All poultry and poultry products processed in an official establishment shall be inspected, handled, processed, marked, and labeled as required by the regulations. In the request the State must: (1) Identify establishments in the State that have requested to be selected for the program that the State recommends for initial selection into the program, if any; (2) Demonstrate that the State is able to provide the necessary inspection services to selected establishments in the State and conduct any related activities that would be required under a cooperative interstate shipment program established under this subpart; and. Adulterated applies to any poultry product under one or more of the following circumstances: (i) If it bears or contains any poisonous or deleterious substance which may render it injurious to health; but in case the substance is not an added substance, such article shall not be considered adulterated under this clause if the quantity of such substance in or on such article does not ordinarily render it injurious to health; (a) If it bears or contains (by reason of administration of any substance to the live poultry or otherwise) any added poisonous or added deleterious substance (other than one which is a pesticide chemical in or on a raw agricultural commodity; a food additive; or a color additive) which may, in the judgment of the Administrator, make such article unfit for human food; (b) If it is, in whole or part, a raw agricultural commodity and such commodity bears or contains a pesticide chemical which is unsafe within the meaning of section 408 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act; (c) If it bears or contains any food additive which is unsafe within the meaning of section 409 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act; (d) If it bears or contains any color additive which is unsafe within the meaning of section 706 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act: Provided, That an article which is not otherwise deemed adulterated under paragraphs (b)(4)(ii) (b), (c), or (d) of this section shall nevertheless be deemed adulterated if use of the pesticide chemical, food additive, or color additive in or on such article is prohibited by the regulations in this part in official establishments; (iii) If it consists in whole or in part of any filthy, putrid, or decomposed substance or is for any other reason unsound, unhealthful, unwholesome, or otherwise unfit for human food; (iv) If it has been prepared, packed, or held under insanitary conditions whereby it may have become contaminated with filth, or whereby it may have been rendered injurious to health; (v) If it is, in whole or in part, the product of any poultry which has died otherwise than by slaughter; (vi) If its container is composed, in whole or in part, of any poisonous or deleterious substance which may render the contents injurious to health; (vii) If it has been intentionally subjected to radiation, unless the use of the radiation was in conformity with a regulation or exemption in effect pursuant to section 409 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act; or. Free from protruding pinfeathers. Each component listing may utilize the required quantifying statement at the end of each component ingredients listing. [47 FR 23435, May 28, 1982, as amended at 66 FR 22905, May 7, 2001]. You can change your cookie settings at any time. Such product consists of a boneless slice or strip of poultry meat of the kind indicated. (d) FSIS will retain a copy of the certificate. Sink compartments shall be large enough to permit the accommodation of the equipment and utensils, and each compartment of the sink shall be supplied with hot and cold potable running water. (ii) Raw poultry product whose internal temperature has ever been at or below 0F must be labeled with the descriptive term frozen, except when such labeling duplicates or conflicts with the labeling requirements in 381.125 of this subchapter. Samples from ratites may be collected by sponging the carcass on the back and thigh or samples can be collected by rinsing the whole carcass in an amount of buffer appropriate for that type of bird. If you work for a Federal agency, use this drafting The platform must be designed so that it can be easily and rapidly adjusted for a minimum of 14 inches vertically while standing on the platform. (1) The Administrator is authorized to establish specifications or definitions and standards of identity or composition, covering the principal constituents of any poultry product with respect to which a specified name of the product or other labeling terminology may be used, whenever he determines such action is necessary to prevent sale of the product under false or misleading labeling. (vi) Handwashing facilities shall be provided for and shall be within easy reach of persons working at the station. In prehistoric times, humankind hunted aurochs and later domesticated them. (b) Any binder or antimicrobial agent that has been found to be safe and suitable by the Food and Drug Administration and the Food Safety and Inspection Service may be used in the production of poultry products with standards of identity in this part, where the product standards and applicable Federal regulations already permit the use of these types of ingredients. Ratites that are sick, dying, or that have been treated with a drug or chemical and presented for slaughter before the required withdrawal period, are not covered by emergency slaughter provisions. A young guinea is an immature guinea, of either sex, that is tender-meated and has a flexible breastbone cartilage. Such product consists of ready-to-cook poultry of the kind indicated, that has been cooked in dry source heat, e.g., oven roasted or oven baked. Product produced by advanced meat recovery (AMR) machinery can be labeled using terms associated with hand-deboned product, e.g., "beef" or "pork" trimmings and ground "beef" or "pork." (f) The inspection legend may be placed on containers of product before completion of official import inspection if the containers are being inspected by an import inspector who reports to an Import Field Office Supervisor, the product is not required to be held at the establishment pending the receipt of laboratory test results; and a written procedure for controlled stamping, submitted by the import establishment and approved by the Director, Import Inspection Division, is on file at the import inspection facility where the inspection is to be performed. Registration of imported products may only be undertaken by a Philippine entity, although some documentation and, for certain types of products, samples need to be provided by the exporter. It is composed of cellulose produced by the action of an acidic medium called Acetobacter xylinum on coconut water or diluted coconut milk. (a) Either the immediate container or the shipping container of all poultry food products shall be plainly and permanently marked by code or otherwise with the date of packing. (2) Representative samples of canned product designated by the Administrator in instructions to inspectors shall be incubated under the supervision of such inspectors in accordance with 381.309 (d)(1)(ii), (d)(1)(iii), (d)(1)(iv)(c), (d)(1)(v), (d)(1)(vii), and (d)(1)(viii) of this subchapter. Chemical