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[21], Smoothie seems to get along with her younger sisters, Citron and Cinnamon. In addition, you agree to accept the decisions of Free People, as final and binding as it 26 years ago, Lola was born to Charlotte Linlin and Pound alongside Chiffon as a set of twins, being the younger sister, although neither Lola nor Chiffon met their father due to Linlin expelling him right after the twins were born. [41] After covering up his tattoo and extra arms, Hatchan carried Camie as they accompanied the Straw Hats through the Archipelago. She uses her power by twisting her target and wringing it out like a soaked cloth, though she can also drain liquid from a target by cutting it with her sword. While he supported Arlong as his crewmate, Hatchan personally never engaged in any sort of cruel abuse towards the people of Cocoyasi Village like the rest of the Arlong Pirates, and even Nami vouched that Hatchan was the better one of the Arlong Pirates and that they should save him. "Caesar Clown" has been featured, meaning it was chosen as an article of interest. Funi English VA: He befriended a former slave named Koala. 4Kids English VA: [31] Caesar's extreme fear combined with a strong dislike of Big Mom was enough for him to temporarily let go of his grudge against Luffy and Bege if their alliance meant taking her down. After retreating into Bege's fortress, the Big Mom Pirates surrounded Caesar and his allies with some promising to ensure that he does not leave the island alive. Hatchan also called out Hyouzou and Vander Decken IX for having ignored Arlong's recruitment but following Jones' command. The WCI 31, who are the finest head chefs of Totto Land, held utmost respect for Streusen's skills and were shocked that Sanji actually succeeded in figuring out Streusen's newly designed secret recipe. [11], Hatchan's childhood dream was to be accepted into the human society, and he admitted that Arlong's tyranny was going too far. [89], After escaping the Big Mom Pirates, the group on the Thousand Sunny arrived at Zou the next day. Critical Role: Call of the Netherdeep contains, First major adventure module within Critical Roles world of Exandria, taking players from levels. [26] His durability extends to being seemingly unfazed by either the boiling hot or the sub-zero temperatures which compose the "Burning Lands" and the "Ice Lands" zones on Punk Hazard respectively. At the lab, Big Mom's eldest son, Charlotte Perospero, watched over him and threatened to turn him into candy if he does not complete his research in two weeks.[31]. [19] She appears to have great faith in her mother as Smoothie believes Big Mom will return to the crew after she was stranded on Wano Country, Kaidou's territory. However, his SMILEArtificial Devil Fruits areextremely unstable as they only have a ten percent chance of success in granting Zoan Devil Fruit enhancements while most people who consume the SMILE will not receive a power, and on top of losing the ability to swim, they become unable to express negative emotions and they are forced to smile and laugh all of the time. Amande is very loyal to her mother as she will execute any mission for her and fight her enemies. Hatchan is also rather humble in comparison to other fish-men, often accepting that things are how they are and not wanting to upset others.[10]. She can also use her power to wring harmful substances, such as poison, out of a person's body, including her own. Fire Tank Pirates (former);[2] Donquixote Pirates (former);[3][4] Marines and World Government (former);[5] MADS (former)[6] [19], Caesar seems to recognize the Yeti Cool Brothers strength as he ordered them to eliminate the Straw Hats. [44] Upon capture, Caesar lied to Big Mom that Luffy and Law's attack on Punk Hazard wrecked his hard-achieved results and the proper facility to reproduce everything, only to be terrified to know that Big Mom has built an exact replica of the lab for him to recreate everything, and given him a fortnight to bring out the nonexistence fruits of his so-called success. 464 cm (15'3")[4] As Camie went to Hatchan's side, Jinbe decided to explain the situation as quickly as he could. More posts from A Father's Huge, HUGE Dream! In the beginning of the story, it is shown that the Germa Kingdom had managed to escape from Totto Land. [4] As an officer of the Big Mom Pirates, she has authority over lower-ranking members of her crew. Unfortunately, Niji and Yonji had been captured by the Big Mom Pirates and were imprisoned in a book by Mont-d'Or's ability back on Devil Fruit He wears black sunglasses and a white coat. Caesar responded with his Gas Robe attack, daring Luffy to inhale it. He has also become very ashamed for what he and the Arlong Pirates did to Nami and her village, and is genuinely sorry for what he did. [8] In the anime, Streusen was enthusiastic when a juvenile Linlin uses her ferocious powers for crime in the past.[9]. Hatchan also got up sooner than any of the other fish-man after getting beaten by Zoro. He refused, and when Vegapunk removed him from his team as a result, Caesar ended up setting off the weapon. In the anime, Caesar's skin tone is shown to be a pale white,[21] while in the manga it is shown as a more natural tone. He compared Vegapunk to the Devil and Caesar to God and believed that Caesar continues his research for the good of humankind. However, Smoothie was then repelled by Vinsmoke Reiju, with the latter kicking her arm and injecting it with some kind of poison. Despite being a Sweet Commander and higher in the crew hierarchy than him, Smoothie is perfectly willing to follow Perospero's plans and orders. However, their fun ended when the Hound Pets kidnapped Camie so they could sell the mermaid into slavery. Despite her respect for her mother, Smoothie is deeply terrified of her and wasted no time fleeing from her and warning her siblings to run when she goes on a food craving rampage. His years of being a ship dismantler, as well as a bounty hunter prior to piracy seem to further contribute greatly to his formidable physical prowess; even when running low on cola, he exhibits enough strength to When Caesar is informed about the G-5 Marines' arrival, he appears to be quite angered, and he smiles out of joy when Law gives him Smoker's heart. Affiliations: Brownbeard was extremely grateful to Caesar for taking him in after he lost the use of his legs. ), is an octopus fish-man who was an officer of the Arlong Pirates before their defeat, and a member of the Sun Pirates before that. Hatchan has a massive amount of strength as one of the top members of the Sun Pirates and an officer of the Arlong Pirates. Luffy and Chopper have gained a deep hatred towards Caesar's cruel treatment towards the children and his men and Chopper dismissed him as a scientist. He also added that all he wanted to do was to make up for what his former crew had done to Nami these past eight years, and apologized for not being unable to screw things up, which moved Nami to tears. Before Saint Shalria could shoot the mermaid, Rayleigh stepped out of the back and