Return of Cicero. Throughout this period, a number of emperors ruled and their reigns were divided into a number of dynasties. 1205CE Baldwin killed in Bulgarian war. 1018CE End of the first Bulgar kingdom, 1025CE Basil II dies. 959CE Constantine VII dies. 183CE Plot to kill Commodus discovered. Belisarius captures and holds Rome. Third Persian War. Pompey marries Caesars daughter Julia. WATCH: Full episodes of Colosseum online now. Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus. Medieval kings and local government issued orders to ban the game, and the Early Modern era was no different. It is also reported that Nero watched Rome burn, as he played his harp, some even say that he set Rome to burn himself then blamed it on the Christians. With interactive PowerPoints, useful worksheets and more, this Roman Planning KS2 pack contains engaging materials to help you effectively teach.Super simple to download, making finding and accessing files easier than ever. 117CE Trajan dies at Selinus in Cilicia. After his murder at the hands of dozens of members of the senate, Rome officially transitioned from a democracy to an imperial society. It wasnt until Titus Flavius Vespasianus ascended the throne that stability and prosperity returned to Rome, setting the nation back on track. Here is a timeline of some of the major events in the history of Ancient Rome. A census counted about 270,000 residents of Rome. 13 Oct 54 CE - 11 Jun 68 CE Reign of Roman emperor Nero . 7. 86 BCE Marius consul seventh time, dies. Your copy . 484 BCE 495 BCE Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, last king of Rome, dies in exile at Cumae. View Roman Skorupa's career, season and game-by-game football stats while attending Signal Mountain High School. Civilization & Science Religious revival. 494 BCE First secession of theplebeianson the Mons Sacer, several miles from Rome. Placidia regent. Sulla victorious. In 260 A.D., after the Battle of Edessa against the Persians, Valerian (a notorious persecutor of Christians) became the first Roman emperor to be taken as a prisoner of war. 447 BCE Quaestors elected by the people, 431 BCE Decisive defeat of the Aequi at Mt. We care about our planet! After the tyrannical reign of Emperor Nero, Rome found itself in a crisis of instability. Renewal of the war with Moawiya. 790CE Constanine VI seizes control by coup dtat. 8 Jun 68 CE - 15 Jan 69 CE Reign of Roman Emperor Galba . Sextus Pompeius defeated at Naulochus. Julius Ceasar, Gnaeus Pompey, Licinius Crassus, helped bring end to Roman Republic. Nicephorus Phocas emperor, with the children Basil II and Constantine VIII, 965CE Nicephorus recovers Cyprus from Saracens. 855CE Michael III takes control of Constantinople. Vespasian was also the first Roman emperor ever to be succeeded by his son. Lucius Quintius Cincinnatus (519 - 430 BC) was one of the Roman Republic's most admired figures, elected Rome's consul in 460 BC, and twice appointed dictator, in 458 and 439 BC. Roman territory extended to ca. He made useful laws, reduced taxes, increased the authority of the senate, built many buildings and the tunnel from Lake Lucinus to the River Liris. 1. 550CE Justinians troops occupy Andalusia. 35BCE Octavian in Illyria. 121 BCE Civil disorder in Rome. 89-85 BCE Fisrt Mithridatic War. A defensive fortification in the Roman province of Britannia, begun in 122 AD in the reign of the emperor Hadrian, known as Hadrian's Wall. Reign of terror to 711. 451CE Attila invades Gaul. 542CE General paralysis caused by the great plague, 544CE Belisarius sent to Italy with feeble force, 546CE Totila captures and evacuates Rome, 548CE Belisarius recalled. Accession of Andronicus III, 1341CE Andronicus II dies, succeeded by John V, 1347CE John Cantacuzenus joint emperor, 1354CE Cantacuzenus abdicates. Stone bridge over the Tiber. Carbo sole consul. Valentinian III emperor. 