If they fail, tought shit for them but they wont be missed by me. The Iraq war WAS going to happen, but maybe after the funeral of President Gore.). Why? FDRs New Deal, LBJs Great Society, Obamas fundamental transformation of America. Discover all the collections by Givenchy for women, men & kids and browse the maison's history and heritage To be clear, I agree with much of what you wrote, but like most readers at this site I am always attuned for things that ring false. No one helps them pay for school. CLASS WARFARE Formally, a string is a finite, ordered sequence of characters such as letters, digits or spaces. Most politicians in democratic countries dont have the credentials to qualify them for management of a convenience store. And it isnt only American individuals wanting to leave. Enjoy straightforward pricing and simple licensing. Flint is also a Russian assett. Ref: giant nails, hair-thin nails, etc. Now, the rest of the world has had enough of this show. Unlike most of the world, save Germany, Finland, Sweden and Norway. You cant have honest govt officials because all people are crooks and liars. To renounce US citizenship, one must attend repeated interviews permissible only at a US embassy abroad where one must subject oneself to multiple scoldings and propaganda speeches about the great loss this decision entails, prove that the decision was not made under duress, complete a large swath of documents, and attend a formal session where one pays a hefty fee and the citizenship is renounced under oath. The move is clear. One American commenting on an article in the Wall Street Journal, wrote the following: Ive said it again and Ill say it now, the US is in terminal decline. After more than a century!!! It is so bad that I think we can say the governments are not in charge of the governments. Freeland will be in NATO replacing that big Norwegian kipper gobbler and supposed banker. But I dont think youll be able to do it. Oh God, not dental care! For Rep. Maxine Waters I will write in Charlene Richards instead of voting for the criminal Republican on the ballot. It was not done by laws we have written ourselves but by laws written for us by the powers behind the throne, the same powers that control the political parties and the selection, financing, media promotion, and election, of candidates. There exists a certain grouping which believes that the Earth is overpopulated, and that there are not enough resources on this planet for all of us to live a first world class lifestyle. That was no problem, because the roads were in excellent condition (except for the gravel roads). Anecdotally, the worst experiences in the US empire were chatting with USer immigrants. As far as I know, Romanoff has not responded to this crucial point. 2022 tpm media llc. But when I read the comments on my articles, much of what I see is personal attacks and denial. I was surprised by the tone of your reply, as Im disabled myself and can tell you from experience that employers are much more reluctant to hire disabled people since the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which has turned all disabled employees into potential powder kegs that could blow up and sue for millions of dollars in damages if theyre fired for incompetence or even for making threats against their co-workers. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. George Washington. He brings up one banks successful marketing of its services by insisting that firearms were being given out to depositors in an indiscriminate fashion. Do not engage, no eye contact, stick to boring topics, and leave them be. For any reader who would posit that the condition of Illinois roads was (and is) due to the weather, one can drive from Illinois to Wisconsin on ANY road, and the condition of the roads miraculously improves. I have no doubt his intentions were honorable, but he did no more than beat around the bush, offer some utopian platitudes, and resign. ** Cut fed spending another $250-275 BILLION every year by (gradually) transferring 160,000 of them from active duty to Reserve status. The explanation for this is that constitutive thinkers, propagandists and moralizers, need to believe that theyre always right. Most politicians in democratic countries dont have the credentials to qualify them for management of a convenience store. Americas middle class was totally gutted by this humanitarian crisis, with tens of millions of families descending into what is now the largest lower-class percentage in any developed nation in the world. Many thanks for your independent thinking, zeal and concern for Americans. BC rename it to Bandera Chomiak ( From British Columbia) and then that Real Leader Stephen Harper in Australia 2014 who told off Putin to Vlads very face: Get out of Ukraine that is all that I am going to say to you 2014 and the Orange Revolution had just happened and innocent Ukrainians were killed in Kiev Square and burned to death in Odessa Building. In Berry's mind, the words "Louie Louie" "just kind of fell out of the sky", superimposing themselves over the repeating bassline.Lyrically, the first person perspective of the song was influenced by "One for My Baby (And One More for the Road)," which is sung from the perspective of a customer talking to a bartender ("Louie" was the name of Berry's bartender). That, plus endogamy, and relentless brainwashing, was a powerful selective pressure for ever greater fanaticism. The fact is that the US empire is a large collection of scumbags, and the nation (business enterprise) is putrid to the core. https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/state-us-infrastructure[17]Infrastructure Spending Trends White people used to know their roots, but movies and tv shows now show European history full of Negroes. As per my idiom, I dont