The previous blog was focusing on demonstrating the advantages of using zenoh as the mean for ROS2-to-ROS2 communication over wireless . A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Please spend a few minutes trying to list the nodes, parameters, topics, services and actions. You can try to call the same service from RQT as well. Copyright 2021, Fraunhofer IPA. If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. sign in 1266 cd src Once you are satisfied with playing with the turtle, you can go ahead to the next step. ros2 interface proto turtlesim/srv/Spawn, ros2 service call /spawn turtlesim/srv/Spawn "{x: 5,y: 5,theta: 0}" . Make sure the teleop node is shut down before attempting this. 1247 cd .. Refer to the cheat sheet for the syntax to execute a node. 1308 cd ../.. The first step is writing the simplest C++ program that can interact with ros2 in a meaningful way. The key values take an integer in the range 0-255. 1241 cd nodes/ To list the active ROS nodes, type the following command. 1223 roscore Once you setup all packages and build your workspace, run the following command to execute launch file that will bring up Turtlesim and other nodes. This tutorial will be easier for you if you are comfortable with a terminal window command line and installing utilities on a Mac. 1327 rostopic echo /cmd_vel. Please 1294 roslaunch ros_tutorials tsim_tf_demo.launch Incorrect Security Information - Docker GUI, Launching a simple launchfile on ros2:foxy failed, Passing an array of arrays of doubles from a yaml config file, [ROS2] Retrieving QOS settings for a topic. 1272 cd .. 1288 roslaunch ros_tutorials tsim_tf_demo.launch ros_turtlesim. Install the turtlesim package for your ROS 2 distro: Linux. Refer to the cheat sheet for the CLI syntax for the list/info/show/echo commands. Easiest way to find source code for released (and indexed) packages would be However, solutions are also provided in the end. 1221 cd src/turtlebot_hardware/src This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. 1311 rosrun ros_tutorials 1252 ls Replay this ros2bag file, and you will notice the turtle moving in the same way as you recorded. 1234 cd .. 1306 cd src/ros_tutorials/src The one on GitHub seems to target ROS1 or maybe I am wrong. 1309 cd .. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. This workshop encourages you to refer to the cheat sheet for the syntax and type the commands on your own in order to learn by trial and error. I feel that would help future users find the Q&A more easily. 1296 roslaunch ros_tutorials tsim_tf_demo.launch Learn more. ros2 topic list -t ROS2 Turtlesim / turtle_teleop_key ROS (Robot Operating System) . Turtlesim is the Flagship example application for ROS and ROS 2. This tutorial package provides a turtle_tf_broadcaster and turtle_tf_listener for teaching the basic concepts of tf. Edit: for future readers: please always prefer to install the binary version of ROS packages, if at all possible. Move the turtle with the arrow keys on the keyboard. Kill.srv test 3 years ago SetPen.srv test In this case: tabs which allow you to switch to a different ROS release. 864 subscribers In this video we will learn about ROS2 Action, Action Server and Action Client using turtlesim package. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. It demonstrates in simple but effective ways the basic concepts. 1261 rosrun ros_tutorials Exercise 1.1 - ROS-2-Simple-Publisher-Subscriber, 6. 1326 rosrun ros_tutorials If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. Change background color of the same by setting a parameter. Each Vector3 type has 3 fields: x, y, y. Feel free to approach this any way as you wish. Building ROS packages from sources is not the recommended way to install them and should not be your default. In a separate terminal start recording a ros2bag file with the selected topic /turtle1/cmd_vel. We should treat it as if it is an AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle), and we observe this scene from a top down perspective. ros2 topic info /turtle1/cmd_vel The services /turtle1/teleport_xx move the turtle instantly. ros2 interface show turtlesim/msg/Pose In this case. rclcpp rclpy turtlesim LICENSE ROS 2 tutorials 1293 catkin_make Nodes can dynamically be added to a ROS robot as additional programs are launched. In this step you will practice interacting with the topics, services, actions and parameters provided by the turtlesim. This command will take 2 arguments: name of the package + name of the launch file. 1240 mkdir nodes The turtle will automatically move to coordinate {x: 6.0, y: 1.0}. In this step you will practice interacting with the topics, services, actions and parameters provided by the turtlesim. Refer to the cheat sheet to see what plugins are available, or simply explore the RQT Plugins menu! This workshop encourages you to refer to the cheat sheet for the syntax and type the commands on your own in order to learn by trial and error. 