adjectives for profit

WORD OF THE DAY zaffer noun | [zaf-er ] SEE DEFINITION Profit: the amount of money left when expenses are subtracted from the total amount received. "Old," "green," and "cheerful" are examples of adjectives. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide . The measure which he has at present is that of price, cost and the resultant profit, and it would be fatal to take that away, unless an equally simple and more accurate measure could be substituted for it. There are great outcries against profiteers, for making exorbitant profits out of the War, and against munition workers, for delaying work in order to get higher wages. Luke 16:2-8a. adjective. The long passage is worth quoting entire because his comparison is borrowed so frequently by renaissance critics to illustrate the poetic doctrine of pleasurable profit. But that, when the noble nature, the [Greek: aretae], which traditions of nobility ought to have secured, was lacking, then wealth and birth were still entitled to power, this was a doctrine repugnant utterly to Pindar's mind: nor would his indignation slumber when he saw the rich and highborn, however gifted, forgetting at any time that their power was a trust for the community and using it for their own selfish profit. The marginal land will be land which yields a decent profit to a decent farmer, as well as a gross rent to the landowner, sufficient to compensate him for his capital outlay, but nothing further. For-profit. Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Synonyms: earnings, gain, lucre Find the right word. it fr-pr-ft : established, maintained, or conducted for the purpose of making a profit for-profit businesses Word History First Known Use 1939, in the meaning defined above Time Traveler The first known use of for-profit was in 1939 See more words from the same year Dictionary Entries Near for-profit for print font-weight:normal; Mischievous: playful and amusing but perhaps also causing minor trouble or annoyances. border-bottom:1px solid #ffffff; My Japanese students really have a hard time with this and these cards have been really helpful. showing ground without the usual covering of grass; 'a carefully swept bare yard around the house'; Fat adjective. This, of course, led to a great deal of work and trouble, and made the illustrating of his books more a matter of artistic interest than of professional profit. The result is that relief gets very unevenly distributed, and the lazy and dissolute profit at the expense of the deserving poor. NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH, INC. Industrial profits in the United States. Log In Sign Up Username . div.defv2relatedwords a:hover { div.defv2relatedwords a { Still, we cannot help looking forward to a time when, this stage having been completed, and commerce between nation and nation having ceased to be handled for mere private profit and advantage, the parasitical power in our midst which preys upon the Commonweal will disappear, the mercantile classes will become organic with the Community, and one great and sinister source of wars will also cease. Adjectives include words that describe what something looks like and what it feels like to touch, taste, or smell. The derivative adjectives from the noun or verb profit include the adjective profitable (and the negative, unprofitable). A daily challenge for crossword fanatics. Synonyms for Nonprofit (adjectives). We'd love to work with you! But, in the long run, taking good years with bad, it must expect to obtain receipts sufficient not only to cover its necessary expenditure, but to provide also a reasonable profit on the capital employed. The derivative adjectives from the noun or verb profit include the adjective profitable (and the negative, unprofitable). I, you, he, she, myself, themselves, somebody. Marvelous: extremely good; wonderful. In this blog post, I share 50+ adjectives that will help you streamline your brand's visual identity and begin crafting your brand and website. The twenty-four kohanic gifts are a description in the Gemara tradition of offerings given to the Jewish priests. ADJECTIVE ADJECTIVE ADJECTIVE. Hope this word list had the adjective used with profit you were looking for. These bills have formed for the last few years a large proportion of what are termed the domestic exchanges of the country, serving as the means of usurious profit and constituting the most unsafe and precarious paper in circulation. Thus the two elements of commercial profit and political power were involved in the struggle of the South for the maintenance and extension of slavery. Filtred list of similar words for Profit-oriented is here. The money or other benefit a non-governmental organization or individual receives in exchange for products and services sold at an advertised price. It has been estimated that the annual profits from violations of the prohibition laws have reached $300,000,000. gross net large enormous handsome corporate clear annual considerable fair immediate excess huge pecuniary quarterly consolidated tax reasonable pre future immense average surplus certain present commercial adjusted mutual industrial quick yearly decent precious excessive extra healthy tidy chief rich overall nice extraordinary monthly moderate . The adjective "kohanic" means "of a kohen", relating to a Jewish priest.. Subjective list of adjectives: You've likely heard the phrase "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." The words on the subjective adjectives list uphold this sentiment and include words that may be matters of opinion. Additional describing words / adjectives that describe / adjectives of various nouns can be found in the other pages on this website. a profit which will cover earnings of management, the reward of risk and enterprise, interest on capital, but nothing further. 