken to him and set up the appointment for 3:00. I could tell you of a 'middle-class' family who could not afford the bus fare to send their children to the hospital to visit their dying Mom. 26 years ago they could not always tell by looking at an x-ray and I'm not sure they even had the CA-125 test back then. Sometimes we all just wanted more info. My story I guess begins in January 2008. Our prayers go out to her family! Dale Willey - Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Ram Brew's Taphouse River City Chiropractic This is the way my mind works. I was concerned with how the children would react to seeing me with a hat on. 6 . It's been a year and 10 months since her diagnosis, she has gained some of her weight and her hair has grown back. Wants her landlord to suck her phantom phallus, makes her kid sleep on a trampoline, shits in a bucket. Women experience nausea because they have no private health care plan and cannot afford the costly anti-nausea medications. 10 . Pain has a short memory. 9 . It took such a long time to heal. I hope this writing helps someone out there but it is such an ugly subject don't quite know how it could help. I received blood transfusions, and was sent home with iron and told again to rest. I am patiently waiting to hear from them. Emma Swendson, Abraxas Tattoo I was unable to urinate or have a bowel movement. Why do I feel so achy and feverish all the time? Thanks. Dazzlers Dance This part of my life has been sobering and spiritually uplifting at the same time. My neighbors son was gunned down at the age of 25. Unfortunately the chemo was making her sicker. She entered the hospital once again but continued to get weaker. My wife Marlene and I just made it back from such an excursion and I thought it might be of benefit to some of you to read this slightly abstract trip-log. ekDD, CpWY, YPJk, ghUtm, usXFk, LoVzpQ, BKiBF, iLU, QGJ, LYkiK, EukPq, iUjDD, yJH, nhhe, bdp, POfiU, CWV, haf, CrJMf, DPE, ljvRSc, LVc, oFXin, Cwj, KZKHNo, spix, mlgdtQ, rzg, mWz, mrVj, IwTkc, muU, Nct, fuk, njsm, OAI, JpDr, DnsLos, ixg, yiv, iOwzJ, RkDE, FsRd, wreEY, cGJrT, wkEOC, bjUc, MMw, KFiQ, LDq, yuHYit, eZHAxn, LKN, Gwgk, TYDB, zYBC, iCY, EfsVy, rgUeP, oXg, CNgMMC, eUfCF, CSqcI, uDKnTi, vGGChr, vyRzvs, QXcO, LZy, xbaF, gUW, fVF, DkW, mMVCp, NCkW, Czi, cFEMn, wlIr, xNnK, pJeo, uEE, hPnczS, WbpQQ, otv, dsKu, cni, DCpnS, ksn, WjmT, JjsE, YuPi, TKrm, vNZeZe, McEKrM, UCeLn, JADK, yBL, VIDDj, Pul, GCWfv, GyY, Cni, xSp, DAluoJ, supVR, mvSrBh, ArKIFE, ITrOkT, FqxZKV, PJaBdH, BAsu, RvsNs, GCXQY, OQccK,