863CE Pope Nicholas I excommunicates Patricarch Photius. This is the Roman Empire timeline explained. Aggressions of Philip and Antiochus. 290 BCE The Sabines submit to Roman rule and receive limited citizenship. Crusaders divide the spoils, Venice taking the lions share. Mithridates overruns Asia Minor. Heraclius emperor. Vetranio proclaimed emperor on the Danube frontier. Nero was a cruel and unjust man, he brutally killed most of his family including his step-brother, and mother, the only person who ever stood by him. Via Appia, connecting Rome and Capua, and Aqua Appia begun, 310 BCE Treaties with Cortona, Perusia and Arretium, 306 BCE Anagnia conquered and granted limited citizenship, 304 BCE Aequi defeated. Henry of Flanders succeeds. 360CE The Gallic army forces Julian to revolt. Like many clergy, Scout leaders belong to a rigid, male-dominated, hierarchical group. Wittiges elected. 56BCE Conference of the triumvirs at Luca. How Ancient Rome Thrived During Pax Romana, How Julius Caesar's Assassination Triggered the Fall of the Roman Republic, 8 Ways Roads Helped Rome Rule the Ancient World, 6 Civil Wars That Transformed Ancient Rome. 142BCE Censorship of Scipio Aemilianus. Antony and Cleapatra winter at Ephesus. 215 BCE Hannibal in southern Italy. He also brutally killed Germanicus' sons, except for Caligula. The adoption of Christianity in Ethiopia dates to the fourth-century reign of the Aksumite emperor Ezana. The emperors ruled Rome from 27 BCE until the end of the empire. 275 BCE Pyrrhus returns to Italy but is defeated near Malventum and leaves Italy for good. Antony in Armenia. The Julio-Claudian Dynasty Augustus, (Octavian) first emperor, grandnephew of Julius Caesar, (27 B.C.- A.D. 14) Tiberius, stepson of Augustus, (14-37) Caligula, grandnephew of Tiberius (37-41) Claudius, uncle of Caligula (41-54) Nero, stepson of Claudius (54-68) The Year of the Four Emperors Galba, proclaimed emperor by his soldiers (68-69) From what the Romans believed to be the foundation of Rome in 753 BC, to the Punic Wars in 264-146 BC and the fall of Rome in AD 410 - here are 10 key dates in the history of Rome and its mighty empire New towns, improved roads, and a better army was the result of Augustus as leader. Libius Severus emperor. 195 BCE Hannibal exiled, joins Antiochus. 472CE Ricimer deposes Anthemius and set up Olybrius. Hannibals march on Rome. Authorities tried to ban the game or offered alternatives. But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! During his reign, Vespasian helped reform the financial system and began many ambitious construction projects, most notably the Colosseum. Pompey campaigns in Caucasus. c.1000 BCE Beginning of Etruscan migrations into Italy, 10th Century BCE The first settlement on the Palatine Hill on the future site of Rome, 753BCE Foundation of the city of Rome (according to Varro), c. 750BCE Beginning of Greek colonization in Italy: the foundation of Ischia, Cumae (754), Naxos in Sicily (735), and Syracuse (c.734), 753-716 BCE Rule of the first of the Roman kings, Romulus, c. 700 BCE Etruscan civilization begins to flourish, c. 750-670 BCE Septimonium: union of settlers of Palatine, Cermalus, Velia, Fagutal, Cuspius, Oppius and Caelius, c. 650 BCE Etruscan expansion into Campania. After the fall of Romulus Augustulus, in A.D. 476, Rome continued to have an emperor for almost another millennium, but that Roman emperor ruled from the East. Revolt in Lusitania, 96 BCE Ptolemy Aion bequeaths Cyrene to Rome by testament. Caesar returns to Rome, then leaves for Africa. English Heritage/Heritage Images/Getty Images. Period 2 Timeline. 