1; adjective for-profit A for-profit organization is one that is run with the aim of making a profit. The wealth of the luckless people poured into the king's treasury; the busy secretaries recorded in the Rolls a mass of profits unknown to the accounts of earlier days. Delivered to your inbox! Freedom - Driven; Quality - Service-oriented; Teamwork - Sharing - Communication - Collaboration; Strategy - Efficiency - Scalability; Reliable - Dedicated. . Moved primarily by considerations of pay or profit; greedy of gain; sordid; selfish. }, By the time the War of 1812 cut off the shipment of nailrod, the nailery had ceased to be a, There are some good reasons for multilateral organizations and governments not to subsidize the private sector in, It is nevertheless important to clarify what is meant by independence here, and whether these agencies should be, Another fact is that currency exchange is a, In this case, cultural solutions are more valuable and, Many local grain marketing and farm supply cooperatives are not consistently, By playing his part in tonight's charade, he had already committed himself to what he expected to be a, The price squeeze made it doubly difficult for a, They're never going to be anything more than a. profited; profiting; profits. Knowing your positive adjectives gives you the vocabulary to describe your charming friends, your passionate colleagues, and every stunning rainbow. But after the war, with no war going on or any prospect of a fresh war, with every exploiter and every industrial tyrant who has made his unobtrusive profits while the country scowled and spat at England, stripped of the cover of that excitement, then it is inevitable that much of this noble hate of England will be seen for the cant it is. Is. Additional describing words / adjectives that describe / adjectives of various nouns can be found in the other pages on this website. I am expected to make every day count, so that the Continental may pay a liberal profit to its owners. Whether you're looking for inspiration for a writing project or simply for an email, or you're interested in which adjectives are most often used with a word . 100+ Adjective Examples 1. est. . %px><50X)): this adjective, similarly to other determinative compounds . What would intercourse with the outside world profit this man, who is at his sacred work before sunrise and scarcely looks about him before sunset, who forgets bodily nourishment, and who is borne in his flight by the stream of inspiration past the shores of superficial, everyday life. Post the Definition of for-profit to Facebook, Share the Definition of for-profit on Twitter, Great Big List of Beautiful and Useless Words, Vol. I'm excitED to finally be able to share them. SSC CGL Exam Analysis Today: SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam is being conducted from 1st December to 13th December 2022 by SSC (Staff Selection Commission) across the country.According to the candidates who appeared in today's exam of SSC CGL Tier 1, the level of the exam was moderate and the questions asked were a little bit lengthy and calculative. delighted, pleased, or glad, as over a particular thing: to be happy to see a person. Analysis analyse (change to adjective) Analytical evaluation (change to verb) Evaluate theoretical (change to adverb) Theoretically problem (change to adjective) Problematic expect (change to noun . Profits adjectives are listed in this post. September 22, 2013. What they thus give, if the proprietor retains the land himself, you may regard as the extraordinary profits of agricultural labour, or rent, if paid to any one to whom he transfers this benefit. } To save this word, you'll need to log in. Unquestioned profit does not attend the migration. In the days of the sailing ship and the lumbering wagon dragging slowly over all but impassable roads, for one country to derive any considerable profit from another, it had, practically, to administer it politically. Synonyms for Nonprofit altruistic Of or motivated by altruism; unselfish 4 0 public-service 3 1 not-for-profit A company or organization that is not meant to make a profit. margin-top:5px; Unless this matter be arranged before the prayer, Aperi is begun, a priest is certain to suffer from distractions, to run the risk of violating the rubrics and to lose some of the spiritual profit which arises from preparation. Depending on your target audience, some key adjectives may be more appropriate than others in motivating supporters to give. Ltd. is a well known and Trusted Defence Organisation in India. For example: unconfirmed (not confirmed (agreed, fixed) uninteresting (not interesting) verbs profit and profiteer which may be used as adjectives within certain contexts. Arabic nouns and adjectives are declined according to case, state, gender and number. font-size:; profitably \ - bl \ adverb. Do you profit or make a profit? Mysterious: making one curious or intrigued; puzzling. List of general adjectives (positive or negative depending on context): Busy Cold Dry Hot Long Narrow Quiet Rainy Short Sour Tiny Wet Wide You've probably heard all of the words on this descriptive adjectives list before. But besides the indirect profit there is the direct speculation of making advances at high interest, discounting bills, and similar business. Adjective Template Details File Format PDF Size: 119 KB Download 2. Try describing yourself. not the other way around. So the dice were cogged from the start, and I have seen a plain kitchen chair sold for fifty pounds of sweet-scented, or something like the price at which a joiner in Glasgow would make a score and leave himself a handsome profit. To learn a few more advanced descriptive words, go to the section "A List Adjectives for" background:#ffffff; And as a result, they close a lot of bank branches and ATMs. div.defv2wordtype { text-decoration:none; margin-top:18px; As for the manager, he stood to lose temporary profits but was not wholly displeased by the catastrophe. Neither will any of the people concerned profit by my example in the matter, because they will only have their confidence in my judgment and amiability diminished. Thorpe mastered the colt which had thrown Jim; Thorpe, when fresh meat was wanted, killed handsomely the fat buck missed by the over-eager James; Thorpe made a pretty profit over a hog deal at the psychological moment when poor Misterton allowed three Poland-China sows to escape through an improperly constructed fence! SSC CGL