bother with the narcissism of small differences and call it Communist. It helps explain a lot (as if were not already drowning in examples) about why this nation and its people are such a soup sandwich. My colleagues: Lucky of you! The tax system was changed to permit the top 1%, who are all rent-seekers, to take advantage of it. In other words. Its stunningly authoritarian govt here, I say this as a former Chicagoan. United Marxist States of America. But because thats not what my comment was about. Californias crisis is by no means unique. Imagine that, the bandits wont shoot you because your diseased body isnt worth the cost of a bullet. This lets us find the most appropriate writer for any type of assignment. His readers are encouraged to form their own judgment. This is how America was from the very beginning. about tips. At 7:39 minutes he (with the Pathan dude) mentions how the British Empire built the railways in 1890 but at 7:52 minutes he admits how We Pakistanis have not taken care of this marvel of engineering. Lets look at Trump and his relationship to israel (which actively worked against him in the 2020 election. The primitive mind of a typical consumer abhors intellectual inquiry. If they lose their wealth, for whatever reason, they are done. For how many years are many average Americans going to play the Two-Party political shell game? Basically, all governments are nothing more than socialized criminal scams designed to impoverish the many, for the benefit of the few. The only thing that might save the world is an awakening, but that seems a vain hope. His take was that Ghandi and the higher caste Hindus were not against the British Empire as such, but that it was the introduction of English Common Law that so offended them. And Im expected to work a low wage job? And these same firms today, with their countless billions of dollars in profits remaining overseas, are now pressuring the US government to permit them to bring home all those profits on a tax-free basis on the unbelievably disingenuous basis that they would use them to create more jobs. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghais Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. The Occupy Wall Street movement consisted of engaged citizens who today are still nursing their wounds inflicted by the brutal suppression at the hands of the police, and who are either in prison or bankrupt from the costs of their legal defense, who are on both the governments no-fly and no-hire lists, and who paid a heavy price for nothing. I hope the point that is being made is that people love ignorance above all. He began by writing:[21]This Land Isnt Your Land, This Land Is Their Land I used to be irrational by thinking I was productive at payroll jobs. Fact: nobody likes immigration. US has a lot of problems, but it has land and a core white population that still has ability. If they dont, then it will not be run for the benefit of the residents, to put it mildly. Graduate education is a different story, harder to afford without debt, esp. https://www.demos.org/blog/how-baby-boomers-stole-trillions-dollars-millennials. Government is evil because people are evil. Nor is it to say his thinking doesnt enable him to make valid propositions. America is a Fascist country, all firms over 500 employees are de-facto owned by the fundamentalist theocratic State. I dont care. [34]Americans Renouncing U.S. Or, rather, what is there in my comment that your response to it can direct our attention to an inform us about? It was the same with the recent US health care legislation. I wasnt always this way. That they also produced great cultural and intellectual achievements was forgotten, in a tornado of hatred, led by very few, and, as with Kristallnacht, opposed by most of the citizenry. It's about Germany, Trump Raid: This is Probably the End, Friends, Germany and EU have been handed over a declaration of war, Steve Bannon Was Right!Millennials "Dont Have A Chance", Review of Unmasking Anne Frank, Her Famous diary Exposed as a Literary Fraud by Ikuo Suzuki, International Bankers and pampering of the Rich: 30%. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/books/historyboow.html. At 7:16 minutes in the above video we see British built railway tracks which have fallen out of use because of constrains in budgets. The white students just arent smart enough or hardworking enough to beat the Asians. Hillary Clinton calls them The Deplorables. In China, the CIA (I presume) floods social media websites like Weibo with fake accounts (the sock puppets) with wonderful tales of the US and hateful messages about China, all purporting to come from native Chinese resident in China. Much of the necessary savings comes from ending the extremely costly US wars and occupations. This meeting would have destroyed the whole premise of the movie. LOL, unlike Murica, most of the bridges built by the British Empire still stand in its ex Empire. In fact, in my view Larrys work is worth responding to. Some times, it is because the money they save is not a lot of money in America but it is good money in their native country, where things are cheaper. Egypts Contract for the Operation and Maintenance First High-Speed Rail Network. (Those Zionists had a backup plan in case theyd lost at the big court a gentleman named Joseph Isadore Lieberman. Few, if any, Americans have any knowledge of the effect their government, their corporations, their media, have on other countries. a process not assisted by expenditures on maintenance, repair, or long-term investment. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/america-crumbling-dam83deac[8]Aging Dams in U.S. Expose Thousands to Risk What killed The U.S. was massive migration (walking-distance style) and affirmative action. Take 1 billions and buy foreign currencies and use the high interest rate of the foreign banks . The powers in America flood every other nation with the shining mansion on a hill meme, when nothing could be further from the truth. I do not want a Third World War, but the Jews are in the final stages of intense provocations of Russia, China and Iran, to start one, and are using the US government and military to facilitate it. About Our Coalition. And for this Larrys work offers a veritable treasure trove. The Wall St switch to using PRIVATE bank credit rather than government investing in the public sector with PUBLIC money happened in the mid-70s during the Trilateral Commission bankers coup. Microsoft is not pulling its punches with UK regulators. The reason why the US at one time could build and even maintain such a magnificent system of roads was that. An inherent and necessary part of this process was the destruction of labor and wages, the financial strangulation of the US educational system, and the skewing of tax policies and international trade practices to favor only this same 1%. Its Robert MacIntyres turn to try his hand at the DP World Tour's "Chase The Ace" challenge. Probably after another 30 years of taking. WE beat the Nazzies in Dubya Dubya Two, saving the world from nationalism AND socialism, so Murica, fuck yeah! In America we dont have to travel outside our cities to see a third world cesspool, just lucky I guess. edit: euronewsin fransz olduunu biliyoruz dostlar. Lies are bad, mmmkay. It isnt the rich Jewish kids who are dying early its the poor whites, the Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans and blacks. With public sentiment favoring a world made easy by zipping to and from suburban homes and downtown offices on ribbons of concrete and a booming post-war economy that made car ownership more possible President Eisenhower signed the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956, kick-starting the interstate system. Citizenship in Record Numbers, Renouncing American Citizenship Hits All-Time Record, https://www.unz.com/lromanoff/life-in-a-failed-state-part-2/, The Unz Review An Alternative Media Selection, https://www.bartleby.com/essay/Analysis-of-the-Article-1%25-by-Joseph-F3URF94JDBRS#:~:text=In%20the%20article%20%E2%80%9COf%20the%201%25%2C%20by%20the,income%20rise%20about%2018%25%20in%20the%20past%20decade, https://csglobalpartners.com/news/americans-are-renouncing-their-us-citizenship-here-is-why/#:~:text=Section%20349%20%28a%29%20%285%29%20of%20the%20Immigration%20and,State%2C%E2%80%9D%20and%20by%20signing%20an%20oath%20of%20renunciation, Democracy, the Most Dangerous Religion: Part 11 Democracy to Fascism, Americas Labor Movement and the Post-War Social Contract, The West Oppressed the Third World for So Long It Became the Third World Itself, https://destoryculturalmarxism.blogspot.com/2013/01/what-is-cultural-marxism.html, https://wiki.mises.org/wiki/Why_Government_Doesn%27t_Work, https://www.benzinga.com/real-estate/22/06/27905009/private-equity-companies-have-bought-up-hundreds-of-thousands-of-single-family-homes-house-subcommit, https://www.unz.com/lromanoff/americans-and-automobiles-capitalism-and-propaganda/, https://www.unz.com/lromanoff/what-is-the-difference-between-capitalism-and-socialism/, https://www.business-standard.com/budget/article/replacing-british-era-rail-bridges-may-take-60-years-117012600800_1.html, https://www.youtube.com/shorts/BKVjdopS6ug, https://ourfiniteworld.com/2007/07/02/speech-from-1957-predicting-peak-oil/, https://www.hindustantimes.com/mumbai-newspaper/british-govt-wrote-to-state-about-the-bridge-in-2010-say-local-residents/story-JFvmUNvhqK5N3vu01cjGKI.html, https://www.monetary.org/images/pdfs/Peters-2020-Debt-Drives-War-Main.pdf, https://www.vox.com/2017/12/20/16772670/baby-boomers-millennials-congress-debt, https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2017/03/08/bruce-gibney-sociopaths-baby-boomers, https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-echochambers-27074746, https://americanaffairsjournal.org/2020/06/americas-unhealthy-gerontocracy/, https://keithmoulton.com/unraveling-the-mystery-of-boomer-sociopathy/, https://www.demos.org/blog/how-baby-boomers-stole-trillions-dollars-millennials, American Pravda: Oddities of the Jewish Religion, American Pravda: The ADL in American Society, American Pravda: Understanding World War II, America's Jews Are Driving America's Wars. But because the fact of the matter is, there is no truth. The rent-seeking did not occur because the tax system changed; the reverse is instead true. Insights which are not to be automatically accepted or believed in, but to be tested and used, as well as modified and revised accordingly. In particular, it https://www.cbsnews.com/news/falling-apart-america-nucture[10]US infrastructure falling apart: Now that they have discovered our dystopian hell scape.why dont they leave ASAP? Once when Milton Friedman was visiting a Scandinavian country, an economist gloated: Unlike the US, we have no poverty. Friedman, in an unguarded moment, replied, We have no poverty in the US among people of Scandinavian descent. I would enlarge Friedmans point to cover other European ethnicities, and NE-Asian ethnicities, and then endorse it. This is why its bad that China is spending 9% of GDP on infrastructure. If you can take slaves, that means you can offload costs onto the slaves and especially the slave-taking institutions thus enhancing the private profits. My problem is with his overall approach to what he writes, with his mode of thinking. I just put over a thousand miles on a trip out west. Abolish it, for sure, but then focus on where the huge spending is. There are planetary bodies with massive amounts of hydrocarbons that are not a result of fossils. This is the largest municipal bankruptcy ever in the US