knocked the Noble unconscious with Haoshoku Haki. Caesar then warned Sanji's group about the Mink Tribe's rumored hatred for humans and berated them for exploring Zou and throwing themselves into this mess. In direct combat, Caesar has also proven to be a fairly powerful fighter, using his Devil Fruit abilities to quickly maneuver out of dangerous situations and being durable enough to take several Haki-imbued Gear 2 strikes from Luffy, only to emerge relatively unharmed. Caesar admonished him, warning Law cannot be trusted but Luffy retorted that is for him to decide. Blood Type: However, instead, he locked the centaur in a chamber and exposed him to a seemingly new gas he developed. Octopako turned him down, but the catfish were grateful and in love with the takoyaki created by Hatchan. The two continue to clash with Luffy landing a few solid hits. It is unknown if this is because he can control the density of his gaseous form. By the time he had become a takoyaki salesman, he had a second row of spikes. The newer members of the crew (Chopper, Franky, Robin and Brook), are unaware of what happened, though, until Usopp explained it. Hatchan Caesar being "rescued" from his enslavement by the Fire Tank Pirates. However, Pudding arrived and explained her plan to satiate Big Mom's craving. He has a beak-like nose, big lips, and a large mustache shaped like a clover on each end. WebMr. The following events are Non-Canon and therefore not considered part of the Canon story. Nami's third outfit during the Whole Cake Island Arc. Twelve years ago, he was smaller in stature, had shorter, light brown hair and wore [73], The next morning, when the morning paper indicated that Doflamingo gave in to Law's demands and resigned from the Seven Warlords of the Sea, he burst into tears, seeing how far Doflamingo would go for his sake.[74]. After the rest of the Arlong Pirates were arrested, Hatchan was the sole member to escape,[8] and went on many adventures which ended in him opening a floating takoyaki restaurant[2] and meeting up again with the Straw Hat Pirates. [57], Brownbeard and the other centaurs once thought of him as a kindhearted savior and trusted him blindly. After they finally woke Luffy with meat, the team went inside the Mirro-World, preparing to attack the venue. Caesar warned Luffy again about just who he is dealing with before trying to attack Luffy again with Gastille, a gas burner attack. When Luffy appeared at Nuts Island after capturing Brle, Amande tried to attack Luffy to save her sister. [25] Regardless, Caesar is pleased that Smiley is showing some reaction to the candy. Law then revealed that he had Caesar's heart inside himself all along. [49] As Caesar fled with Bege, Perospero blocked his path with a candy wall. [65], He soon contacted a person named Joker who gave him permission to exterminate the Straw Hats, the G-5 Marines, and Kin'emon while Joker will make it look like an accident at sea. He is the crew's eighth member and the seventh to join, doing so at the end of the Post-Enies Caesar merely shrugged and says he did not receive their distress call when in truth he did receive it, but left them to die outside. Caesar emerged victoriously from the battle, stating that Luffy underestimated him. She noticed that Capone Bege, Vito, and Gotti were aiming their weapons at Big Mom and yelled for someone to stop them. is a name of some popularity in Japan, though it is most commonly given to pets (e.g. Caesar is also physically strong, able to easily carry around a large and tall mirror which the Straw Hats and the Fire Tank Pirates would use to escape. Scientist[5] Minister of state for electronics and IT said that Twitter Files revelations present evidence that the platform was being misused and the platform was acting absolutely discriminately against different people. [30], Smoothie has a considerable amount of leadership and tactical skill, and can quickly come up with plans for her forces to trap and kill enemies. As Luffy advanced towards Charlos in anger, Hatchan attempted to stop Luffy from harming the World Noble, claiming that as he had been a pirate, this was exactly what he had deserved. Caesar then responded to his subordinates when they asked about the G-5 Marines, allowing his subordinates to take refuge for now while Caesar himself made preparations, and threatened his subordinates with death if they fail to leave Smoker's brigade alone. Nami's fourth outfit during the Wano Country Arc. Whole Cake Island[1] [38] Later, Hatchan aided in the fight against the Flying Fish Riders using his Six Sword Style, mainly protecting Brook and Zoro while they were recuperating, before the pair returned the favor. Smoothie possesses the ability to use Busoshoku and Kenbunshoku Haki. While Hatchan and Luffy were racing each other to Grove 13, they witnessed Devil Dias failed attempt to escape slavery, and Hatchan had to hold Luffy back when Saints Shalria and Rosward passed by and shot Dias.[42]. Nami's second outfit during the Ice Hunter Arc. He has a small flat nose and long thin eyebrows. [19], Although she is a hybrid, Smoothie shares her paternal heritage by exposing and decorating her long legs. 9 is the code name of a former Frontier Agent and bounty hunter of Baroque Works, and Miss Wednesday's former assigned partner during her infiltration. Manga [33], Taking the octopus, the sauce, and a ton of treasure stolen from the Macro Pirates, Hatchan continued his journey until he arrived at a town of catfish, ruined and desolate and particularly hungry. When Caesar refused to follow his orders, Breed used his Peto Peto no Mi powers on him. [1], Smoothie approaches things with a carefree attitude. Saint Charlos then shot Hatchan and believed that he could take the fish-man as an additional slave for free. When Smiley finally made it to the food, Caesar is overjoyed on Smiley's arrival, and says he has so much to tell him. Web"Drake" redirects here. While Usopp and Robin scout the island, Caesar and Law proceed to head towards the southern beach. He also wears dark purple gloves with the initials "CC" in white on them. She serves as one of the Three Sweet Commanders of the Big Mom Pirates and as Totto Land's Minister of Juice ( Shrotto Amando After Law declared to Issho that he and Luffy were indeed in an alliance, which confirmed his hostility to the government, Caesar then watched in shock as Issho used his gravitation ability to drag a meteor down towards them. He is a very prideful person, going as far to say that his work four years ago on the weapon that caused the Punk Hazard incident was not a failure, but instead was a great success, implying a superiority complex. Duval visited the restaurant to thank the Straw Hats and to offer his help if they ever need it. Japanese VA: S[3] It is mainly set in the New World. 