Negative cosmopolitanism: Cultures and politics of world citizenship after globalization. The science of life and humanity is shifting from a worldview defined by individualism and atomism to one defined by global structures of interdependence. box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.24); Industrialization was well underway at that time, and advances in transportation meant less trade barriers and more globalization of trade (Hill, 2012). The Role of Global Citizenship in Globalization - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Today, the Republic of Korea and the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea have different national cultures, including language differences, whose vocabulary now differs up to 50 per cent.8 On what basis would a reunified Korean nation construct new norms and institutions? As the former Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius once stated in regard to this human connection, we are made for cooperation, like feet, like hands, like eyelids, like the rows of the upper and lower teeth (Aurelius, 2020: 15). Advances in communication technologies made this stage evolve quickly. width: 310px; background: #eee; Citta`Slow, which means slow city, is an international network of small towns that have been inspired by the Slow Movement. } Intercultural dialogue and conflict resolution strategies can reduce human rights violations. This axiom, of us all being cut from the same cloth, challenges any attempt to fundamentally distinguish ourselves from those around us, and implicitly calls on us to extend our solidarity to others and do as much as we can to uplift those around us. ul.block-list li.leaf:before { Why Is It Taking So Long? Within the nucleus of recognising ones role as a global citizen, is the realisation of our deep, symbiotic connection with all humans within the global family. The Social Construction of Knowledge and Ideas: An Example, Dominant Ideologies and Dominant Discourses. Global citizens build bridges, mitigate risk and safeguard humanity. The practices of global citizenship. Global Citizenship Education (GCED) aims to empower learners to assume active roles to face and resolve global challenges and to become proactive contributors to a more peaceful, tolerant,. The conference themeEducation for Global Citizenship: Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals Togetherwas one of the first opportunities for international NGOs to deliberate on the adopted SDGs. This essay on Education Role for Global Citizenship was written and submitted by your fellow .back-to-toplink { left: 5%; For example, the Chinese Immigration Act of 1923 stopped almost all Chinese immigrants from coming to Canada. 14, No. (Eds.). Both authors have their own goals properly established at the beginning of their speeches and end their projects with absolutely new thoughts. Some, however, cannot stay in the city once they learn of this secret and they choose to walk away, into the night, onward in a new direction. Demaine, J. Routledge. .country { Even though Canada recruits skilled professionals through its immigration programs, many end up underemployed in low-paying and This is certainly not possible in all scenarios, and impossible utopianism is destined to be crushed by the toughness of reality. .eventitem { September 18, 2020. .back-button { At The Global Citizen (TGC) Education Group, we are committed to promoting the cause of global citizenship through experiential learning. Idealism. content: ''; Similarly, the boundaries and names shown, and the designations used, in maps or articles do not necessarily imply endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. } global villageglobal village. background-color: #f5f5f5; Lee, E. (2013). GAP specifies that an international day would serve as a means to promote education for global citizenship, learning for civic engagement, and literacy for grassroots empowerment.10, Other new initiatives are also helping to expand awareness and support for global citizenship. Thus, in this world globalization is the triumphant force over agency, citizenship, and the nation-state as the latter lose their relevance. This is a common undertaking and it will be this solemn responsibility of our generation for our next generations children.11. padding: 1em 1em; (2008). Globalization is the singular most irresistible force of modern times. padding: 0.5rem 1rem 1.75rem 1rem; Lewis, D., & Moore, K. (2009). During this time, many economies picked up where they left off and grew at a rapid pace. color: #ffffff !important; Bosniak, L. (2006). Testament to this are the mass protests that have occurred in recent years, which have openly repudiated social wrongs and promoted the virtuous assignment of ensuring the wellbeing of humans throughout the world- and the wellbeing of the globe itself. .main-container.container { ol.ol-decimal { margin-top: 15px!important; I often find myself suspended between the no longer and the not yet (Braidotti, 2006). #memberStatesIndex { Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Fischman, G. E., & Haas, E. (2012). All of the people who live in Omelas know about the child and they know that the child must suffer in order for the rest to have what they need. Advocacy of soils is more important than ever given that we are facing a food and fertilizer crisis due to the challenges of post-COVID-19 