and physical characteristics of desiccated coconutSource: CODEX STAN 177-1991. It is popular among Indonesians to say that there is a use for the coconut palm in every day of the year. The amount of calories, sugars, total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, or sodium may vary under labeled amounts within good manufacturing practice. Each bird sampled shall be observed and its conformance measured against the postchill criteria. When not in actual use, all such records shall be kept in a safe place at the prescribed location in accordance with good commercial practices. It is sometimes called white slime (b) No slaughtered poultry, or parts or products thereof, shall be imported into the United States unless they are healthful, wholesome, fit for human food, not adulterated, and contain no dye, chemical, preservative, or ingredient which renders them unhealthful, unwholesome, adulterated, or unfit for human food and they also comply with the regulations prescribed in this subpart to assure that they comply with the standards provided for in the Act: Provided, That the provisions of this subpart apply to such articles only if they are capable of use as human food. (i) A product for which the reference product contains more than 40 calories or more than 3 g fat per reference amount customarily consumed may use the terms light in sodium or lite in sodium if it is reduced by 50 percent or more in sodium content compared to the reference product, provided that light or lite is presented in immediate proximity with in sodium and the entire term is presented in uniform type size, style, color, and prominence; and. The inspector in charge or his supervisor shall, upon or prior to the inauguration of service, inform the operator of the establishment of the requirements of the regulations. Therefore, the claim "no hormones added"cannot be usedon the labels of pork or poultry unless it is followed by a statement that says "Federal regulations prohibit the use of hormones.". Examples of such product are Mechanically Separated Chicken and Mechanically Separated Turkey.. On January 18, 2021, former President Duterte signed Executive Order No. DDM Jeffery Jacobsen Ensures Meat is Safe and Cooks it, Too! If no USDA or AOAC methods are available, the applicant shall submit the assay method used, and data establishing the validity of the method for assaying the nutrient in the particular food. Pets and other healthy animals, including those at petting zoos, farms, fairs, and even schools and daycares, can carry Salmonella and other germs that make people sick. (b) Restaurant menus generally do not constitute labeling or fall within the scope of these regulations. ); or. Date of packing and date of processing; contents of cans. (c) The guaranty by the packaging supplier will be accepted by Program inspectors to establish that the use of material complies with the FFDCA and all applicable food additive regulations. (C) Contain a written certification from an official of the receiving establishment that the undenatured poultry product intended for export has not been, and will not be, commingled with any product intended for consumption in the United States. Refrigerate leftovers immediately or discard. Different sizes of desiccated coconut is then mixed and conveyed to a sieving machine, where different particle sizes are separated and bagged into 50kg bags. This term means any symbol prescribed in subpart M of this part to identify the status of any article or poultry under the Act. - The same material as line 1, but measuring >. The term natural flavor, natural flavoring, flavor or flavoring may also be used to designate spices, powdered onion, powdered garlic, and powdered celery. (b) Notification to employees of the nature and early symptoms of occupational illnesses and injuries, in a manner and language that workers can understand, including by posting in a conspicuous place or places where notices to employees are customarily posted, a copy of the FSIS/OSHA poster encouraging reporting and describing reportable signs and symptoms. Suspend random time postchill subgroup testing when the processing category is the affected nonconformance category. (d) If any marking is by code, the inspector in charge shall be informed as to its meaning. Product described in this paragraph is subject to the freezing procedures required in 381.66(f)(2) of this subchapter. (1) Calories, total, Total calories, or Calories: A statement of the caloric content per serving, expressed to the nearest 5-calorie increment up to and including 50 calories, and 10-calorie increment above 50 calories, except that amounts less than 5 calories may be expressed as zero. (iii) When necessary, cooperate with FSIS to transition selected establishments in the State that have been deselected from a cooperative interstate shipment program to become official establishments. The mirror shall be positioned in relation to the inspection platform so that the inspector can position himself/herself opposite it 8 to 12 inches from the downstream edge. Each of the following States has been designated, effective on the date shown below, under section 11 of the Act, as a State in which the provisions of the sections of the Act and regulations specified below shall apply to operators engaged, other than in or for commerce, in the kinds of business indicated below: [37 FR 9706, May 16, 1972; 65 FR 6888, Feb. 11, 2000]. This term means that the poultry carcass, or part or product of a poultry carcass, so identified was inspected and found to be adulterated and is condemned. Slaughtered poultry which is prepared under an exemption authorizing the sale of noneviscerated poultry in commerce shall be individually identified with a label approved by the Administrator which identifies the clerical official under whose supervision the poultry was slaughtered. (vi) After the 10 bird subgroup tests are completed, the prechill and postchill processing nonconformances shall be corrected on all bird samples prior to returning the samples to the product flow. (A) The alternative is an integral part of the establishment's verification procedures for its HACCP plan and. This information may be presented horizontally (i.e., Calories per gram: Fat 9, Carbohydrate 4, Protein 4) or vertically in columns. The system as implemented must provide standards equivalent to those of the Federal system of poultry inspection in the United States with respect to: (A) Organizational structure and staffing, so as to insure uniform enforcement of the requisite laws and regulations in all establishments throughout the system at which poultry products are processed for export to the United States; (B) Ultimate control and supervision by the national government over the official activities of all employees or licensees of the system; (C) The assignment of competent, qualified inspectors; (D) Authority and responsibility of national inspection officials to enforce the requisite laws and regulations governing poultry inspection and to certify or refuse to certify poultry products intended for export; (E) Adequate administrative and technical support; (F) The inspection, sanitation, quality, species verification, and residue standards applied to products produced in the United States. (2) The terms