Anne Frank House. A special entrance leads directly to the Arena floor where gladiators once fought. Oktober: Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag There are numerous tours available. $32.59. Colosseum Ticket-Palatine Hill & Roman Forum Included. Good tour, the guide couldve been better, Solid tour -- you'll see all of the highlights. Avoid the long entrance lines at the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill during this skip-the-line tour of the sights in ancient Rome. There were only 4 of us with Tom. The Colosseum underground used to be the backstage for all the gladiator fights, hunts of wild animals, and even public executions. Colosseum Tickets. The rest of the year, the Colosseum is open for visitors. Explore the archaeological area on your own once your official Colosseum Underground tour ends. If you travel to Rome, you cant leave the city without visiting the Colosseum. The entrance is at ground level, and elevators will allow you to access the different floors. ADELE CONCERT TICKETS. Book a tour today. Introducing the brand-new City Experiences anchored by Hornblower. Es beinhaltet daher: Rom Tourist Card But suppose you want to truly explore the underground. Dazwischen haben Sie eine Pause von 3,5 Stunden, um zu Mittag zu essen und sich von einem Ort zum anderen zu bewegen. Today, visitors of the Colosseum enter the building on the south side. This tour lasts for 1.5 hours and includes Skip the line ticket, as well as entrance to the Palatine Hill and Roman Forum. Or you can just freely roam the Colosseum, and explore its ancient beauty. According to some sources, the Romans developed a system that enabled filling a pit with water, so they also organized small naval battles in the middle of the Colosseum. An expert English-speaking guide. Her knowledge of the area is in-depth and portrayed in a very understanding manner. Sie werden auch den Konstantinsbogen und das Forum von Trajan bewundern und schlielich zum Campidoglio hinaufsteigen, von wo aus Sie den schnsten Panoramablick auf Rom bewundern werden. Be amazed by the best views from the Colosseum Upper Levels (optional). Places in the small tour groups are limited, so book your spot as soon as possible. Februar 2023, freier Eintritt in 1 oder 2 Museen Ihrer Wahl (je nachdem, ob Sie sich fr die 48h- oder 72h-Karte entscheiden), Circo Maximo Experience: Erfahrung mit AR Viewer, kostenlose Nutzung der ffentlichen Verkehrsmittel fr 48 oder 72 Stunden, Rabatte fr Messen, Events und vereinbarte Leistungen, Eingang zum Kolosseum, Forum Romanum und Palatin, Salta Cosa Eingang zu den Vatikanischen Museen und der Sixtinischen Kapelle, Unbegrenzter Zugang fr 72 Stunden zu ffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln (U-Bahn, Bus, Straenbahn) Der Eingang zum Kolosseum befindet sich am "Sperone Valadier" in der Nhe des Konstantinsbogens. Dec 10. Where. Kolosseum & Forum Romanum: FhrungEin 3-stndiges Eintauchen in das Herz des alten Roms, zwischen den Innenrumen und der Arena des Kolosseums und den spektakulren Ruinen des Forum Romanum, dem pulsierenden Herzen des alten Roms. Fr Menschen mit Mobilittsproblemen gibt es einen Aufzug, der das I mit dem II-Orden verbindet, whrend drei Rollsthle im ersten Stock des Kolosseums, im Sicherheitsbro und weitere fnf an den Haupteingngen des Forum Romanum verfgbar sind. More than seven million visitors explore the old building each year, and it is advisable to prepare well for the Colosseum visit. The policies on face masks and attendee health are: Mia was an excellent and accommodating tour guide. Die Tour beginnt mit einer 2,5-stndigen Tour durch die Vatikanischen Museen, die Sixtinische Kapelle und den Petersdom und endet mit einer 3-stndigen Tour durch das Kolosseum, das Forum Romanum und den Palatin. In diesem Fall knnen die Tickets nicht online gebucht werden, sondern knnen direkt zum Zeitpunkt des Besuchs an der Kasse vor dem Kolosseum abgeholt werden. But if you decide to take a guided tour, it can take from 1.5 to 3 hours, depending on which type of Colosseum tour you choose. Be prepared for extended waiting periods to get in. Discover more about how Roman citizens lived in Ancient Rome at the Palatine Hill and Roman Forum. Das kostenlose nominative Ticket des Fhrers, gltig fr 3 tgliche Eintritte ohne Zeitbeschrnkung, kann sowohl fr den Zugang zum Kolosseum mit einer normalen Route als auch fr den Zugang mit einer Arena-Route verwendet werden, whrend es fr die U-Bahnen des Kolosseums erforderlich ist Buchen Sie auch eine kostenlose Eintrittskarte fr den Guide. The Colosseum is closed on December 25th and January 1st. The Colosseum Underground Tour is definitely worth your time. Etage der U-Bahn-Linie B, Haltestelle Colosseo. 