Exam Analysis 2022. Explore these 228 adjective words to incorporate into your vocabulary. Robert Nathan (A); 16Nov62; R305073. genetic 1 13 relating to genes adjective geographical 1 13 relating to geography, or to the geography of a noun era 1 13 a period of time in history that is special for a noun compelling 1 13 If a reason, argument, etc. The terms 'non-profit' or 'nonprofit can be used as an adjective or a noun. , 1997 . You may charge a reasonable fee for copies of or providing access to or distributing Project Gutenberg-tm electronic works provided that - You pay a royalty fee of 20% of the gross profits you derive from the use of Project Gutenberg-tm works calculated using the method you already use to calculate your applicable taxes. Hope this word list had the adjective used with profits you were looking for. clear:both; Some adjectives appear in the positive form only, such as a circular road, the last choice, anextreme measure. Donors also give when they can trust and feel satisfied with the way they're treated by your organization. 1. Wait for about 3-7 seconds while our algorithm puts together memorable, easy to spell and easy to pronounce names for you to choose from. div.defv2relatedwords ol li { There are four words that come to mind first when I think about working with nonprofits: Fulfillment - Meeting all the needs of organization Creativity - Nonprofits need constant innovation in fundraising, expanding their reach and how they deliver their mission Commitment - The organizational commitment to the employees and to the mission font-size:25px; England, then, would have respected our rights as allies; or, as our commerce was lucrative and paid profits that would cover an occasional seizure, we might have put our merchants on their guard, allowed them to arm their ships, and have temporized until the conflicting powers of the Old World had exhausted their strength, and we had grown strong enough to demand reparation. div.defv2relatedwords { color:#4A789F; We need not wonder at the unprofitableness of many of our roads when we consider that the relative cost of transport is, By Stage, one cent, By Railroad, two and seven-twelfths; and the relative charge, By Stage, five cents, By Railroad, three cents; and the comparative profit, as five less one to three less two and seven-twelfths, or as four to five-twelfths, or as nine and six-tenths to one. padding:0px 7px 5px 7px; marked by great fruitfulness; 'fertile farmland'; 'a fat land'; 'a productive vineyard'; 'rich soil'; Bare adjective. Adverbs can be formed from adjectives. padding-left:20px; Nothing astonishes me more than to see those whose only guiding star is commerce, considering its interests only from the narrow view of a small momentary profit, and disregarding the threatening combination of next coming events. the experiment is no longer an experiment, and the fact is proven that men may fight and work together to their mutual profit and advancement. verb. How to use a word that (literally) drives some pe Editor Emily Brewster clarifies the difference. Revisar 324 bamberga bamberga (minor planet designation: 324 bamberga) is one of the largest asteroids in the asteroid belt. } A bigger personal vocabulary also improves your writing, so keep your eye on that silver lining. The Emperor, besides guaranteeing to the shareholders a minimum profit of four per cent., proposed to give them, gratuitously, all the lands of the state through which the lines should pass, and to place at their disposal, also gratuitously, the timber and raw materials necessary for the way and works which might be found upon the ground. Here are the 9 magic words that increase donations for nonprofits: 1. The pecuniary profits accruing to Byron from his works began with Lara, for which he received 700l. engaged in commerce. (It might be useful to think of adjectives as "describing words.") Here are some examples of adjectives in sentences: John is a tall man. The Crossword Dictionary explains the answers for the crossword clue 'Producing a profit (9)'. ATMs are disappearing more and more from the streets. In time, however, by continual profit and small expenses, he grew rich, and began to turn his thoughts towards rank. they sold their house at a healthy profit. After well weighing these matters, Sir Walter resolved on quitting his avocations in the law for literature; though he determined that literature should be his staff but not his crutch, and that the profits of his labour, however convenient otherwise, should not become necessary to his ordinary expenses. Definition of profit (Entry 2 of 2) intransitive verb. e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Adjectives most often used with profit net gross own total more private little non much maximum for small economic personal handsome average greater reasonable annual considerable clear fair expected normal greatest substantial immediate extra quick financial less additional pecuniary potential pure } While this is strictly true in Classical Arabic, in colloquial or spoken Arabic, there are a number of simplifications such as loss of certain final vowels and loss of case.A number of derivational processes exist for forming new nouns and adjectives. Adjectives for is a tool that allows you to find the most commonly used adjectives with specific nouns. Moreis added to an adjective to make it comparative. This research is useful when you are searching for information . 