low calorie, few calories, contains a small amount of calories, low source of calories, or low in calories may be used on the label or in labeling of products, except meal-type products as defined in 381.413(l) and main-dish products as defined in 318.413(m), provided that: (A) The product has a reference amount customarily consumed greater than 30 grams (g) or greater than 2 tablespoons (tbsp) and does not provide more than 40 calories per reference amount customarily consumed; or. Mechanically separated poultry has been used in poultry products since 1969. (4) Part-time and temporary employees are counted the same as full-time employees. (h) The product name for a raw poultry product that contains added solution and does not meet a standard of identity in this part must contain a descriptive designation that includes: (1) The percentage of added solution (total weight of the solution ingredients divided by the weight of the raw poultry without solution or any other added ingredients multiplied by 100). All visible specks of contamination must be removed, and if the inner surfaces are reprocessed other than solely by trimming, all surfaces of the carcass must be treated with chlorinated water containing 20 ppm to 50 ppm available chlorine or another approved antimicrobial substance in accordance with the parameters approved by the Administrator. It can also be dried in a continuous dryer with two stages where the material is turned over from the first to the second stage. WebTerminology. (2) Inspector Actions: The inspector shall spot check the rework procedure to ensure that plant monitoring and production meet the requirements of the program. 74 (Slightly revised February 1973), pages 2 and 3, which is incorporated by reference. 381.204 Marking of poultry products offered for entry; official import inspection marks and devices. Pictures of the product from all angles and in different packaging sizes, and from at least two different perspectives allowing visual recognition of a product as the same with the others being registered, as applicable. When oil is extracted with the solvent method, hexane is used to dissolve the oil in copra or copra cake. A normal retail quantity sold by a retail supplier to other than a household consumer is any quantity that in the aggregate does not exceed 150 pounds. When provided, the information described in paragraph (d)(10) of this section shall also be in type no smaller than 6 point. (3) Monitoring by Inspectors. (j) The labeling application shall include a statement signed by the person responsible for the labeling application, that to the best of his or her knowledge, it is a representative and balanced submission that includes unfavorable information, as well as favorable information, known to him or her pertinent to the evaluation of the labeling application. [37 FR 9706, May 16, 1972, as amended at 64 FR 66545, Nov. 29, 1999]. Contamination with microorganisms; process control verification criteria and testing; pathogen reduction standards for establishments that slaughter ratites. 584 (21 U.S.C. During the environmental assessment, a sample of raw, unopened mechanically separated chicken from a 50-lb intact box from the same shipment used to prepare a meal on January 8, 2022, was collected for testing. (ii) Immerse in 212 F. Temperatures and procedures that are necessary for chilling and freezing ready-to-cook poultry, including all edible portions thereof, must be in accordance with operating procedures that ensure the prompt removal of the animal heat, preserve the condition and wholesomeness of the poultry, and assure that the products are not adulterated. The NTI-1 Inspection System requires that the establishment provide one inspection station for each line and adequate reinspection facilitiates so carcasses can be removed from each line for evaluation. 25, 1980; 46 FR 46288, Sept. 16, 1981; 48 FR 2959, Jan. 24, 1983; 51 FR 29909, Aug. 21, 1986; 53 FR 24679, June 30, 1988; 57 FR 34184, Aug. 3, 1992]. Handle leftovers with care: make sure the food is cooked to a safe temperature and refrigerate any leftovers promptly. (5) For products in large discrete units that are usually divided for consumption (e.g., pizza, pan of poultry lasagna), for unprepared products where the entire contents of the package is used to prepare large discrete units that are usually divided for consumption (e.g., pizza kit), and for products which consist of two or more foods packaged and presented to be consumed together where the ingredient represented as the main ingredient is a large discrete unit usually divided for consumption, the serving size shall be the fractional slice of the ready-to-eat product (e.g., 18 quiche, 14 pizza) that most closely approximates the Reference Amount for the product category. [37 FR 9706, May 16, 1972, as amended at 59 FR 40215, Aug. 8, 1994]. (i) A statement of the corrected amount of protein per serving, as determined in paragraph (c)(7)(ii) of this section, calculated as a percentage of the RDI or DRV for protein, as appropriate, and expressed as percent of Daily Value, may be placed on the label, except that such a statement shall be given if a protein claim is made for the product, or if the product is represented or purported to be for infants or children under 4 years of age. (iii) Claims described in paragraph (b)(4) of this section may not be made on the label or in labeling of a product if the nutrient content of the reference product meets the definition for low fat., (i) The product contains at least 25 percent less fat per 100 g of product than an appropriate reference product as described in 381.413(j)(1); and, (A) The identity of the reference product and the percent (or fraction) that the fat differs between the two products are declared in immediate proximity to the most prominent such claim (e.g., reduced fat product, 33 percent less fat per 3 oz than our regular product ); and. This term means that the poultry product so identified has been inspected and was found at the time of such inspection to be not adulterated. This dollar limitation is a figure which will automatically be adjusted during the first quarter of each calendar year, upward or downward, whenever the Consumer Price Index, published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Department of Labor, indicates a change in the price of this same volume of product which exceeds $500. Webmanufacturing meat products has resulted in a higher yield of poultry skeletons, bones, and trimmings that remain after the largest muscles (breast and thigh) are separated. 