and, while this city may be the worst example, it is by no means the only similar example. And it will. https://wiki.mises.org/wiki/Why_Government_Doesn%27t_Work. So instead of an idiot becoming less of an idiot like most people, you became more of an idiot. Are you sure about that? One Hong Kong immigration lawyer said that when he began his law practice 30 years ago, many people were excited about moving to the US, but now more than half of his clients are Americans who want to abandon the American Dream and become citizens of other countries. This is what the rest of the country is in for. They care about free stuff. Already Big Pharma shies away from cures, and aims for eternal expensive treatments. Which pushed the price of new construction and maintenance through the roof compared to the rest of the revenues provided by industry, in direct contrast with the 1940-50s when the situation was just opposite : high industrial salaries, slave manpower for road and bridge work. Thats why he wisely says in the second paragraph Read and form your own judgment. Too big to fail followed by absolutely free money coupled with zero productivity. Go to said article and what do you get? https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2012/05/joseph-stigluality[27]Joseph Stiglitz The Top 1% In Bowling for Columbine, Moores flawed premise was that the free, unrestricted commerce in lawful firearms was responsible for that deadly event. This is the reason the left is reflexively against private transportation and private homes. I think Jesus had it right when he said the poor would always be with us, and that we really were like sheep. The elections themselves were self-validating, and succession was usually quite smooth. What must happen for the people to realise they have no power whatever to change the course of their government nor to affect any of its policies in any meaningful way? Given their ingrained ignorance of the wider world, and with it their lack of ability to adapt to catastrophic change, the collapse of the USA very likely will indeed be a fatal shock to their systems. The US regimes unnecessary, non-defensive wars and occupations killing millions, maiming millions more, displacing tens of millions, and alienating hundreds of millions of people. [16]The State of U.S. Infrastructure Shifting into an era of repair: US infrastructure spending trends. Thats what it means to not be a Democracy. Add covid jabs, and you got the shoots. The only other state in which I encountered roads as bad as Illinois was in Oklahoma. In fact, Roger Smith offered Michael Moore an interview, but was promptly rebuffed. At which time, anything is possible. Citizenship in Record Numbers The free market capitalistic system might have worked in the 19th or 20th Century, but is now total baloney it will destroy our country. What a coincidence. https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2017/03/08/bruce-gibney-sociopaths-baby-boomers, Studies have shown that America is an oligarchy, not a true democracy (regardless of whether that would be a good thing). But none of those warriors imagined he was living in a democracy, and nor should we. They must buy insurance policies from companies that double the cost. Just as the Jews used the British Empire to further their aims, destroying it utterly in the process, so they are using the US in the same way. Central planning cant help us. Little-known fact: the Mongol Horde were proudly democratic and, like us, went to extraordinary lengths to attend elections, even if it meant traveling thousands of miles. I thought I would have a stroke when brain dead, wimped out, two faced Republicans are suing over the student loan forgiveness programs. Today, a full 25% of the US population have a zero or negative net worth, are now living below the poverty line and cannot buy sufficient food without government aid. Its great achievement is survival, and producing two offspring, Christianity and Islam, that share many of its traits. More than 160,000 bridges in the US are officially categorized as dangerous, at risk of collapse, with such collapses now regularly occurring. Second in Command is an ugly womancouple of notches lower than Victoria Nulandand her name is Freeland. If residents own their own land, then immigration doesnt happen. But all of them? I will vote NO on ALL the propositions then I will vote AGAINST any Democrats on the ballot. This means that your averge Brit can get pissed alone at home while trying to win the jackpot that never comes. Thanks and additional information overlooked by most as well on this topic Larry Romanoff. This is the explanation for why propagandizing is synonymous with moralizing, ie; virtue signalling. I dont recognize anyone or anything here anymore that reminds me of America. At least Dems sort of fight for their own. I grew up in the Midwest at a time when the country still prided itself on having something of a conscience, when it was a place still built on hope and a widespread belief that a better future was anybodys potential birthright. Cue Streisand belting: People People who need people. Countries like the US, Canada, Australia, who are made up primarily of Europeans, can still function albeit at a relatively lower social cohesion. https://www.benzinga.com/real-estate/22/06/27905009/private-equity-companies-have-bought-up-hundreds-of-thousands-of-single-family-homes-house-subcommit. ingilizleri yenince hepsini yendi atatrk ite. Yeah, well so what? The Crumbling of America In June of 2013 an Interstate bridge on a main commercial corridor between Seattle, Washington and Vancouver, Canada, collapsed and fell into the river below after being hit by a truck. Even if Tsar Vlad the Mad decides to push the button, ICBMs are damned expensive and incinerating Flint just isnt