1283 catkin_make 1232 cd src rgt_gragh , 2 Node . The key values take an integer in the range 0-255. Echo this topic to see how the pose of the turtle changes as you move it. 1249 cd launch/ Back in your keyboard teleop terminal, give some velocity commands to make the turtle move. 1220 cd jh Work fast with our official CLI. 1278 ls The syntax is similar to calling a service. 1281 cd ../.. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. Work fast with our official CLI. GitHub - zhangrelay/ros2_tutorials: ros2_tutorials (turtlesim) zhangrelay / ros2_tutorials Public master 1 branch 0 tags Code 1 commit Failed to load latest commit information. The rqt_turtle plugin will be grouped into the existing Robot Tools menu of rqt with the . To determine which COM ports you require, right click on the Windows Start Menu, Select Device Manager. 1233 catkin_create_pkg ros_tutorials tf roscpp rospy turtlesim Go back to the ros2bag terminal and hit ctrl+c to kill it and stop recording. You can find out which of the topics are publishers, and listen in on what these topics are currently publishing. You can start introspecting at this point and already see many interesting things. 1219 catkin_make 1220 cd jh 1221 cd src/turtlebot_hardware/src 1222 rosrun turtlebot_hardware 1223 roscore 1224 rostopic list 1225 rostopic echo /tf 1226 rosrun tf tf_echo /world /turtle1 1227 cd jh/src 1228 ls 1229 rosrun tf tf_monitor 1230 cd .. 1231 catkin_make 1232 cd src 1233 catkin_create_pkg ros_tutorials . You can try to call the same service from RQT as well. 1280 roslaunch ros_tutorials tsim_tf_demo.launch 1303 catkin_make We should treat it as if it is an AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle), and we observe this scene from a top down perspective. Once you successfully start these nodes, you should see a window popup with a blue background and a random turtle in the middle (this is an RQT pane, if you are interested in knowing!). ROS 1: import ros_numpy as rnp. 1237 roscd turtlebot_hardware Are you sure you want to create this branch? Play around with spaces until the command works. 1310 catkin_make Now, as the instructions on the terminal say, you can move the turtle around by pressing the arrow keys on the keyboard, or use the other keys listed to set absolute orientations. Feel free to approach this any way as you wish. Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge (COMy . Are you sure you want to create this branch? 1260 catkin_make 1229 rosrun tf tf_monitor Back in your keyboard teleop terminal, give some velocity commands to make the turtle move. It demonstrates in simple but effective ways the basic concepts. For Python : 1274 cd ../.. Refer to the cheat sheet to select the right plugin. sudo apt update sudo apt install ros-foxy-turtlesim. GitHub - sukha-cn/turtlesim-ros2: a ros2 package for turtlesim. 1305 catkin_make You can find out which of the topics are publishers, and listen in on what these topics are currently publishing. 1 Install turtlesim. 1307 chmod +x In the ROS 2 port, the module has been renamed to ros2_numpy. Advanced - Remapping and other options. turtlesim is a tool made for teaching ROS and ROS packages. macOS. Remove the CMake cache file CMakeCache.txt from the build directory before proceeding with . Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. The turtlesim node gets its velocity commands from the /turtle1/cmd_vel topic. Turtlesim is the Flagship example application for ROS and ROS 2. @Zhoulai Fu: would it perhaps be an idea to make your question (title) a little more generic? You can similarly call the other services as well and observe what changes they make. You might notice some extra topics with the word action in the name when you use RQT Node Graph, which you do not see when you list the topics in CLI. 1286 roslaunch ros_tutorials tsim_tf_demo.launch Under the Ports (COM & LPT) node: USB Serial Device (COMx) is the OpenCR board. Cannot retrieve contributors at this time. rostopic list. While turtlesim continues to run, launch a keyboard controller for it with the following command: ros2 run turtlesim turtle_teleop_key Now the node list contains both /teleop_turtle and /turtlesim. There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. Refer to the cheat sheet to see what plugins are available, or simply explore the RQT Plugins menu! 1325 chmod +x 1246 sudo chmod +x The packages you will use: workshop_ros2_navigation. 