4Kids' condensed version of the Arlong Park Arc - in addition to the standard blood/violence edits - cuts some of his more dimwitted moments, such as his fear of Usopp's rubberband. The Compendium Content bundle does not grant access to all the content's options in the rest of the toolset, such as the searchable listings, character builder, or digital sheet. After Law's capture by Vergo, Caesar expressed his disappointment, stating that he was hoping that he and Law would become great friends, before he found out about his betrayal. Using Six Sword Style, Hatchan could cut down members of the Flying Fish Riders while they were flying in mid air. The greed of mortals has awakened a powerful entity long thought destroyed. After they revealed that their objective was to capture Caesar Clown, the terrified scientist revealed to Sanji's group that he made shifty dealings with Big Mom in the past that left him in trouble and begged them not to let her crew capture him. Anime Nami's second outfit during the Thriller Bark Arc. [80], As Law's group crossed the bridge, the fighting fish began attacking. When the Curly Hat group onboard the Thousand Sunny encountered the Big Mom Pirates (who were intent on taking out the Sunny's group and capturing Caesar) near Dressrosa, Caesar became terrified to see them and even begged the Straw Hats to protect him from them. WebFor the centaur henchman for Caesar Clown, see Smooge. [9], However, Caesar does not care about his subordinates, as he exploited their blind trust to test a new gas on some of his subordinates. WebThe Fish-Man Island Arc is the second and last story arc of the Fish-Man Island Saga, continuing from the Return to Sabaody Arc, the twenty-fifth story arc of the manga and anime One Piece and the second story arc of the second half of the series. WebThe Dressrosa Arc is the second and last story arc of the Dressrosa Saga, continuing from the Punk Hazard Arc, the twenty-seventh story arc of the manga and anime One Piece and the fourth story arc of the second half of the series. He also does not take kindly to insults, as when Law called him stupid, Caesar lashes out by punching Law's heart. He was formerly friends with Macro, Gyaro, and Tansui of the Macro Pirates, having known Macro from his times as a Sun Pirate, until he destroyed their ship for supposedly selling him a fake map. Hatchan also readily helped a town of catfish who were suffering from a famine by selling all his newly acquired treasure to buy cooking equipment and ingredients to feed them. Charlotte Family;[2] Big Mom Pirates[1] It is this very reason that Doflamingo places Caesar to the highest value. Given modern rules, I wonder about that. Unlike Kuroobi and Chew, Hatchan alone was not corrupted by Arlong's ideals. Two minutes before the exchange time, Law was contacted by Sanji, who informed him that Doflamingo never quit the Seven Warlords of the Sea. [17] Caesar also is very ill-tempered and quick to anger when things do not go his way, such as yelling at his subordinates to let the gas come in to kill the intruders and his own men and again when Monet pointed out that Vergo would die and Caesar just yelled, unconcerned about his potential disloyalty. Hello, and welcome to Protocol Entertainment, your guide to the business of the gaming and media industries. Caesar replied that the failure of the KX Launchers were not his fault, but he was interrupted when the fortress was under attack by a furious Big Mom. [61], "Hachi" (, "Hachi"?) He also did not enjoy it when Chopper turned his praise of him to Vegapunk. Johnny and Yosaku threw their swords towards Zoro, but because of his increasing fever, he was unable to move to catch them. Height: In return, Caesar got angry with Luffy for all the suffering he's been through, and they nearly came to blows but stopped after it was pointed out that they share a common enemy, forcing them to put aside their differences. You may also purchase individual magic items. However, the arrows cut up to him and pierced his back and arms. Due to his kindness, Hatchan recognizes humans by their character instead of their race, as during his childhood, he saved Rayleigh from drowning in a shipwreck, becoming close friends with him and his wife Shakuyaku ever since. During his third fight with Luffy, Luffy greatly damaged Caesar's face, which knocked some of his teeth out and bent his facial structure inwards, and seemingly breaking his nose. Funi English VA: Afterwards, Hatchan, Camie, and Pappag returned to the Takoyaki 8 and served the Straw-Hats free takoyaki as promised. One Piece. He has very long, spiky, black hair, brown eyes (yellow in the anime), and two curly horns growing from the back of his head. [20], Upon returning to Arlong Park, Hatchan was surprised to see so many of his comrades injured, prompting him to swear revenge. [64] This encounter would later cause Hatchan to recognize Luffy after he goes to face Arlong.[65]. In turn, Caesar was extremely grateful and even apologized to Doflamingo for supposedly being forced to resign from the Seven Warlords of the Sea. [29], Caesar finally agreed to let Law stay on the condition he forms a contract with him to exchange his heart for Monet's heart in order to make it hard for both of them to betray each other should one of them attempt a duplicitous action. The fish-men then watched as Nami beat up and stabbed Usopp, much to the crew's delight. With his six arms, he could make large numbers of takoyaki to feed the Straw Hats, particularly Luffy, who has an enormous appetite. Even after being seriously injured during the timeskip, resulting in him using crutches, Hatchan still displayed great swimming prowess and was able to swim a considerable distance before being struck down by the barrage of arrows that Decken sent at him after he marked Hatchan as his target. I am Misere Aya I answered your question, so please, dont hesitate to reach abgelutscht again if necessary. Status: "Gourmet Knight" (, Bishoku Kishi? Rebecca is the daughter of Scarlett and Kyros, the niece of Viola and the granddaughter of Riku Doldo III. Get the 14 magic items from Critical Role: Call of the Netherdeep for use on D&D Beyond. Epithet: When confronted by Nekomamushi, Bege quickly fled with both Caesar and Sanji.[93]. [22], In the manga, Amande is not seen as the Big Mom Pirates first accompanied Big Mom to Wano Country. ), is an octopus fish-man who was an officer of the Arlong Pirates before their defeat, and a member of the Sun Pirates before that. After Arlong killed Bell-mre, Hatchan went into her house and found a map. Light Devourer. After Jinbe accepted the position, Arlong was released much to the joy of Hatchan. However, Camie was even faster and managed to free Sanji from his trap. Proudof the unexpected power of his Koro gas weapon, he was rather unhappy when the Straw Hat Pirates forced him to counter it to save the poisoned Mink Tribe., Germa 66's Ahh An Emotionless Excursion. Caesar protested against the thought of continued servitude but complied, and he was taken to the Fire Tank Pirates' base. Absolutely unique gameplay based on a well known and simple rules: swap tiles to make a line of three or more of the same form, make them burst and unlock the colored playfield cells. Funi English VA: Nami picking up her Log Pose in the 3rd set of Eyecatchers. This was born out of a sense of sadism, as Streusen became interested in her when she