a reasonable return on investment. In any democracy, polling stations are useless as catalysts for change, with the only productive alternative being the streets. They are the ones that take these loans. In this case, Americans in the 50 states filed a total of 70 secession petitions and, if that isnt enough, many cities filed petitions to secede from their state. The US government, through its national Medicare programs, is the largest buyer of medications in the country. I have no need for heating bill assistance but Im sure I qualify. It was toots vs loots. [9] Falling apart: Americas neglected infrastructure; https://www.cbsnews.com/news/falling-apart-america-neglected-infrastructure, [11] U.S. Electrical Grid on the Edge of Failure, https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/us-electrical-grid-on-failure. Here in northeast Tennessee, we have, for the most part, excellent roads. 30 years ago, a black government was foisted on South Africa, mainly by America and Britain. There are, absurdly, nearly 200,000 active-duty US soldiers deployed abroad. Pull in all of our military troops from every foreign base around the world. Im not kidding though. I am no longer an idiot voting for the right of every bastard, whoever inherited a buck, to abuse the humanity of the working class, just so the bastard can fart through silk. How many immigrants you receive from countries in Europe or from Japan or from South Korea or Australia? Sure, generally more compact than U.S.A., but same phenomenon. Its called The optimism and the arrogant swagger are mostly gone. The US publicity machine omits photos of the shit on the sidewalks of California or the real state of American education. Look-a libertarian who despises the disabled. Wiki: Psychopathy, sometimes considered synonymous with sociopathy, is characterized by persistent antisocial behavior, impaired empathy and remorse, and bold, disinhibited, and egotistical traits.. He quoted Democratic strategist Doug Sosnik who wrote, At the core of Americans anger and alienation is the belief that the American dream is no longer attainable.[19]America the Shrunken professional schools. The US couldnt fight WW2 today, and not only because we no longer have the factories and raw materials. Then I will take my secret ballot and seal it in an envelope, SIGN my name on the envelope and date it then mail it back or place it in a drop box that is literally unguarded 24/7. Ill support this if I get a full refund with interest. Once again, Moore failed to note that every firearms transfer was done in a lawful manner, with federally-mandated background checks being performed in every case. Those who have a checking or savings account, but also use financial alternatives like check cashing services are considered underbanked. TPTB use pride to opress them. Private Equity Companies Have Bought Up Hundreds Of Thousands Of Single Family Homes House Subcommittee Addresses Investments In Single-Family Rentals All other roads were in excellent condition. Because humans arent completely stupid and irrational, the prospect of having the voluntary government declined will, as a bonus, seriously retard the corruption process. My goal each year is to drive my income on paper to zero. Second, real savings come from closing the network of unnecessary tripwire US military bases: there are more than 700, almost all of them thousands of miles from our shores. Will the same two morons, Harper and Cotler, now declare war on Iran, using millions of dollars extorted from the taxpayer to train the IDF, now that the Canadian and Quebec governments have ruined the future of generations X, Y, Z and millenials, and repeatedly terrorized and killed the silent one (the 70s and older) through forced isolation, forced confinement, and forced vaccination in overcrowded subfinanced healthcare centers (akin to prison cells)? It may be too late. Similarly why educate the monkeys properly when they are never going to be able to utilise that education because there are going to be no opportunities for them to utilise that education, plus most of them are going to kick the bucket before their time. One should be hesitant to name a single cause of Americas decline, but a major factor is the rise of the baby boomer generation. The US power grid is increasingly unable to carry its loads, regularly disrupting the nation and leaving entire cities without power. Live stream, watch highlights, get scores, see schedules, check standings and fantasy news on NBCSports.com The leaders, the puppets whose strings are being pulled, will continue to broadcast the narrative of patriotic utopian ideals up to and during the final crash, ending in a one-party fascist state. Ken Klippenstein noted in an article that The idea that the United States has the highest standard of living in the world is one that is actually believed by numerous grownups in America, and most of them believe that this highest standard applies across the board. He has formed his own judgment. Since he would have no reason to fear future election repercussions, he was going to demand that israel finally resolve the Palestinian situation (notice I did not say problem as the Palestinian situation is not a problem but needs to be dealt with). First is was the Third World which was always kept down, by hook and by crook, so that they could not develop, now similar things are happening in the First World, so that the unconnected regress to below even Third World standards. They stole from the rest of the world, primarily (75% of USD are held overseas), and were too lazy to spend outside their own neighbourhood, that being other Americans. Stockton, California was one of the largest bankruptcies in recent history, and today, according to reports, has piles of garbage in the central streets; barricaded