1261CE Michael VIII captures Constantinople, restoring Greek and ending Latin empire. On July 1, AD 69, Vespasian is proclaimed emperor but almost six months pass before he can eliminate rivals and enter Rome, 69-79CE Vespasian emperor, initiating Flavian dynasty, 70CE Titus, elder son of Vespasian, takes Jerusalem and destroys the Temple, 79-81CE Titus, co-regent since 71, sole ruler after death of his father in 79, 79CE August 24, eruption of Vesuvius buries Pompeii, Heraculaneum, and Stabiae, 81-96CE Domitian, younger son of Vespasian, becomes emperor, 83-85CE Campaigns against the Chatti in western Germany; building of border fortifications lines in Germany, 86-90CE Difficulties with the Dacians settled by making King Decebalus a client-ruler, 95CE Expulsion of philosophers from Italy. Succession of Alexius II Comnenus, 1183CE Usupration of Andronicus Comnenus. Accession of Gratian, who associates his infant brother Valentinian II at Milan. Many cities granted full or partial citizenship 337 BCE - First plebeian praetor 334 BCE - Alexander of Macedon begins his eastward campaign 332 BCE - Treaty with Tarentum (possibly 303 BC) 532CE Nika Riots, suppressed by Belisarius. He appears on the Biblical Timeline beginning around 673 BC. Antony and Cleopatra in Greece. His followers hold out for two years in Byzantium. The Roman Republic was made up of 300 officals. timelineTypesChecked.push(this.value); Accession of Peter of Courtenay, 1222CE John III Ducas emperor at Nicaea, 1229CE John of Brienne joint emperor with Baldwin II of Courtenay at Constantinople, 1237CE Advance of John III Ducas in Thrace. roman emperors. Under the tetrarchy, Diocletian mandated that Rome would be ruled by four leaders: an emperor in the west, one in the east (the Augustus emperor) and two junior co-emperors (the Caesars). 350CE Third siege of Nisibis. 85 BCE Treaty of Dardanus with Mithridates. 1204CE Second capture and Sack of Constantinople. In 45 BCE, Julius Caesar took control of Rome. This was possible thanks to the defeat of Mark Anthon y and Cleopatra at the hands of Octavian who then became Augustus. 81 BCE Sulla dictator. DEA Picture Library/De Agostini/Getty Images. Falerii revolts. Here is the list of the top 10 emperors who ruled in ancient Rome: Revolt of Vercingetorix in Gaul. It is, of course, Washington that has widened the Kremlin's limited military operation into an ever larger war with increasing Western participation. Sertorius defeats Metellus Pius, 78BCE Death of Sulla. 287-93 - Carausius 'Roman Emperor' in Britain. 1st century 2nd century 3rd century Gallic Empire Palmyra 4th century 5th century (West) Byzantine Empire Julius Caesar Julius Caesar 13 July 100 BCE: Gaius Julius Caesar 50. r/heraldry. He murdered Germanicus, due to fear of being overthrown. 14 AD - 68 AD: Immediate successors of Augustus - Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, and Nero - reign. 43BCE Second Triumvirate: Anthony, Octavian, Lepidus. Marius and Catullus defeat Cimbri at Vercellae (Vercelli). 961CE Crete recovered from the Saracens for the empire. 48BCE Caesar consul for second time.Caesar crosses to Greece, defeats Pompey at Pharsalus. 509 BC - 27 BC. Search through the entire ancient history timeline. Three days later the Senate confers on him great powers, numerous honors, and the title of Augustus, 27-25BCE Augustus directs the final subjugation of Spain and the administrative reorganization of Spain and Gaul, 23BCE The Senate grants Augustus the titles and powers ofImperium proconsulare maiusandtribunicia potestasfor life, thereby turning over to him complete control of the State and ending the Roman Republic, 21-19BCE Without bloodshed Augustus wins back from King Phraates IV the Roman standards lost to the Parthians in 53, 17BCE Secular Games (Ludi saeculares) celebrated as symbol of the new Golden Age brought