0; noun for-profit An organization whose goal is to make a profit. The marginal costs must include a normal profit, i.e. noun a nonprofit organization, institution, corporation, or other entity. special, speculative, spiritual, steady, strong, substantial, such, sufficient, sure, surplus, tax, taxable, temporary, term, thin, tidy, total, tremendous, trifling, true, ultimate, undue, usual, utmost, vast, weekly, whole, windfall, worldly, yearly Hope this word list had the adjective used with profit you were looking for. You can calculate all three by dividing the profit (revenue minus costs) by the revenue. If you're getting strange results, it may be that your query isn't quite in the right format. Capital, which so long exploited labour to its own fabulous profit, is not disposed to sit quiet while the fruits of its labours and all prospects of future emoluments are being dissipated, and it is hard at work striving to effect a "return to normalcy.". But their ordinary money consists in solid small loaves of salt, marked with the seal of the prince; and of this merchants make vast profits in remote places, which have abundance of gold and musk, which the inhabitants are eager to barter for salt, to use with their meat. When each letter can be seen but not heard. This great work is beautiful and wonderful for its size and vast extent, and is of infinite profit to the cities and provinces of the empire. The sordid baseness which saw in the war only a chance for additional money profits to the employer was almost matched by the fierce selfishness which refused to consider a strike from any but the standpoint of the strikers. a good profit } } Here are some adjectives to add emphasis to the extent of the increase: 'Significant' = bigger than normal "There was a significant increase in sales this week." 'Steady' = consistent "We saw a steady rise in sales last year." 'Dramatic' = sudden and big "Last year there was a dramatic improvement in sales." 'Sharp' = sudden and big But commerce involves this danger only when it is bent on instant profit at any price, and cares nothing for the future, nothing about that solidity of commercial relations on which permanent prosperity depends. An adjective is in the superlative form when it expresses a comparison this way: John is the richest man in Boston. Each word below can often be found in front of the noun profit in the same sentence. The granns would be sent for to replace these, would condemn the whole roof as leaky, and the tiles as old and unfit for use, and would provide a job for himself and the tile-maker, the nefarious profits of which they would share together. This reference page can help answer the question what are some adjectives commonly used for describing PROFIT. text-decoration:underline; adjective for-profit (of a business or institution) initiated or operated for the purpose of making a profit: for-profit hospitals. MY LORD, I am told that your Lordship continues to make heavy complaints of the inconvenience you incur by making me the publisher of "Lord Dudley's Letters," in consequence of the great distance between St. Paul's Churchyard and Albemarle Street, and that you have discovered another cause for dissatisfaction in what you consider the inordinate profits of a publisher. The profit growth of knowledge and information-based economy must focus on the knowledge and information factors (Laudon & Laudon, 2002). It is time to take business out of politics, and keep it outtime for the political activity of this Nation to be aimed squarely at the welfare of all of us, and squarely away from the excessive profits of a few of us. Respecting the well preserved eggs of Scotland; though S.S. is probably aware of the circumstance, yet some of your readers may not be, their sale in England (and indeed I have understood America) brings her in no inconsiderable profit. able to yield or make a profit: We decided that the small oil well was not commercial. He thus acquires an abnormal profit on his circulating capital, which is essentially similar to the profit on fixed capital, which we have just examined. The weather was cold and rainy, the temptation of securing comfortable quarters and the undivided profits of the sack irresistible. 1 : to be of service or advantage : avail. But, in any case, the extra profit, which, if no rent were charged, a decent farmer could obtain by cultivating the farm in question, rather than a marginal farm, will be roughly equal to the net rent which his landlord can exact from him, if his landlord so chooses. color:#4A789F; color:#714C27; Proper list of adjectives: Words on the proper adjectives list use a form of a proper noun to clarify words. Is. "We" succeeded in this. Bare adjective. span.tagstring { non-profit collocations adjectives a big/huge profit drug companies make huge profits. If you are a local nonprofit or small business vendor and would like to join our network of community partners, please contact us and say hello! padding-right:30px; . is compelling, it make adjective arise 1 13 If a problem arises, it starts to happen. This adjective is from the Latin word lucrum, meaning "profit." In Latin, lucrumalso meant "greed," a negative sense preserved in the English phrase filthy lucre As you've probably noticed, adjectives for "term" are listed above. Mercenary adjective. : (): institutionalization It creates burden and stress on the entire family, and can lead to profitable. 369, says that 'the two last years of Thrale's life his brewery brought him 30,000 a year neat profit.'. Certain enterprising men had substituted the culture of sugar; but while the recluse was too apathetic to take so active a course, the other saw larger, and, at time, equally respectable profits, first in smuggling, and later in the African slave-trade. New -ed and -ing adjectives flashcards. prepared, done, or acting with sole or chief emphasis on salability, profit, or success: a commercial product; His attitude toward the theater is very commercial. ol.subdefinition { There are often perfectly legitimate profits to be made in some regular commercial venture by a man who has inside information as to what's doing up on Capitol Hill. In each case, you calculate each profit margin using a different measure of profit. ol.topleveldefinition { In 1833 he was made postmaster of a small village; but the office paid nothing, and his principal profit from it was the opportunity to read newspapers and some magazine trash. The only participants who got unquestionable profit were the English, European and Yankee traders and manufacturers. So that the fact seems to have been, William, finding this tract in a barren state and yielding but little profit, and being strongly attached to the pleasures of the chase, converted it into a royal forest, without being guilty of those violences to the inhabitants of which Henry of Huntingdon, Malmesbury, Walter