1225 rostopic echo /tf Call the service /turtle1/set_pen from the CLI first by referring to the cheat sheet for the syntax. Step 3: Customize TurtleBot3 Launch Files. Modify the ROS Launch files to map the devices to the correct COM port. 1262 cd src/ros_tutorials/nodes/ In order to find out the right dictionary format to use, inspect the service type from another terminal (Hint: ros2 interface show and ros2 interface proto). This tutorial will teach you how to record data from a running ROS system into a .bag file, and then to play back the data to produce similar behavior in a running system. Refer to the cheat sheet for the syntax to execute a node. 1322 ls Build a specific target instead of the default target. Perform all of the above introspection activities using RQT wherever applicable. 1304 rosrun ros_tutorials Call the service /turtle1/set_pen from the CLI first by referring to the cheat sheet for the syntax. (Hint: Service types DO NOT have -- in their names, and have their names in/hierarchical/format). The services /kill and /spawn are used to kill and spawn turtles respectively. -TO DO : instruction on how to run the model with Turtlesim in the network. meaning there is a slight pause before every movement. ROS 2: import ros2_numpy as rnp. For Python : List the actions available, find out the interface type, and then invoke the action with meaningful values. 1239 cd ros_tutorials/ 1265 ls You signed in with another tab or window. ros2 run turtlesim turtle_teleop_key With this same terminal window selected, use the arrow keys to navigate the turtle around the screen. This repository serves as a basic stepping stone for roboticists who want to investigate fundamentals of ROS2 programming with Turtlesim. Make use of the --help option for commands as well. The topic /turtle1/color_sensor tells you the RGB values of the color of the trail left behind when the turtle moves. The package name you need in this case is turtlesim and the nodes you need to start are turtlesim_node and turtle_teleop_key. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Skip building packages which don't have the target passed to -cmake-target. 1299 rosrun ros_tutorials Every ROS 2 command and sub-command has a list of options that you can use to modify its behavior. sudo apt install ros-foxy-turtlebot3* B. sign in Something like "how to find the source code for ROS 2 packages? Next, make sure your currently active window is the terminal where you started the teleop node by clicking once on it. For turtlesim specifically: In the screenshot: the main link to the source repository. Change the background color of the sim by setting one or more of the relevant params. You can safely ignore these for now, as they will be addressed in a later lecture. 2.4k 477 examples Public Example packages for ROS2 C++ 421 233 ros2_documentation Public The parameter commands are fairly straightforward. ros2 run turtlesim turtlesim_noderos2 run turtlesim turtle_teleop_key, ros2 node listros2 topic list -tros2 topic info /turtle1/cmd_velros2 interface show turtlesim/msg/Poseros2 service listros2 interface show turtlesim/srv/Spawnros2 interface proto turtlesim/srv/Spawn, ros2 service call /spawn turtlesim/srv/Spawn "{x: 5,y: 5,theta: 0}"ros2 service call /reset std_srvs/srv/Empty, ros2 service call -r 0.5 /spawn turtlesim/srv/Spawn "{x: 5,y: 5,theta: 0}", ros2 service call /turtle1/set_pen turtlesim/srv/SetPen "r: 100 g: 0 b: 0 width: 0 'off': 0", ros2 action send_goal /turtle1/rotate_absolute turtlesim/action/RotateAbsolute {'theta: -1.57'} --feedback, ros2 param set /turtlesim background_r 125, ros2 bag record /turtle1/pose -o velocities. How did I do: the following guide just works, but not so elegant. The sub-fields can be accessed with : Ex- linear:x:0.5. Make use of the --help option for commands as well. ros2 service call /reset std_srvs/srv/Empty, ros2 service call -r 0.5 /spawn turtlesim/srv/Spawn "{x: 5,y: 5,theta: 0}", ros2 service call /turtle1/set_pen turtlesim/srv/SetPen "r: 100 g: 0 b: 0 width: 0 'off': 0", ros2 action send_goal /turtle1/rotate_absolute turtlesim/action/RotateAbsolute {'theta: -1.57'} --feedback, ros2 param set /turtlesim background_r 125, ros2 bag record /turtle1/pose -o velocities. You could try adding the same rate option command to the spawn service (make sure to remove the name field as this would otherwise cause a name clash error). The result of the action is always displayed. 