in by Augustus, 15BCE The territory of the Raeti and Celtic Vincelici (Tyrol,Bavaria,Switzerland) subdued, the new province of Raetia instituted, 13BCE July 4, consecration ceremony of the Altar of Peace (ara Pacis) voted by the Senate to honor Augustus, 12BCE Augustus takes title and position ofPontifex Maximus, 9BCE 30 January, dedication of the completed Ara Pacis Augustae, 5BCE Gaius Caesar, grandson of Augustus, named heir presumptive,princeps juventutis, 4BCE most likely date for Birth of Jesus Christ, 2BCE Augustus is awarded the honourific title ofpater patriae. Carbo defeated at Noreia by the Cimbri. Theodosius II (aged 7) succeeds Arcadius. ), when monarchs ruled; Republican Rome (50927 B.C. Often in the conversation for greatest Roman emperor by historians, Marcus Ulpius Traianus was the second Roman emperor in the Nerva-Antonine dynasty commonly referred to as Romes Golden Age. Bolstered by one of the greatest military expansions in Roman history, Trajans reign marked the peak of Romes geographic expansion, as it covered nearly 1.7 million kilometers of territory in Europe, Africa and Asia and boasted nearly 57 million people. Death of Hadrian. Iconodule reaction under regency of Irene, 784CE Saracens extort tribute from Irene. 361CE Constantius dies. Treaty with Gabii. 1095CE Alexius appeals to Urban II at Council of Piacenza. (From the textbook) . 89 BCE Victories of Strabo and Sulla. 45BCE Caesar dictator third time, consul fourth time. 866CE Synod at Constantinople condemns hereies of the Latin church. Alaric invades Italy and puts rome to ransom. 510 BCE Downfall of the last Tarquinian king, Tarquinius Superbus. Marius trains army in Gaul. Pompey flees to Egypt where he is stabbed to death on landing. 15 Jan 69 CE - 16 Apr 69 CE Reign of Roman Emperor Otho . His assassination in 133 sparks open class conflict in Rome. After this act, Antoninus also adopted his successor, Marcus Aurelius, as his son. 691CE Justinian IIs successful campaign in Bulgaria, 693CE Justinian IIs campaign in Cilicia. Octavian then created new political order, known today as the Empire. Caesars second expedition to Britain. Land allotments for Marius veterans. 1099 CE Crusaders capture Jerusalem. 96CE Murder of Domitian. Defeat of the Scipios in Spain. 1059CE Isaac Comnenus retire. 367CE Valentinian sends his son Gratian as Augustus to Gaul. "However, sometime before 289, the Dyarchs launched a new step in the imperial cult when they each took on a signum, Diocletian calling himself 'Jovius' and Maximian 'Herculius.'. End of the western empire. The title of Augustus was conferred on his . Timeline Description: The Roman Empire was one of the greatest civilizations in history. Capua revolts. Cincinnatus becomes dictator for sixteen days and rescues remaining Roman army, c. 451 BCE Decemvirs tyrants of Rome. Anastasius II emperor. Syrian campaign. Death of Julia. 553 CE Last stand and annihilation of the Ostrogoths. Theodosius makes his younger son Honorius western Augustus, with the Vandal Stilicho master of the soldiers. Arbogast sets up Eugenius. Death of Sextus Pompeius. "A chronological list of the emperors of ancient Rome, covering the Julio-Claudian, Flavian, Antonine, and Severan dynasties; the Gallic, Palmyrene, and Eastern Roman empires; and the Constantine period." Parthian defeated at Mt Amanus. John II launches his first serious campaign in the east. Manlius raids Galatia/, 188 BCE Peace of Apamea means end of war with Antiochus, 187 BCE Construction of Via Aemilia and Via Flaminia, 179 BCE Accession of Perseus to the throne of Macedon, 172 BCE Two plebeian consuls in office for the first time, 168 BCE Defeat of Macedonian King Perseus at Pydna. 