Mapes, and others complain. wizard 1 of 2 adjective chiefly British as in awesome of the very best kind a young Brit who's a wizard tennis player, although not ready for Wimbledon just yet Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance awesome excellent wonderful lovely beautiful terrific great fabulous superb fantastic stellar fine marvelous classic prime famous boss slick divine hot This parable of the Dishonest Steward is one of the strangest of the strange. You know what it looks like but what is it called? abnormal, actual, additional, aggregate, agricultural, annual, anticipated, apparent, average, best, better, bibliolife, big, bigger, certain, chief, clear, commercial, common, considerable, consistent, corporate, current, diminished, direct, divisible, easy, economic, enhanced, enormous, enough, entire, equal, exceptional, excess, excessive, exorbitant, expected, extra, extraordinary, extravagant, fabulous, fair, false, fat, financial, firm, first, full, further, future, general, good, great, greater, greatest, gross, handsome, healthy, hefty, high, higher, highest, huge, illegal, illicit, immediate, immense, indirect, individual, industrial, inordinate, intermediate, joint, large, larger, largest, legitimate, less, line, little, lost, low, lower, marginal, massive, maximum, mesne, moderate, modest, monetary, monopoly, monthly, more, most, negative, net, nett, new, normal, obscene, only, ordinary, other, overall, own, past, pecuniary, personal, positive, possible, potential, present, pretax, private, probable, prospective, quarterly, quick, real, reasonable, reduced, reported, rich, run, same, satisfactory, secret, significant, small, smaller, speculative, steady, strong, subsequent, substantial, such, sufficient, surplus, tax, taxable, term, total, tremendous, ultimate, undistributed, undivided, undue, unearned, unreasonable, unusual, usual, vast, whole, windfall, yearly. Hilda soon comprehended that in twenty-four hours Mr. Enville, from being an unscrupulous speculator who had used his official position to make illicit profits out of the sale of land to the town for town improvements, had become the very mirror of honesty and high fidelity to the noblest traditions of local government. div.defv2relatedwords a:link, div.defv2relatedwords a:visited, div.defv2relatedwords a:active { But the "residuary profits," as they are called, which accrue at present to the owners of a business, are denounced in some quarters in a sweeping fashion, which seems to ignore altogether the all-pervading element of risk. characterized by or indicative of pleasure, contentment, or joy: a happy mood; a happy frame of mind. My Words; Recents; Settings; Log Out; Games & Quizzes; Thesaurus; Features; Word of the Day; Shop; Join MWU; More. Example of strong adjectives for a data scientist resume: "Created efficient predicting models to forecast the number of customer orders that helped lower wait time by 10 minutes." "Conducted rigorous data regression analysis, increasing stock price accurate prediction rate by 5%." 3. 8 Profit-oriented adjective synonyms. The reason they are included in the syllabus at such an early age is to familiarise them with describing words. } All new: verbs 6~8, habitats, phrasal verbs 3 The Shebbel salmon is the principal commerce, and a source of immense profit to the town. Adjectives are words that describe people, places, or things. The present participle can also be an adjective: profiting. Of course no large orders ever came over his wire, but this small business carried an unusual profit for supply houses like Comer & Mathison, and in consequence it was highly prized. "While a daily paper is not appropriate in Millville, a weekly paper, distributed throughout Chazy County, would not only be desirable but could be made to pay an excellent yearly profit. Accessed 11 Dec. 2022. What are another words for Profit-oriented belonging to adjective? . font-size:; 1 0 humane Civilizing; humanizing 3 3 non-profit-making not commercially motivated 0 0 charitable If the publications of the Society are of sufficient merit, their profits should cover the expenses of an unsalaried staff; and though it shall be optional for their authors to retain a share of such prospective profits, it is hoped that most of those who contribute their work will be willing to allow all the profits to go into the funds of the Society. But according to Test Aankoop, Financit (a non-profit organization for more digital inclusion) and the elderly organization Okra, they are doing this too quickly. Hello, Username. Increase profit - with FSSC 22000 certification, you can improve your reputation, gain customers and reduce costs, RevUp 75,000 . 1) Play Adjectives Charades This is a fun activity that gets the whole family involved. The original black-faced Forest breed being always called the short sheep, and the Cheviot breed the long sheep, the disputes at that period ran very high about the practicable profits of each. of, relating to, or characteristic of commerce. Try to use adjectives and specific benefits you offer to your customers while describing your business. Here are 16 resume adjectives that emphasize your excellent teamwork skills to the hiring manager: Communication adjectives From emailing clients, closing deals, and helping customers, nearly every employer values strong communication skills. Since the last 14 years, this academy trained thousand of defence aspirants in India.We provide several new talents to indian army in different categories like Navy, Airforce, NDA etc. Syntactic Uses of Adjective Details File Format PDF Size: 2 MB What is the verb form of profit? Statement 3 is the opening sentence as it introduces the topic by comparing businessmen with a dieter who is ready to do everything except eating less. This helps you discover your target audience, your visual aesthetic and create guidelines around your brand. The manufacturers of Massachusetts were to be broken down: but the woollen trade and the shoe-trade have received a new impetus,are highly prosperous; and the cotton-spinners, with more than a year's supply of cotton, have by the rise of prices enjoyed a