entrances to once-luxurious shopping centers; homeless, drunken beggars; rampant crime; and an unemployment rate of 20 percent. San Bernardino, also in California, went bankrupt with debts of more than $1 billion, as did Jefferson, Alabama, and of course the latest and largest being Detroit, General Motors headquarters. In May of 2014, Frank Bruni wrote an article for the NYT titled America the Shrunken, in which he detailed what he called the downward arc of a diminished enterprise that was the USA, quoting friends who claimed their children would live in a more impoverished America, that the reign was over and the slide was inevitable. The city is simply dying, officials begging residents to relocate to a high-density city core in a final bid to survive. Based on the creed of profit maximisation, the most financially-sound plan is to calibrate maintenance and repairs to the precise extent that when the asset is returned at the end of the lease, its value will have depreciated to zero. Hearing this is a bit of a shock, since the interview took place in 2o15! I have always wanted to visit Chicago!, My colleagues: Lucky of you! Even when legal salaries went back down from Reagan onwards the building and maintenance of strategic infrastructure had to remain in the hands of privileged workers corps. The banks were not too big to fail; rather they were too well-connected to fail. Take 1 billion from bank and return the money in 18 months . That America is indeed the Great Satan, not only of our current time but probably of all human history. Theres a class war here, but it is the class war of the statists (paid by the state) against the private people. So, I write a law that obligates me to publicly humiliate you and justify my action on the basis that I am required by law to do so. Immigration is a very strange duck. Stiglitz wrote, We must end the rent-seeking society in which the wealthy obtain profits by manipulating the system. Another article from Larry Romanoff. In my opinion. And, as is so typical, the US media are of one voice in their effort to mislead Americans and the world as to the cause and ultimate responsibility of this enormous disaster by repeated attempts to deflect the blame to the people and the lower levels of society. Luckily I was instilled with a value system that helped me spend less than I made and have been lucky to avoid many pitfalls. Sell some unit and rent rest . But after Napoleon emancipated the Jews, they set to in controlling money and finance, and thus dominated European societies breeding hatred and resentment that culminated in the Nazi and fascist Judeocides. Sir, try to ignore the personal attacts and continue trying to educate those willing to listen. The same explosion of National Debt. Has he driven in America? https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/articles/umbers[35]Renouncing American Citizenship Hits All-Time Record Do you think these stories are weird? I suppose the Governor of CA will propose an orgy at China Lake or Bohemian Grove when the time comes. If consumer goods companies from a foreign country like the US take over more than around 30% of another nations consumer product sector, they apparently have more or less total control of the cultural value of that sector and can dictate totally new cultural values to the entire population. We dont need more doses of the same medicine that has made us so sick. And, I am sorry to say that you, like most Americans, have no understanding of the meaning of socialism, equating it with either some aberrant form of communism or some kind of fascism. For the sake of any future back and forth between you and myself as a TUR and LR reader/commenter (and no one would be more pleased should that happen), Ill cut to the chase. https://www.unz.com/lromanoff/what-is-the-difference-between-capitalism-and-socialism/. Theres little evidence to show that slaves are worth the hassle. America will fall, us rubes deserve it, and he wrings his hands at it, but alas- he will illuminate us as we fall to our knees. I know. In fact, speaking of creativity, creating problems is the only kind of creativity that constitutive thinkers are capable of. They told me: We have the best economy, the best food, the best women, the best society in the world. It never was attainable. So Larrys thinking is virtually identical in form to the very people he is criticizing. People covered with the street gravy that marks the homeless wander the casino, itself tawdry and too dimly lit to inspire fun. Carry on. And you thought kto kogo was bad when it came to George Floyd. [34] Americans Renouncing U.S. Ill take your word that legislation to aid the disabled may have backfired, but that is the USA all over-every man for himself, and the Devil Market take the hindmost. I think TUR is the best website in the history of the Internet. From 1970 to 2008, top-tier incomes rose by 385%, second-tier by 141%. That dream is dead. However, its also not illegal to neglect it, and you cant make it legal for the usual Communism reasons. The author seems to have naught but contempt for Amurrica. Up through Trumans times a loophole clause of the 13th amendment allowing slavery as a penalty was abundantly invoked to use slave manpower pure and simple as an exception was made for slavery as a judicial penalty for a wide array of felonies. The Americans with Disabilities Act, which made it much harder for employers to fire incompetent workers, as they could always claim a disability, and literally thousands of anti-business regulations that tied up enterpreneurs like the Lilliputians tied up Gulliver). He also had a full-time secretary and gave himself generous raises. Thats a death sentence and worse than slavery. Unlikely, I would say. And if you cant see things as they really are, and identify the causes, nothing can be fixed. Certainly not because I say so. However, IMO the accompanying chart is poorly arranged. The problem was that in the Southern states living in a state of vagrancy was a serious offence justifying forced labour : in practice the Dixieland Blacks could be used like antebellum as well as other groups such as the Irish and the Hillbilly White Thrash. an informative post, as we have come to expect from Godfree Roberts. ), https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2021/10/19/pentagon-personnel-costs-at-historic-high, https://www.goarmy.com/reserve/benefits/money.html. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2011/05/top-one-perc201105. That a grown man is capable of believing in fairytales like this is enough to make one blush for the human species. All workers in America are tantamount to being ngger slaves. Yes, fear is probably the primary motivation of the rich, not greed, and not a love of evil. It is in Urdu but with English subtitles. Call it The American Nightmare that continues to claim victims and diminishes the prospects for prosperity more broadly. And this is not the first time; US citizens have filed these petitions on several prior occasions with increasing participation each time. (By 2024, count on taxpayers wasting up to to $175,000 per active-duty overseas soldier every year, due to inflation and higher cost-of-living increases. However your tone still reeks of suspicion, paranoia and misanthropy. As time goes by, these people and their children will surrender to, and emulate, the compromises, failings, and grotesqueries around them. They ARE as american as obesity and war. Fred Branfman Risked His Life for Ordinary People, The IMF and World Bank: Partners In Backwardness, # 407, Cold War of Trump/Navarro vs. China - More Dangerous Than Covid-19, Met Police Invokes National Security About Epstein Meeting with US Senators in the UK, ChatGPT Writes an Intersectional Op-Ed About Hair-Touching, First-Ever ChatGPT-Written Article Printed in a National Newspaper. The critical axe can only swing one way. On the expatriate blogs and forums there is almost a firestorm of commentary from Americans considering renouncing their citizenship. His visits and commentary extended to many locations he had known earlier, perhaps in his childhood, and all, in their own way, fit the description above. The funds were there to be used to benefit all of us, of all backgrounds, but for the God-damn wars. They have absolutely no morals or honor and are mean-spirited. It tends to be seriously corrupt and crime-ridden. Because of their basic criminal nature, all states constantly and consistently fail at _everything_ they supposedly do successfully, e.g. A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media. I was in my 30s during the Obama years when I saw the future. Stephen C. Meyer, Douglas Axe, Chuck Darwin, and Me, Massacre of the Innocents: CDC Inflicts Biowar Vax on Children, American Pravda: Anne Frank, Sirhan Sirhan, and AIDS, To Hell With Iran, China & Hunter: Americans Are Suffering, Buck-Breaking the Black Man: A Jewish Tradition, "Kanye was Right" Black CoinDesk Journalist Fired for Noticing That Everyone at FTX was Jew, The Stage is Set for US Combat Troops in Ukraine, Putin's Remedy: A Fragmented, Toothless Ukraine separated by a 100 Kilometer-wide No-Man's-Land, The Crisis in Ukraine is not about Ukraine. I read Saul Alinsky. >>Is the fact that the poorest people of the poorest countries on Earth go to the United States such a proof that the United States are doing well? You're now in slide show mode. More freedom [ via much smaller, or no, governments] means more wealth = a richer, safer, healthier society [ie a generally higher standard of living for most]. Throughout history Jews who didnt buy the group delusion simply left, or were murdered by the rabbis. Nothing but supply being called forth by demand. And what is Romanoffs solution for Americas problems? In each case, they do what their handlers tell them to do. Starry-eyed and blind, most walk lock-step with the debased and degenerate USian culture.. Then this cult, the true oldest still extant hatred, bred resentment, fear and hatred in neighbouring groups or host societies. Greece and Rome rose on the backs of unwilling slaves. No one. These powerful and wealthy private interests and special interest groups have taken almost full control of most democracies, their money and influence increasingly dictating the political and social agendas for these nations, agendas beneficial to them alone. The bankers and private equity companies took control of much of Americas physical stock solely to extract the value from those assets, a process not assisted by expenditures on maintenance, repair, or long-term investment. Vermont ranked second. But of course they wont create any jobs. and Justin KNOWS how to talk Big -avoid issues and SPEND -like there in no tomorrow. They brag about their life in their new country. I am not sure what point the author wants to make. It used to be that in many European countries, the people were more important than profits. First, there is an exit tax; the IRS assesses ones total worldwide assets, assumes they were sold at full market value on the day of renunciation and taxes any gain at 15% to 30%, with astonishingly severe penalties that can easily include ten years imprisonment if all foreign assets and income have not been properly declared. Read Zack Bissonettes book Debt Free U, for example. Or at least those far away from the US, Europe, Britain and their vassal states. Buy a ticket and move your f*cking ass!. The body has been emptied and eaten from the inside by his parasites which are now planning to move to another sound body. Critique of Eugyppius (Blogger)'s Mis-Characterization