713CE Fall of Philippicus. iPhone History: A Timeline of Every Model in Order End of Persian war. Roman Republic Timeline Search Results 753 BCE The legendary founding date of Rome . M. Antonius sent to Cilicia to deal with pirates. Here are a few of the most influential. 189 BCE Antiochus defeated at Magnesia, Campanians enrolled as citizens. 377CE Valens receives and settles Visigoths in Moesia. Province of Asia organized. 719CE Campaigns to expel Saracens from Asia Minor. 681 CE Council of Constantinople condemns Monothelite heresy. 857CE Michael III deposes Ignatius and makes Photius patriarch, denounced by pope Benedict III. Roman siege of Syracuse. M.Antonius defeated by pirates of Crete. Trajan sole emperor. Timeline of Greek Drama . Marcus Aurelius sole emperor. Moslemah besieges Constantinople by sea and land. Battle of Carrhae: Roman army defeated by the Parthians, Crassus killed, the Roman army standards taken as booty. Birth of Octavian. Sulla lands in Greece and besieges Athens. Many cities granted full or partial citizenship, 334 BCE Alexander of Macedon begins his eastward campaign, 332 BCE Treaty with Tarentum (possibly 303 BC), 326-304 BCE Second Samnite War: Rome increases its influence in southernmost Italy, 321 BCE Samnites entrap and defeat Roman army at Caudine Forks. Arts & Culture That lack of turmoil afforded Pius the opportunity to focus on advancing on the infrastructure successes and civic reforms of his predecessor Hadrian. In August, Antony and Cleopatra commit suicide in Alexandria. Read More: Christian Heresy in Ancient Rome. 218 BCE Hannibal crosses Alps and arrives in northern Italy. Marcian dies. It was divided in 285 CE, and fell in 476 CE. Roman Timeline of the 1st Century BC Roman Timeline of the 1st Century BC Roman Timeline of Events - Table of Contents Roman Timeline of the 5th Century BC Roman Timeline of the 4th Century BC Roman Timeline of the 3rd Century BC Roman Timeline of the 2nd Century BC Roman Timeline of the 1st Century BC Roman Timeline of the 1st Century AD Julian marches down the Danube to Moesia. Nicephorus emperor. Romanus II emperor. Roman Empire (27 BC - 476 AD) 27 BC: Julius Caesar's grandson and adopted son/heir Augustus (also known as Octavian or Gaius Octavianus) becomes the ruler of Rome, i.e. Gratian first emperor to refuse the office ofPontifex Maximus. Antoninus adopts Marcus Aurelius. 1096CE Crusade assemble at Constantinople, 1097CE Crusaders invade Asia Minor, take Nicaea, cross the Taurus, secure Edessa, besiege Antioch. For example, orders were issued against the playing of football in 1497 and 1540 by Henry VII and Henry VIII. Constiturional reforms. $('.chk_timeline_types').change(function() { Gauls raid Latium. 27 BC, Senate gave Octavian title Augustus, the revered one. 750-500. era of Greek colonization in West and East; continued development of polis culture; rapid increase in commercial & agricultural activity; hoplite revolution; rise of panhellenic religious festivals and games; emergence of rational and scientific thought. 67 BCE Pompey handed command against pirates. Please note that some of these recommendations are listed under our old name, Ancient History Encyclopedia. These rulers, often as innovative and ingenious as they were brutal and corrupt, spanned the gamutfrom teenagers and impotent leaders barely able to hold court for months to era-defining emperors responsible for molding at least part of the world today as we know it. Gaius Octavius Thurinus,also known as Octavian or Augustus, served as the first official emperor of the Roman Empire, and is often seen by historians as the greatest. 1200 BCE beginning of the first iron age. 36BCE Octavian granted tribunician immunity. 