profit unprecedented. Learn a new word every day. } Profit adjectives are listed in this post. padding:0px 5px 0px 5px; In the middle of the second century B.C., when Cato wrote his treatise on husbandry, we find that a change has taken place; the master can only pay the farm an occasional visit, to see that it is being properly managed by the slave steward (vilicus), and the business is being run upon capitalistic lines, i.e. Poor, excommunicated nation, whose touch will be dreaded, whose flag will be suspected, whose continually increasing humiliations will not even be compensated by a few meagre profits! Hopefully the above generated list of words to describe termsuits your needs. A New York farmer who plays square with his woodland realizes a continuous profit of $1 a day from a 115-acre timber tract. Major Kalshi classes Pvt. Use "descriptive words" a lot? Statement 2 mentions the examples of some of the specious solutions mentioned in . This is a tasty apple. a quick profit (=happening quickly) they were only interested in a quick profit. substantial, such, sufficient, surplus, tax, taxable, term, total, tremendous, ultimate, undistributed, undivided, undue, unearned, unreasonable, unusual, usual, vast, whole, windfall, yearly Hope this word list had the adjective used with profits you were looking for. You must pay me for the use of the outfit twenty per cent of your net profits, over and above all your operating and living expenses. 2 [ uncountable] formal an advantage that you gain from doing something there's no profit in letting meetings drag on. div.defv2relatedwords p, div.defv2relatedwords ol li { The rent which other producers have to pay would thus represent merely the destination of the surplus profits which arise wherever actual costs fall short of marginal costs. Excess profits provided the theme for some lively speeches to-day. It will be divided into two parts; speaking and writing First of all, record the video . 0; adjective for-profit (of an organization) For the purpose of making money, especially in . Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced searchad free! Now, no one who is conversant with systematic treatises on Political Economy will question, that whenever a political economist has shown that, by acting in a particular manner, a labourer may obviously obtain higher wages, a capitalist larger profits, or a landlord higher rent, he concludes, as a matter of course, that they will certainly act in that manner. Each word below can often be found in front of the noun profits in the same sentence. (of a person or part of the body) not clothed or covered. These are the peaks of valor; keeping clean your father's name, Too brave for petty profit to risk the brand of shame, Adventuring for the future, yet mindful of the past, For God, for country and for home, still valorous to the last. it was discovered johann palisa on } Upwards of fourteen million Young Men's Christian Associations have crowded to hear her thrilling eloquence, and lecture committees all over the land have grown fat and saucy on the enormous profits yielded by her engagements. what an immense, what a deplorable change must have occurred in the character of Humanity, till unconsciously we came to the point, that by what name the ancient Greeks would have styled those European money-kings, who, for a miserable profit, administer to the unrelenting despots their eternal loans, to oppress nations with, we now apply that very name to the wretched creatures incapable to do any thing for themselves. Animals in danger can count on "us". is the present retail profit upon Tea sold at the East India Company's sales, under 3s. adjectivenot commercially motivated charitable nonprofit philanthropic unprofitable adjectiveproducing no profit or gain nonprofit profitless unlucrative unremunerative unsuccessful worthless Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. Adding mostmakes it superlative as inhandsome,more handsome,most . CLICK on Generate Brand Names. An old-fashioned rule we can no longer put up with. The mansion-house deserted and closed; the approaches to it ragged and grass grown; the chimneys, "those windpipes of good hospitality," as an old English poet calls them, giving no token of the cheerful fire within; the gardens running to waste, or, perchance, made a source of menial profit; the old family servants dismissed, and some rude bailiff, or country attorney, ruling paramount in the place. (dated, literary) Benefit, positive result obtained. Based on the feedback received by Positive Words Research, INSPIRE is the top word to embody in the business. Section K daily statement book; merchandise purchases and expenses, including monthly profit and loss statement. But the internal traffic was still lawful, and the breeding States soon reconciled themselves to a prohibition which gave them the monopoly of the interdicted trade, and they joined the full chorus of reprobation, to punish with death the slave-trader from Africa, while they cherished and shielded and enjoyed the precious profits of the American slave-trade exclusively to themselves. When a few men get possession of one of the necessaries of life, either through ownership of a natural resource or through unfair business methods, and use that control to extort undue profits, as in the recent cases of the Sugar Trust and the beef-packers, they injure the average man without good reason, and they are guilty of a moral wrong. lucrative, remunerative, gainful, moneymaking, fruitful, paying, economic, worthwhile, fat, successful, going, juicy, commercial, solvent, bankable, sweet, sound, sustaining, money-spinning, profit-making, cost-effective, money-making, financially rewarding, well-paying, commercially successful, in the black, self-sustaining, paid off, paying we. Nonprofit vs non-profit Sentence examples for the term "non-profit" padding-bottom:8px; Our factors and traders, having no other purpose in view than immediate profit, use all the arts of an European counting-house, to defraud the simple hunter of his furs. " Commentators are all over the map in their opinions of what we should make of it . Another way to say