412. We liked the Colosseum Underground tour - it has a special feel - don't miss it! Great experience and wonderful historical information on Roman Empire. Does Colosseum Ticket Include Underground? Meeting point varies depending on the tour option you have booked. The Original Entire Vatican Tour & St. Peter's Dome Climb. Learn about the history of ancient Rome from your guide and finish up the tour with a walk through Palatine Hill and the Roman Forum. The tour starts with a short video about the history of the construction of Nero's palace. Die Tour beginnt mit einer 2,5-stndigen Tour durch die Vatikanischen Museen, die Sixtinische Kapelle und den Petersdom und endet mit einer 3-stndigen Tour durch das Kolosseum, das Forum Romanum und den Palatin. If you are looking for a Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill tour, the Colosseum and Ancient Rome Walking Tour could be just right for you! ffnungszeiten: Tglich von 9.30 bis 17.30 Uhr (letzter Einlass 17.00 Uhr), Gefhrte Wanderung durch das Kolosseum und das Forum Romanum bei SonnenuntergangEine wunderschne zweistndige Sonnenuntergangstour abseits der Tagesmassen auerhalb des Kolosseums, bei der ein professioneller Fhrer Ihnen die Geschichten ber den Bau und die blutigen Gladiatorenspiele und -schlachten erzhlt, die in einem der berhmtesten Denkmler von stattfanden die Stadt. Would definitely recommend for anyone visiting Rome. Diese Tour wird ein Spaziergang durch die wichtigsten Orte sein, um das gesamte Erbe und das historische, kulturelle und menschliche Erbe einer der ltesten Zivilisationen der Welt zu erleben. On the other hand, contrary to the controls carried out in the airports, it is not necessary to remove your shoes and belt. Before entering the impressive construction, take a moment and enjoy the monument from the outside. Adele recently announced WEEKENDS WITH ADELE, an exclusive residency in the Colosseum of Las Vegas' famed Caesars Palace Hotel beginning Friday January 21, 2022. Follow Matthew Karsten on his nomadic adventures! There are security gates at the entrance to the Vatican and many other monuments in Rome. Adele concert tickets are some of the most sought after in the world following the release of her breakthrough album 25, one of the most successful albums in recent history.Her world tour includes concerts at some of the worlds most famous venues, including multi-night stops at The O2 in London, New Yorks Madison Square Garden You are invited to join the colosseum night tour just 30 minutes later then your actual booking time for 28th May 20.30 (your orginal booking was for 20.00 on 28th May) As you already cancelled your booking, we are offering this Colosseum Night tour totally free of cost. Joining a group tour organized by the Colosseum management or through independent operators is an excellent option for skipping the lines as well. Things to do in and around Maine from the Portland Press Herald, your local daily newspaper. He rushed us through the tour and would not give us ample time to take photos. Vom Kapitolhgel ber die Pfalz, das Kolosseum, die kaiserlichen Foren bis zum Pantheon und viele weitere Orte werden wir das Herz des antiken Roms und seiner Geschichte betreten. Please note that the standard ticket does not cover access to all tiers of the Colosseum it includes only the standing area. Hypogeum is a vast network of rooms, cells, and tunnels where the animals and combats have been kept. Once inside, you'll explore the Colosseums subterranean chambers and pits. Monuments and Memorials. Explore new cities, find dinner cruises, site-seeing tours, and more. One more advantage of a guided tour is that your tour guide can take you to the parts of the Colosseum, which are not accessible if you are alone. Your backpacks and objects will pass through an x-ray machine, and you must pass through a metal detector. Let us help you save time and money if you