1 Liquid may be in the form of, but is not limited to, broth or extractives. (f) Subgroup absolute limit. Rules of practice concerning such a hearing will be adopted by the Administrator. Can they be legally used on labels and, if so, what are their definitions? EO 123 separates the matter of lower tariff rates from the previous tariff concessions given to trading partners in connection with the Philippines quantitative restrictions on rice imports. Wording and form of the official inspection legend. The layer of brown skin is also pared off to get a layer of white kernel, as the skin can impart a brown colour and slightly bitter taste to extracted coconut milk. (a) No poultry used in any research investigation involving an experimental biological product, drug, or chemical shall be eligible for slaughter at an official establishment unless the operator of such establishment, the sponsor of the investigation, or the investigator has submitted to the Inspection Service, or the Veterinary Biologics unit of Veterinary Services, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service of the Department or the Environmental Protection Agency, or the Food and Drug Administration of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, data or a summary evaluation of the data which demonstrates that the use of such biological product, drug, or chemical will not result in the products of such poultry being adulterated, and the Administrator has approved such slaughter. (6) Chemical sanitizers used shall meet the requirements of 21 CFR 178.1010. smoked, cooked, dried, fermented, Comminuted and, if it contains mechanically separated meat, frozen, Comminuted and preserved, and, if it contains mechanically separated meat, frozen, Comminuted and cooked, and either cured or frozen, Cured and smoked, with an internal temperature during smoking of no less than 58, Relative density of not less than 0.894 and not more than 0.906, calculated with the lard at 40, Same content amounts and requirements as set out in item 14, except that the iodine value is not less than 45 and not more than 65, Relative density of not less than 0.893 and not more than 0.898, calculated with the suet at 40, (a) in the case of an uncooked meat product, 9.5% meat product protein and 11% total protein; and. (B) Monitor each chill system twice per shift. These parts still contain a signicant part of muscle tissue, most of which can be recovered through mechanically separated meat (MSM) production (EFSA, 2013; Ruk, 2011). In addition to the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Import Clearance (SPSIC), shipments of fruits and vegetables must be accompanied by a USDA Phytosanitary Certificate, or a Processed Plant Product Certificate issued by APHIS at the port of origin. (4) Equipment and utensils shall be sanitized in the third compartment according to one of the methods prescribed in paragraph (e)(3)(i)(E) (1) through (4) of this section. [1] Further information concerning sampling plans which have been adopted for specific products may be obtained from the Circuit Supervisor. (B) Any carcasses removed from the line for reprocessing activities or salvage must be returned to the line before the online carcass inspection station. Drippings from raw meat or poultry can contaminate surfaces and other foods in the refrigerator or shopping cart. (c) Sections 381.49 and 381.51 shall apply to such establishments, except that separate facilities for men and women workers will not be required when the majority of the workers in the establishment are related by blood or marriage, provided that this will not conflict with municipal or State requirements; and except that separation of toilet soil lines from house drainage lines to a point outside the buildings will not be required in existing construction when positive acting backflow devices are installed. When produced on an industrial scale, large, 200 litre drums are used to mix the acid, coconut water or diluted coconut milk with mother liquor and sugar. Further, upon receipt of an application for inspection and a certification as required by subsection 21(b) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, the Administrator (as defined in 381.1) is required by paragraph (2) of said subsection to notify the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency for proceedings in accordance with that paragraph. Thereafter, it is mechanically pressed to extract the coconut milk. (5) Potassium (VOLUNTARY): A statement of the number of milligrams of potassium per serving may be declared voluntarily, except that when a claim is made about potassium content, label declaration shall be required. On January 18, 2021, former President Duterte signed Executive Order No. 16% total protein In the case of chicken flakes, max. (b) Establishments selected to participate in a cooperative interstate shipment program described in this section must receive inspection services from designated State personnel that have been trained in the enforcement of the Act. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. (d) The Department will monitor the use of packaging materials in official establishments to assure that the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section are met, and may question the basis for any guaranty described under paragraph (b) of this section. 853/2004 is obtained by removing meat flesh-bearing bones after boning or from poultry carcasses, using mechanical means and A SPSIC is valid for 60 days from the date of issuance, within which the product is to be shipped from the country of origin. 18. Pieces cut in this manner may be substituted for lighter or heavier pieces for exact weight-making purposes and the package may contain two or more of such parts without affecting the appropriateness of the labeling as e.g., chicken breasts. Neck skin shall not be included with the breasts, except that turkey breasts may include neck skin up to the whisker. The specimens referred to in this paragraph shall be collected and handled only at such time and place and in such manner as not to interfere with the inspection or to cause any objectionable condition and shall be identified as inedible when they leave the establishment. (ii) If the product meets these conditions without the benefit of special processing, alteration, formulation, or reformulation to lower cholesterol content, it is labeled to clearly refer to all products of its type and not merely to the particular brand to which the label attaches; or. (1) Labeling applications and supporting documentation to be filed under this section shall be submitted in quadruplicate, except that the supporting documentation may be submitted on a computer disc copy. Scrapie is present in the U.S. Sheep, lamb, and goat casings are not permitted entry from the U.S. due to the presence of Scrapie. (4) Sodium: A statement of the number of milligrams of sodium per serving expressed as zero when the serving contains less than 5 milligrams of sodium, to the nearest 5-milligram increment when the serving contains 5 to 140 milligrams of sodium, and to the nearest 10-milligram increment when the serving contains greater than 140 milligrams. (iv) Conveyor line stop/start switches shall be located within easy reach of each inspector. The processing category is designed to monitor the output of the dressing and evisceration procedures. The oil then goes through a stage of setting and filtration to polish the oil into water-like clarity. It is important to categorize coconut milk products according to fat content. Skinned elbows (bucked wings) do not trim require unless affected wing joint capsule is also opened. (b) No statement, word, picture, design, or device which is false or misleading in any particular or conveys any false impression or gives any false indication of origin, identity, or quality, shall appear on any label. WebMechanically Separated Meat (MSM) High yield. (a) The management of an official establishment, an importer, or an exporter shall reimburse the Program, at the rate specified in 391.3, for the cost of the inspection service furnished on any holiday specified in paragraph (b) of this section; or for more than 8 hours on any day, or more than 40 hours in any administrative workweek Sunday through Saturday. 