Nonprofit? Even the probable profits and advantages derivable from the new colonies of Madeira and Puerto Santo, as they were only eventual and contingent, did not satisfy the minds of those discontented detractors from the merits and enlightened views of the prince. This can make donors feel excluded and unappreciated. If it were, then the contingent profit was worth the slight additional risk. A profit is money you make, as opposed to money you lose. English English Grammar Grammar Exercises Adjectives Exercises Adjectives Exercises As we all know, adjectives are one of those topics in English Grammar that are introduced to children while they are still in primary classes. I didn't count on gettin' a big pile out of old Groppeltacker,it wasn't likely he was that kind of a man,but whatever I did get would be clean profit, and I might as well try it on. Acting for reward; serving for pay; paid; hired; hireling; venal; as, mercenary soldiers. per lb. "Large banks are offering more and more services online. . This is excitING! There are educational, religious, and public health nonprofits, among many others. Baretti, in a MS. note on Piozzi Letters, i. Profit (plural Profits) Total income or cash flow minus expenditures. with a view to realising the utmost possible profit from it by the sale of its products. Two Basic Types of Organizations: For-Profit (Business) and Nonprofit. Purchasing power, which may be taken from richer people by taxation, or which may be obtained from "collective" profits on other trading, is in effect transferred to the poor people in question, though the transference is coupled with the condition that the purchasing power must be expended in a particular way. Grasping noun. Included below are past participle and present participle forms for the On the other hand, industrial co-operation seems to promise successful development; it involves immense economies, and consequent profit to producers. If more than one Crossword Definition exists for a clue they will all be shown below. profitable. The present participle can also be an adjective: profiting. An ancient historian computes, that his annual fixed income, besides escheats, fines, reliefs, and other casual profits to a great value, amounted to near four hundred thousand pounds a year [t]; a sum which, if all circumstances be attended to, will appear wholly incredible. What is the material profit of a first love? If you have very young children, remember to use simple adjectives weak, strong, nice, mean, angry, etc. Multiplying this figure by 100 gives you your profit margin percentage. This will help AI to understand and create awesome names. Remember that your "thank you" is just as important as your "please." So check out 100+ adjective examples in MS Word and PDF now. He that for his sport neglects his business, deserves indeed to be reckoned among children; and children's fortune will attend him, to be pleased with toys, and to fail of substantial profit. I went to the ______ store to buy a birthday card. . font-size:; adjective. New York is a busy city. "You" If you observe carefully, you'll notice that a lot of nonprofits spend a lot of time talking about themselves. Other Words from profitable. Every rise of price implies a fall off in quantity sold; and it may therefore pay a Trust better to sell a large quantity at a moderate profit than a smaller quantity at an enormous profit. To make things easier, here is a list of adjectives that start with the letter M. Majestic: having or showing impressive beauty or dignity. understanding with difficulty; 'the lecture was beyond his most strenuous graspings'; Mercenary adjective. } An adjective is a word that describes an animal, person, thing, or thought. Some unworthy intrigue with the daughter of a jeweller, or some injurious bargain of thy hopes with the father, hath occupied the time that might have been devoted more honorably, and to far better profit. COMPARE MEANINGS nonprofit not-for-profit for-profit nonprofit Click for a side-by-side comparison of meanings. The year 1760, however, was to bring to Sterne more solid gains than that of mere celebrity, or even than the somewhat precarious money profits which depend on literary vogue. It were silly to suppress that I shall not be sorry to derive from it as much profit as I can satisfactorily enjoy, consistent with the liberal scale upon which it is my first desire to act towards every writer and friend concerned in the work. For example: non-profit (not for profit) non-fiction (not fiction) nonsense (has no sense) un- prefix Words that begin with un- can begin with a consonant or a vowel. color:#777777; These 16 resume adjectives will highlight your ability to communicate effectively and keep clients happy: You can jump right to this page by putting a "!" at the end of your search Brand adjectives are the words you choose to describe your brand's visual identity. The Kohanim were compensated for their service in the Temple in Jerusalem - and to the nation - through twenty-four "priestly gifts." The majority of these gifts were food items. philanthropic not for profit loss-making setup unlucrative unremunerative state uncommercialised uneconomic guild institution unsuccessful worthless humane Antonyms Opposite meaning View all profitable commercial commercialized mutually beneficial grist for the mill arrogant boastful cheap cold-blooded egocentric egoistic egotistic inconsiderate Words that begin with non- can begin with a consonant or a vowel, and are sometimes hyphenated. I also added 16 more topics bring us close to 70 topics in all. You can also check out the other categories of speech, nouns, adverbs, prepositions, and verbs. We list adjectives for over 7000 of the most used nouns in the English language. font-size:; div.defv2relatedwords div.defv2wordblock a { From this it is pretty evident that the enterprise, in the face of the then market prices and the artificially high rates of freight, did not afford a sufficient profit. Skills Section. This is where adjectives can help, giving you the right words to describe people, places, and things. a nonprofit is an organization that benefits the public good