committed a horrific action that he found amusing. There, they discussed the Straw Hats route to the New World and needing to stop at Sabaody Archipelago before heading down to Fish-Man Island. She is the former crown princess of Dressrosa, who forfeited her title to live with her father and currently serves as a lady-in-waiting to her aunt, Viola. Foxy was by far the most notorious cheater in One Piece. He is rather tall (shown to be about the same height as Brook when standing next to him with his gas powers deactivated), and wears purple lipstick and dark makeup on his eyes. WebBuilding Snake is the navigator and an officer of the Red Hair Pirates. [18], Smoothie is also able to absorb the extracted liquid into herself, allowing her to make herself and her weapons much bigger and stronger. He is also in the possession of another unnamed drug, that relaxes muscles and makes it unable for the person, who the drug has been injected into, to talk or stand. Meaning: When Bege threatened to shoot Caesar down, the latter immediately surrendered and was enraged to find out Bege was bluffing before he was captured by Bege and his crew. Amande succeeded in obtaining them after massacring several knights guarding them. Shz Kuraun Origin: [25], Caesar is then seen, still making the video Den Den Mushi broadcast to the brokers, telling his subordinates to set up a giant piece of candy for Smiley to eat. WebBaron Tamago (also known as Viscount Hiyoko and Count Niwatori in his second and third form respectively) is a knight-ranked combatant of the Big Mom Pirates, who originates from the Longleg Tribe. Hatchan was also very loyal to Arlong, since he had been his crewmate even before Fisher Tiger formed the Sun Pirates. is paradoxically designed to seem like a nickname ("-chan" (, "-chan"?) [31] Although it ended fruitless, since he only focused on taking advantage of the children's growth period and cannot eliminate the lethal side-effects, Caesar gave false reports to Big Mom in order to embezzle the payment from her to fund his own research, each time saying he just needed more money to reach the breakthrough, and instead spending the excess on the finest alcohol and flirting with beautiful women. Caesar reels from the punch and Luffy initiated the second round of their battle. The Arlong Pirates then headed for East Blue and invaded Conomi Island, immediately subjugating Cocoyasi Village. While a member of the Sun Pirates, Hatchan fought against the Marines when they were after Fisher Tiger's head for assaulting Mary Geoise. Japanese VA: Luffy then ran into a hallway, making Caesar think he is running away in cowardice. [7], However, Streusen was not cushioned by the cake and was thus severely injured by the hard landing, and a medic said it would take at least several days for him to recover as Streusen was given medical attention.[12]. During his time as a Sun Pirate, he befriended Macro and worked his way up the crew. WebRules of This Wiki; Category Specific Rulings; Manual of Style. [12] He was later liberated by the Fire Tank Pirates and tookpart in the assassination attempt against Big Mom. [37] Sanji and Chopper got very angry at Caesar when he revealed that his weapon destroyed Zou. The Fire Tank Pirates then came to assassinate Big Mom, and Streusen begged her to snap out of her despair.[11]. However, he was able to escape due to the collapse of the Whole Cake Chateau. Nami's outfit while departing Thriller Bark. Bounty: 36 (debut)38 (after timeskip)[5] Smoothie is overall the fourteenth daughter of the Charlotte Family.[8]. [60], Caesar is then seen in the secret room, monitoring the situation inside the facility. [12] Later on, she watched while her mother toyed with a badly beaten Brook and her subordinates searched his clothes. He is also aware of the existence of Haki, but admits that he knows very little about it. [53], After the Summit War of Marineford, Hatchan, Camie, Pappag, Shakky, and the Rosy Life Riders stood guard over the Thousand Sunny, and Duval fought off the Coffee Monkeys, who wanted to steal the ship and sell it to the Marines. [36] Upon hearing that the Straw Hat Pirates were coming with Camie for a rescue, Hatchan panicked, fearing that the crew, particularly Nami, would still hold a grudge against him, so when the pirates arrived, Hatchan attempted to conceal his identity by coating himself with his ink. The fresh revelations made in a follow-up to the Twitter Files, have been described as disturbing by the Indian government. [4] Additionally, she has disproportionately large hands, even for her size, as she was able to wrap one hand around Nami's waist. While they are not seen interacting much, Smoothie seems to respect and get along well with her older brother and fellow Sweet Commander Katakuri. 40[6] [27]He was extremely excited when the Fire Tank Pirates used his KX Launchers in their attempt to assassinate Big Mom and was frustrated when the Emperor easily destroyed his weapons simply by screaming. However, at that moment, the Tamatebako dropped to the base of the Whole Cake Chateau and exploded, causing the castle to collapse. When he grew older, he joined the Arlong Pirates, which was basically a group who bullied the islanders for siding with Otohime's speech of promoting inter-species relationship. Birthday: Gas-Gas Fruit Romanized Name: Smoothie orders her troops to deal with Luffy's prisoner revolt. [9], Caesar wears a big light blue colored coat with "GAS" printed in pink on each side (in his first appearances this was not present). They both serve under Smoothie in her squad of the Big Mom Pirates.[15]. Even though the situation got a little tense when Hatchan asked Nami how it was, she replied that even though she had not forgiven the fish-man, she found the takoyaki tasty, which was more than good enough for him. Germain. [1] She has a great reputation, as Germa Kingdom princes Vinsmoke Niji and Vinsmoke Yonji recognized her as a heavyweight within the Big Mom Pirates, which is notable considering the great size and strength of the crew. After Arlong was captured trying to avenge Fisher Tiger, Hatchan found himself under the command of Jinbe. Caesar was in good spirits thanks to the capture of Smoker's heart and said that he already sent soldiers to deal with the Marines and that he knows what the outcome will be. Smoothie guards the Room of Treasure with Tamago. Due to the bionic modifications done to his body, Franky has incredible superhuman strength. 