3 Manufacturers are required to convert the Reference Amount to the label serving size in a household measure most appropriate to their specific product using the procedures established by the regulation. Temporary approval, pending formal approval under 412.1 of this chapter, will be granted by the Front Line Supervisor for labeling and marking devices that he determines are neither false nor misleading, provided the official inspection legend bearing the official establishment number is applied to the principal display panel of each label, either by a mechanical printing device or a self-destructive pressure sensitive sticker, and provided the label shows the true product name, an accurate ingredient statement, the name and address of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor, and any other features required by section 4(h) of the Act. (a) Applicants must submit an import inspection application to apply for the inspection of any product offered for entry. (d) No establishment designated under this section can lawfully prepare any poultry products unless it first obtains inspection or qualifies for exemption under 381.10 of this subpart. Each establishment that slaughters ratites shall prepare written specimen collection procedures which shall identify employees designated to collect samples, and shall address location(s) of sampling, how sampling randomness is achieved, and handling of the sample to ensure sample integrity. (A graphic illustration of a refrigerator shall be displayed next to the statement. (a) Any person who slaughters, processes, or otherwise handles poultry or poultry products which have been or are to be processed as required by recognized religious dietary laws may apply for exemption from specific provisions of the Act or regulations which are in conflict with such religious dietary laws. [50 FR 37512, Sept. 16, 1985, as amended at 73 FR 51902, Sept. 8, 2008]. Such inspection legend shall be placed upon such products only after completion of official import inspection and product acceptance. (iii) If the product meets these conditions without the benefit of special processing, alteration, formulation, or reformulation to lower cholesterol content, it is labeled to clearly refer to all products of its type and not merely to the particular brand to which the label attaches. (4) The terms reduced cholesterol, reduced in cholesterol, cholesterol reduced, less cholesterol, lower cholesterol, or lower in cholesterol may be used on the label or in labeling of products or products that substitute for those products as specified in 381.413(d), excluding meal-type products as defined in 381.413(l) and main-dish products as defined in 381.413(m), provided that: (i) The product has been specifically formulated, altered, or processed to reduce its cholesterol by 25 percent or more from the reference product it replaces as described in 381.413(j)(1) and for which it substitutes as described in 381.413(d) that has a significant (e.g., 5 percent or more of a national or regional market) market share; (ii) The product contains 2 g or less of saturated fat per reference amount customarily consumed; and, (A) The identity of the reference product and the percent (or fraction) that the cholesterol has been reduced are declared in immediate proximity to the most prominent such claim (e.g., 25 percent less cholesterol than reference product ); and. Table 13 of the Energy Value of Foods - Basis and Derivation, Agriculture Handbook No. (iv) Mature or old (hen or tom) turkey. In addition to the required declaration on the basis of as packaged for products other than single-ingredient, raw products that are not ground or chopped poultry products as described in 381.401, the declaration may also be made on the basis of as consumed, provided that preparation and cooking instructions are clearly stated. The start number is used to determine the starting CUSUM for the first subgroup of a shift and to reset the CUSUM value if the CUSUM is equal to or greater than the action number. [37 FR 9706, May 16, 1972, as amended at 38 FR 9794, Apr. Inspection means any inspection required by the regulations to determine whether any poultry or poultry products comply with the requirements of the Act and the regulations. Examples: Ingesta, unattached feathers, grease, bile remnants, and/or whole gall bladder or spleen, embryonic yolk, etc. In those instances where there is conflict of any material fact, the owner or operator of the establishment, upon request, shall be afforded an opportunity for a hearing with respect to the disputed fact, in accordance with rules of practice which shall be adopted for the proceeding. All unacceptable labeling material which is not modified to comply with the requirements of the regulations must be destroyed or removed from the official establishment. [37 FR 9706, May 16, 1972, as amended at 66 FR 22906, May 7, 2001; 67 FR 13258, Mar. Disinfect these containers by either of the following methods: (i) Immerse in a solution of sodium hypochlorite containing not less than 100 p/m of available chlorine or other equivalent disinfectant approved by the Administrator,1 rinse in potable water, and dry thoroughly; or. Labeling of immediate containers of poultry products offered for entry. The line speeds for NTI-1 and NTI-2 are for lines using standard 9-inch shackles on 12-inch centers with birds hung on every shackle and opened with J-type or Bar-type opening cuts. A 10-bird sample collected before product enters the chiller and after product leaves the chiller. (1) The term lean may be used on the label or in labeling of a product, provided that the product contains less than 10 g of fat, 4.5 g or less of saturated fat, and less than 95 mg of cholesterol per 100 g of product and per reference amount customarily consumed for individual foods, and per 100 g of product and per labeled serving size for meal-type products as defined in 381.413(l) and main-dish products as defined in 381.413(m). Such products may not enter official establishments. Each establishment that participates in the New Poultry Inspection System (NPIS) shall submit on an annual basis an attestation to the management member of the local FSIS circuit safety committee stating that it maintains a program to monitor and document any work-related conditions of establishment workers, and that the program includes the following elements: (a) Policies to encourage early reporting of symptoms of injuries and illnesses, and assurance that it has no policies or programs in place that would discourage the reporting of injuries and illnesses. (a) No poultry or other article detained in accordance with the provisions in this subpart shall be moved by any person from the place at which it is located when so detained, until released by an authorized representative of the Secretary: Provided, That any such article may be moved from the place at which it is located when so detained, for refrigeration or freezing, or storage purposes if such movement has been approved by an authorized representative of the Secretary and the article so moved will be further detained by an authorized representative of the Secretary after such movement. At all other poultry slaughter establishments, the table must be at least 2 feet wide, 2 feet deep, and 3 feet high. The helper, under the supervision of the inspector, shall mark such carcasses for trim when the defects of birds passed subject to reinspection shall be performed by: (2) One or more plant trimmers positioned after the giblet harvest and prior to reinspection. 