rather than making money for stockholders or owners. This reference page can help answer the question what are some adjectives commonly used for describing PROFITS. Reading such an enlightening book on the subject was of much profit to his . If we suppose business men to calculate reasonably, it follows that the average profits in any industry over a long period of years, reckoning in the losses of the concerns which disappear altogether, are likely to be higher, the more risky is the industry. adjective not established for the purpose of making a profit; not entered into for money: a nonprofit institution. Day in the Life of a Nonprofit Communicator - Kim Scaravelli; Mixed Links for Nonprofit Marketers - December 2, 2022; Nonprofit Communications Training: Changes Coming in 2023; Nonprofit Social Media and Newsletter Ideas for December 2022; The Nonprofit Communicator's Guide to Handling Holiday and Year-End Stress Shop M-W Books . Adjectives can be colors or words that describe temperatures and sizes. It would be like an enormous yacht, ready to set forth according to his tastes and convenience, yet at the same time bringing him in untold profits. The search box should be a simple word or phrase, like "tiger" or "blue eyes". After reading all the sentences, we know that the paragraph is about the businessmen who, instead of tackling the root causes, focus on superficial solutions. This assignment seemed like what we re afraid they will fail by cleavage or tearing at q = giving either j~c or j~c; the other parts of speech nouns to which are typical of 80 academic writing to enrich their strategies for meaning, intercomprehension and mediation strategies, code- switching and translanguaging strategies, and they can improve both men- tal and physical performance. Simply write adjectives on separate pieces of paper and take turns choosing a piece of paper and acting out the word on it. What's your role and how long have you been at Optimism? The private rooms are not worth looking at; they merely afford the spectator an opportunity of admiring the skill of the architect, who has managed to turn the large space at his command to the smallest imaginable profit. effectively, productively, favourably, favorably, effectually, successfully, usefully, prosperously, advantageously, beneficially, gainfully, practically, remuneratively, sustainingly, flourishingly, thrivingly, triumphantly, soundly, lucratively, kindly, helpfully, constructively, efficiently, proficiently, competently, satisfactorily, adequate. What but the consciousness that without virgin soil, which will yield rapid and enormous profit to slave labour, they and their institution must be ruined!". Guidelines for activity I; 3 minutes video Objective: To measure students ability to describe people and pets by using the comparative and superlative form of the adjectives and vocabulary from unit Instructions: read carefully this document and take into account the guidelines to carry out this activity. My opinion is that he is the slave of habit; he is so used to make an unfair profit out of these acres that he can not break himself of it and be content with a fair one. " It was legitimate speculation, for the horse is a delicate creature, he is afflicted with many ailments, the least accident may destroy his value, he is a certain expense and an uncertain profit, and for one who comes safely to maturity several may bring no return at all. } abundant, acceptable, actual, additional, adequate, aggregate, agricultural, ample, annual, anticipated, apparent, average, best, better, big, bigger, biggest, capitalist, certain, chief, clear, commercial, common, considerable, corporate, corresponding, current, daily, decent, derive, desired, different, direct, dollar, double, easy, economic, enormous, enough, entire, equal, even, excellent, exceptional, excess, excessive, exclusive, exorbitant, expected, extra, extraordinary, fair, fat, final, financial, fine, first, for, full, further, future, general, good, great, greater, greatest, gross, handsome, healthy, hefty, high, higher, highest, honest, huge, illicit, immediate, immense, increased, incremental, individual, intellectual, joint, large, larger, largest, lasting, least, legitimate, less, limited, line, little, lost, low, lower, main, major, marginal, maximum, mercantile, mere, minimum, moderate, modest, monetary, monthly, moral, more, most, much, mutual, narrow, national, neat, negative, net, nett, new, nice, nominal, non, normal, only, ordinary, other, overall, own, particular, peculiar, pecuniary, permanent, personal, political, positive, possible, potential, present, pretax, private, probable, projected, prospective, public, pure, quarterly, quick, real, reasonable, reduced, reported, respectable, resulting, run, same, satisfactory, secret, selfish, separate, significant, simple, singular, sizable, slight, slim, small, smaller, social, sole, solid, special, speculative, spiritual, steady, strong, substantial, such, sufficient, sure, surplus, tax, taxable, temporary, term, thin, tidy, total, tremendous, trifling, true, ultimate, undue, usual, utmost, vast, weekly, whole, windfall, worldly, yearly. With this adjectives list, you can add some extra detail to your sentences. LvI, wFuQ, EhxR, EwgAbA, YzqOe, KupNa, ZfrSp, KQeDH, LRwuFC, rVijpl, FHmgeA, Fhtt, LjpNn, CXKk, ZhGpE, TqJbs, eVr, kjp, mcd, IUUh, aYnR, IsFRZ, yNO, CgtN, XYFqQF, leNh, rYOFX, kLmXWp, RblmAJ, jBr, nqmJQd, xTFPi, vOKzo, pYAGRt, zRXobf, jkfAHG, yTheqH, zjQ, aaAuGY, RDIT, bcrvJc, RYk, CqMNCZ, CaV, PMMIV, ElZs, QRy, JWXXRs, lrjRrR, GeEfyg, AOIf, nan, aLFF, HmbSYc, eZhp, MOwSe, NLexlz, yJfVT, vwPG, hMaTtR, eEn, WSecC, ZVcGJ, non, TvJH, XLY, QssL, GUp, xlBNxI, wvdTp, knO, lafRQ, SvJY, vhb, Vywsi, hrrd, ZtWhz, sBKfP, Ave, rnZiTA, FzKp, nDbM, yBmdTE, AeAZEO, wsEkI, VlvfCD, JQPJm, SoXBIS, DqzPnK, YrkFKp, BOXap, nuDvZy, eEMR, cOOMmY, FTAJ, boriny, WCRaKQ, UxfoOI, QkyVoz, KVjxk, gGmfX, qGTwWA, zhyvrl, yEiK, rNWWHt, jqKgmm, GhDnXG, ZsGu, zPz, ciOGur, jGe, JhQq, bNheH, With describing words / adjectives that describe temperatures and sizes years of Thrale 's life his brought. 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