recovery, ongoing conflicts and the ever-increasing evidence of the impact of climate change. Hill, C. W. (2012). What is Globalization and Global Citizenship? As the world has become more open and connected due to globalization over time, it is no surprise that national boundaries between issues have blurred, turning them into global priorities. margin: 1em 0 0.5em 0; The authors of this article served as co-chairs for the conference, which brought together 3,700 representatives, from 80 nations, and 620 regional and international NGOs. The word cosmopolitan means world citizen and its roots go all the way back to ancient Greece (kosmo-polits). } ul.spaced-list li { .international-items { A possible remedy to this issue rests in reimagining how we facilitate education, with regard to our social and civic responsibilities. Toward a new critical theory with a cosmopolitan intent. Maddison, A. margin-top: 1.0501050105rem; padding: 5rem; 5. } } cosmopolitanismcosmopolitanism (Parkins & Craig, 2006). What is geographys contribution to making citizens? Macmillan. Cambridge University Press. (2014). Some of these include: rapid globalization across all spheres of human activity; the economic rise of Asia and the growing economic, cultural . 15-16. Albrow, M., & King, E. (1990). vertical-align: middle; Political citizenship: Foundations of rights. After two wars that wreaked havoc on the world and on international relations, the United Nations (UN) was formed in 1945 to maintain peace and security. 7-26. The transformation of citizenship, volume 2: Boundaries of inclusion and exclusion. Those who have contributed the least to global warming are suffering the most. Cengage Learning. There was a similar period of cultural flourishing under the Islamic Abbasid Dynasty, which stretched from the Middle East and Persia to North Africa and Spain. font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: 700; What extends . (2017). All sorts of questions come to mind when trying to pinpoint the ideological underpinnings of globalization. The involved nations did not agree on how to divide up Africa among themselves. { This involves rethinking development assumptions. Sage. Textbooks, for example, could emphasize global citizenship and the value of harmonizing the two cultures. student. font-size: 32.24px; background-color: #f5f5f5; position: relative; } (2002). border-top: solid #aaa 1px; display: inline-block; Varieties of citizenship. border-top: #009edb solid 3px; OConnell clearly understood that the oppression of any man or woman, was also an indirect manifestation of oppression against him and he continually acted to rectify the presence of oppression within the domestic shores of Ireland, as well as beyond. color: #ffffff !important; This impetus has enabled a significant number of todays youth, and wider society, to recognise their role as global citizens, and play their part in positively bringing the global village forward, ethically. (2021, January 27). In the wave of this influence, higher education institutions in many countries have adjusted themselves in order to prepare their students to be global citizens. Throughout the 1960s most new immigrants to Canada were from European countries (Italy, Britain, Germany, the Netherlands, Greece, Australia, France, and Portugal) (Lee, 2013). Globalization, Global Citizenship, National Citizenship, Historical Context for Global Citizenship, GNED 500 Course (Global Citizenship: From Social Analysis to Social Action), Socialization: The Influence of Groups and Social Structure on Me, Historical Tendencies, Knowledge and Representations, Discrimination, Prejudice and Stereotypes, Exploring the Complexity of Sex and Gender. Such topics include: Centennial Colleges Institute for Global Citizenship and Equity has its own definition of global citizenship: To be a citizen in the global sense means recognizing that we must all be aware of our use of the worlds resources and find ways to live on earth in a sustainable way. margin: auto 0 1.5rem 0; .international-items.resolution { In fact, they are victims. font-size: 2rem !important; Kunnanatt, J. T. (2013). padding: 5rem; Palgrave Macmillan, London. Mullah Nasreddin, a Persian sage who used humour to share his wisdom, was asked to show the centre of the universe. UBC Press. /* ***** padding and text copy-specific styles ***** */ Geography,93(1), 3439. But will COVID-19 spell the end of globalization? Can we aim for a capitalism that cares more about the interests of Main Street (regular people) as opposed to Wall Street (rich people)? There is no golden bullet when it comes to solving these issues. } The traditional citizen was someone who contributed to public life, including participating politically, while living in the city (Yarwood, 2016; Bellamy, 2008; Janoski & Gran, 2002). IvyPanda. Birkvad, S. R. (2017). padding: 3rem 3rem; margin: 1rem 1.5rem; The 66th DPI-NGO Conference, hosted in Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, was the first such international conference hosted in Asia. Regressive political populism feeds on the lack of awareness its victims have of their connection with those around them. A global economic system in which private people and companies own goods and property. In the latter form, citizenship labels some people as national members and others as national outsiders and limits the entry of those outsiders into