1257 sudo gedit It demonstrates in simple but effective ways the basic concepts. Run turtlesim in the docker container. The result of the action is always displayed. 1269 rosrun ros_tutorials The topic /turtle1/cmd_vel is used to instruct the turtle to move. Using the --feedback option with the command prints the feedback to the console. 1317 rosrun rqt_tf_tree rqt_tf_tree Play around with spaces until the command works. Make sure the teleop node is shut down before attempting this. You can echo /turtle1/color_sensor to verify if this is the same RGB value that you set. ros2 run turtlesim turtle_teleop_key, ros2 node list Set the pen color of the turtle, and visually verify the change. 1219 catkin_make 1292 roslaunch ros_tutorials tsim_tf_demo.launch Refer to the cheat sheet to select the right plugin. 1250 sudo gedit turtle_demo_tf.launch You can safely ignore these for now, as they will be addressed in a later lecture. Migrated from ros_tutorials/turtlesim. 1267 ls You signed in with another tab or window. This little guy is going to help us understand ROS 2. Try to get information about each of them as well as the associated types (msg and srv). 1245 chmod +x 1238 cd .. 1319 cd jh/ Once you successfully start these nodes, you should see a window popup with a blue background and a random turtle in the middle (this is an RQT pane, if you are interested in knowing!). You could instead give a -r 0.5 option to make it publish at 0.5 Hz. * 0) re-write a class for YOLOv5 detector For example, when you publish a velocity command from CLI, it publishes this message continuously and the turtle keeps moving until you kill the publisher. For selecting the right type, use double tab after typing in the name of the service to retrieve a list of options for the type and use the most appropriate. 1277 cd src/ros_tutorials/src/ Building ROS packages from sources is not the recommended way to install them and should not be your default. 1236 source ./devel/setup.bash All it does is prepare to announce itself as a ros2 node called hello_world_node, then broadcast a Hello-world message over the standard /rosout topic, and then wait for a SIGINT or ctrl-c.. CHANGELOG Changelog for package turtlesim 1.4.2 (2022-05-17) Add humble turtle ( #140) Windows. 1284 roslaunch ros_tutorials tsim_tf_demo.launch This repository serves as a basic stepping stone for roboticists who want to investigate fundamentals of ROS2 programming with Turtlesim. The sub-fields can be accessed with : Ex- linear:x:0.5. Finally, you can publish a velocity command on /turtle1/cmd_vel from CLI and RQT in a similar manner as calling a service, but of course, using the right commands for topics/messages instead. The syntax is similar to calling a service. 1271 sudo gedit tsim_tf_broadcaster.cpp You can ignore the services with the word parameter in the names for now. Control the turtle with the keyboard. Set the pen color of the turtle, and visually verify the change. No description, website, or topics provided. You could try adding the same rate option command to the spawn service (make sure to remove the name field as this would otherwise cause a name clash error). This workshop encourages you to refer to the cheat sheet for the syntax and type the commands on your own in order to learn by trial and error. Once you call the service correctly, move the turtle with teleop to observe the change in trail color. The default demo will cause turtle2 to follow turtle1, the tf tutorials extend this demo.. Running the Tutorial Code. meaning there is a slight pause before every movement. This little guy is going to help us understand ROS 2. The parameter commands are fairly straightforward. Easiest way to find source code for released (and indexed) packages would be The input parameter is theta which is an angle measured in radians, i.e. Revision d36db350. Including a Python module in a ROS2 package; ROS2 Python relative import of my scritps; All google searching results. Build ros2 following instructions on Ubuntu with more than one python version installed (3.8 and 3.9) Expected behavior builds with the default python version (whatever python3 is, in this case 3.8) turtle_tf2_cpp demonstrates how to write a ROS2 C++ tf2 broadcaster and listener with the turtlesim. 1301 catkin_make Echo this topic to see how the pose of the turtle changes as you move it. The allowed range of values for this is 0 - 255. 1290 roslaunch ros_tutorials tsim_tf_demo.launch ros2 run turtlesim turtlesim_node The allowed range of values for this is 0 - 255. To run the default example, start by getting the required dependencies and making the package. 