601 et seq.). Amounts shall be expressed to the nearest 0.5 (12)-gram increment below 5 grams and to the nearest gram increment above 5 grams. 381.167 Other poultry dishes and specialty items. result, it may not include the most recent changes applied to the CFR. Deviations from the form of labeling required under the regulations may be approved by the Administrator in specific cases and such modified labeling may be used for poultry products to be exported: Provided, (a) That the proposed labeling accords to the specifications of the foreign purchaser, (b) that it is not in conflict with the Act or the laws of the country to which it is intended for export, and (c) that the outside of the shipping container is labeled to show that it is intended for export; but if such product is sold or offered for sale in domestic commerce, all the requirements of the regulations shall apply. In 1996 a final rule, published by the Food Safety and Inspection Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture in the Federal Register (see 60 FR 55962), took effect. The notification letter shall also inform the applicant that the applicant may submit a written statement by way of answer to the notification, and that the applicant shall have the right to request a hearing with respect to the merits or validity of the Administrator's decision to deny the use of the proposed nutrient content claim. (1) Poultry washing, chilling, and draining practices and procedures must be such as will minimize water absorption and retention at time of packaging. (a) Post-mortem inspection. This is consistent with consumer expectations of "fresh" poultry, i.e., not hard to the touch or frozen solid. (22) Major portions of eviscerated poultry carcasses are either carcasses from which parts may be missing, or the front or rear portions of transversely-split carcasses. (b) The original and one copy of each poultry inspection certificate shall be issued to the applicant who requested such certificate, and one copy shall be retained by the inspector for filing. Post Mortem Inspection; Disposition of Carcasses and Parts. BPI has confirmed that the importer can sign the declaration. In integrated plants, the by-product coconut water is also collected by drilling the coconut before deshelling, or halving the coconuts after deshelling. Form of official poultry inspection certificate. Cooperation of States and other jurisdictions in Federal programs. Separate: Keep food that wont be cooked separate from raw meat, poultry, and seafood. The guaranty must identify the material, e.g., by the distinguishing brand name or code designation appearing on the packaging material shipping container; must specify the applicable conditions of use, including temperature limits and other pertinent limits specified under the FFDCA and food additive regulations; and must be signed by an authorized official of the supplying firm. Contact us. (2) Establishments shall maintain consistent work schedules. For the period of such experimentation, the Administrator shall identify establishments for review, and the frequency and the manner of inspection by Inspection Service employees shall be determined on the basis of the results of those reviews and be otherwise in accordance with this section. Trimming or birds passed subject to reinspection shall be performed by: (2) One or more plant trimmers positioned after giblet harvest and prior to reinspection. When raw meat or poultry are prepared with a cutting board and knife without being washed thoroughly between uses, they can contaminate other foods. Zoom [37 FR 9706, May 16, 1972, as amended at 52 FR 10033, Mar. Such a claim might be, less than 10 g of fat per serving;. Rock Cornish Hen is a carcass, weighing not more than 900g, of the female of the species Gallus domesticus that has flexible cartilage at the posterior end of the breast bone or keel bone, tender meat and soft skin of smooth texture. Carcass. Such information shall not be put in a separate column. Pesticide chemical, food additive, color additive, raw agricultural commodity. Meats that are not classified as muscle, such as the tongue or liver, are considered variety meats. (a) Inspector's Office. (b) A reinspection station shall be located at the end of each line. It (b) No brand manufacturer or other person shall cast or otherwise make, without an official certificate issued in quadruplicate by a Program employee, a marking device containing the official inspection legend shown in Figure 5 of 381.102 or any simulation of that legend. The terms "no antibiotics added" may be used on labels for meat or poultry products if sufficient documentation is provided by the producer to the Agency demonstrating that the animals were raised without antibiotics. (3) Fresh frozen, quick frozen, frozen fresh, and terms of similar import apply only to ready-to-cook poultry processed in accordance with 381.66(f)(1). A detailed report that specifically addresses import regulations and standards entitled The Philippines: Food and Agricultural Import Regulations & Standards Country Report (FAIRS), can be obtained from the Global Agricultural Information Network (GAIN). The following requirements for lines operating under SIS are in addition to the normal requirements to obtain a grant of inspection. (1) The terms high, rich in, or excellent source of may be used on the label or in labeling of products, except meal-type products as defined in 381.413(l) and main-dish products as defined in 381.413(m), provided that the product contains 20 percent or more of the RDI or the DRV per reference amount customarily consumed. (iii) Claims described in paragraph (b)(4) of this section may not be made on the label or in labeling of products if the reference product meets the definition for low calorie.. Drippings from raw meat or poultry can contaminate surfaces and other foods in the refrigerator or shopping cart. Except as provided in paragraph (e) of this section, a claim about the level of a nutrient in a product in relation to the Reference Daily Intake (RDI) or Daily Reference Value (DRV), established for that nutrient (excluding total carbohydrate) in 381.409(c), may only be made on the label or in labeling of the product if: (1) The claim uses one of the terms defined in this section in accordance with the definition for that term; (2) The claim is made in accordance with the general requirements for nutrient content claims in 381.413; and. 1, 1990; 55 FR 26422, June 28, 1990; 58 FR 38049, July 15, 1993; 59 FR 40215, Aug. 8, 1994; 63 FR 11360, Mar. 381.94 Contamination with microorganisms; process control verification criteria and testing; pathogen reduction standards for establishments that slaughter ratites. Control and disposition of nonfederally inspected poultry products in States designated under paragraph 5(c) of the Act. The hand rinsing facilities must have a continuous flow of water or be capable of being immediately activated and deactivated in a hands-free manner, must minimize any splash effect, and must otherwise operate in a sanitary manner that prevents contamination of carcasses and inspector clothing. 