plan to visit the Colosseum! From 2019 the Colosseum is free to visit on selected days. Your English-speaking expert historian tour guide will share anecdotes and history throughout the 3-hour tour, rebuilding the impressive ruins with tales of Ancient Romes heyday. The tour through the Domus Aurea really allows you to get a feel for the splendour of ancient Rome. During the Colosseum Underground Tour, you will be able to learn all about the lives of roman gladiators and the purposes of the Colosseum. Search at, the number one source for concerts, sports, arts, theater, theatre, broadway shows, family event tickets on online. If you are not a fan of group tours and would like to explore the Colosseum at your own pace, there are audio guides available. Entrance times The Colosseum, Roman Forum and Palatine are open every day at these times: . Nechte se inspirovat, objevujte nov pbhy a zaijte nov kulturn zitky 700+ akc po cel R 120+ prodejnch mst Vyuit benefitnch systm Meet at the suppliers office, a 3-minute walk from the Colosseum, in front of St. Clemente Basilica. The strangest thing ever. Get ready to be dazzled by your favourite star-studded cast from the latest season! After a short break during the tour of underground, enter the Roman Forum to understand better what everyday life was like in Ancient Rome. (Tickets und Anweisungen kommen direkt per E-Mail), Bevorzugter Einlass zum Kolosseum, Forum Romanum und Palatin, Einlass ohne Anstehen zu den Vatikanischen Museen und der Sixtinischen Kapelle, Audioguide-App fr eine selbst gefhrte Tour durch das Pantheon, Behinderte und deren Familienangehrige oder Begleitpersonen der Sozial- und Gesundheitsdienste, EU-Reisefhrer bei der Ausbung ihrer beruflichen Ttigkeit, EU-Dolmetscher fr Touristen bei der Ausbung ihrer beruflichen Ttigkeit, Mitarbeiter des Ministeriums fr kulturelles Erbe und Aktivitten, Mitglieder des ICOM (Internationaler Museumsrat), Mitglieder des ICCROM (Internationale Organisation zur Erhaltung des kulturellen Erbes), Schler der Schulen des Zentralinstituts fr Restaurierung, Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Schule fr Mosaikrestaurierung, Im nationalen Register eingetragene Journalisten und Journalisten aus anderen Lndern, bei der Erfllung ihrer Aufgaben und gegen Vorlage eines geeigneten Dokuments zum Nachweis der ausgebten beruflichen Ttigkeit, Gruppen ffentlicher und privater Schulen in der EU, die von ihren Lehrern unter Vorbehalt begleitet werden, Lehrer und Studenten der Fakultten fr Architektur, Erhaltung des kulturellen Erbes, Erziehungswissenschaften und Studiengnge in Literatur oder literarischen Fchern mit archologischer oder historisch-knstlerischer Ansprache von Universitten und Akademien aller EU-Mitgliedstaaten. Meet up with your guide at the green kiosk on the right as you exit the Colosseo metro station. There are many ticket options available online. Die Route an den Hngen des PalatinAlle Arten von Tickets beinhalten die neue Route an den Hngen des Palatin, mit der Sie die Majestt der Gebude bewundern knnen, die den Hgel zwischen der Zeit der flavischen Kaiser und denen der severischen Dynastie besetzten. She explained clearly the layout of the day and guided us around to the back of the Colosseum to skip the line. Rijksmuseum. Hello, Thanks for your time to write this review here. 125. We couldnt come to Italy without seeing them. The Colosseum is suitable for visitors with disabilities or wheelchairs. Millions of tourists visit this popular tourist attraction each year, so buying a ticket with skip-the-line access is a way better option than the standard ticket. Aus Rom. Colosseum Underground Tour Description. Skip the line Tickets. After booking your desired departure time, meet your guide outside the Colosseum and bypass long ticket lines often in excess of two hours. Learn something new about political and social reasons for the events and games that happened in the Colosseum. You can go directly through the security gates. Zugelassen sind Gruppen bis zu 50 Personen, einschlielich Kinder, Guides und Begleitpersonen, mit angemessenen Abstnden und Reservierung erforderlich an eine Zutrittszeit gebunden. Set out for a memorable experience with your knowledgeable guide with included skip-the-line tickets. This tour includes all the benefits of a regular tour