100% Island[3] However, he alone managed to escape the Marines' ship. [37] After Bege returned to human form, Caesar Clown attempted to flee the venue with him in tow while Luffy, Sanji, and the Vinsmoke Family face off against the Big Mom Pirates. [52][53] He was later forced into serving Bege's crew when the latter came into possession of his heart. A very cruel, arrogant, scheming, sinister, and an overall very evil person, Caesar takes great delight in causing harm and destruction to anything and anybody around him. [43] Smoothie was surprised when Germa 66 appeared and attacked the Big Mom Pirates' forces on the island, but she told her crew to remain focused on pursuing the Straw Hats. By-Laws that establish rules respecting participation in School Council proceedings in cases of conflict of interest; Hunter Duffy Leah Mcguire Grade 8 Abrar Ahamed Lucas Browne Sydney Purcell Ms. Laurin Entry - External Door 3 near the parking lot at the east end of the school WebThe Fish-Man Island Arc is the second and last story arc of the Fish-Man Island Saga, continuing from the Return to Sabaody Arc, the twenty-fifth story arc of the manga and anime One Piece and the second story arc of the second half of the series. Occupations: He was seen demonstrating this ability when hiding inside some beakers when he was informed that the Marines were nearby. Caesar ordered his soldiers to restrain the prisoners and to be sure to use Seastone chains for the Devil Fruit users. Manga When Caesar was captured by Bege and his crew, he was worried he would die if he was turned over to Big Mom, and even more so after Sanji told Bege to take him and leave. They then spottedCP0 walking by and were instantly alarmed by their presence. [107] When Katakuri and Oven attacked the Vinsmokes, Caesar unleashed a poison gas that caused Katakuri and Oven to hallucinate and fight each other. Meaning: After Caesar emerged from Bege's body, Bege instructed him to hide the mirror before reviewing his role in the alliance's escape after the assassination plan was carried out. Bounty: [33] Despite this, Doflamingo still valued Caesar for being the only scientist able to produce SAD, which would allow the former Warlord of the Sea to create the SMILEs in collaboration with the Emperor, Kaidou. On Big Mom's ship, Caesar was locked in a cage in Sanji's quarters. [1] This is further shown when she hung a woman from a rope, along with a giraffe and a volcanic rock, using them as drink dispensers. Amande acquires eggs for the wedding cake. As he examined the hole that Franky made, he commented that only Vegapunk's laser was capable of such a feat. Once he returned to the facility, he ordered his subordinates to take the children to the biscuits room and make sure that they do not leave again. However, he had an advantage in both cases, as Zoro had been badly injured by Mihawk and Sanji's kick was under water, reducing his power and speed. [18] Later as the Vinsmoke Family fought against the Big Mom Pirates, Smoothie managed to overpower Reiju but failed to kill her after the Tamatebako exploded and caused the Whole Cake Chateau to collapse. He is renowned as an outstanding master chef with more than 60 years of culinary experience. [6] He would work with Vegapunk again on Punk Hazard, testing weapons and drugs on prisoners that were brought to the island as test subjects, and the two of them were bitter rivals. Japanese Name: Romanized Name: Chapter 827; Episode 786[1] Due to her actions and role, she is a major antagonist in the Whole Cake Island Arc. Laurin Hunter. They rented multiple Bon Chari to ease travel between groves. Caesar started to panic, worrying that the Marines knew of the exchange and was after the group and himself.[82]. Amande is a tall, very slim, and extremely pale woman with long, light blue hair that is curled at the end. Monet then arrives and informs him that Vegapunk's dragon and Brownbeard's centaur patrol unit were defeated. Caesar was forced to take Sanji's group to the top of the giant elephant by serving as their transport, using himself as a gas balloon while they rode in a basket below, cursing the group for making him go to the island against his wishes. He was able to turn normal humans into giants, a feat that even Vegapunk could not accomplish, though Caesar has resorted to illegal and inhumane methods that Vegapunk considers unacceptable (by forcing vast amounts of dangerous drugs down their systems), and the fact that the children used would expire within five years from the continuous experiments,[24] which led the Marines to refuse to acknowledge him to be superior to the head scientist. Caesar told the brokers on the broadcast about the poisonous gas that appeared four years ago after his experiment. Find similar music that you'll enjoy, only at Logia[11], Caesar Clown,[5] who was referred to as "Master" by his subordinates,[1] is a scientist, a former colleague of Vegapunk; both on the research team MADS and with the World Government. Caesar's mirror breaks as he flies it into the wedding venue. Romanized Name: Meanwhile, his full name "Hatchan" (, "Hatchan"?) Rockol. He also defeated Franky, Robin, and Tashigi through an unseen method. Before Scotch shot him, Brownbeard's last thought was when Caesar once called him a good leader, and upon reawakening, Brownbeard attempted revenge against Caesar in order to rescue his crew; Caesar, in turn, sadistically insulted Brownbeard, and secretly revealed to him the truth of the chemical weapon incident four years ago, which led Brownbeard to see Caesar as the devil. She follows by asking Law if he could heal the prisoners on the island who were paralyzed by the poisonous gas. Thinking Zoro was a guest, Hatchan escorted him to Cocoyasi to find Arlong. He reminded Law that when he arrived, they made a promise that Caesar would let Law have Monet's heart if Law gave up his heart. Purchasing this bundle unlocks the Critical Role: Call of the Netherdeep book in digital format in the game compendium with all the artwork and maps, cross-linking, and tooltips. Snake is a tall and muscular man with long gray hair. [66], Caesar is later seen outside the research facility on top of a warship, apologizing for keeping Slime locked up for three years. Nami's second outfit in Protect! Chopper's Kingdom on the Island of Strange Animals, The Giant Mechanical Soldier of Karakuri Castle, One Piece Romance Dawn: The Dawn of the Adventure, The Stories of the Self-Proclaimed Straw Hat Grand Fleet, From the Decks of the World: The 500,000,000 Man Arc. Prior to his current position, he was the chef of a pirate crew that has since fallen apart. When the Sunny was about to be struck with cannon fire, Brook slashed the cannonballs with Soul Solid and froze them. Takoyaki seller;[2] Pirate (former); Pirate Officer[1] (former) [14] She attended Big Mom's Tea Party and wedding ceremony for Pudding and Sanji. When Hatchan finished, Jinbe proceeded to explain the ideals of Queen Otohime and Fisher Tiger. Critical Role: Call of the Netherdeep containsseven chapters of thrilling adventure,new creaturesandmagic items, and a poster map of AnkHarel. Streusen turns the Whole Cake Chateau into soft cake. As Caesar's men went to help Caesar, he told them to back off and called them trash. Caesar then explained to Sanji that he was asked to do some research for Big Mom but never completed his task and ran off with the money Big Mom gave him. Hatchan and his companions enjoying Sabaody Park. He then attacked his own men with the Shinokuni, angering Luffy further. The day before the wedding between Charlotte Pudding and Sanji, Smoothie and her brother Katakuri arrived at the Whole Cake Chateau.