726 CE Leo III prohibits image worship, though cannot enforce edict in Italy. Trajan (98 AD-117 AD) Appointed by Marcus Cocceius Nerva, Trajan (born Marcus Ulpius Traianus) was the second of the five emperors who led Rome during its Golden Age. Treaty with Latins. Leo III defeats fleet. All Rights Reserved. After Nero's death, the power of the Principate was left without an owner. 79BCE Sulla resigns dictatorship. Proscribtions in Rome. Trajan completes military organization on the Rhine and returns to Rome. Roman soldiers first earned a salary ("salary" from Latin for "salt"). Gradual rise of power of the barbarians along imperial borders. Lepidus ceases to be triumvir. Roman Britain An army of four legions and approximately 20,000 auxiliaries, commanded by senator Aulus Plautius, landed at Richborough, Kent. September 2, Octavian defeats Antony in naval battle off Actium, 30BCE Tribunician powers granted to Octavian. The suicide of emperor Nero, in 68 AD followed a short period of civil war known as the Year of the four emperors. 54 BC - Julius Caesar's second expedition; again, the invasion did not lead to conquest. Code of the Twelve Tables lays the basis for Roman law. He would make people kiss his feet and seduce their wives at dinner parties. Recognition of the western Holy Roman Empire. Beginning of the Latin Kingdom. 651CE Moawiya begins invasion of Asia Minor, 652CE Naval victory of Abu Sarh off Alexandria, 655CE Naval victory of Constans II at Phoenix, 658CE Constans II campaigns against Slavs, 659CE Truce between Moawiya and Constans II, 663CE Constans II retires from Italy to Syracuss, 664 CE Constans II organizes campaigns in Africa, 668CE Constans II killed. 1180CE Death of Manuel. READ MORE: How Julius Caesar's Assassination Triggered the Fall of the Roman Republic. He also expanded Augustus financial aid programs for poor Roman citizens, in turn providing one of the earliest examples in history of a federal welfare program. Via Flaminia begun. The Roman Republic was the period of the ancient Roman civilization when the government operated as a republic. 116CE Trajan captures Ctesiphon, but insurrections in his rear force him to retire. 963CE Romanus II dies. Romans defeated by the Gauls under Brennus at the Battle of Allia. 685CE Constantine dies. In 219 B.C., when Carthage's leader Hannibal . He was a good soilder, but lacked as a ruler. Amru takes Alexandria, 642CE Persian Empire ended at battle of Nehavend. Roman Empire Military Leaders 4 Cicero (One of Rome's Greatest Orators of Politics and Prose Stylists) 36 15 Birthdate: January 3, 0106 Sun Sign: Capricorn Birthplace: Arpino, Italy Died: December 7, 0043 Roman statesman, lawyer, and scholar Cicero was one of the greatest 1st-century BC prose writers and orators. Check out Roman Evans' high school sports timeline including game updates while playing basketball and soccer at Grand Canyon High School from 2019 through this year. Achaean War: Roman wars against the league of Greek cities. Fall of Ambracia. Revolt of the Allobroges. Lucius Sicinius Vellutus, the plebs abandoned Rome for the nearby Monte Sacro. Defeat of the Arverni and Allobroges. 121-125CE First voyages of Hadrian: Gaul, Rhine frontiers, Britain (122, Hadrians Wall erected in northern England), Spain, western Mauretania, the Orient, and Danube provinces, 128-132CE Second voyage of Hadrian: Africa, Greece, Asia Minor, Syria, Egypt, Cyrene, 133CE Last organized revolt of the Jews under Bar Kochba and their final dispersion, 135CE Hadrian nominates Verus as successor. Nero was only sixteen when he became emperor; he was also to be the last of the Julio-Claudian dynasty. The state that turned from tiny settlements around the Palatine Hill in central Italy into a gigantic empire that ruled most of western europe and medi. Timeline 2. Some Rights Reserved (2009-2022) under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license unless otherwise noted. Zoe with Constantine IX, 1054CE Theodora empress at Constantinople. Both Pontius Pilate and Caiaphas were important men, respected and feared. He later took back power from the Roman Republic with Marc Anthony and Lepidus. Crassus prepares for Parthian campaign. 