of the Colosseum but you get to go at your own pace, ask all the questions you want, and enjoy learning from your own expert guide. Actually brings you back to that time era. He was knowledgeable and had a way of bringing his information and stories to life. Piazza del Colosseo, Roma. During this 3 hour tour, you can discover more about the Roman Empire, see the tomb of Julius Caesar, and explore Via Sacra. Amazing tour! You can cancel up to 24 hours in advance of the experience for a full refund. $50.91. Guided tour of the Colosseum with 1st and 2nd tiers. This experience requires good weather. The old arena is very impressive and still attracts lots of crowds from all over the world, even though there are no more gladiator fights. Van Gogh Museum. $42.78. Skip the lines to the Colosseum, Palatine Hill, and Roman Forum. The guide himself was not very deep into the stories and this probably becomes monotonous for them. It was just terrible. Step inside the Colosseum, and visit the Palatine Hill and Roman Forum through the fast-track entrance with a combined priority ticket package. All Events. Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle. The ancient glory of Rome is reborn! Guided tour NYC: Lower East Side Food Tastings and Culture Tour 3 hours; 4.8 (173 reviews) From. Besides the seating area, there is the Arena area itself a place where gladiator fights and other events took place. Discover the Colosseum Underground and its secrets by booking Colosseum Underground, Arena and Forum Tour. With this tour, you are getting the privileged access to sections of the Colosseum not available on a standard ticket, such as the Underground, Arena, and fourth and fifth tier. Skip the Line Tour: Colosseum Official Guided Tour - Entrance Fee Included. Admission is free for people with disabilities and a guide from a European Union country. 4.13 (95K Ratings). Das Ticket wird den Studenten ausgestellt, indem die Immatrikulationsbescheinigung fr das laufende Studienjahr vorgelegt wird. A guided tour of the Roman Forum with skip-the-line tickets. Explore the world-famous amphitheater on the Colosseum Underground Tour. Complete your Colosseum Underground Tour experience by going further up to Belvederes third tier (only if you choose this option). I have to say this experience was the worst. . This experience requires a minimum number of travelers. Youll spend time with the best tour guides in Rome so, why wait? It was constantly Maria, close to me. Our tour guide was extremely knowledgeable, but not very pleasant. Lots of fun combined with history and fun facts. From this street, you have a superb view of the best-preserved facade of the Colosseum. For many years the visit to the Roman Colosseum was free every 1st Sunday of every month. Servian Walls erreichte es den Celio und dann wieder den Pfalzgipfel. Pickpockets are a big problem in Rome. Highly recommend Arturo!! Walking tour of Palatine Hill. By doing so, youre making sure that you are all set to enjoy your visit without the stress of waiting in long lines at the Colosseum ticket office. Take Colosseum Underground Tour and gain privileged access to sections of the Colosseum not available with a standard ticket. By going on a Colosseum Underground Tour, you will have an unforgettable experience in Rome. Step inside the iconic Roman Colosseum to walk along the paths of ferocious gladiators and brutal dictators. Colosseum Underground, Arena, Forum & Upper Levels (Spanish). Americas favorite dance show is back on tour! A Sagrada Familia. If its canceled due to poor weather, youll be offered a different date or a full refund. Vom 1. Get guaranteed direct entry, bypassing the usual wait times. It will take around 1 hour to visit the Colosseum by yourself, which also includes enough time to take some photos, and of course, selfies. This tour is offered in English and lasts approximately 2 hours. Select Your Dates. Karten bei bequem bestellen! $30.56. The Colosseum Underground Tour includes a visit to the Colosseum underground and a skip-the-line entry to Colosseum, Arena Floor, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill. Tatschlich beinhaltet die Roma Torist Card: Eintritt fr Gruppen und SchulenGRUPPEN Rome Colosseum Tour | Colosseum Official Guided Tours to visit Undergrounds, Arena, Roman Forum. If you want to have a perfect experience, we suggest you book a guided tour of the Colosseum or buy a Roma Pass. Please arrive 30 minutes before the activitys starting time. You need to have a ticket or at least a reservation to visit the Colosseum. | Find cheap hotels and discounts when you book on Enjoy straightforward pricing and simple licensing. If you want a quick Colosseum tour with exclusive arena floor access, this About Colosseum & Arena Floor Tour would be perfect for you. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Kolosseum, Vatikanische Museen und Sixtinische Kapelle: GanztagestourDie einzige Tour, die es Ihnen ermglicht, die von Touristen bevorzugten Monumente an einem Tag zu besuchen: das Kolosseum, die Vatikanischen Museen und die Sixtinische Kapelle. A ticket is required for the Colosseum. Have a look at our Colosseum Visiting Guide! Thank you. That was the place where not only gladiator fought, but many other diverse entertainment programs took place. Here you can check out the bestVatican underground tour. With this incredible offer, you'll get everything that you want to explore the highlights of Rome. The global superstar will perform two shows each weekend through Saturday April 16, 2022. 53. Access parts of the Colosseum that are usually off limits to the general public on a behind-the-scenes tour that also includes a skip-the-line admission ticket. I highly recommend this tour if you want to have a glimpse of the long & amazing history Rome has to offer ! The entrance is covered by the standard admission ticket, which provides access to the Colosseum, Roman Forum & Palatine Hill. Decide on the order in which you want to visit each of the top 5 attractions included in the Roma Pass. Load the map. It was so uncomfortable and awkward for everyone on the tour. In conclusion, A Colosseum Underground Tour is most certainly worth your time and money. Skip the long ticket line at the Colosseum and go straight to the fast track entrance for security checks. It all depends on what ticket or tour you decide to buy. Choose between a guided tour, private tour, Colosseum underground, or even the night tour of the iconic landmark of the Eternal City. Our tour guide did an amazing job at telling us the history and background of all of sights. How to reach. Mai: Freitag und Samstag Find out where the wild animals were held before they went into the fight with the gladiators. In the middle of the tour there is a virtual reality experience, which is fantastic. Enter the Colosseums underground chambers and explore the Underground area of the iconic Amphitheater with your English-speaking guide. January 25, 2022 | 8pm - The Dancing with the Stars! I would not recommend this tour bc I would not want to risk getting this same tour guide. If you want to use a lift, ask one of the employees of the Colosseum for assistance. Treffpunkt um 10:00 Uhr (Ankunft 15 Minuten frher) am Fu der Treppe vor dem Eingang der Vatikanischen Museen und nach dem Mittagessen in Largo Gaetana Agnesi, ber der 2. Lara, our guide, was amazing and so knowledgeable about everything. 616. She gave so many small details that we barely retained any of the information. There are different Colosseum ticket types available, depending on what you would like to see, and regarding that, different prices apply. The Colosseum part or the tour was supposed to be an hour and a half, but this included time walking from the meeting point to the Colosseum and queing up which took around half an hour. People were complaining all through the tour. Classic must-do tour in Rome. The visit to the Colosseum begins on the 2nd floor. Events (5) Reviews (1741) Details. Sat 7:30pm. The answers provided below are based on answers previously given by the tour provider to customers questions. Finally, here are the three top tips for your Colosseum visit: Without tickets, you will have to wait for long hours in the sun. Der Roma Pass ist die touristisch-kulturelle Karte der Hauptstadt, die Touristen Folgendes bietet: Rom Super Pass mit ffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln per adult. from . He was so knowledgeable, and we learned things about the history of Rome that we had never heard before. He was excellent at setting the scene and making you understand what life would have been like back in