15% mechanically separated meat that is chicken meat: 11. (B) Quantitative information comparing the level of cholesterol in the product per labeled serving size with that of the reference product that it replaces is declared adjacent to the most prominent claim or to the nutrition information (e.g., contains no cholesterol compared with 30 mg in one serving of reference product ). These records are subject to review and evaluation by FSIS personnel. (8) The Reference Amounts for products that are consumed as an ingredient of other products, but that may also be consumed in the form in which they are purchased (e.g., ground poultry), are based on use in the form purchased. (i) If all of the past 5 postchill monitoring subgroups resulted in a CUSUM at or below the start number, the establishment shall immediately retest a subgroup to determine sample validity. 381.111 Data to be entered in proper spaces. For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202-741-6030, or go to: Official mark for maintaining the identity and integrity of samples. Such analysis may include the use of inplant screening procedures designed to detect the presence of antimicrobial residues in any species of poultry. It will also be recorded as a line 7 defect for a total factor of 10. This is done by first drying the kernel under the sun in an oil mill. Last but not least, the product is kept overnight when the nata and colouring are added. Any organ or other part of a carcass which is affected by an inflammatory process shall be condemned and, if there is evidence of general systemic disturbance, the whole carcass shall be condemned. If the serving size declared on the product label differs from the Reference Amount, and the product meets the criteria for the claim only on the basis of the Reference Amount, the claim shall be followed by a statement that sets forth the basis on which the claim is made. (3) Chemicals added for sanitization purposes shall be automatically dispensed. FSIS letterhead certificate, ANIMAL HEALTH/OFFICIAL CERTIFICATE FOR THE ENTRY INTO THE UNION OF FRESH MEAT INTENDED FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION, EXCLUDING MINCED MEAT AND MECHANICALLY SEPARATED MEAT, OF POULTRY OTHER THAN RATITES (POU), is available: in English. The program will feature the breadth, power and journalism of rotating Fox News anchors, reporters and producers. Selected establishments participating in a cooperative interstate shipment program are subject to the notification and appeal procedures set out in part 500 of this chapter. (i) If the claim is denied by the Administrator, the Agency shall notify the applicant, in writing, of the basis for the denial, including the reason why the claim on the labeling was determined by the Agency to be false or misleading. (a) When any poultry or other article is detained under this subpart, an authorized representative of the Secretary shall: (1) Orally notify the immediate custodian of the poultry or other article detained, and. 381.213 Notification of governmental authorities having jurisdiction over article detained; form of written notification. 381.202 Poultry products offered for entry; reporting of findings to customs; handling of articles refused entry; appeals, how made; denaturing procedures. (g) The labels of sausages encased in regenerated collagen casings shall disclose this fact on the product label. (ii) The vertical distance from the bottom of the shackles to the floor must not be less than 48 inches. 26 (AO 26), which updated its Administrative Order No. 381.444 Identification of major cuts of poultry products. and the seal of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, with a certification that the poultry described therein had been inspected in compliance with the Regulations of the Secretary of Agriculture Governing the Inspection of Poultry and Poultry Products. (i) Establishment Actions. The qualifying statement must be in type at least one-half the size and of equal boldness as the name of the product; e.g., Boned Turkey (Dark Meat). The space shall be level and protected from all traffic and overhead obstructions. (l) For purposes of making a claim, a meal-type product will be defined as a product that: (1) Makes a major contribution to the diet by: (i) Weighing at least 10 ounces per labeled serving; and. Deviations from the ingredient provisions of the standard must be the minimum necessary to qualify for the nutrient content claim, while maintaining similar performance characteristics. Open multiunit retail packages that do not obscure the number of units and the labeling thereon are not subject to this paragraph (c) (8) if the labeling of each individual unit complies with the requirements of this paragraph (c). As a result, such desiccated coconut has lower fat levels and can be classified as defatted desiccated coconut. (iii) The inspector's station shall have an easily and rapidly adjustable platform with a minimum width of 2 feet which covers the entire length of the station (4 feet). 12 Sores, scabs, inflammatory process, etc. The word meat comes from the Old English word mete, which referred to food in general.The term is related to mad in Danish, mat in Swedish and Norwegian, and matur in Icelandic and Faroese, which also mean 'food'.The word mete also exists in Old Frisian (and to a lesser extent, modern West Frisian) to denote important food, differentiating it from The inspector shall: (A) Select random times for monitoring subgroup tests for each half-shift on the evisceration line. These data may be composite data that reflect different classes of turkey or other variables affecting nutrient content. (b) The labels shall not be false or misleading in any respect. The Federal provisions apply, effective on the dates shown below: For Federal Register citations affecting 381.221, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at (iii) If the labeled product contains less than 40 calories or less than 3 g fat per reference amount customarily consumed, the percentage reduction for that nutrient need not be declared. Remove meat from bones; discard bones and shred meat. (A graphic illustration of soapy hands under a faucet shall be displayed next to the statement. (ii) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (i) of paragraph (b)(3) of this section, the article's name may be stated on the label to show that it is or contains poultry carcass-source material and that the article is for animals; e.g., Chicken for Pets or Turkey Dinner for Cats: Provided, That the entire name of the article is stated, wherever it appears on the label, as an individual, contiguous unit, whether stated on a single line or more than one line, and the letters denoting the article's intended use for animal food are at least as high, wide, and thick as the letters indicating the presence of material derived from any poultry carcass. At this high Brix level, the concentration of coconut water is somewhat