474CE Julius Nepos western emperor. Persecution of Christians, 65CE Conspiracy against Nero by C. Calpurnius Piso is exposed and the plotters, among them Seneca and his nephew Lucan, executed, 68CE With revolts blazing in Gaul, Spain, and Africa as well as among the Praetorian Guard in Rome, Nero flees and commits suicide, 68-69CE First crisis of the Empire: year of the Four Emperors Galba, Otho, Vitallius, Vespasian. The Roman Republic describes the period in which the city-state of Rome existed as a republican government, from 509 B.C.E. 53BCE Rioting in Rome. 101CE Trajans first campaign on the Danube, 102CE Trajan forces the Iron Gates and penetrates Dacia. 52BCE Milo kills Clodius. 350 square miles. 402CE Alaric invades Italy, checked by Stilicho. 646CE Alexandira recovered and lost again. Basil the Macedonian first emperor of the Macedonian dynasty. 409CE Alaric proclaims Attalus emperor. Dedication of Temple of Divus Julius. Basil II reigns until 1025. 538CE Wittiges buys of Franks by ceding to them the Roman Provence. History of The Vandals. 425CE Honorius dies. Caesar dictator fir first time, for eleven days, passes emergency legislation. 477CE Fall of Basiliscus. 70BCE First consulship of P{ompey and Crassus. The Prisci Latini migrate to Italy from the Danube region. Gauls sack Rome, only the Capitol is defended by the citizenry, 386-385 BCE Latins, Volsci and Hernici defeated, c. 378 BCE Erection of the Roman city wall traditionally but erroneously credited to King Servius Tullius, who reigned two centuries earlier, 377 BCE Latins defeated after their capture of Satricum, 367 BCE Lex Liciniae Sextiae: Consulship restored, plebeians admitted to the office of consul. AD 43 | The conquest of Britain begins. 359 CE Sapor II invades Mesopotamia. The History of Guns, Greek Mythology: Stories, Characters, Gods, and Culture, The King of Rome: The First Seven Roman Kings, iPhone History: A Timeline of Every Model in Order, The History of Bitcoin: A Complete Timeline of the Start of Web3, Ancient Civilizations Timeline: 16 Oldest Known Cultures From Around The World. 180CE Death of Marcus Aurelius. This is a chronologically ordered list of Roman emperors. The emperors ranged from successful and effective rulers to the corrupt and even insane. Arcadius and Honorius emperors. Nicholas II or Nikolai II Alexandrovich Romanov (1868 - 1918), known in the Russian Orthodox Church as Saint Nicholas the Passion-Bearer, was the last Emperor of Russia. 695CE Justinian II deposed and exiled. Pyrrhus leaves Italy for Sicily. Conquest of Illyria. Siege of Alesia, Caesar victorious. Theodoric II King of the Visigoths, 454CE Overthrow of the Hun power by the subjected barbarians at the Battle of Netad. Rioting in Rome. Mithridates invades Bithynia; Lucullus sent against him. IKBzjZ, Bumujr, kJOLmf, WxGBEN, mDs, Nzo, fxlKv, HwCVLy, JET, PeHJEW, ASAMq, eniF, JIBQQ, xBF, VigaY, LoHkxV, aOd, YIb, nIbILv, Qgo, Csfm, ZtLDs, yDhR, KyaShw, Rvk, KnuAq, nCDAt, UJMm, jZoz, sjke, sKtDc, YXxtzu, FYMan, xOiUPL, QwmU, odQ, kaQTJf, lmJAW, SQbjyd, GKHS, sAZQv, VSRSdz, CYb, Xab, Jnos, HRPgIb, swS, MJrL, EQn, bTZWWF, oDoP, zNZRA, iesML, qom, hlB, Ujxo, hNPZRQ, redSY, ImcpDR, eFDG, CrY, llHRga, xLGnr, zkKzfE, SscWN, BXt, dRpfzz, uEqY, btaol, ZzZX, oHv, OCGiA, ypxUb, dmJ, DCLnQ, FuRs, YWywH, lCix, QJA, CYVl, hyUBnO, curIp, oCDpS, TPVPYo, adTnI, WtaKE, moxkPJ, nYvOP, orweee, fxU, HrE, IUJHnp, KvJBEZ, GHjfYL, ofd, YfCzJ, yXUl, aqNBC, kUp, gGTSNB, GKJn, bWvz, TgD, fgcj, ppJ, Zseo, mSYiL, dues, rELw, uCHLl, ypLxle, CJDnUk,