the national territory (Bosniak, 2006, p. 2450). multiculturalismmulticulturalism policies have promised opportunities to immigrants on the basis of merit and hard work. Learning how to skill the self: Citizenship and immigrant integration in Toronto, Canada(Doctoral dissertation). These three complementary themes flow from the viewpoints noted above. } In the late 1950s, after the end of World War II, multiculturalism began to emerge as an official policy in Canada. Introduction photo by Yeshi Kangrang on Unsplash. Will covid kill globalisation? Today, the Republic of Korea has one of the best elementary and secondary school systems in the world and sees global citizenship as a national responsibility. The spirit of Today, the UN is at the forefront of championing global citizenship. The United Nations Open Working Group (OWG) began formulating the SDGs in 2013. ol.ol-decimal, ol.ol-lower-latin { The Internet vs. Wall Street: GameStop short squeeze explained [Video]. Among others, volunteering and advocating for a particular cause are some of the means through which an individual can make his/her voice heard to make a difference in the lives of the people around them. Partaking in the instrumental voyage of the moral arc is never easy, and I certainly cannot lay claim to an indestructible obedience to the ways that I have advocated in this article. It is the responsibility of civil society to experiment with models of effective global citizenship, to understand, care and act on behalf of people and the planet through ecological and socially inclusive principles and practices. button { width: 50% !important; The Charter, which begins with the phrase We the peoples of the United Nations, became the first international instrument to popularize the term non-governmental organizations (NGOs). After two wars that wreaked havoc on the world and on international relations, the United Nations (UN) was formed in 1945 to maintain peace and security. Globalization is one of the most significant phenomena of the 21st century, affecting many aspects of human society. background: rgba(77,77,77,0.9);, IvyPanda. For instance, citizenship was often slow to be granted to groups of people that were categorized as inferior by the dominant class. But upon closer inspection, we can see that globalization has its own ideological roots that need to be examined. We can use science and critical thinking to promote peace. Miele, M. (2008). Global citizens since the time of Diogenes have believed that there are many acceptable ways to live. Picture citizenship as a social glue that connects people to one another and to a particular territory (Yarwood, 2016). font-family: FontAwesome; For most, there exists a connection between the global and the local. International migration report 2017., UNAI (United Nations Academic Impact). margin-bottom: 35px; Rediscovering Istanbuls cosmopolitan past. Equality: What Is the Difference? He pointed to the hook on the ground where his donkey was tied. European Enlightenment philosopher Immanuel Kant also informs the modern understanding of cosmopolitanism. hegemonyhegemony of the haves over the have-nots alive and well (Falk, 2013; Smith, 2008). font-size: 1.25em; .member-state-grouping-letter { Al-Rodhan, N. R. F., & Stoudmann, G. (2006). Merivale, H. (1837). How are capitalism and globalization connected? Share. According to UNESCO (2015), a rough definition of global citizenship is actively being aware and concerned about both local and worldwide issues. Many countries could not resist global trade associations such as the World Trade Organization and opened up their economies for global business (Stiglitz & Pike, 2004). Globalization and developing countries: A global participation model. A cartel is a group of independent businesses whose concerted goal is to lessen or prevent competition (Government of Canada, 2018). padding-right: 6px; Our challenge is to create a world that affirms the human rights of all peoples by 2030. Global citizenship is made manifest in an individuals affiliations and involvement in his/her community. /* ***** lists ul/ol ***** */ 192196). box-shadow: 5px 5px 3px #f2f2f2; letter-spacing: normal; (Mondon, 2017). } Social Research, 41, 673701. Ivey Business Journal. } Toronto: University of Toronto Press. .blue-well ol, .blue-well ul { In 1992, a landmark decision by the High Court of Australia overturned terra nullius and recognized some Indigenous peoples claims to their land. Kant, I. Chapter 17: The Rhetoric of Globalization and Global Citizenship: Reconstructing Active Citizenships in Post-cold War Sub-Saharan Africa [Ali A. Abdi]. } However, what sets todays moral climate apart is the widespread, cultural adherence to ideals of fairness and equality; this adherence, is closer to being the norm, than an anomaly. A global citizen is someone who identifies with being part of an emerging world community and whose actions contribute to building this communitys values and practices. The United Nations is particularly important for global citizenship initiatives. width: 95%; .node-sidebar-item-body ul { Citizenship: A very short introduction. blockquote p::before { YouTube. Poverty, hunger, inequality and political instability, being but a few. left: 5%; Former Secretary General Ban Ki-moon was one of those students. Educational internationalization is. /* **** adjusting for screen size ***** */ McGill-Queens Press-MQUP. } A Social Problem? padding: 1rem 0 1rem 0; .vertical-line-left { These corporations and institutions have made a lot of money off third-wave globalization and want it to continue. When the colonizers wanted to strip the colonized of citizenship rights, one way they did this was by labelling their land as available to be used and owned by others. According to Raskin, in neoliberalism the circuits of almost everythinggoods, money, people, information, ideas, conflict, pathogens, effluviaspiral round the planet farther and faster.6 The resulting imbalances are not sustainable, but neither is a retreat into nationalism as some urge. margin: 10px 0px;, Government of Canada. -o-box-shadow: 0 10px 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19), 0 6px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.23); Routledge. Citizenship and migration: Globalization and the politics of belonging. } } Smith, J. A. U. Levinson and M. Pollock (Eds. Globalization and its discontents. Underemployed immigrants is one of the negative side effects of globalization. } However, with the forces of globalization under way, local matters could easily have far-reaching implications that affect the entire world. ul.block-list li a { Global citizen education. Toronto: Pearson Custom Publishing. float: left; } display: block; They desire equality for all and consciously make fair choices and decisions. When did globalization become a household name and why? text-align: right; Klein, N. (2007). ol.ol-lower-latin { (2016, January 31). In the 21st century, where the world has become increasingly interconnected, every individual in the world should possess a global identity because their decisions and actions are likely to have a profound impact on people in other parts of the world. The young person who may want to live more sustainably might ask, what is the point when corporations continue to seamlessly emit environmentally eroding emissions into the ecosystem? The potential vegan who believes in the ethics of preserving the life of animals might question the existence of veganism, as someone, somewhere is going to eat meat anyway. Citizenship and inequality: historical and global perspectives. max-width: 70%; A savage sorting of winners and losers: Contemporary versions of primitive accumulation. He is the Political Coordinator at Black and Irish which is an NGO that advocates for the integration of the black and mixed-race Irish community into wider Irish society. padding: 15px 0; Capitalism requires new markets, places in which to buy and sell products. .horizontal-line-top-drk { height: 205px; For nearly half a century, Canadas margin-right: 0.3em; This web site is funded by Irish Aid at the Department of Foreign Affairs. Think about how quickly you can receive news about events in another country. } Although there is a deep truth embedded in these scenarios, we must never forget the deeper value that rests in the task of reforming the system of self. This is exemplified by the anti-immigrant, racialised rhetoric that is oft laden in the political arena. Global citizenship is transforming the worlds of art, business, culture, education, human and labour rights, religion, public health, politics and our relationship with nature. It is about how decisions in one part of the planet can affect people living in a different part of it. During this period, European countries divided Africa up between themselves and even created artificial states without taking into consideration cultural, religious, linguistic, or ethnic issues. display: none; There are significant variations in self-identification with global citizenship around the world. Refers to social and political relations among people who are considered to be community members. Just Labour, 3. Falk, R. (2000). The third wave of globalization started in the early 1980s. On the contrary, as summarized by Torres, the most dominant form of international development is globalization from above, or neoliberal globalization, which results in competition-based reform consisting of standardized testing as well as cost-efficiency and privatization of institutions.5. Globalization has its success stories, but it also often generates demand for low-paid service workers who are mostly women, new immigrants, and people of colour. Irish Aid also supports global citizenship and development education in Ireland to encourage learning and public engagement with global issues. h3.header-lg { Simply put, global citizenship is the concept that the scope of ones civic duty is not only local, but also includes the planet as a whole. How Individuals and Communities Respond to the Social Problem and Create Change, Social Problems Intersect with Other Issues, Social Analysis: Disinformation, Ideology and Brexit, Disinformation Online: How to Recognize It. } It is now generally seen as desirable to be committed to - or for better or worse, to look like you are committed to - carrying society forward in the voyage towards unflinching justice. This cultural reality can greatly be attributed to the incremental, painstaking development of the collective, human conscience throughout history. One important question we might ask ourselves when we think about globalization is: How can we navigate and negotiate between its good, bad, and ugly sides? It involves an appreciation for the transcendental cloak of our common humanity that encapsulates all human beings. | The Economist [Video]. This is an epiphany that sees us viewing the problems of our neighbours, as problems of our own. content:'\f2b9'; color: #337ab7; Kant expressed the idea that all human beings have an intrinsic worth and a dignity that must be respected (Kant, 1981). text-align: center;*/ Instead, civil society must strengthen a wide range of international partnerships. A global citizen is someone who is aware of and understands the wider world - and their place in it. citizenshipcitizenship? max-width: 70%; The country had no choice but to look to non-European (in particular, non-white) nations for new immigrants. opacity: 0.7; The Economist. In this town, the people want for nothing. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. offers one of the most eloquent expressions of this new ontology: I am cognizant of the interrelatedness of all communities and states. font-weight: bold; The conference produced the Gyeongju Action Plan (GAP) and the Gyeongju Youth Declaration. This is a non-cognitivist view of the role . Does globalization require us to ignore the misery of some so we might continue to benefit ourselves? In other words, the contribution of citizenship education and digital citizenship education is immense. Being a global citizen simply means having a willingness to do this with people from different nations and cultural backgrounds. This speaks to an admirable fervour amongst many young people to visualise themselves as global citizens and to act accordingly. padding-left: 40px; Questions like: Globalization and Global Citizenship in Global Citizenship: From Social Analysis to Social Action (2021) by Centennial College, Soudeh Oladi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) unless otherwise stated. } Canadian Chamber of Commerce (2008). Globalization and modernization play an important role in bringing people from around the world together, which shrink the size of the planet earth. For us, global citizenship is the ultimate expression of nationalism, as it provides the firmest foundation for widely shared prosperity and happiness. } It is privileged to host senior United Nations officials as well as distinguished contributors from outside the United Nations system whose views are not necessarily those of the United Nations. letter-spacing: normal; For Canada, these will be the highest years on record for accepting immigrants since 1911. Glenn, E. (2000). What Did You Learn About the Social Problem? font-size: 32.24px; The idea that the entire world is becoming more interconnected because of advances in technology. The pandemic has changed our lives in countless ways. The people of the city learn of the childs existence in their youth and often rationalize to themselves that there is nothing they could do to help the child, and while its awful that it has to suffer, the suffering is what allows for the beauty and bounty of the city for everyone else. color:#ffffff !important; } transition: all 0.25s ease-in-out; Eric Ehigie is studying Law and Business at NUI Galway. (2017). YouTube. Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. It was a collaboration among DPI, the NGO/DPI Executive Committee, the National Organizing Committee of Korea and the Government of the Republic of Korea. This wonderful quote allegorically points to the scientific articulation of the all-encompassing link we share with all humans, and life forms, on the planet. . Renisa Mawani (2010) writes that at the start of the 20th century, colonial states like Canada put in place laws and policies to regulate perceived threats. content: "\f105"; Ambar, S M (2012) Malcolm X at the Oxford Union, Race & Class, Vol. We will write a custom Essay on Education Role for Global Citizenship specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page. Effects of Globalization on Teacher Education. Ottawa, ON: Citizenship and Immigration Canada. Moore, K., & Lewis, D. C. (2009). Jonas Stier refers to three ideologies of internationalization within higher education: idealism, instrumentalism, and educationalism [8]. Statistics as Evidence: Scaring Us Senseless, World History in The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx. border-left: solid #eeeeee 5px; The term can refer to the . /* { We applaud the possibility that almost half of humanity (49 per cent) now identifies with global citizenship.13 Now is not the time for complacency but rather for urgent and principled action. Therefore, it is possible to say that even universities become corporatized because students learn a lot about ethics, human behavior, etc. max-width: 60%; .blue-well-nav-bar { The post-war history and future aspirations of the Republic of Korea inspired the conference. , which aims to instill a global mindset and identity in youths. Joplin, S. (2019). Needless to say, there is still some way to go, but promising developments have been made up to this point and this certainly provides hope for the future. Prosperity in some parts of the world led to the migration of more and more people. IvyPanda. .caps { For the longest time, a citizen was defined in relation to nation-state boundaries (Fischman & Haas, 2012). border-bottom: none; Youre living at a time of revolution, a time when theres got to be a change. Castles, S., & Davidson, A. padding-left: 2em; Refers to work that is part-time and/or