Ancient Rome. You can go inside the Colosseum with a valid ticket. You can fill them in the Colosseum or the Roman Forum at one of the many water fountains (the nasoni). Skip-the-line tour of ancient Rome and the Colosseum, Bypass the main entrance line at the ancient amphitheater, Walk along the Colosseum tiers and learn about the gladiators, Discover the temples and monuments of the Roman Forum, Hear tales of ancient Rome and the Renaissance on Palatine Hill, Colosseum, Roman Forum and Palatine Hill Entrance Ticket, Official Professional Guide and Passionate Storytelling, Audio Equipment to hear the guide clearly, Guided Tour if you choose Ticket Only Arena Floor, Palatine Hill, 00186 Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome, Italy, Confirmation will be received at time of booking. A regular Colosseum ticket will grant you access to the first and second floors of the spectator area. Guests who show up without ID cannot be guaranteed entrance. Gabby Windey . With breathtaking views, smaller crowds and VIP access, a night tour is the best and most exclusive way to enjoy a visit to Rome's famous Colosseum.When you visit the Colosseum at night, you experience it in a unique way. Please note that there is also an upper floor exit of the Colosseo metro station; please go downstairs. Falls irrtmlich Schulkarten anstelle von Karten fr eine normale Gruppe gebucht werden oder die erforderlichen Unterlagen fehlen, ist der Zugang zum Denkmal nicht mglich und es mssen die richtigen Eintrittskarten gekauft werden (sofern vorhanden). Or by booking one of the few independent tour agencies that have the permission to take visitors to the Colosseum underground. There is an exception to this rule on the free days. 44 tours & activities. Walk along the 525-foot long pathway, and discover the Colosseum underground on your Colosseum Underground Tour. Take a look at the best Colosseum tours available online, and choose a tour that is perfect for you! The only exception is the first Sunday of every month when the Colosseum is free to the public. 348. If the guide comes from a non-member country, he will have to pay his ticket at the standard rate. Highly recommend this one and you should suggest her as your guide. 38 tours & activities. KOLOSSEUM KOSTENLOSDie folgenden Personen haben Anspruch auf freien Eintritt in das Kolosseum (direkt an der Kasse gegen Vorlage eines Ausweises): Freie Sonntage Januar bis 28. Worth the guide to explain the details and history behind what you are seeing. Wenn Sie eine ermigte oder kostenlose Eintrittskarte kaufen, mssen Sie einen Ausweis vorlegen, der die Ermigung oder den freien Eintritt bescheinigt. Although this is explained during the buying process, it is not uncommon to see tourists buy a ticket for the Roman Forum as well! Fr alle weiteren Informationen kontaktieren Sie uns bitte Bis 31. Although the two available levels to the standard ticket holders are impressive, the third level and the Colosseum underground will leave you in awe. The standard admission ticket provides the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill access. There you will be able to see a magnificent view of the Colosseum arena and the surrounding area. You can visit the Colosseum for free on specific dates. The Emperor and the senators took place on the 1st floor and the well-off citizens on the 2nd floor. 9 am - 4.30 pm: from 30 October to 31 December 2022 9 am - 4.30 pm: from 2 January to 28 February 2023 Last admission one hour before closing . Explore areas of the Colosseum not accessible to regular ticket holders, and see the underground level, the Arena, Belvedere, and the Roman Forum. A competent guide will also provide a better sense of the site and its many uses. As well as saving hours of waiting in line, youll benefit from the insider knowledge of your guide via a headset, which ensures you can hear commentary clearly. Skip-the-Line Colosseum Ticket with Optional Tour Guide Access Upgrade. Metro: Line B, Colosseum stop Q:What is the policy on face masks and attendee health during Skip the Line: Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill Tour? At the time, 50,000 spectators could fill the amphitheater in less than 15 minutes. There's quite a bit of walking so be sure to wear comfortable shoes. Book this fantastic tour with