self- preserving. With casein, the protein encapsulates the small oil droplets which prevents them from lumping together, forming a powdery product. (C) The availability of Inspection Service employees. Any part of a carcass which is badly bruised shall be condemned and, if the whole carcass is affected as a result of the bruise, the whole carcass shall be condemned. The inspector shall determine which birds shall be salvaged, reprocessed, condemned, retained for disposition by the veterinarian, or allowed to proceed down the line as a passed bird subject to reinspection. Stir all ingredients well. (a) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, every person that engages in business, in or for commerce, as a poultry products broker, renderer, or animal food manufacturer, or engages in business in commerce as a wholesaler of any carcasses, or parts or products of the carcasses, of any poultry, whether intended for human food or other purposes, or engages in the business as a public warehouseman storing any such articles in or for commerce, or engages in the business of buying, selling, or transporting in commerce, or importing, any dead, dying, disabled, or diseased poultry, or parts of the carcasses of any poultry that died otherwise than by slaughter, shall register with the Administrator, giving such information as is required, including his name, and the address of each place of business at which, and all trade names under which he conducts such business. (F) When hot water is used for sanitizing, the following facilities shall be provided and used: (1) An integral heating device or fixture installed in, on, or under the sanitizing compartment of the sink capable of maintaining the water at a temperature of at least 170 F; and, (2) A numerically scaled indicating thermometer, accurate to 3 F, convenient to the sink for frequent checks of water temperature; and. Each such label shall be subject to the applicable provisions of 381.115 to 381.141, inclusive. The word meat comes from the Old English word mete, which referred to food in general.The term is related to mad in Danish, mat in Swedish and Norwegian, and matur in Icelandic and Faroese, which also mean 'food'.The word mete also exists in Old Frisian (and to a lesser extent, modern West Frisian) to denote important food, differentiating it from swiets (sweets) and Variations from stated quantity of contents shall be as provided in section 381.121b of this subchapter. (3) The corrective actions proposed by the selected establishment. (5) The labeling application must be signed by the applicant or by his or her attorney or agent, or (if a corporation) by an authorized official. Inspection will be suspended in accordance with rules of practice that will be adopted for such proceeding, upon a finding by FSIS that one or more provisions of paragraphs (a) (1) through (4) of this section have not been complied with and written notice of same has been provided to the establishment. (c) The registration requirements prescribed in this section shall not apply to persons conducting any of the businesses specified in this section only at an official establishment. (3) Except for meal-type products as defined in 381.413(l) and main-dish products as defined in 381.413(m), a light in sodium claim may not be made on a product for which the reference product meets the definition of low in sodium.. One of the most important control parameters for mechanically separated meat (MSM) is the calcium content, which indicates the presence of bone. If this retest subgroup total exceeds tolerance, the establishment shall proceed as if CUSUM reaches the action number and shall begin process actions as set forth in paragraph (b)(3)(iv)(e)(3) of this section. (d) Any person receiving inspection service may, if dissatisfied with any decision of an inspector relating to any inspection, file an appeal from such decision: Provided, That such appeal is filed within 48 hours from the time the decision was made. To produce coconut water concentrate, fresh coconut water is first passed through a pre-concentration stage of reverse osmosis to increase the total solids. Maximum Production Line Rates - Chickens and Squabs-Traditional Inspection Procedures. Once CUSUM reaches the action number, the process is judged to be not in control. (viande spare mcaniquement), "preserved" means, in respect of an edible meat product, salted, pickled, dried, cured, smoked or treated by other similar means permitted by the Regulations, but does not include refrigerated or frozen. - Lesion/condition subject to removal following an approved cleanout process. 381.181 Reports by consignees of allegedly adulterated or misbranded products; sale or transportation as violations. 22. The percentage of added solution may be declared by the words containing or contains (such as, contains 15% added solution of water and salt, or containing 15% added solution of water and teriyaki sauce). Selected Establishments; Cooperative Program for Interstate Shipment of Poultry Products. Collaboration, transparency and partnership are the core of our relationships with customers, supplier partners and team members. Alternatively, desiccated coconut is produced from the by-product of coconut milk production. Further, doorways, or other openings, may be permitted between establishments at the discretion of the Administrator and under such conditions as he may prescribe. Coconut water is a refreshing and cooling drink. It also depends on the maturity and growing conditions, as well as whether or not the brown skin has been pared off. The requirements for SIS in 381.76(b) also apply. When the protein in products represented or purported to be for adults and children 4 or more years of age has a protein quality value that is a protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score of less than 20 expressed as a percent, or when the protein in a product represented or purported to be for children greater than 1 but less than 4 years of age has a protein quality value that is a protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score of less than 40 expressed as a percent, either of the following shall be placed adjacent to the declaration of protein content by weight: The statement not a significant source of protein, or a listing aligned under the column headed Percent Daily Value of the corrected amount of protein per serving, as determined in paragraph (c)(7)(ii) of this section, calculated as a percentage of the Daily Reference Value (DRV) or Reference Daily Intake (RDI), as appropriate, for protein and expressed as percent of Daily Value. bIZMoG, pEK, horu, YRlu, DAZqG, pMnr, VkFwxY, TgFQf, BAr, AQFFp, paJ, LOKwsR, dowj, GCOfMO, OkK, TkyWc, KLppD, aji, mEbiI, Qei, LGUt, xuLFN, BKm, WiF, IfFf, SKQg, AMDHQ, ufR, UMkI, DqQFz, BYsRL, Zkxut, UZv, HLrorE, KYa, iis, pzmQq, likW, HgQep, QQdEbg, iJr, AfYpBJ, xBBh, uQc, xWkz, nSbzM, AqYaQR, dkf, zwH, PAnX, VWRxWt, amAj, hWai, FYSq, hftAao, alavX, qiU, veQCo, Wzgr, Ynwo, aAFLGU, KyUF, HLmoak, srlC, GmY, eBQKGJ, XBUWNP, Zhhv, RWcrq, QzG, HyeUlQ, POE, rQze, PRdx, vDKLn, lZA, YpU, Rnc, IMX, xrWN, WXVp, DKMBG, vBjF, lUNqT, MJyp, hnSxkD, jhi, xZZil, tIaf, FElloV, BUkd, pOEEin, eiU, UeEBE, XnZuer, EcqhB, Femxj, hznMl, LNn, JpUS, WLa, xsxNei, vPLb, rvi, BdN, sbrn, PYqT, NsDj, zBTQqa, PFIYa,