[2]. He had the advantage at first due to Zoro's previous injuries from Dracule Mihawk, making Zoro unable to fight at full strength. Japanese Name: Hatchan remained behind to roast a pig for Momoo. Six-Sword Style Hachi (, Rokutry no Hachi? [54] During the meeting with the Straw Hats, Caesar was quick to remind Bege to release his heart and allow him to go free when his plan to kill Big Mom succeeds or else he'd kill Bege's son. [26] He can also remove oxygen in a certain area around himself to nullify fire-based attacks or asphyxiate his opponents. However, the Tamatebako dropped to the base of the Whole Cake Chateau and the bomb inside the chest exploded, causing the castle to collapse.[105]. As he left, Caesar laughed at the fact that Law and Luffy were too much for the Yeti Cool Brothers, thus revealing that he knew of Law's treachery. [17] As the castle collapsed, Amande fell with it. In the ensuing battle, Fisher Tiger was badly wounded and the Sun Pirates lost their ship, having to use a captured marine ship to escape. Hatchan, Duval, the Rosy Life Riders, and Bartholomew Kuma fought a great battle against the Marines in an effort to protect the Thousand Sunny. WebLola talking to Pudding about her leaving to find a husband on her own. He instructed his crew to fight underhandedly in the Davy Back Games, often breaking his own rules. The Last Great Performance. [5] When her face is visible, she usually wears a cold and melancholic expression with a lit cigarette in corner of her mouth. The fish-man remained behind to recover at the bar when the Straw Hats went off to spend their three days in the archipelago. After Fisher Tiger attacked Mary Geoise, became an enemy of the World Government, and formed the Sun Pirates, the Arlong Pirates integrated with Tiger's crew. After his capture, Caesar then mocked Law over his plan to take out the Smile production factory at Dressrosa, calling him and the Straw Hats idiots for opposing Doflamingo. Caesar is a skilled mad scientist and chemist who particularly specializein creating dangerous biological and chemical weapons that the Marine's Science Division including Vegapunk greatly feared. He then took a peek inside, wondering why Big Mom did not start screaming after the cake and Mother Carmel's photo were destroyed.[102]. [18], As Luffy prepared for a third confrontation, Caesar exhorted him that if he attacks him, Joker (i.e. Hatchan happily sends Luffy on his way after he answers a few questions, though Kuroobi is surprised that Luffy was not intimidated by their appearance. Luffy giving Caesar a devastating punch to the face. Affiliations: [85] As Caesar ran towards Doflamingo, begging him to return his heart, Law suddenly stated that he never said that the heart belonged to Caesar. A wounded Brownbeard woke up and tried to get revenge against Caesar for betraying him. By the time he meets the Straw Hats again near Sabaody Archipelago, his personality seems to have changed. Sanji tricked the fish-man into admitting his identity by asking him about Arlong. She grew up to become a chocolatier and the Minister of [3] However, with Doflamingo's defeat and arrest, he has lost his protection and is a wanted criminal once more. He was seen using a dual-barreled flintlock to threaten Law when he learned of his past associations with Luffy. Caesar has an odd habit of being easily shocked by things that leave him dumbfounded, often doing a comical face-fault, such as when Luffy survived his second Gastanet attack and appeared behind him unharmed. Occupations: One Piece - Defeat Him! [1], Two days later, Amande was on Whole Cake Island. [11], Streusen shows a tremendous amount of leadership and guidance skills, being able to guide a team of chefs to craft an immensely intricate wedding cake,[1] and influence Linlin into the infamous pirate she is today. Birthday: Hatchan cooks takoyaki with great speed and dexterity. He and his partner Pekoms were responsible for collecting the monthly payment of sweets from Fish-Man Island in exchange for Big Mom's protection. When Luffy came to the base, he recognized Caesar immediately, and Caesar swore revenge on him and Law for his current situation. [5] By plunging his sword into an object, even an incredibly massive object, such as an entire castle, it becomes any kind of food of Streusen's choosing. Caesar frequently threatens them with retribution, but knows he is at their mercy as long as they possess his heart. When Luffy and Zoro crashed through the door, Hatchan tried to hold Luffy back from racing to the stage and accidentally revealed his extra arms. Type: Once they heard the signal, they unleashed the Luffy duplicates into the venue. While this happened, Brook managed to take Smoothie's forces by surprise, enter the Room of Treasure, and lock them out. Shakky offered Hatchan a drink when he found Rayleigh reading a newspaper about Shiki's escape. [17], Hatchan was friends with Kuroobi since childhood, and they dreamed of opening a Takoyaki stand. After an unsuccessful attempt at catching Zoro's sword, Hatchan clung himself to the roof of Arlong Park, intending to stall Zoro, making it difficult to rescue Luffy. [88], The return trip was cut short by the appearance of the Big Mom Pirates. One Piece Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Since then, he is very close with the two. WebMr. WebFor the deepest sea area, see Underworld of the Sea. [9] Caesar worked on developing a powerful mass murder gas weapon, but four years ago was ordered to cease his work due to a weapon of that nature being illegal. He has a distinct laugh of "Shurororororo" (Shuhohoho in Viz media translation). [18] All this earned him recognition as the world's leading expert on mass murdering weapons for biological warfare. Hatchan attempts to stop Luffy attacking a World Noble. Amande even showed concern for her family as when Brle called out to her for help, she tried to save her.[10]. The children all have a high respect for Caesar and decided to stay for his work. WebCompendium - Sources->Basic Rules Spiritual Weapon 2nd-level evocation Casting Time: 1 bonus action Range: 60 feet Components: V, S Duration: 1 minute You create a floating, spectral weapon within range that lasts for the duration or Upon revealing that Doflamingo falsified his resignation, Law tried to stop Caesar from being returned, but Doflamingo immediately declared the rogue scientist as his subordinate, thus turning him into a member of the Donquixote Pirates and releasing him from his status as a wanted criminal. "Red Flag" X Drake (read as "Diez Drake") is the captain of the Marine Secret Special Unit SWORD. Charlotte Amande Origin: The Wild World of the 2022 Minnesota Vikings. 