Roman Forum and Palatine Hill special access and explore more than just the underground section of the famous Colosseum. Informationen und Reservierungen. You then go on a guided tour with a very knowledgable guide. You can get to the Colosseum underground by booking a Colosseum Underground Tour online. Die Dauerausstellung: Das Kolosseum wird erzhlt. As well as saving hours of waiting in line, youll benefit from the insider knowledge of your guide via a headset, which ensures you can hear commentary clearly. It is closed only on January 1st and December 25th. With a guide, head into the Colosseum to walk in the footsteps of gladiators, emperors, and plebeians as tales of the brutal games ring in your ears. Der Zugang zum Kolosseum ist nur zu dem in der Buchungsphase festgelegten Zeitpunkt mglich. Skip-the-Line Guided Group Tour of Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill. ADELE CONCERT TICKETS. One hour for your visit. He gave a unique slant to the history of the Roman empire and made it really fun. Ancient Rome for families with kids. Tom was a most excellent guide. Then, wander the main floors of the ancient gladiatorial arena on your own before being escorted to the nearby Palatine Hill and Roman Forum, with admission tickets included. Long & lots of stairs/hills - must see at least once! Each ticket is reserved specifically for you since you're a VIP. These thugs are especially present near the famous monuments, where the concentration of visitors is extreme and where the physical contact goes unnoticed. Skip the Line at three of the most significant surviving remnants of the Eternal City: the Colosseum, Palatine Hill and Roman Forum. Having a happy and fun guide made the hours passed by. All dangerous objects, such as weapons, knives, explosive objects, or fireworks, are prohibited. Walk along the 525-foot long pathway, and discover the Colosseum underground on your Colosseum Underground Tour. Entworfen von den Architekten Severo und Celere, wurde derjenige, der weiter als die kaiserlichen Residenzen bleibt, von einer Reihe von gebildet The tour company was good and professional. The Colosseum in Rome is open almost every date of the year. Listings Calendar. from . He embarrassed her and harassed her the ENTIRE time. Its definitely a must see in Roma, but wouldve enjoyed much more with a different tour guide. All Roman business was happening there, and therefore, should also be a part of your visit. During this 3 hour tour, you can discover more about the Roman Empire, see the tomb of Julius Caesar, and explore Via Sacra. Avoid the long entrance lines at the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill during this skip-the-line tour of the sights in ancient Rome. Dazwischen haben Sie eine Pause von 3,5 Stunden, um zu Mittag zu essen und sich von einem Ort zum anderen zu bewegen. Access parts of the Colosseum that are usually off limits to the general public on a behind-the-scenes tour that also includes a skip-the-line admission ticket. It was fascinating! european unions tour guides in the exercise of their professional activity; will be required to obtain a free ticket for entry to the Colosseum. Saw all the best bits in and out of the colosseum Back then, the Hypogeum was covered with a wooden floor and sand. SAP Center at San Jose - San Jose, CA. Our family enjoyed it1. Die groe Neuheit des Rundgangs ist in der Tat eine Multimedia-Lesung mit zwei 7-mintigen Videoprojektionen des Gemldes, das eine ideale Ansicht der Stadt Jerusalem darstellt, die auf dem Triumphtor platziert ist, von dem aus die Glaadiatoren und die Bestien gegenberstanden einander auf der Arena betreten. Fast- track- entry ticket to the Vatican Museums & the Sistine Chapel. See breath-taking views over the Colosseum and Circus Maximus from Palatine Hill and stay as long as you wish at the end of the official Colosseum Underground tour. Nechte se inspirovat, objevujte nov pbhy a zaijte nov kulturn zitky 700+ akc po cel R 120+ prodejnch mst Vyuit benefitnch systm Explore the Colosseum at your own pace during this self-guided, skip-the-line tour. Guided tours usually last between an hour and a half and an hour and forty-five minutes. Access to the Arena Floor and Gladiator's Gate. The best way to realize its enormous dimensions is to access the Colosseum through the