of 'Wokeness' as a Decentralized Movement of Nutters When, in Truth To Hell with Iran, China & Hunter: Americans Are Suffering, The 'Twitter Papers' Reveal the Totalitarians Among Us, The Prospect of Nuclear War Is Getting Too Close for Comfort, Expect More Widening of the Ukraine Conflict, White House Officials Will Host Meeting with Jewish Groups to Discuss Kanye Ye West On Wednesday, Mrs. and Mr. Meghan Markle Get Heroism Award, American Pravda: The Authorized Political History of Two Decades, American Pravda: Lost Histories of the Great War, American Pravda: Elon Musk, Kanye West, and Much Riskier Targets, Hispanics and Asians Join the White Political Mainstream, 4 Minutes of Undiluted Truth on Mainstream TV, Why the Ask a Mexican! Another option to be considered was decribed in a story (A Plague of Masters) by Poul Anderson. The list included drinking water, wastewater treatment and handling, the electric power grid, airports and aviation facilities, rail facilities and transportation, inland waterway transportation, roads and highways, bridges, dams, hazardous waste, schools and transit. That is why the US FED and the government spent trillions bailing out the banks that created the 2008 crisis, calling it a financial crisis instead of identifying it as the human disaster that it really was. Amerimutts who traveled to the rest of the world stopped being amerimutts and reject their jewish identity. What he failed to mention was that the average Cuban citizen has little access to high-tech health care, but is relegated to a lower tier of service. 26% bridges are over 100-year old, 5% crossed 140 years. Hint: Hu$tlers, hucksters, and imperialistic war mongers. In contrast, the China Dream is only just beginning. The same lack of awareness about superior conditions in other countries extends to health care, working hours, vacation time, maternity leave, child care, unemployment insurance, and a host of other social and economic benefits. I was a committed Libertarian even ran for Congress on the Libertarian ticket. When you read what the REAL United States actually is, you might feel a bit numb and then a wave of revulsion. There are just interpretations that one can either analyze or moralize, depending on ones tastes or interests. https://www.ocregister.com/2010/09/09/timothy-noah-tality/[31]Timothy Noah: The United States of Inequality As America shows, neoliberalism is truly the god that failed, the ideology that baby boomers and the wealthy used to kill off America for their own profit. Two words which, of course, he hypostitizes. >>sociopathic private transportation sociopathic suburbs. These buttons register your public Agreement, Disagreement, Thanks, LOL, or Troll with the selected comment. Canada had overtaken us. This is what is happening to Europe with all the forced immigration of real foreigners; those countries are disintegrating culturally from the inside. I look forward to reading it. I drove a lot in September and must say road conditions ranged from good to excellent, especially in South Dakota and Wyoming. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/BKVjdopS6ug Not a solution; its a scam. Thats the plan. The only possible result of such a success should have been immediately clear to everyone, that the multi-nationals would fire their employees, close their factories, and move production offshore. This is the legacy of 70 or so years of 1% financed brainwashing via Objectivism, rational choice theory, government is the problem etc. Turns out its hard to keep the police-State police in proper marching order when one of the heresies they have to suppress is [this is a police State]. Nor is it to say his thinking doesnt enable him to make valid propositions. Media companies, mega companies do not sell a product or have customers. Similarly, what would it cost to give federal employees a COLA sufficient to keep up with the real rate of inflation? This is true of _all_ governments, _everywhere_. As throughout humanitys history, the act of forgiveness will once again be our greatest challenge. all its money having been spent on [paying off its supporters (with graft) to avoid infighting]. I once had a very interesting conversation with a lower caste Indian Hindu about the British in India, and Ghandi and his motivations, and the motivations of those around him. Joe Biden acknowledged as much when he compared La Guardia Airport to a third-world country. But screw it we saw the American future first. Because its the kind of thinking found in many a committed social critic or commentator on events contemporary and historical. America: where the future is illegal but running over toddlers isnt. I hear of accidents and failures across the US, but it is a good country. That, however, would require only a dozen foreign bases, compared to the 700 or so that the US empire now operates. The same lack of awareness about superior conditions in other countries extends to health care, working hours, vacation time, maternity leave, child care, unemployment insurance, and a host of other social and economic benefits. Fishing rods are cheap. You can sue if they dont maximize quarterly profits. Wonderingwhy arent the airports choked with the immigrant who came here, frantically fleeing this hell hole? Sleep with a gun(s) nearby. Large corporations and the elites chose to restructure state government to cut off everyone else from public services while preserving their own subsidies., Schools, health services, libraries and the salaries that go with them are all on the chopping block as states and cities face their worst cash squeeze since the Great Depression. Most are reaching the end of their useful life and repairs alone will not suffice; replacement will become increasingly necessary. 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