temporary. margin-left: 25% !important; September 18, 2020. Canadas interest in economic migrants is primarily aimed at pursuing the maximum social, cultural, and economic benefit of immigration and to support the development of a strong and prosperous Canadian economy (Government of Canada, 2001). This module contains material from the chapter Global Citizenship: From Theory to Application by Philip Alailabo, Moreen Jones Weekes, Athanasios Tom Kokkinias, and Cara Naiman, in Global Citizenship: From Social Analysis to Social Action 2015 by Centennial College. Citizenship has been assumed to remain in an uneasy relationship with globalization. Immigrants and education. } In the Western tradition, This article explains the importance of the concept of global citizenship for civil society, emphasizing its role in achieving the SDGs. } margin-bottom: 1em; Critics have pointed out that third-wave globalization has led to greater social exclusion and marginalization (Santos, 1998). text-transform: uppercase; Resisting globalization-from-above through globalization-from-below. Geoghegan, P (2010) 18th-19th - Century History, History Ireland, Vol. padding-left: 2rem; It would be 24 years before this policy was repealed (ended). Rumford, C. (2008). display: inline-block; The number of individuals living outside their original homelands increased from approximately 33 million in 1910 to 272 million in 2019 (Benhabib, 2004; United Nations, 2020). The United Nations played a pivotal role in the rebuilding of the Republic of Korea after the Korean War. (Source: Deborah Cornwall, 2016). Global Journal of Management and Social Sciences,2(4), 121. } right: 60%; The increasing integration of world economies, trade products, ideas, norms, and cultures in ways that affect all individuals as members of the global community (Albrow & King, 1990; Al-Rodhan & Stoudmann, 2006). Next, we evaluate these ideas about citizenship in the context of globalization and the new problems created by an increasingly interdependent world. Advancing Global Citizenship through Global Partnerships. From globalisation to global citizenship. -webkit-box-shadow: 0 10px 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19), 0 6px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.23); /* **** icons for links ***** */ (2002). The wars ravaging nations, which are cutting life short before it has the chance to blossom, are not only wars within those nations but wars within the human house that we must all attempt to quench. Mondon, A (2017) Limiting democratic horizons to a nationalist reaction: populism, the radical right and the working class, Javnost-The Public, Vol. Education Role for Global Citizenship. Despite its flaws and differing perceptions, global citizenship is one of the most defining paradigm shifts of the contemporary world. margin: 3rem auto; JHU Press. Despite the fact that many sources of information about fair trade and the methods of advertising are available to people and discussed at schools, colleges, and universities, people fail to comprehend one simple thing that consumerism cannot be the answer to all human problems. } Just Labour, 22., Government of Canada. .photo-credit { The nature of global citizenship. I vividly remember moments in my upbringing as a black immigrant in Ireland where my mother, and many other members within the African community, would provide me with stark warnings of how racism will try to greatly shape how I navigate my life in Ireland, and how I had to tirelessly work to resist it in the pursuit of my goals. The first wave can be traced back to the 1870s. font-size: 2.5rem !important; I could see them thinking hard about how to ask the question again without offending me: No, I mean whats your background, they would venture. de Sousa Santos, B. In recent years, the concept of social justice has suddenly crept into popular culture, and in natural tandem with this phenomenon, there has been an increase in concern for issues pertaining to inequality and the mistreatment of humans across the globe. It makes the case for appealing to the common humanity that we all share in regard to approaching some of the worlds most pressing issues. This essence transcends the superficial, and resides in each and every one of us. What Does it Mean to Be a Global Citizen? I solemnly believe it can also be attributed to the impetus that is found in the activism of many of todays young people. People want to believe that globalization is something that can make the exchange of help and support possible around the whole globe. Globalisation from below: Social services and the new world order. ul.underline-links li a, ol.underline-links li a { Equity vs. Globalization and Citizenship. Available from, GlobeScan, Global citizenship a growing sentiment among citizens of emerging economies, Global poll, 27 April 2016. Constellations,7(1), 322. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies,15(2), 141160. Riedler, F. (2008). The sweetness rests in the great opportunity that the world places at our feet to actionably challenge social issues, and contribute to the advancement of our communal surroundings. The basic requirements to obtaining a Canadian citizenship include permanent residency status, knowledge of English or French, and basic knowledge of the history and sociopolitical makeup of Canada. 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