Via Dei Fori Imperiali. Browse through our selection of Colosseum tickets to enjoy skip-the-line entry, guided tours, combo packages, and access to exclusive areas such as the Underground and Arena. Ausgehend von den sogenannten Severischen Arkaden und dann durch die Domus Flavia und die Domus Augustana gelangen Sie in das Paedagogium-Gebiet, ein College, das fr die Ausbildung und Ausbildung kaiserlicher Pagen bestimmt ist, und setzen dann den Spaziergang entlang des Circus Maximus fort. Our guide, Stefano, was incredible. Be aware that you will not escape the second queue in front of the toilet, therefore, calculate a quarter of an hour waiting if you want to go to the bathroom. Es ist mglich, die Domus Aurea di Nerone jedes Wochenende mit einer etwa einstndigen Fhrung zu besuchen, "Solange das Kolosseum besteht, besteht Rom, wenn das Kolosseum fllt, wird Rom auch fallen, aber wenn Rom fllt, fllt die ganze Welt", Kolosseum, Vatikanische Museen und Sixtinische Kapelle: Ganztagestour. One significant advantage of booking the Colosseum tour is that your guide can take you to the parts of the Colosseum, which are not accessible if you go by yourself. The Colosseum seems even more imposing with the starry night sky as a backdrop. Nach dem Besuch des Kolosseums knnen Sie den Zugang zum Forum Romanum und zum Palatin nutzen, um dieses unglaubliche archologische Gebiet zu besuchen mit einem Headset, mit dem Sie die interessanten Erzhlungen des Leitfadens hren knnen. Very knowledgeable and pleasant tour guide. Wenn Sie entlang der Scalae Caci spazieren, gelangen Sie direkt in das Gebiet des Hauses des Augustus. Microphones and the guide leading helps navigate hassle free and educate about the sites and the history. Get to know more about the engineers innovative methods used to build the Colosseum. No Events Near Greater Seattle Area. Download the best royalty free images from Shutterstock, including photos, vectors, and illustrations. Get Ticket Alerts for this artist. We have been in Italy for 10 plus days and have taken many tours in that time frame. Book your tour of Colosseum with underground and explore areas not available with standard tickets, including the underground level. Please pay attention to Colosseum opening hours since they vary depending on the time of the year. The Colosseum had 80 entrances, and its system of corridors and stairs still serves as a reference for the construction of football stadiums. The free ticket must be booked in advance online and cannot be obtained directly at the ticket office. Great tour, really informative, very well organised. You can only take an empty water bottle inside of the Colosseum. I would recommend her very highly. He was so knowledgeable and answered all of our questions. However, be prepared for a full 3 hours with about 3.5 miles of walking, significantly uphill and with steps. Such as the Colosseum Underground, Arena, and fourth and fifth tier (optional). Fhrungen finden in Gruppen von bis zu 25 Personen von 20.00 bis 22.30 Uhr mit folgendem Kalender statt: Colosseum opening hours are seasonal and depend on the time of the year. That depends on what type of Colosseum ticket you purchase. It was so incredibly uncomfortable for us all. Not recommended for travelers with back problems, It is forbidden to bring inside the Colosseum: glass, sharp objects, alcohol, spray, Terms and conditions of this tour activity are clearly reported on the reservation voucher, This tour/activity will have a maximum of 24 travelers. It was a good tour but nothing that gets them a home run. US$ 79 per person Workshop or class Colosseum. For a full refund, you must cancel at least 24 hours before the experiences start time. If its canceled because the minimum isnt met, youll be offered a different date/experience or a full refund. Everything was on time and they were checking all boxes. Marvel at the remains of some of the greatest monuments of the Roman Republic with an entry ticket to the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill. Popular adventure travel blog featuring inspirational stories, photography, and budget travel tips from around the world. Get privileged access to the Underground Colosseum and Arena. Select the suitable Colosseum Tour and book in advance. 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