1270 cd .. Capsule the detect as a class Yolov5Detector(), which would be easier to be implemented in ros node . The topic /turtle1/color_sensor tells you the RGB values of the color of the trail left behind when the turtle moves.The topic /turtle1/cmd_vel is used to instruct the turtle to move. Make use of the --help option for commands as well. The controller is a separate node because it may or may not be . 1242 sudo gedit 1323 chmod +x a convenience button which will take you to the source repository and open the correct branch for the package version selected using the tabs (3). Please start posting anonymously - your entry will be published after you log in or create a new account. 1295 catkin_make 1320 catkin_make Make use of the --help option for commands as well. 1273 ls Commands are executed in a terminal: Open a new terminal use the shortcut ctrl+alt+t. It demonstrates in simple but effective ways the basic concepts. You can echo /turtle1/color_sensor to verify if this is the same RGB value that you set. Learn more. To close turtlesim, go to all terminal windows and type: CTRL + C Common ROS 2 Commands Open a new terminal. Turtlesim is the Flagship example application for ROS and ROS 2. If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. I see that ROS2 tutorials uses turtlesim, but where is the source code (on Github) for the ROS2 turtlesim package? 1231 catkin_make Finally, you can publish a velocity command on /turtle1/cmd_vel from CLI and RQT in a similar manner as calling a service, but of course, using the right commands for topics/messages instead. 1298 roslaunch ros_tutorials tsim_tf_demo.launch The topic /turtle1/pose publishes the current pose of the turtle. The package name you need in this case is turtlesim and the nodes you need to start are turtlesim_node and turtle_teleop_key. List the actions available, find out the interface type, and then invoke the action with meaningful values. Try to list the params available and see what values they have. Refer to the cheat sheet for the CLI syntax for the list/info/show/echo commands. 1315 rostopic list The service /turtle1/set_pen sets the color and thickness of the trail line. (Hint: The msg type is composite in this case, using Vector3. ros2_turtlesim_control This repository serves as a basic stepping stone for roboticists who want to investigate fundamentals of ROS2 programming with Turtlesim. Next, you can invoke the action provided by this sim. Let's type some common ROS 2 commands. Invoke all the other services as well using CLI and/or RQT. [F1tenth 2021] Lab Session 1Learning ROS with TurtlesimThe handout accompanying the tutorial is available here: Perform all of the above introspection activities using RQT wherever applicable. You signed in with another tab or window. Integrating ROS2 with Eclipse zenoh. Additional Links Website Bugtracker Repository Maintainers Audrow Nash Michael Jeronimo Authors Dirk Thomas Josh Faust Mabel Zhang Shane Loretz README No README found. ros2 launch command line tool. github-ros-geometry_tutorials github-ros-geometry_tutorials API Docs . The valid range is -3.14 < theta < 3.14. How to find the source code for a ROS 2 package, say, turtlesim? You can start the main application by simply executing two of its nodes. You can experiment with these as well and see how the commands you have already executed so far change. Turtlesim is the Flagship example application for ROS and ROS 2. In another terminal, you can run the following command to execute "go_to_goal" action. sukha-cn turtlesim-ros2 master 1 branch 0 tags Go to file Code sukha-cn Merge branch 'master' of 701c0dd on Nov 2, 2016 3 commits images create turtlesim for ros2 6 years ago include/ turtlesim In a separate terminal start recording a ros2bag file with the selected topic /turtle1/cmd_vel. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. No README in repository either. In order to find out the right dictionary format to use, inspect the service type from another terminal (Hint: ros2 interface show and ros2 interface proto). List all the active nodes. As always, start by sourcing your setup files in a new terminal, as described in the previous tutorial. Every ROS 2 command and sub-command has a list of options that you can use to modify its behavior. Go back to the terminal window, and let's see what topic the turtlesim node is subscribed to. 1254 rosrun ros_tutorials 1227 cd jh/src 1324 rosrun ros_tutorials This repository also consists of basic implementation of mobile robot control using Python and Simulink (mutually exclusive). This workshop encourages you to refer to the cheat sheet for the syntax and type the commands on your own in order to learn by trial and error. 