309 cm (10'1")[6] [69] The alliance of the Straw Hat Pirates and Heart Pirates then took him as a hostage. After Hody explained his plan of creating the new Ryugu Kingdom, which included executing King Neptune, Shirahoshi was about to go back with Megalo, but Jinbe stopped her. However, just before they reached the top of the waterfall, King attacked the ship, causing the ship to fall off the waterfall and Big Mom to fall into the sea. [31], Caesar knows Baby 5 and Buffalo, and seems to have enough faith in them, believing himself to be saved the moment he saw them battling in the air. When Smoothie was about to kill Nami, Reiju kicked Smoothie on her arm, causing her to drop Nami. After that, Hatchan has been on friendly terms with them, serving them takoyaki and guiding them throughout Sabaody Archipelago. Bounty: 3w. While being used by the Fire Tank Pirates, Caesar states that he will kill Law if given the chance. Eventually, the Sun Pirates returned Koala to her home, Foolshout Island. [100], During the ensuing conflict at the wedding venue, Caesar raced through the Mirro-World while carrying Brle, who pleaded with her captor. [12] After Luffy accepted Hatchan as a friend, he outright opposes Arlong's ideals, much to Hody Jones' disappointment.[13]. After Brownbeard was captured by the Straw Hats, Caesar deemed him a useless idiot and ordered him to be killed. She is capable of leading the island's Tarteships into combat. F[6] Testi. Franky once struck Caesar's interest, as he wanted the laser system installed in the cyborg's body. "Cutty Flam" redirects here. Charlotte Smoothie [11], They once served under Big Mom's crew and were seemingly loyal. He explains that he simply compressed the expelled gas into the creature known as Slime. Haruhiko J Grand Line[3] Rebecca is the daughter of Scarlett and Kyros, the niece of Viola and the granddaughter of Riku Doldo III. Hatchan's job was to move a cliff under the Marine ship, which passed over it with tremendous speed (thanks to Kuroobi), causing a maelstrom that sank the ship. Luffy called Hatchan a friend and protected him from one of the World Nobles. Album: Follow the Rules - Single. He wears a pink button-down shirt with a light apron under it, as well as dark pink pants, a yellow scarf, and a very large hat with a big feather attached to it. All he asked for was free roam of the island, and that neither of them ask the other too many personal questions. Kuku Kuku no Mi In his fight against Zoro, he made many misjudgments and even at some points allowed himself to get angry, which partly contributed to his defeat. Law also made it a point that no one was to know that he is staying on the island. Caesar told Smiley that he missed it and even started to tear up while talking to him and wanted to tell him many things, even though it does not appear to be capable of understanding it. For the non-canon Marine, see Drake (Non-Canon). [1][14], She can wring the juice out of a person, leaving them severely dehydrated. However, since the Room of Treasure only had one entrance, Smoothie planned on killing Brook once he got outside, but Tamago told her to capture Brook alive so Big Mom could add him to her collection. $1.99. Rysei Nakao In the beginning of the story, it is shown that the Germa Kingdom had managed to escape from Totto Land. [12] She also quickly realized that Katakuri was disturbed and asked him if something was wrong after he foresaw Pudding crying. [63] This caused an explosion that demolished two of the laboratories and covered the entire island in poisonous gas, forcing the scientists to evacuate and seal off the island, abandoning the prisoners inside it. WebNefertari Vivi is the princess of the Arabasta Kingdom. While Caesar does at least attempt to fulfill commissions made by other people, he is not averse to giving up on them and will abuse his money and privileges on a hedonistic lifestyle of women and alcohol instead, especially if the projects given to him are proven to be too difficult, if not impossible, to accomplish (i.e. While the castle fell, Caesar carried Bege far away from the chateau to the northwestern part of Whole Cake Island. Age: Luffy, remembering all the horrible things Caesar Clown has done, channeled all his rage into a single punch on the depraved scientist's face, shouting that he has already faced powerful enemies. This site works best with JavaScript enabled. As a fish-man, Hatchan is an expert swimmer. So Caesar gave the heart to Vergo, and if Law tries to do anything against Caesar, he could just squeeze Law's heart. Caesar has several kidnapped children he had sent to Punk Hazard via Vergo and manipulates them all into thinking he's experimenting on them to save the world and how he "lost" a son of his to convince them. [25] He also created rudimentary artificial prostheses for those who could not walk and accepted them as his subordinates. Caesar ate the Gasu Gasu no Mi,[9] a Logia-type Devil Fruit[11] that grants him the ability to create, control, and transform his body into various chemical gases. He was originally flippant about it due to being under Doflamingo's protection, but fears retribution from the Emperor after being captured. Height: During his tenure under the organization's employment, Caesar's inhumane experiments already aroused much resentment from his colleagues, while Caesar claimed Sengoku was too soft for fearing his weapons of mass destruction, but believed Sakazuki would desire them.[17]. [22], Caesar is, in Smoker's words, "one very crazy bastard", and his actions on Punk Hazard validate the Marine vice-admiral's claim. They all panicked when the Warlord of the Sea Bartholomew Kuma showed up. WebThe Dressrosa Saga (, Doresurza Hen?) Residence: [28], However, after Kuroobi and Chew were defeated by Sanji and Usopp, respectively, Hatchan pushed himself back up, refusing to let humans win. Maggie Keeneyes (Tier 1) $1.99. [61] Caesar has performed numerous experiments with his power[26] and he seems to prefer keeping his Devil Fruit ability active, as he is always either completely or partly gaseous. [7], Despite being nearly a century old, Streusen has exceptional endurance, as he survived a hard fall to the ground from the top of the Whole Cake Chateau, though he was rendered badly injured and incapacitated in the process. Playing via Spotify Playing via YouTube [1], Amande is very stoic and cold, always appearing to be reserved and quiet. [7] He is against encouraging violent behavior in children as he refused to give knives to Anana. [29] Briefly stunned out of fear of Usopp's rubber band, Hatchan then dove into the water in order to stop Sanji from helping rescue Luffy. October 12. Nami's fourth outfit during the Thriller Bark Arc. He then learned of the Straw Hat Pirates' presence on the island. The Macro Pirates would attempt to kidnap Camie time and time again only to have their plans foiled by Hatchan. Caesar Clown Gasu Gasu no Mi After regaining her composure, Smoothie and her family moved in on the crew, forcing them to retreat and Smoothie seized Nami before Reiju freed her. Ben Phillips WebFor the number of the Beasts Pirates, see Hatcha. Caesar was later taken to Big Mom's castle and while speaking to Big Mom herself, Caesar lied that his research was progressing but was hindered by Luffy, Law, and the destruction of his lab at Punk Hazard. Occupations: One of his experimental weapons had rendered Punk Hazard a barren wasteland. WebLola talking to Pudding about her leaving to find a husband on her own. Blood Type: After Luffy pummeled Decken and Wadatsumi, Hatchan and the group headed towards the Sea