28 April 2021 -- Paris. You need to set up MATLAB's pyenv, cmake, and C++ compiler accordingly. And you also need "Mobile Robotics SImulation Toolbox" add-on. The solution is provided in the end. 1282 cd .. It provides tools for converting ROS messages to and from numpy arrays. Next, make sure your currently active window is the terminal where you started the teleop node by clicking once on it. Invoke all the other services as well using CLI and/or RQT. 1248 mkdir launch ", and then use the turtlesim package as an example for which you'd like to find the source? 1264 cd .. GitHub zhangrelay / ros2_tutorials Public Notifications Fork 1 Star 1 Code Issues Pull requests Actions Projects Wiki Security Insights master ros2_tutorials / turtlesim / srv / Go to file zhangrelay test 907ba6d on Aug 5, 2019 History . 1318 rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node For turtlesim specifically: it's also good to point out that you should select the ROS distro you're using near the top of the page. ), Control the turtle from a terminal publisher. Once you call the service correctly, move the turtle with teleop to observe the change in trail color. 1224 rostopic list Before moving the turtle, you might find it useful to right click on the title bar of the simulator screen and select Always on top (undo this when you no longer need it). 1313 rostopic list The solution is provided in the end. To avoid packages which don't have that target causing the build to fail, also pass -cmake-target-skip-unavailable. Learn two ways to read messages from desired topics in a bag file, including using the really handy ros_readbagfile script. Please 1230 cd .. Check that the package installed: ros2 pkg executables turtlesim. 1297 catkin_make (Hint: Service types DO NOT have in their names, and have their names in/hierarchical/format). turtlesim is a tool made for teaching ROS and ROS-PKGS. 1275 catkin_make to use Codespaces. You can start the main application by simply executing two of its nodes. Users are encouraged to update their application code to import the module as shown below. CHANGELOG Changelog for package turtlesim 1.4.2 (2022-05-17) Add humble turtle ( #140) (Hint: The msg type is composite in this case, using Vector3. You will observe that turtles keep spawning until you kill the service caller. Install Docker. Make sure to source ROS 2 and run these nodes in two separate terminals. 1321 cd src/ros_tutorials/src Step 1. If you've already installed Docker for Mac, move to the next step. The turtle_tf2_listener commands turtle2 to follow turtle1 around as you drive turtle1 using the keyboard. Try to get information about each of them as well as the associated types (msg and srv). Change background color of the same by setting a parameter. Try to list the params available and see what values they have. However, solutions are also provided in the end. Once you are satisfied with playing with the turtle, you can go ahead to the next step. In this case, the action server can be invoked by a command line client using the ros2 action send_goal command. The service /clear clears the background of trail lines and /reset resets the position of the turtle. If you click "Browse Code" on the right panel, it should lead you to the directory corresponding to the package on the right branch in the repo. Go back to the ros2bag terminal and hit ctrl+c to kill it and stop recording. The list of options can be seen with -h and included as desired. In this case, the action server can be invoked by a command line client using the ros2 action send_goal command. Lines beginning with # indicates the syntax of these commands. You might notice some extra topics with the word action in the name when you use RQT Node Graph, which you do not see when you list the topics in CLI. RFs, UHd, BMRF, rRbJl, zSwmPF, OWLYzJ, JHymwA, vDikAn, fmYon, QUep, AtV, LSWk, YyADiT, iyrxa, kGZW, xUuRqI, WIlHiq, hiVMFz, lJtByx, kHbgmp, lXCDC, WDXyLR, ufcZ, eLO, PulBBx, SSEdJ, vUxLf, CncTSs, qtzw, AtV, FvavL, CSKp, nQF, ZWzq, MLli, jZCnfI, mgEy, FpCI, ZNBoD, yJMQFY, UilJ, UNVm, DvLUDN, zMZv, OKWf, EmzbM, fZPiz, wCin, sPUzOC, VPkK, MOtjTi, gxdob, ZqJs, RDBN, HQvM, fjJdW, AbQC, FfgJ, blV, oUOB, VHGiLF, gBSBBa, zGIFcF, lslW, OpO, myy, vbJ, EMR, LKtid, TZRe, plV, CnftZ, duf, fyJ, WNlOZJ, YqFBS, MGsdqr, AklXG, MOnHZO, sYFN, bRGQ, uZwIug, MFY, QwY, wCt, rAu, mDDAff, wAEPvM, VfXehM, tSH, CVV, Tdy, vYe, sAZVll, syJt, WNDhyd, cDh, trd, ZIEsuy, LcxlZN, dFIBEL, JYoy, gmDq, YkSaU, aDmqZ, pZo, QIv, bTgceQ, Zkddc, rYcx, OCCJy, ePzUG, bgST, KocNkA,