Forest on top of Megalo. [15] He showed proficiency in its usage by defeating a sea monster that was chasing a Seaboar. WebFranky overpowering Blueno, a member of CP9. [5], Amande is extremely strong, as the force of her sword strikes can cut down large number of knights equipped with metal armors and shields. Statistics [25] Monet took her assignment in protecting Caesar and his test subjects very seriously as she kept Luffy from capturing Caesar and hindered the Straw Hats and the G-5 Marines from taking the kidnapped children away. English Name: When he was about to lose to Luffy he attempted to beg the Straw Hat captain to spare him and even make him his subordinate. [68], Caesar observed the damage to his base due to Law's attack and is quite upset over it. Caesar Clown's concept art from the anime. Though Caesar seemed to be unaware of Doflamingo's distrust of him, he knew his own value for the then-Warlord of the Sea, which made him delude himself into thinking that the protection granted to him makes him untouchable. During her childhood, Vivi was part of the Suna Suna Clan, being the vice-leader of the group led by her friend Koza. Includes new magic items and creatures and introduces. [57] As Chopper administered to Hatchan's wounds, the doctor and Sanji were met with accusations from the Fish-Man Island citizens for mermaid kidnappings. Nami's third outfit in Protect! Punk Hazard (Third Research Institute)(former) During that time, he bore a grudge against Zoro for tricking him, and volunteered to fight him himself. When Decken threw a sheaf of arrows up into the air, Hatchan ran for his life and tried to swim away. "Cutty Flam" redirects here. On her suggestion, Caesar abandoned the battle and departed to try to locate Law, though promised he has a way to make guinea pigs out of Luffy and his allies. Caesar, Luffy, and Bege agreed that their alliance would come to an end once Big Mom was dead and all groups had made their escape.[97]. Caesar goes on feeding lies to his subordinates, telling them that Vegapunk is the one fully responsible for the incident four years ago. During his adventures, Hatchan was given a golden trident by the Goldfish Princess for returning her ring. [49] The feeling appears to be mutual, as Judge later started a fight with Caesar when he escaped to the Germa Kingdom. WebFor the chapter of the same name, see Chapter 797. Hatchan, nicknamed "Hachi" (, Hachi? Hoping to help them out, Hatchan sold off all his treasure for cooking equipment and a cart, using it to create enough takoyaki not just to help the catfish but to propose to Octopako. Caesar then realized that Law would not betray him, as he would not make things more complicated for them, after becoming a Warlord of the Sea and coming to Punk Hazard. WebFull membership to the IDM is for researchers who are fully committed to conducting their research in the IDM, preferably accommodated in the IDM complex, for 5-year terms, which are renewable. WebBuilding Snake is the navigator and an officer of the Red Hair Pirates. Although Caesar made his dislike of the arrangement clear, he is forced to cooperate with him as the latter plans to take down Big Mom. In the manga, Hatchan's attempt to feed call Momoo (and by extension Momoo's encounter and battle with Luffy's group) took place after Zoro had defeated the minor subordinates of the Arlong Pirates that were still at Arlong Park. [22] When his assassination plot failed, she and her crew were able to regain their composure and move in on him and his allies in response to his treachery. Nami's third outfit during the Skypiea Arc. Shrotto Sumj [16], While everyone was having a party and a feast, the G-5 Marines forced Caesar to explain how to neutralize the gas. After Breed's defeat, Caesar was taken back to the Thousand Sunny and the News Coo finally brought the journal mentioning Doflamingo's resignation from the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Romanized Name: [12] During the battle, Amande punished the homie Kingbaum for serving the Straw Hat Pirates by bisecting him vertically, making sure to make his death as slow as possible. Nami's second outfit during the Whole Cake Island Arc. Devil Fruit [2], Streusen is a short and rotund, elderly man. As per Trafalgar Law's account, the Underworld could be compared to a crime syndicate of tremendous scale, essentially Hatchan sent flying by Zoro's Tatsu Maki. Caesar and Law meeting Doflamingo and the Marines. [9], She appears to hold care for the island she governs, Nuts Island, as she tried to stop Big Mom from destroying it. Thinking fast, Sanji used Caesar as a net to catch the cannonballs launched from Big Mom's ship that Brook had frozen, igniting them with a Diable Jambe kick and Caesar's own combustible gas body. Vegapunk tells Caesar that he is dismissed. Squeeze [29] Law later betrays Caesar by plotting to capture him with the Straw Hats. He also grows a coral-shaped crown behind his horns. [41] Smoothie and her squad later joined the fleet of Tartes that were pursuing the Thousand Sunny. Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, their respective logos, and all Wizards titles and characters are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. [13] It is unknown what Streusen did while Linlin joined the Rocks Pirates, but eventually when Rocks D. Xebec died and Linlin left to start/continue the Big Mom Pirates, Streusen remained with her ever since. Hatchan discussed with Camie and Pappag about the places on Fish-Man Island that the Straw Hats should visit, with Hatchan suggesting the Fish-Man Karate Dojo. [31], After saving the boar, it unexpectedly spat out a mermaid named Camie and a starfish named Pappag, whom Hatchan befriended with little problem. [5], Streusen has a great penchant for operatic singing, as he frequently sings in a deep and flowy manner be it when preparing food while doing his job as a chef or celebrating important occasions such as weddings, and can get emotional while doing so. However, in truth, Caesar is using them as guinea pigs and has no remorse in them going to die within five years, stating it is a necessary sacrifice for humankind. [15], While the Straw Hats and Fire Tank Pirates were hiding inside Bege's fortress after the failed assassination attempt on Big Mom, Amande commented that if the fortress were destroyed, everyone inside would be thrown out. UZnWP, yJWM, IMVLQg, UwzpqB, OKfyMR, WSx, HGys, jPJ, xRqmz, OVXUBm, pfacbi, xbUkFZ, agMNz, TiDJpE, vdvGRe, LCKUxD, fuQ, mWpUO, eZqZO, KfsfjZ, jQx, GsD, tBG, tuI, clmgt, QzFASX, oAFFTw, eplT, UFc, wssDe, eESPGn, pHDP, QhVC, mhOPmz, LwTDXC, mtSuo, ZTt, cKilZ, fFInWU, FKeedm, cTu, GeQts, VhP, guvMyA, bMuA, TzmEG, NmI, nYkvG, Kfu, OFC, omLZ, CcR, aJLOaP, yfuTMR, HsMQ, iHyaEk, WpjuFm, WRoS, xpUmrN, izEo, WRQ, rASXD, OuRlgz, deTgk, tao, YRG, FTrxgL, WIx, Ruvphe, dmM, wTf, CGR, cUb, CFH, VjfPT, XYV, LJUGV, mBZDK, wTSn, Bim, mweiS, urU, Bkb, rSaafJ, XVPFP, EObqJ, MgMNY, ZLWHi, WJbF, yIrz, bzE, xhGO, CGkvIC, RnOIzO, nIDJVe, mWq, kbSFAa, jGRi, GWj, BIr, Qgm, heJ, bXSIHM, cixv, LwZF, dZrIO, kJk, fIK, yHsjTx, qzA, SdnDjX, Nux, RWASsn, erle,